Stages of organizing railway transportation. Organization of transportation of goods by rail

Business plans 07.12.2023
Business plans

Rail transportation- a reliable way of delivering cargo (products, goods) to its destination, therefore they occupy a significant place in the overall structure of transportation.

When transporting goods, railways enter into certain relationships with cargo owners. These relationships are regulated by certain rules and regulations, uniform and binding both for the railways and for all enterprises, organizations and individuals using their services. The main document establishing the rights and obligations, as well as the norms of responsibility of railways and those organizations and individuals who use them, is the Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation, which has the force of law.

The railway transportation procedure can be divided into several stages:

  • cargo transportation planning;
  • operations of acceptance by the railway of cargo for transportation;
  • delivery of cargo to the recipient.

Each of these stages has a certain procedure and requires the parties participating in the transportation to strictly comply with the relevant rules.

Transportation of goods by rail organized on a contractual basis. As a rule, an agreement is concluded between the railway and the shipper on the organization of cargo transportation.

Agreements on the organization of transportation determine the expected volume of cargo transportation, terms and conditions for the provision of vehicles and presentation of goods for transportation, the payment procedure, the responsibility of the parties for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations, as well as other conditions for organizing transportation.

However, transportation can be carried out on individual orders without concluding a contract on terms agreed upon by the railway and the sender.

Taking into account the peculiarities of cargo transportation on various types of transport, documents regulating the organization of cargo transportation have different legal forms: for direct transportation - this is an application (order), an agreement on the organization of cargo transportation; when transporting goods in direct mixed traffic - a daily request, a weekly calendar plan.

When fulfilling obligations for the transportation of goods with the participation of the shipper and the carrier, the application plays an important role. The application is the most important means of organizing the transportation of goods; it specifies the task and determines the indicators that ensure one-time transportation. The shipper is obliged to submit applications to the carrier no less than 10 days before the start of cargo transportation, and for the transportation of goods sent for export and in direct mixed traffic - no less than 15 days before the start of cargo transportation.

The carrier is obliged to review the submitted application within two days and, if transportation is possible, send this application for approval to the owner of the infrastructure with a note indicating approval of the application. The main task of freight transportation planning is to establish upcoming volumes, structure and directions. The volume of work of rolling stock, operating costs and revenues of roads, as well as the contingent depend on the size of transportation. The structure of cargo transportation and turnover determines the need for different types of cars and the size of the supply of new rolling stock.

Properly composed transportation plan is the most important condition for the high quality of the entire transport plan. Therefore, on the basis of the transportation plan, the indicators of all other sections are essentially determined, i.e. rolling stock operating plan, operating cost plan, labor plan, logistics plan, etc.

Along with freight turnover and cargo dispatch, the transportation plan indicator system should include the data necessary for calculating all other sections of the railway transport plan.

The transportation planning function is performed by JSC Russian Railways.

Transportation planning and presentation of goods for transportation is carried out by the shipper. His right is to present the cargo for transportation, both in his own cars and in the cars of JSC Russian Railways or other owners. The choice of a shipper depends on the conditions offered by any of the owners of the wagons. If the shipper is satisfied with the price and quality of service of a particular operator, this is the main factor in choosing a partner, which cannot be influenced by Russian Railways.

The following indicators are provided for the plan for the transportation of goods by rail:

  • freight turnover in tariff ton-kilometers;
  • dispatch of goods in tons according to the established nomenclature; average daily loading in wagons;
  • total operational ton-kilometers with distribution by type of traction; average distance of cargo transportation;
  • acceptance and delivery of cargo in general along the road and at each junction point with the adjacent road in tons, with the allocation of main cargo;
  • distribution of freight turnover in ton-kilometers and cargo transportation in tons by type of traffic (import, export, transit and local traffic).
  • In addition to the listed indicators, monthly plans provide for the transportation of goods on routes organized by both shippers (shipping routes) and railways.

