Are there such positions in the Russian job classification as: “manager”, “junior manager”, “senior manager”, “leading manager”? What are the codes for these positions. Thank you. Manager or specialist: how to determine what to write in a resume? What's the difference

Questions 09.12.2023

A company's IT manager is an employee who manages information processes. He understands not only the technical aspects of the IT environment, but also the issues of its interaction with other areas: financial, personnel, market. The task of a manager within a company is to know the company’s business development goals, be able to imagine business processes for their automation, make the right choice of an information system and calculate the effect of its use. Its external goals are to ensure that clients receive high-quality IT services or to organize the sale of information products.

Features of the profession

IT manager is a relatively new profession. In some organizations, it was treated with disdain for a long time, and sometimes the position of IT manager, on the contrary, was introduced in order to comply with fashionable trends. Often such an employee had a technical education, but knew nothing about management, or was a generalist manager with little understanding of information systems. Sometimes a former system administrator or call center operator was appointed to this post. But its function has already been clearly defined - to serve as an intermediary between technical specialists and internal users or external clients. Part of this position is called an IT services manager.

In 2014, the existence of the profession was officially recognized - the professional standard Information Technology Manager was approved in Russia (Approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 716n dated October 13, 2014).

According to this document, an IT manager is considered an employee whose responsibilities include managing information resources, services, environment or innovation. This includes the director of the IT department, the head of user support, and the head of the computer center - right up to the government official responsible for the development of computer technology in the region.

In a small organization, all of the above tasks can be concentrated in the hands of one manager. In a large IT company, each issue is dealt with by a separate department.

Job responsibilities

Working as an IT manager involves performing the following tasks:

  • personnel Management;
  • calculation of the information environment budget;
  • analysis of consumer and client satisfaction;
  • development and provision of quality IT services;
  • negotiations with clients and equipment suppliers;
  • search and evaluation of innovative technologies, proposal for their implementation;
  • determining the timing of work on IT projects;
  • implementation of the company's IT strategy;
  • planning the effective implementation of IT projects;
  • organizing interaction between IT specialists and other employees.

How to become an IT manager: training at VSBI

Until recently, universities offered training only separately in the field of IT or management. However, it soon became clear that companies needed complex specialists with interdisciplinary knowledge.

Information technology has increasingly begun to influence commercial activities.

The person responsible for IT in a company must know how to rationalize costs and increase profits. This requires IT department employees to understand management and finance, human resources and project management.

IT specialists must be able to speak the same language as other functional managers.

At the beginning of the 21st century, a new educational direction for preparing bachelors and masters, “Business Informatics,” appeared. The opening of this direction is due to the significant impact of information technology on business efficiency. IT managers and managers who provide communication with consumers and management through the development of an IT strategy and the provision of IT services have become the most in demand. Such specialists must know economics, finance, team building techniques, strategic planning and have good basic knowledge in the field of information technology.

People with higher education can improve their qualifications without interruption from work and undergo training as an IT manager at the Higher School of Business and Economics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics in the professional retraining program "IT and IT Project Management" , programMBA-CIO or second higher education "IT management in business ».

At the same time, for career growth, a lot is still decided by the existing practical experience of the candidate for promotion. When you apply for a vacancy, you must be prepared to talk about your achievements in your previous positions.

Professional skills

An IT manager is familiar with computer technology and programs, the principles of network architecture, the basics of programming and creating information databases. At the same time, he must know how to draw up a contract, prepare a report, and calculate a budget. He also feels free when conducting business negotiations with partners and interviews with applicants.

An IT services manager must quickly understand the needs of the audience with whom he will interact. He must translate the wishes of customers or management into a language that technical experts can understand. It is the manager who is the first to understand how an idea can work in practice and how to achieve this. If a manager coordinates the actions of several IT teams, his goal is to bring their efforts into a single whole and take care of the success of the common project.

An IT manager needs such personal qualities as leadership ability, communication skills, and a willingness to constantly learn new things. He must professionally assess risks, monitor the achievements of the IT market, and be interested in news in his field.

What is the best title for the position: 1) production manager or 2) production manager or 3) production department manager? At the same time, it is important that this position be represented in some ESC, because its OKVED code is important for carrying out SOUT.


