What are the responsibilities of an assistant kindergarten teacher? Job description of an assistant teacher in a preschool Assistant teacher, job responsibilities according to the Federal State Standards

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In case of any violation of the Charter, the terms of the Collective Agreement, this job description of the assistant teacher in a preschool educational institution, the Internal Labor Regulations, orders of the head of the kindergarten, the assistant teacher of the preschool educational institution is subject to disciplinary sanctions in accordance with Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.5.3. When using, even once, methods of education that include elements of physical and (or) psychological violence against the child’s personality, as well as for committing any other immoral act, an assistant kindergarten teacher may be relieved of his position in accordance with labor legislation and the Federal Law “On Education” In Russian federation". Dismissal for such an act is not considered a disciplinary measure.5.4.

Job description of an assistant kindergarten teacher (and salary)

The teacher's assistant must know: - laws and other regulations governing educational activities; - UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; - fundamentals of pedagogy, psychology, age-related physiology, hygiene, pre-medical care; - fundamentals of the theory and methodology of educational work; - instructions and rules for protecting the life and health of pupils, caring for children; - sanitary and hygienic standards for the maintenance of premises, equipment, inventory; - internal labor regulations of the educational organization; - labor protection and fire safety rules. 1.6. The teacher's assistant is obliged to comply with the UN Convention and the Law of the Russian Federation on the Rights of the Child of July 4, 1998 No. 124-FZ.

  1. 2. Qualification requirements

2.1. Secondary (complete) general education and professional training in the field of education and pedagogy without any work experience requirements.

For any culpable infliction of damage to the kindergarten or participants in the educational process during the performance (non-performance) of their official duties, the assistant teacher bears financial responsibility in the manner and within the limits provided for by the labor and (or) civil legislation of the Russian Federation. Control over the implementation of this job description is assigned to teacher of a preschool educational institution. 6. Relationships. Relationships by position. Assistant preschool teacher: 6.1. Carries out its activities in a normalized working day according to a schedule drawn up taking into account a 40-hour work week and approved by the head of the preschool educational institution, takes part in mandatory planned social events of the kindergarten, for which production standards are not established.


Review of Sanpin norms for kindergartens

Undergoes free periodic medical examinations. 3.14. Complies with ethical standards of conduct in an educational institution. 4.Rights. The assistant teacher has the right: 4.1. To receive detergents, equipment, cleaning materials, to allocate premises for their storage; 4.2. To receive special clothing in accordance with established standards; 4.3. To refuse to carry out work hazardous to life and health in conditions where there are no and ( or) the necessary security measures cannot be taken; 4.4. Participate in the work of the educational institution in the manner prescribed by the Charter; 4.5. To protect professional honor and dignity; 4.6. Get acquainted with complaints and other documents containing an assessment of its work; give explanations for them. 5.Responsibility.

  1. A representative of the SES may inquire about knowledge of Sanpin, and may take washings from dishes, hands, or clothing. shoes for the presence of E. coli, look behind the batteries, in the toilet (dirt or chipped edges), check the norms of the food served and much more.
  2. they almost always ask about knowledge of the sanitation minimum (how, when and with what to wash dishes, floors, pots, ventilation, cleaning schedules and much more)
  3. The SES only checks what concerns the room. teacher according to SanPiN, the nurse should familiarize you with the scope of the check, as well as the new SanPiN.
  4. Cleanliness in the group... In the group kitchen, he looks into every corner... checks his knowledge of the sanitary minimum.
  5. The SES checks the cleanliness of the group, the presence of dust, and places where equipment is stored. It takes swabs from toys, dishes, walls for E. coli, etc.

What does the SES check in kindergarten with the assistant teacher?


The main responsibilities of a teacher in a kindergarten Consider a simple rule: if you doubt whether a teacher in your kindergarten is obliged to do certain things, ask him to read his job description, employment contract, and also look at the sanitary and epidemiological requirements of SanPin. These documents will answer your questions. The specialist begins his work and takes responsibility for the children at the beginning of the working day.