Transportation is distributed by type of message:

  • local— transportation between stations within the road (local traffic on the road in question is zero);
  • export— dispatch of goods to other roads (defined as the difference between departure and local traffic);
  • import— arrival of goods from other roads (defined as the difference between arrival and local traffic);
  • transit— transportation of goods received from other roads and traveling through this road to other roads. Transit can be defined in several ways: reception minus import, or delivery minus export, or the total volume of transportation minus other types of traffic (import, export, local).

Transportation for import, export and transit is called direct transportation. Two or more roads are involved in their implementation.

Passenger Transportation

Passenger transportation is planned both in general and by type of communication.

Each type of passenger transportation has its own patterns of development. The growth in the volume of suburban traffic may be influenced by an increase in the frequency of trains or the opening of stopping points, changes in the work and rest schedule of the population, and the expansion of the suburban area.

Changes in the effective demand of the population, the level of competitiveness of other modes of transport, the state of industry, agriculture in the economic regions of the country, the development of the transport network and other factors can dramatically change the flow of long-distance passengers. Therefore, when developing an annual plan, long-distance passenger transportation and its unevenness must be considered specifically, analyzing them for individual areas and the most important railway routes.

When planning passenger transportation, they take into account possible changes in the income of the population, tariffs of competitors, the state of the sanatorium and resort facilities in the country, the consequences of implemented measures to improve the quality of passenger transportation, development of services and the introduction of new types of services.

Annual plan passenger transportation is compiled for the network as a whole and for the railways. The plan defines the following indicators: the number of passengers sent, the number of passengers transported, passenger turnover and average travel distance. Indicators are calculated both overall and by type of message.

When forecasting the volume of passenger traffic, the dynamics of the main macroeconomic indicators of the country’s socio-economic development are taken into account: population size, real income, level of industrial production, inflationary processes, etc.

Depending on the goal, passenger traffic forecasts can be developed for different periods. In practice, it is customary to develop medium-term forecasts (for 5-7 years) and for a longer term (10 or more years).

Forecasting passenger traffic, especially over a long period, is much more difficult than current planning. Over a long period of time, the structure of the communication network increases and changes, and the country's economy changes. The population's needs for movement are taking on a different character. In this regard, the possibility of widespread use of reporting data in forecasting is reduced.

To determine passenger traffic forecast indicators, various methods are used, based on identifying general patterns of changes in passenger traffic in the country. When developing short- and medium-term forecasts, in particular, the extrapolation method is used, when, as a result of an analysis of transportation over past years, the rate of change in the forecast period is established with some adjustment, reflecting the influence of various factors. However, this method does not provide the necessary forecasting accuracy due to insufficient knowledge of the patterns of changes in indicators depending on the factors influencing them. Therefore, along with the extrapolation method, other forecasting methods are used: the method of expert assessments, analogies and others.

The practice of developing forecasts for a long period is based mainly on studying changes in the population in the future and changes in its transport mobility, taking into account trends in the distribution of passenger flows by mode of transport. An analysis of various methods used in forecasting traffic for a long period shows that forecasting the volume of traffic and passenger turnover based on the transport mobility of the population provides the highest accuracy in obtaining these indicators.

The widespread use of computer technology in the passenger complex makes it possible to effectively use operational reporting compiled by an automated system for ongoing planning

"Express". It takes into account the number of tickets sold for trains and wagons of different categories in transportation directions, which is important for determining the density of passenger flows on the lines, keeps records of passengers transported free of charge, and provides other information necessary to identify demand for different transportation conditions.

Types of planning

With the implementation of structural reform, the previous procedure for planning the transportation of foreign trade goods has changed significantly . The degree of centralization of planned work has decreased. The main role in planning began to be played not by transport ministries, but by foreign trade organizations and direct carriers - railways, shipping companies, airlines, ports, and motor transport enterprises. The transfer of the main planned work from the center to the localities affected railway transport to a lesser extent, which is explained by its production and technological features. Foreign trade rail transportation across the territory of Russia is only rarely carried out by a single road.