Answer to the question:

The title of the position, first of all, must correspond to the actual job function of the employee.

Positions should not be named arbitrarily. The employer determines the names of departments at his own discretion.

In fact, the production manager is the head of the production department. And a manager is a leadership position.

As a rule, the employer determines job titles and qualification requirements at its own discretion.

But if, with the performance of work for certain positions or professions, labor legislation binds the provision of compensation and benefits(early retirement , additional leave, increased pay) or establishes any restrictions, then the names of such positions and professions, qualification requirements must comply qualification reference books, professional standards . The specified compliance must be observed both in the employment contract with the employee, where his position will be indicated (performing work in the profession), and in the organization’s staffing table. This is stated in Art. 57 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

This rule applies to:

1. Employees who work in hazardous working conditions;

2. Teachers, medical workers, “northern” employees and others who have the right to a preferential pension: ;

3. Any other employees, if in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws with the performance of work according to certain positions, professions, specialties related to the provision of compensation and benefits or the presence of restrictions.

But EKS and ECTS have not been canceled due to the introduction of professional standards . See letter from the Ministry of Labor dated 04/04/2016 No. 14-0/10/13-2253. That is, you can continue to use them in your work, both along with professional standards and in their absence.

note that in relation to employees filling positions for which the employee is entitled to guarantees, compensation, benefits, requirements of the prof. standards OR qualification reference books are mandatory now and were previously mandatory since December 15, 2012 (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of December 3, 2012 N 236-FZ On Amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Article 1 of the Federal Law "On Technical regulation"

Wherein It should also be noted that arbitrary job titles can create certain difficulties for any organization. According to the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 426-FZ “On a special assessment of working conditions,” each organization is obliged to conduct a special assessment of the working conditions of its employees. This applies to all organizations, regardless of their type, legal form, or form of ownership. When conducting a special assessment, it will be necessary to reflect not only the name of the position, but also its code according to the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (clause 2 of Article 18 of the Law), and if the position is not provided for by any of the Unified Standards, then it will be difficult for you to fulfill this requirement. Based on the recommendation of the organization conducting the special assessment of working conditions, the corresponding position will have to be renamed.

Arbitrary job titles will create difficulties for the organization when drawing up various reports, for example, 1-T (prof).

Employers are required to apply professional standards in terms of:

job titles, if the performance of work related to the position is associated with the provision of compensation, benefits or the presence of restrictions. In these cases, the name of the position must be indicated in accordance with the approved professional standard or qualification reference books (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 5 of the letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 4, 2016 No. 14-0/10/13-2253). If an employee has the right to early retirement according to the list, and the title of the position in the professional standard does not correspond to the title of the position in the list and the qualification directory, do not rush to change the title of the position according to the professional standard until the legislation changes and identity is established in the names of professions.

requirements for education, knowledge and skills. That is, if the requirements for the qualifications that an employee needs to perform his job function are established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws or other regulations (Law No. 122-FZ of May 2, 2015).

An approximate list of such cases:


In other cases, if qualification requirements are not established by law, professional standards continue to be advisory in nature.

According to , approved. , the characteristics of the manager’s position require special attention. In countries with highly developed market economies, managers are professional managers with special education, often obtained in addition to engineering, legal, and economics. Managers carry out qualified management of the activities of the enterprise (top level), its structural divisions (middle level) or ensure the implementation of certain activities in the field of business (lower level).

Top and middle level managers in relation to the current job structure can be considered all managers - directors of enterprises, institutions and organizations and other line managers - heads of workshops and other structural divisions, as well as functional departments.

As for lower-level managers, in the context of the development of commercial activities and small and medium-sized businesses, a need arose to determine their place and functional role as organizers of this activity, ensuring its compliance with the conditions of the external environment (economic, legal, technological and other requirements).

Managers of the relevant profile perform the following main functions: marketing, personnel management, logistics, advertising and information services, etc.