The teacher must accept each child in the group whom parents bring to kindergarten. In particular, it is important that he pays attention to the child’s health condition: if the baby clearly does not feel well or problems arise in his behavior, the teacher should talk about this with the parents and, if necessary, take the child to the doctor.

Job description of an assistant teacher in a preschool

The teacher's assistant bears personal responsibility: - for improper performance or failure to fulfill his job duties as provided for in this job description, - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation; - for offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities, - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation; - for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2. In case of violation of the organization's Charter, the terms of the Collective Agreement, internal labor regulations, this position manual, orders of the head, the assistant teacher is subject to disciplinary sanctions in accordance with Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. 5.3.

  • pupils' compliance with the daily routine;
  • the sanitary and hygienic condition of the premises and equipment of the kindergarten, which complies with the sanitary and hygienic standards for their maintenance in accordance with SanPiN;
  • protecting the life and health of children during their stay in a preschool educational institution.
  • preparation of water intended for hardening procedures for pupils and rinsing the mouth.
  • control of the cleanliness of towels and the availability of boiled water for drinking in the group.
  • fulfilling the requirements of the kindergarten director, health worker and caretaker, which are related to teaching activities and protecting the life and health of children.
  • timely submission of an application to the manager of the household in case of damage to furniture and other equipment.

According to the rank minimum, what should a teacher's assistant do?

Prepares water for hardening procedures and mouth rinsing. 3.8. Helps the teacher when dressing and undressing children: the first two-thirds of children dressed for a walk go out with the teacher, the remaining one-third of the children are dressed by the teacher’s assistant and taken to the site, handing them over to the teacher. After the walk, he meets the children with the teacher at the front door and leads the children with the teacher to group 3.9.
Monitors the cleanliness of towels and the availability of boiled water in the group for drinking and rinsing the mouth. 3.10. Together with the teacher: - carries out hygiene and hardening procedures; - prepares the area for a walk (if necessary); - looks after children during “quiet hour” when the teacher is absent from the group for a valid reason. 3.11. Shows restraint and pedagogical tact in communicating with children and their parents.
3.12. Arrives for shift 10 minutes before the start of the working day.
Responsibility of the assistant teacher 5.1. The preschool teacher assistant bears full personal responsibility for:

  • for the life and health of pupils, compliance with instructions for protecting the life and health of pupils, violation of their rights and freedoms - in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • for inappropriate performance or failure to fulfill their job duties established by the given job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • for any offense committed during his professional activity - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • for any material damage - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • for failure to undergo a medical examination on time.

Before each morning gymnastics and physical education class, he carries out a wet cleaning of the gym. - Every Friday - general cleaning of the entire premises 3.4. Under the guidance of a teacher, carries out daily work that ensures the creation of conditions for their socio-psychological rehabilitation, social and labor adaptation. 3.5. Organizes: - work to instill in pupils self-care skills, taking into account age; - socially useful work for children of senior and preparatory groups (one-time assignments for younger groups), table setting; - meals for pupils, carries out work on children’s mastering table manners, cultural and hygienic skills; - compliance by students with labor protection requirements. 3.6. Interacts with parents (legal representatives) in matters of his competence.

The main ones are established by the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions for Education Workers, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 26, 2010 No. 761n; a professional standard for this position has not yet been developed. The handbook establishes the responsibilities of a teacher and assistant teacher, defines what an employee should know and the requirements for his qualifications. All these requirements are enshrined in the employee’s job description, which, although not a mandatory document, in practice is considered the main document defining his labor rights and obligations.


When filling out this section of the job description, it is necessary to clearly define what responsibilities the assistant teacher has. According to the Directory, the main ones include:

You can clarify this list or add additional items. The more detailed this list is, the easier it will be to organize further work.

The Handbook clarifies that the position of an assistant teacher is not a teaching position, but is a position of educational support staff. This must be taken into account when filling out this and other sections of the job description.