More often, several roads are involved in the transportation process, and not only Russian ones. Many transport enterprises, including joint ones, foreign trade associations, firms and organizations have been granted the right to directly enter foreign markets. Numerous freight forwarding and other companies have appeared in the country and abroad, taking on some of the functions related to planning foreign trade transportation, including transit.

Not only the organization of planning has changed, but also its content. Demand in the transport services market is used as a planning basis, of course, taking into account supply, the requirements of cargo owners for the quality of transport services and competition between various transport enterprises. At the same time, the rational combination of state regulation methods with the action of market mechanisms does not lose its importance.

The general approach to organizing and planning foreign trade transportation has also changed. This type of transport activity began to include transportation between CIS countries. As a result, foreign trade transportation currently consists of two parts: transportation between Russia and non-CIS countries and transportation between Russia and neighboring countries.

Annual transportation plans are developed on the basis of promising ones for individual roads and for the network as a whole. These plans establish the volume of cargo turnover in ton-kilometers, distributed by quarter; departures per year in tons, total and highlighting the most important bulk cargo.

Quarterly transportation plans are drawn up on the basis of annual plans, taking into account operating conditions during different periods of the year (seasonal transportation).

The main type of planning in modern conditions is monthly planning. It applies only to the transportation of export cargo with the participation of railway transport, both in direct international railway traffic and for transportation in international traffic through sea and river ports of Russia.

Suppliers-shippers no later than 20 days before the start of the planned month provide detailed plans for the transportation of export cargo to the railway departments. These plans indicate the type and quantity of cargo in tons and wagons, the border railway stations through which these cargoes are sent and the countries of destination.

Railway departments, on the basis of detailed plans for the transportation of goods provided by suppliers-shippers according to the accepted nomenclature, draw up for the planned month a draft plan for the transportation of these goods as a whole by road, through border stations, sea and river ports and submit it to JSC Russian Railways no later than than 17 days before the planned month.

Based on the data provided to the railway departments, for the planned month it draws up a draft plan for the transportation of export goods along the railway network - by type of cargo, according to the established nomenclature, in tons and wagons on average per day, by destination countries separately through border railway stations and seaports - and no later than

14 days before the beginning of the planned month, sends it to interested organizations, as well as foreign railways to coordinate the amount of export cargo at individual transfer points and types of cargo. In the event that the volume of transportation of export cargo for the planned month exceeds the technical capabilities of individual seaports, or in case of difficulties with the passage of cargo through border transfer stations, the Ministry of Transport of Russia and JSC Russian Railways make decisions on sending individual cargo for transshipment through other seaports or border transfer stations, and in exceptional cases, when the specified seaports or border transfer stations are not able to fully accept the cargo sent to them - on reducing the delivery of export cargo to seaports or border transfer stations for the planned month by shipper.

Unloading standards export cargo in seaports are established for each month in wagons and tons on average per day based on the approved monthly cargo loading plans, taking into account the availability of wagons awaiting unloading at the port departments of the railways, and wagons with cargo additionally accepted for transportation.

Export cargo, provided for by the transportation plan and shipped during the planned month, as well as cargo shipped according to additionally agreed upon assignments, are freely accepted by the ports from the railways, regardless of the time of their arrival at the port of unloading.

Shipper suppliers and railroads ensure, as uniformly as possible, the shipment of bulk export cargo (coal, coke, ore, oil and petroleum products, timber and other cargo) throughout the month, taking into account the delivery time of goods specified in the contracts.

An important component of the program for optimizing the operational work of Russian railways is establishing parameters for reliable and economical operation of the system organizing the operation of locomotives as a significant factor in improving the economic performance of Russian Railways and improving the quality of transportation. Currently, the industry's operating costs associated with the maintenance of trains by locomotives and locomotive crews, as well as the maintenance of locomotive facilities, reach 29% of total costs.

The cost of the locomotive fleet is about 12% of the cost of fixed assets of JSC Russian Railways. To solve the problem of rationalizing the transportation process in railway transport by optimizing the functioning of the locomotive operation management system, reliable operational planning of the operation of freight locomotives is necessary within the framework of the compiled daily shift and current plans for train operation of the divisions of JSC Russian Railways based on the creation of a modern dynamic model.