Since the difference between management levels lies in the scale, limits of authority, responsibility, and the degree of detail of the functions performed, the Directory provides job characteristics of a manager (low-level without functional specialization), as well as a personnel manager and an advertising manager. It is these functional areas of activity that especially need workers of the appropriate skill level, and a clear definition of their role and place in existing management structures. If necessary, based on the basic job characteristics of a manager, qualification characteristics or job descriptions can be developed for managers of other specific titles, provided that the functional focus and content of their activities correspond to the manager’s position.

, approved, contains the following job codes for managers:

24047 6 Manager 1 1233
24048 0 Manager (in agriculture, hunting, forestry and fisheries) 1 1221
24049 5 Manager (in industry) 1 1222
24050 8 Manager (in construction) 1 1223
24051 2 Manager (in trade) 1 1224
24053 1 Manager (in catering and hotel services) 1 1225
24054 6 Manager (in transport, communications, logistics and sales) 1 1226
24057 2 Manager (in commercial activities) 1 1227
24059 9 Manager (in social services for the population) 1 1228
24060 1 Manager (in other industries) 1 1229
24062 0 Manager (in financial, economic and administrative divisions (services)) 1 1231
24063 5 HR Manager 1 1232
24068 8 Manager (in departments (services) for marketing and sales of products) 1 1233
24071 5 Advertising Manager 1 1234
24072 4 Manager in computer software departments (services) 1 1236
24074 3 Manager in departments (services) of scientific and technical development 1 1237
24075 8 Manager (in other functional departments (services)) 1 1239

Details in the materials of the Personnel System:

1. Situation: How to indicate the names of positions and professions when drawing up the staffing table

Nina Kovyazina, Deputy Director of the Department of Medical Education and Personnel Policy in Healthcare of the Russian Ministry of Health

When preparing the staffing table, the employer can use a form approved by, or. In this form, you must enter the names of positions, specialties, and professions for the organization’s staff units. As a general rule, positions are reserved for employees who are primarily engaged in mental work: management, collection, analysis, and processing of information, for example, deputy head of a production department, head of a department. In turn, the concept of “profession” largely refers to employees engaged in the production process and physical labor, for example builders, electricians, mechanics.

The names of positions and professions are determined by the employer at its own discretion. For example, the position of the head of an organization may be listed in the staffing table as director, general director, president of the company, etc.

However, if labor legislation relates to the performance of work in certain positions or professions the provision of compensation and benefits, for example, early retirement, additional leave, or establishes any restrictions, then the names of such positions and professions must comply with the provisions. The specified compliance must be specified both in the employee’s letter, where his position will be indicated, and in the organization’s staffing table. This follows from the provisions of Part 2 of Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Failure to comply with this condition will deprive the employee of the right to receive benefits and compensation.

Speaking about qualification reference books, first of all you need to use the following:

 , approved ;

Are there such positions in the Russian job classification as: “manager”, “junior manager”, “senior manager”, “leading manager”? What are the codes for these positions. Thank you.


Answer to the question:

No, the qualification directory does not contain such positions as " junior manager", "senior manager", "lead manager".

There is a manager position, moreover, there is also a title for such a position, taking into account specialization.

In the EKS, approved. approved by resolution of the Russian Ministry of Labor dated August 21, 1998 N 37 there are positions:


HR Manager

Investor Relations Manager

Public Relations Manager

The Handbook does not include qualification characteristics derivative positions (senior and leading specialists). The job responsibilities of these employees, the requirements for their knowledge and qualifications are determined on the basis of the characteristics of the corresponding basic positions contained in the Directory.
Application of job title " senior" possible provided that the employee, along with performing the duties prescribed by his position, supervises the performers subordinate to him. The position of “senior” can be established as an exception and in the absence of performers directly subordinate to the employee, if he is entrusted with the functions of managing an independent area of ​​​​work. For specialist positions for which qualification categories are provided, the job title “senior” is not used. In these cases, the functions of managing subordinate performers are assigned to a specialist of the first qualification category.
Job Responsibilities" leading" are established based on the characteristics of the relevant specialist positions. In addition, they are entrusted with the functions of a manager and responsible performer of work in one of the areas of activity of an enterprise, institution, organization or their structural divisions, or responsibilities for coordination and methodological management of groups of performers created in departments (bureaus) taking into account the rational division of labor in specific organizational units. -technical conditions. The requirements for the required work experience are increased by 2-3 years compared to those provided for specialists of the first qualification category.