Before hiring, an employee should be asked to provide a certificate of criminal record in order to verify compliance with the requirements specified in Art. 351.1 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This article states that persons who have a criminal record or are subject to criminal prosecution for crimes specified in this article cannot be employed to work with children.


Once you have determined what the responsibilities of an assistant teacher in a kindergarten are, you can move on to filling out the next section. Rights are closely related to obligations and are logically derived from them. Rights include:


This section specifies the main provisions of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation concerning the disciplinary, civil and criminal liability of an employee. For example, for improper performance or failure to fulfill his official obligations, as well as for the use, including one-time use, of educational methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the student’s personality, the employee is subject to dismissal.

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School director Chairman of the trade union committee

_______________ ___________________

Job description


1. General provisions

1.5. In his activities, the assistant teacher is guided by the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, educational authorities of all levels on issues of education and upbringing of students; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection, as well as the Charter and local legal acts of the school (including internal labor regulations, orders and directives of the director, this job description), employment agreement (contract).

The teacher complies with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

2. Functions

The main areas of activity of the assistant teacher are:

2.1. care, education and supervision of residents of the boarding school at the time established by the operating hours;

2.2. providing assistance to the teacher in extracurricular educational work;

2.3. ensuring the safety of children living in the boarding school at night;

3. Job responsibilities

The assistant teacher performs the following job responsibilities:

3.1. accepts from the teacher according to the list of children and carries out their education until bedtime, transfers according to the list of children to the teacher in the morning;

3.2. is responsible for the safety and health of students;

3.3. plans and conducts correctional and developmental work with students based on studying their individual characteristics;

3.4. together with medical workers, ensures the preservation and strengthening of the health of students, carries out activities that promote their psychophysical development;

3.5. promotes the formation of moral qualities of a citizen in students, instills in them the skills of cultural behavior, a responsible attitude to study, work, and respect for human rights; carries out work to prevent deviant behavior and bad habits in students;

3.6. provides assistance in organizing self-government in the team of students;

3.7. studies the individual abilities, interests and inclinations of students, their family circumstances and living conditions; interacts with parents of pupils (persons replacing them);

3.8. respects the rights and freedoms of pupils;

3.9. prepares pupils for bed, monitors the peace of holidaymakers;

3.10. does not leave the assigned premises while the pupils are sleeping, or remain at the workplace without the right to sleep;

3.11. undergoes periodic free medical examinations;

3.12. complies with ethical standards of behavior at school, at home, in public places, corresponding to the social position of an assistant teacher;

3.13. ensures strict compliance with labor protection, safety, sanitary and fire regulations; immediately notifies the school administration and the teacher about the discovery of weapons, fire and explosive objects and devices, poisons, narcotic and toxic substances, and other things withdrawn from civil circulation on students;

3.14. promptly notifies the school administration and teacher about each accident, takes measures to provide first aid;

3.15. makes proposals for improving and improving living conditions, and also brings to the attention of management about all shortcomings in the organization of everyday life that reduce the vital activity and performance of the pupils’ body;

3.16. does not allow unauthorized persons to be in the building in the evening and at night;

3.17. During the holidays, he is involved in minor repairs, whitewashing and painting premises, being on duty, cleaning the area, etc.

3.18. cleaning bathrooms and toilets. nodes

3.19. daily at 21.00. transmit data on the number of children in the boarding school to the fire department

4. Rights

The assistant teacher has the right:

4.1. participate in the management of the school in the manner determined by the school Charter;

4.2. to protect professional honor and dignity;

4.3. get acquainted with complaints and other documents containing an assessment of his work, give explanations on them;

4.4. protect your interests independently and/or through a representative, including a lawyer, in the event of a disciplinary investigation or internal investigation related to a teacher’s violation of professional ethics;

4.5. to the confidentiality of a disciplinary (official) investigation, except for cases provided for by law;

5. Responsibility

5.1. The assistant teacher is responsible for the life and health of pupils, violation of their rights and freedoms in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment without good reason of the Charter and Internal Labor Regulations of the school, legal orders of the school director and other local regulations, job responsibilities established by these Instructions, the assistant teacher bears disciplinary liability in the manner prescribed by labor legislation.