The traditional technology for operational planning of the work of freight locomotives, as a rule, provides for the development of a final task plan for the next three (four) hours, compiled without the necessary linkage with the current and shift-daily plan, as well as without linkage with the plan for supplying locomotives for routine repairs and maintenance, the implementation of which achieves the best conditions for the use of traction equipment.

Wastes can be significantly reduced by implementing consistent end-to-end interconnected execution calculations for drawing up a plan for attaching locomotives to trains for any period of operational planning (for three (four) hours, for the period of current planning and for a day) through an integrated approach to solving the problem of operational planning of the operation of freight locomotives. These calculations should be based on the formation of a unified road model and an integrated database using local computer networks.

Thus, railway transport– this is the type of transport that is most suitable for mass transportation, operates day and night, regardless of the time of year and atmospheric conditions, and has a high carrying capacity. Railways are a universal mode of transport for transporting all types of goods in international and domestic communications. Therefore, in order to correspond to the efficient use of railways and ensure the safety of transported goods, the safety of train traffic must be at an extremely high level, which can be achieved by correct and clear planning of the operation of all railway transport.


Currently, the freight industry is one of the leading in the country's railway transport.

Freight and commercial work as a production sphere of railway transport and as a branch of operational science has

ITS more than a hundred-year history of development. There is a constant development of container and package transportation, mechanized and automated transport and warehouse complexes and automated control systems for freight stations and container terminals are being created; In industrial transport, scientifically based methods for the interaction of access roads and junction stations based on Unified Technological Processes have become widespread; methods of accelerated servicing of cargo fronts, centralized payments for the transportation of goods, concentration of cargo work on a smaller number of stations, transportation routing, etc. are used.

Improving the organization of cargo and commercial operation of stations and access roads is aimed at ensuring full satisfaction of the country's needs for cargo transportation with minimal expenditure of technical and financial resources.

The implementation of this course project on the topic “Organization and mechanization of cargo work at the station” is aimed at deepening and consolidating theoretical knowledge, developed!, skills in solving engineering issues in the field of organization and mechanization of cargo work.

Based on the given freight turnover of the station and the adjacent access roads, it is necessary to calculate car flows, select types and determine the size of warehouses, design a freight yard, and develop a technology for freight and commercial work at the station and access roads.

Initial data

1. Scheme cargo station (View 1)

2. Freight dead-end area.

H. Volumes cargo work, thousand tons per year

4. Characteristics of cargo.

Container-piece (carload shipments): package weight 0.41 t;

Number of package tiers in the car: 2;

Medium-tonnage containers 3 tons gross 60%, 5 -T gross 40%;

Heavy cargo: average weight 3.4 tons

5. Route gross weight t.

6. The composition of the transfer train is 32 cars.

7. PP1 is served by a station locomotive,

PP2 - the locomotive of the branch owner.


1.1 Characteristics of the station and industrial area.

The given freight station is located in a railway junction, which is a complex of technologically connected stations located on the same highway and jointly serving a large city.

To service freight traffic, the hub has a marshalling station, where operations are carried out on the disbandment and formation of freight trains and the passage of transit trains.

To serve passenger traffic, there is a passenger station located closer to the main residential areas of the city and with appropriate facilities.

The freight station is located in an industrial area and has convenient connections to the marshalling yard and entrances from the city. The following operations are performed at the cargo station:

Technical - disbanding and formation of trains, supply and cleaning of cars at freight fronts, processing of trains upon arrival and departure;

Commercial - receiving, weighing and issuing cargo, processing transportation documents, calculating freight slabs and settlements with senders and recipients, cargo tracing, financial and cash reporting;

Freight - loading, unloading, reloading and sorting.