But! the position of manager is classified not as a specialist, but as a manager.

In this connection, derivative positions are not provided for such positions: junior, senior, leading.

In accordance with the Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 26, 1994 No. 367, OK 016-94 On the adoption and implementation of the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Professions, Employee Positions and Tariff Classes OK 016-94 (as amended on August 1, 2012) for the position of manager The following codes are set:

Code CC Job title Category code OKZ code
24047 6 Manager 1 1233
(introduced by Amendment 2/99 OKPDTR, approved by the State Standard of the Russian Federation)
24048 0 Manager (in agriculture, hunting, forestry and fisheries) 1 1221
24049 5 Manager (in industry) 1 1222
24050 8 Manager (in construction) 1 1223
24051 2 Manager (in trade) 1 1224
24053 1 Manager (in catering and hotel services) 1 1225
24054 6 Manager (in transport, communications, logistics and sales) 1 1226
24057 2 Manager (in commercial activities) 1 1227
24059 9 Manager (in social services for the population) 1 1228
24060 1 Manager (in other industries) 1 1229
24062 0 Manager (in financial, economic and administrative divisions (services)) 1 1231
24063 5 HR Manager 1 1232
24068 8 Manager (in departments (services) for marketing and sales of products) 1 1233
24071 5 Advertising Manager 1 1234
(as amended by Amendment 2/99 OKPDTR, approved by the State Standard of the Russian Federation)
24072 4 Manager in computer software departments (services) 1 1236
24074 3 Manager in departments (services) of scientific and technical development 1 1237
24075 8 Manager (in other functional departments (services)) 1 1239

Details in the materials of the Personnel System:

Legal basis:

Resolution, Classifier of the State Standard of Russia dated December 26, 1994 No. 367, OK 016-94

On the adoption and entry into force of the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Occupations, Employee Positions and Tariff Grades OK 016-94 (as amended as of August 1, 2012)


On the adoption and implementation of the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Occupations, Employee Positions and Tariff Grades OK 016-94

Document with changes made:
amendment 1/96 OKPDTR, approved. State Standard of the Russian Federation on December 23, 1996;
amendment 2/99 OKPDTR, approved. Gosstandart of the Russian Federation;
amendment 3/2002 OKPDTR, approved. Gosstandart of the Russian Federation;
amendment 4/2003 OKPDTR, approved. Gosstandart of the Russian Federation;
amendment 5/2004 OKPDTR, approved. Rostekhregulirovanie;
amendment 6/2007 OKPDTR, approved. Order of Rostechregulirovanie dated July 18, 2007 No. 181-st;
amendment 7/2012 OKPDTR, approved. By order of Rosstandart of June 19, 2012 No. 112-st.

The all-Russian classifier of blue-collar professions, office positions and tariff categories was developed in order to implement the State program for the transition of the Russian Federation to the accounting and statistics system accepted in international practice in accordance with the requirements of the development of a market economy, taking into account the new production and economic conditions for the development of the Russian Federation and the experience of developing international classifiers .

The Committee of the Russian Federation on Standardization, Metrology and Certification decides:

1. Adopt the All-Russian Classification of Worker Occupations, Employee Positions and Tariff Classes OK 016-94 with an effective date of January 1, 1996.

2. To cancel the All-Union Classifier of Worker Occupations, Employee Positions and Tariff Classes (186,016) on the territory of the Russian Federation from January 1, 1996.

Gosstandart of Russia
S.F. Bezverkhy



OK 016-94

Accepted and put into effect
Resolution of the State Standard of Russia
dated December 26, 1994 No. 367
from January 1, 1996


The All-Russian Classifier of Worker Occupations, Employee Positions and Tariff Grades (OKPDTR), which is an integral part of the Unified System of Classification and Coding of Information (USCC) of the Russian Federation, was prepared as part of the implementation of the state program for the transition of the Russian Federation to the accounting and statistics system accepted in international practice in accordance with requirements for the development of a market economy.

OKPDTR was developed to replace the All-Union Classifier of Worker Occupations, Employee Positions and Tariff Classes (OKPDTR) 1 86 016.