5.3. For the use, including one-time use, of educational methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the personality of pupils, as well as the commission of other immoral offenses, an assistant teacher may be relieved of his position in accordance with labor legislation and the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” " Dismissal for such an offense is not a disciplinary measure.

5.4. For culpable infliction of damage to the school or pupils in connection with the performance (non-performance) of their official duties, the assistant teacher bears financial responsibility in the manner and within the limits established by labor and (or) civil legislation.

6. Relationships. Relationships by position

Assistant teacher:

6.1. works according to a non-standard working hours schedule based on a 36-hour work week and approved by the school director;

6.2. replaces temporarily absent teachers in accordance with the established procedure on an hourly basis and according to tariffs (depending on the period of replacement);

6.5. receives from the school director and his deputies information of a regulatory, organizational and methodological nature, gets acquainted with the relevant documents against signature;

6.6. works closely with teachers and parents of students (persons replacing them); systematically exchanges information on issues within his competence with the administration and teaching staff of the school;

6.7. Opening hours: 20.00 to 8.00, closed on Saturday.

Familiarized with job responsibilities

1. General Provisions.

1.1. Assistant teacher (junior teacher) belongs to the category of junior service personnel, hired and fired by the head of D.S.

1.2. The junior teacher reports to the head of the D.S., the caretaker and the group teacher.

1.3. The main task of the junior teacher is strict adherence to sanitary rules for cleaning group rooms and serving children.

1.4. The junior teacher carries out his work on the basis of:

  • Charter and Internal Labor Regulations D.S.
  • Instructions from the head of D.S., the nurse, the caretaker.
  • Sanitary standards and requirements
  • Employment contract and this job description.

1.5. Persons who have reached the age of majority with secondary and secondary specialized education are appointed to the position of junior educator.

1.6. The working hours of a junior teacher are 40 hours per week.

1.7. The work schedule of the junior teacher is drawn up by the caretaker and approved by the head D.S.

1.8. The junior teacher should know:

  • Rules for protecting the lives and promoting the health of children;
  • Sanitary regulations;
  • Labor legislation provisions;
  • Labor protection and fire safety rules and regulations;
  • Internal labor regulations.

1.9. Junior teacher D.S. must have the following personal qualities:

  • Ability to communicate with children;
  • Goodwill;
  • Politeness;
  • Accuracy;
  • Responsibility for the assigned work;
  • Diligence;
  • Ability to make decisions.

2. Responsibilities.

The junior teacher is an active assistant to the teacher.

Junior teacher:

2.1. Ensures compliance with the “Instructions for protecting the life and health of children in D.S.” and complies with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection, as well as sanitary and hygienic requirements.

a) Bears responsibility, together with the teacher, for the safety of all property in the group.

b) Daily:

  • Cleans all assigned premises, observing sanitary and hygienic conditions and safety precautions;
  • Complies with the schedule;
  • Cleans and disinfects toilets, sinks and other plumbing equipment;
  • Brings food from the kitchen to the dining room and distributes it to the children;
  • Cleans and sanitizes dishes and tables with detergents in accordance with SES requirements.
  • Organizes table setting, organizes children's duty and teaches them how to set and clean tables.
    • Assists the teacher in preparing and conducting all routine aspects of working with children.
    • Helps the teacher dress and undress children for walks and prepare for bed.
    • Provides hygienic care for children and takes an active part in hardening activities.
    • Cleans children's beds.
    • Prepares water for drinking and rinsing the mouth.
    • Twice a day he wet-cleans the room and furniture.

a) Monitors the cleanliness and safety of soft equipment in the group and replaces bed linen and towels as they become dirty (according to schedule).