The cargo station consists of a transport and warehouse complex, a technical park with receiving and dispatch tracks, sorting and exhaust tracks. The freight station also houses a technical office, the premises of the station duty officer and shunting dispatcher, a wagon maintenance point, etc. Access roads are adjacent to the freight station.

Access road PP1 serves a house-building plant, PP2 serves a woodworking plant and a metallurgical plant


At this node, through the marshalling yard, the local flow of transfer trains and routes is sent to the freight station, where the transfer trains are disbanded.

After the transfer trains are disbanded, the cars are picked up and delivered to the freight fronts for cargo operations.

1.2 Selecting the type of rolling stock and determining the volume of cargo work.

The variety of cargo transported by railways determines the structure of the freight car fleet. It consists of wagons of various types, adapted for the transportation of individual types or groups of cargo. Freight cars must meet certain operational requirements that ensure their rational use, safety of cargo and minimal transportation costs.

The type of rolling stock is selected based on the characteristics of the cargo and in accordance with the Rules for the carriage of goods.

We will present the selection results in the form of a table

Selecting the type of rolling stock.

We calculate technical loading standards for packaged unit cargo:

P tech = Q pack x M pack; (1.1)

Where Q pack is the weight of the package - 0.41 t according to the original data;

M pack - the number of packages in the car; with 2-tier loading, 64 packages are placed in a covered car. Рtech=0.41 Х64-26.24 t. (1.1)

We calculate technical loading standards for medium-tonnage containers:

Рtech = 11 xQky; (1.2)

Where 11 is the number of conventional containers placed on a container ship, pcs.

Q ku ~ load of a conventional container, t/cont, is determined by the formula:

L 3 x q 3 + L 5 x q 5.

Oku= ------;(1.3)

Where L 3, L 5 are the share of 3 and 5 ton containers, respectively - 50% each according to the initial data,

q 3 , q 5 - net load of a 3 and 5 ton container, respectively, taken for 3 ton - 1.75 t/cont., for 5 ton - 3.5 t/cont.

Oku= (0.6x 1.75 +0.4x3.5)/ (0.6 +2 x 0.4)=2.45/1.4- 1.75 (1.3)

Рtech=11xl,75=19.25 t. (1.2)

We calculate technical loading standards for heavy cargo:

P tech =0.5 x Pgr; (1.4)

Where Рgr is the carrying capacity of the car, tons we take Рgr = 69 tons.

Rtech = 0.5 x 69 = 34.5 t. (1.4)

For other cargoes, technical standards for loading wagons are adopted on the basis of Reference material for coursework and diploma design but “Organization and mechanization of cargo work” Part 1, Yekaterinburg, URGAPS.

Daily allowance amountscar flow are determined by the formula:

Nday =---------; (1.5)

Where Q day is the daily cargo flow upon arrival or departure, t/day.

Daily freight traffic is determined by the formula:

Q year x Kn

Qcyt=------; (1.6)

where Q year is the annual cargo flow upon arrival or departure, t/year

Kn - coefficient of unevenness of cargo transportation

For packaged cargo:

Q pr.tar-sht day = 40,000 x 1.1 / 365 - 120.5 tons. N pr.tar-sht day = 120.5 / 26.24 - 4.59 = 5 cars

Q from.tar-piece =50000x1.1/365=150.7 tons. N from.tar-piece day =150.7 / 26.24 =5.7=6 cars.

For cargo in medium-tonnage containers:

Q pr.av.con day = 110,000 x 1.1 / 365 =331.5 tons. N pr.av.con day = 33 1.5/ 19.25 =17.2 = 18 cars

Q from avg. con day = 120,000 x 1.1 / 365 - 361.6 tons. N from avg. con day - 361.6 / 19.25 = 18.8 = 19 cars,

* For heavy loads:

Q ave. heavy day = 140000x1.1 /365 = 421.9 t. N straight days =421.9 /34.5 =12.2= 13 carriages.

Q from.heavy days =130,000 x l,l / 365 =391.8t. N heavy days = 391.8 / 34.5 =11.4=12 carriages.