The classifier is intended to solve problems related to estimating the number of workers and employees, taking into account the composition and distribution of personnel by categories of personnel, skill level, degree of mechanization and working conditions, issues of ensuring employment, organizing wages of workers and employees, calculating pensions, determining additional needs for personnel and others at all levels of national economic management in conditions of automated information processing.

The objects of classification in OKPDTR are the professions of workers and positions of employees.

OKPDTR consists of two sections:

Workers' professions;

Employee positions.

The first section - professions of workers - includes professions of workers in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (UTKS), as well as professions of workers, the rights and responsibilities of which are provided for in the charters, special provisions and relevant regulations regulating the composition of professions in sectors of the economy.

The second section - positions of employees - was developed on the basis of the Unified Nomenclature of Positions of Employees, the Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, current regulations and other regulatory documents on remuneration issues, taking into account the names of positions used in the economy. The titles of positions of civil servants are given in accordance with Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation "On public positions of the Russian Federation" No. 32 and "On the register of public positions of federal civil servants" No. 33 of January 11, 1995.

Each classifier position consists of three blocks:

Identification block;

Block of the name of the classification object;

Information block.

The identification block is built using a serial-ordinal coding system for classification objects. The classification object identification block includes five digital decimal places and a check number.

The control number was calculated in accordance with the current Methodology for calculating and applying control numbers.

The structure of the code designation of worker professions (employee positions) in the classifier:

(as amended by Amendment No. 4/2003 OKPDTR, approved by the State Standard of the Russian Federation)

To code a worker's profession, code values ​​corresponding to 1 or 3 are used. To code an employee's position, code values ​​corresponding to 2 or 4 are used (paragraph introduced by Amendment 4/2003 OKPDTR, approved by the State Standard of the Russian Federation, as amended by Amendment 5/2004 OKPDTR, approved. Rostekhregulirovanie).

The classification object name block is a unified record of the name of a specific profession of a worker or position of an employee.

In each section, the names of classification objects are arranged in alphabetical order.

The information block of workers' professions includes facet codes that characterize the correspondence of a worker's profession to the ETKS issue number (two characters) and certain positions of the All-Russian Classifier of Occupations (OKZ) OK 010-93<*>. The last facet indicates the basic group of classes in OKZ and includes four signs.

<*>All-Russian classifier of occupations. OK 010-93, M.: Standards Publishing House, 1995.-444 p.

In addition, the OKPDTR information block includes seven facets that characterize the professions of workers according to the following criteria:

types of production and work in accordance with ETKS releases - two characters, facet 01;

tariff categories - one character, facet 02;

forms and systems of remuneration - two signs, facet 04;

working conditions - one sign, facet 05;

degree of labor mechanization - one sign, facet 06;

derivative professions - one sign, facet 07.

An example of coding according to OKPDTR for the profession of a turner:

19149 6 02 7223 5 12 1 2,

where: 1 - profession;

9149 - turner;

6 - control number;

02-2nd issue of ETKS;

7223 - basic group for OKZ (machine operators on metalworking machines, machine tool and equipment adjusters);

5-5th tariff category;

12 piecework-bonus wage system;

1 - normal working conditions;

2 - a worker who performs work using machines and mechanisms.

Facet 07, which characterizes the degree of qualification of workers (senior, assistant), is used for various professions in accordance with current regulatory documents.

The information block of employee positions includes faceted codes corresponding to the position category (one character) and also certain positions of the OKZ (four characters). Three facets characterize positions according to the following characteristics:

derived positions - two signs, facet 11;

A feature of facets 11 and 12 is the alternative nature of their application for various positions, since derivative positions do not provide for qualification categories. Thus, depending on the position, choose facet 11 or 12.

An example of coding according to OKPDTR for the position of deputy head of the financial and economic department:

24695 1 1 1231 03,

where: 2 - position;

4695 - head of department (financial, economic and administrative);

1 - check number;

1231 - basic group for OKZ (Heads of financial, economic and administrative divisions and services);

03 - derivative position - deputy.