b) Monitors the condition of the dishes, plumbing fixtures and other property and equipment in the group and reports any malfunctions to the caretaker.

c) Follows all instructions from the administration of D.S. and medical workers.

d) Once a month, carries out general cleaning of all premises in the group.

e) In the absence of a teacher, during production activities and during quiet times, stays with the children.

f) Takes care of his appearance, is a model for children and their parents.

g) Prepares the group for work in the winter.

h) Participates in the preparation and conduct of matinees, assists in the preparation of manuals for activities with children.

i) Participates in the improvement and landscaping of the site.

j) In the summer, prepares verandas (washes) and sandboxes for the arrival of children.

3. Rights.

3.1. A junior teacher has the right to annual paid leave of 42 calendar days, and also enjoys the rights provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts.

3.2. The junior teacher has the right to make proposals on:

  • Improving educational work;
  • Eliminating the causes of morbidity in children.

4. Responsibility.

The junior teacher is responsible for:

4.1. Safety of life and health of each child in his group;

4.2. Inadequate performance of assigned duties;

4.3. Low level of maintenance of the assigned premises;

4.4. Failure to comply with sanitary rules;

4.5.Unproductive use of working time;

4.6. For failure to fulfill all duties, the junior teacher bears disciplinary, financial and criminal liability in accordance with current legislation.

5. Indicators of the effectiveness of the work of a junior teacher.

5.1. Lack of comments and complaints from the administration of D.S. and SES.

5.2. Absence of comments and complaints from parents regarding the protection of the life and health of children.

5.3. Lack of comments on the storage and accounting of material assets: dishes, linen, etc.

5.4. Reduced disease levels;

5.5. Safety of equipment and inventory in an assigned group.

Job Description for an Assistant Kindergarten Teacher

Job Description for an Assistant Kindergarten Teacher | Sample


1.1. The main task of an assistant teacher in a kindergarten is to provide quality services to children.

1.2. An assistant teacher is appointed and dismissed by order of the head of the kindergarten.

1.3. The assistant teacher in his work is guided by this job description, internal regulations and orders of the head of the kindergarten, the deputy head of the administrative department and the medical staff.


2.1. Persons without education and work experience requirements and who have undergone training are appointed to the position of assistant teacher.


3.1. Provides child care. Strictly follows instructions to protect the health and lives of children.

3.2. Takes part in the preparation and organization of classes, creating emotional comfort.

3.3. Performs educational functions in the process of conducting classes with children.

3.4. Participates in creating a safe developmental environment that meets psychological and pedagogical requirements.

3.5. Assists the teacher in dressing, undressing, washing, bathing, feeding, putting children to bed, and in carrying out hardening activities.

3.6. Accompanies children for a walk, meets them from a walk, dries children's clothes.

3.7. Ventilates the room according to schedule.

3.8. Brings food from the catering unit and distributes it in accordance with the daily routine, washes dishes in accordance with sanitary rules.

3.9. Changes bed linen and towels according to schedule, makes beds. Launders children's underwear as needed.

3.10. Observes table setting. Returns broken dishes in a timely manner (does not use defective dishes for serving).

3.11.Complies with the rules of internal labor regulations, personal hygiene, instructions for protecting the life and health of children, sanitary and hygienic standards, rules on safety and health, undergoes medical examination and laboratory examinations in a timely manner.

3.12. Cleans the premises assigned to her in accordance with the schedule.

3.13. Participates in organizational and social events of the team.


4.1. Require the administration to provide equipment, detergents, cleaning products and disinfectants.

4.2. Refusal to perform work not covered by these instructions.


5.1. Bears responsibility for failure to comply with instructions to protect the life and health of children.

5.2. Responsible for the safety of the group’s property: dishes, cutlery, soft and hard equipment.

5.3. Responsible for fire safety in the group; in case of fire, evacuates children.

5.4. Bears responsibility for failure to fulfill the duties provided for in this job description.

I have read the job description ________________________________


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