Between the objects of the OKPDTR and OKZ classification, connections have been established that allow each OKPDTR object to be assigned to the corresponding OKZ grouping. In general, each profession of a worker or position of an employee can be unambiguously assigned to a specific group of occupations. However, due to the fact that the concepts of “occupation”, “profession”, “position” are different, in some cases, in order to establish an unambiguous connection between OKPDTR and OKZ, it is necessary to use explanations for the groupings of OKZ. These explanations should also be used when coding derived professions of workers and positions of employees.

The composition and sequence of arrangement of facets of the information block are determined by the specifics of specific tasks solved using the classifier.

In the information block, codes and names of other all-Russian classifiers of technical and economic information can also be used as additional features.

The OKPDTR adopts the following form of material arrangement:

in the section "Professions of workers"

When developing unified forms of documents that use classifier codes, a mandatory reference to OKPDTR must be provided.

The system for maintaining the classifier provides for the interaction of the Labor Research Institute and the Central Bank of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Labor of Russia with the VNIIKI of the State Standard of Russia.


Facet position code Facet position name
01 Vice -
02 First Deputy Head
03 Deputy
04 Main
05 Leading
06 Senior
07 Jr
08 Removable
09 First
10 Second
11 Third
12 Fourth
13 Assistant Manager and Specialist
14 Major assistant
15 First Mate
16 Second Mate
17 Third Mate
18 Fourth Mate
19 Fifth Mate
20 Shift assistant
21 Group
22 Brigade
23 District
24 District
25 Mountain

With respect and wishes for comfortable work, Tatyana Kozlova,

HR System expert

Globalization and integration of cultures has led to the borrowing of not only words, but also entire categories. The familiar narrow specialist was replaced by a universal manager, about whom legends and anecdotes are made up. Let's try to figure out how significant the difference is between these professions and what exactly it is expressed in.


Specialist– a person who has undergone special training and has knowledge in a certain field of activity (law, medicine, management, programming). The level of competence is confirmed by a special document, as well as work experience and letters of recommendation. To find a job, a specialist in most cases requires a state diploma.

Manager– a representative of administrative personnel performing management functions at lower, middle or senior levels. In Russia, managers are also called employees of companies who interact directly with the employer (selling goods, cleaning, etc.). However, such a “proud” name only increases the status of disreputable professions, but has no special relation to reality.


The most important difference between these categories is the scope of the concept. Specialist is an extremely broad name for a worker with special training. These include managers, since they require specialized secondary and higher education to work successfully. A manager gains his status when he is hired. Any student who has successfully passed a state exam and defended a diploma can be considered a specialist.

Conclusions website

  1. Scope of the concept. Specialist is a broader category that includes a manager.
  2. Obtaining status. You become a specialist immediately after successfully passing the final exams, and a manager when you apply for a position.
  3. Level of training. Middle and senior managers must receive higher education, while a specialist can be content with average vocational training.
  4. Interaction with the team. A classic manager always manages someone, while a specialist is primarily subordinate.
  5. Functions and competencies. In the classical sense, a manager must unite the team and serve as a conduit for the ideas of top management to the masses. A specialist is a faceless performer whose functions depend on a specific position.

The desired position is one of the most important points of the resume, which the employer pays attention to first of all, so the wording of this column should be approached very responsibly.
The title of the resume usually indicates the position for which the applicant is applying. It is necessary to correctly indicate your status. This often causes difficulties for applicants, and very often there is confusion of concepts, since many candidates call themselves managers in their resumes, but in fact they are not one.

Who can call themselves a manager?

In countries with highly developed market economies, managers are professional managers who have a special education, often obtained in addition to the main one: engineering, legal, economics, etc. Managers carry out qualified management of the activities of the enterprise (top echelon) and its structural divisions (middle echelon) or ensure the implementation of certain activities in the field of business (lower level).

Top and middle level managers can be considered directors of enterprises, institutions and organizations and other line managers: heads of workshops and other structural divisions, as well as functional departments.
As for lower-level managers, in the conditions of the development of commercial structures, small and medium-sized businesses, a need arose to determine their place and functional role as organizers of this activity, ensuring its compliance with the conditions of the external environment: economic, legal, technological and other requirements.

Thus, the difference between management levels lies in the scale, limits of authority, responsibility, as well as the degree of detail of the functions they perform.

What's the difference?

In Western companies, only the one who actually carries out management functions can be called a manager, and the position of a sales specialist is often called a representative - that is, a representative, despite the fact that such an employee can manage quite a lot of clients. It often happens that when moving from a Belarusian company to a Western one, people are somewhat disappointed with the new interpretation of their position. Some people manage, however, to agree that “manager” is indicated on the business card, but in the work book and in the staffing table, their position sounds like “representative”.

In the same way, one should distinguish between HR managers and HR specialists. In the traditional sense, the personnel service is occupied exclusively with technical operations: maintaining documentation in accordance with the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus, recording working hours and movement of personnel. But since personnel officers do not participate in management decision-making, they cannot influence the tactics and strategy of working with people. Therefore, in a market economy, where personnel becomes a powerful factor that can accelerate or slow down the development of a company, this approach turns out to be completely untenable. In this situation, increasing attention is paid to the assessment, motivation and training of personnel. The internal specialization of the HR service is expanding, requiring the assignment of certain functions to full-time employees. And the main tasks are motivating qualified specialists, developing corporate culture, as well as developing ways to select a competent team. And it is precisely this type of personnel service that is currently the most promising. In organizations where the founders understand the importance and responsibility of a good HR service, its status is quite high, since its activities directly affect the efficiency of the enterprise and its future prospects. In many organizations, the head of such a personnel service, as a rule, belongs to the senior management team. And this is the HR manager.

Or take, for example, such a popular position as customer service manager. What is the difference between a manager and a customer service specialist? Job responsibilities seem to be the same: sales development, effective interaction with clients and other departments of the company, participation in marketing and advertising campaigns. The difference is that managers, unlike specialists, are required to manage a group of employees and, based on the results of their work, provide reports to the top management of the company.
Why is concept substitution used?

Asheychik Tatyana, HR manager at Atlant-M Britain, notes:

“It is not surprising that in our country there is a confusion of the concepts of “specialist” and “manager”. Many domestic companies build their business by adopting the experience of foreign ones. We use terms from English as a kind of tracing paper, not always thinking about whether they are appropriate in this or that situation, or what is meant. Some companies deliberately substitute the concepts, others cannot determine the differences in the functionality of a manager and a specialist, and others even consider these terms to be synonyms. The situation is complicated by the fact that today graduates of Belarusian universities are entering the labor market. with a diploma in “manager-economist” and are firmly convinced that even without work experience they will be able to immediately take such a position. However, in reality, employers are ready to consider such candidates only for starting positions or for trainee positions.
At the Atlant-M International Automobile Holding there is a clear distinction between the concepts of “manager” and “specialist”. There are 3 levels of management. Senior managers (TOP managers) – directors of departments, regions, and the entire holding. Middle managers are heads of departments and divisions. Managers at this level have subordinates, organize their activities, increase their efficiency, and also engage in strategic planning. Lower-level managers at Atlant-M include such positions as car sales manager, manager-consultant of the spare parts department. Despite the fact that these employees do not have subordinates, their range of responsibilities and importance for our business are quite large. This is the difference from specialists. However, I would like to emphasize that the company equally needs both managers and specialists - after all, they form the structure of the organization, where everyone has their own role.
In order for the employer not to have questions about who you still want to be: a manager or a specialist, you should first find out what is customary to call the position for which you are applying in a particular company by studying the website or asking a question to the HR manager. I rarely encounter candidates for whom the inscription “manager” on their badge is important. Most often, applicants are interested in the functionality and scope of tasks to be solved at the new location. In my opinion, this position is correct."

Incorrectly indicating the position for which you are applying can lead to wasted time spent going to “unnecessary” interviews. Therefore, before you start creating a resume, you should carefully study the vacancies for which you want to apply, and only after that start writing a CV. You should not try to increase your professional status by using “fashionable” or borrowed words. And most importantly, remember that the decisive role when deciding whether to invite you for an interview is played, first of all, by your functional responsibilities and professional achievements.

Manager- is an employee engaged in professional organizational activities in the management bodies of an enterprise, firm, institution, vested with certain powers by the owner. Managers include line and functional heads of an organization or its structural divisions.
Specialist is a worker whose mental work:
- is distinguished by professional content, complexity and intellectuality;
- requires special education.

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