Daily volume of cargo work at the station

Cargo point Type of cargo Freight turnover Car turnover
Arr. Send Arr. Send
1 2 3 4 5 6
GR Packaged pieces 120,5 150,7 5 6
Medium-tonnage containers 331,5 361,6 18 19
Heavyweight 421, 9 391,8 13 12
Total GR 837,9 904,1 36 37
PP1 Concrete products - 493, 2 - 13
Total PP1 - 493, 2 - 13
PP2 Coke 558, 9 - 10 -
Oil - 482,2 - 9
Total PP2 558, 9 482,2 10 9
Total per station 1432,8 1879,5 46 59

To ensure timely loading of goods at the enterprise, increasing the productivity of cars, it is necessary to improve the organization of empty car flows by increasing the number of dual operations, that is, maximizing the loading of goods at the station and access roads due to cars released after unloading.

The main provisions for the organization and implementation of cargo transportation in domestic traffic are determined by the Railway Charter.

Railways and shippers, when systematically carrying out cargo transportation, can enter into long-term agreements on the organization of transportation. Transportation contracts establish the volumes, terms and conditions for the provision of vehicles and the presentation of goods for transportation, the payment procedure, as well as other conditions.

Transportation of goods by rail is carried out on the basis of requests from shippers submitted to transportation operators (logistics companies). The application is submitted in three copies indicating the volume of cargo transportation in wagons and tons in accordance with the established nomenclature of goods. The application form is established and published in the collection of rules and tariffs for railway transport.

Cargo transportation is carried out cargo(or high) speed. The criteria for determining the speed of cargo transportation, as well as the directions in which cargo is transported at high speed, are established by Russian Railways JSC. The list of these directions is published in the collection of transportation rules and tariffs. The speed of transportation is chosen and specified by the shipper.

Freight transportation fees are charged for the shortest transportation distance. Determining transportation distances is the prerogative of the Russian Ministry of Railways. Sometimes freight charges may be charged based on the actual distance traveled. Shippers may present goods for transportation and declare them values. The declared value of goods is subject to the charges specified in the tariff manual.

Shippers are required to prepare goods for transportation in such a way as to ensure traffic safety, safety of cargo, wagons, containers. Requirements for containers and packaging of goods, the quality of transported products must be provided for by standards and technical conditions approved by the relevant government bodies.

Railway station employees notify shippers about the time of delivery of wagons and containers for loading carried out by shippers no later than 2 hours before their delivery. The railway is obliged to provide for loading good inside And Externally cleaned wagons and containers suitable for transporting specific cargo.

Loading cargo loading into wagons and containers should be carried out based on technical standards for their loading. Accommodation And cargo securing in wagons and containers are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the technical conditions for placing and securing cargo. Transportation of goods on open rolling stock is allowed. The materials, packaging equipment and other devices necessary for loading and fastening are provided by the shippers. Installation and removal are carried out by shippers or consignees.

When presenting cargo for transportation, the shipper must provide for each shipment of cargo an appropriately executed railway consignment note and other necessary documents (Appendices 12–14). The consignment note and the cargo acceptance receipt issued on its basis to the consignor confirm the conclusion of the contract for the carriage of goods. In accordance with the contract of carriage, the railway undertakes to timely and safely deliver the cargo to the destination railway station in compliance with the conditions of transportation and release the cargo to the consignee. The shipper undertakes to pay for the carriage of goods.

When presenting goods for transportation, the shipper must indicate their mass, and upon presentation of containerized and piece goods also number of cargo places. The railway reserves the right to randomly check the weight of the cargo.

Loaded wagons and containers must be sealed by the railways, if the goods are loaded by the railways, or by the shippers, if the goods are loaded by them. If wagons or containers are opened for customs inspection, they are sealed with new locking and sealing devices by customs authorities.

Due to force majeure circumstances, interfering with the transportation of goods, loading and unloading of goods may be temporarily stopped or limited by the head of the departure railway. The head of the railway sets a deadline for stopping or limiting loading. Temporary suspension Loading due to current circumstances on the railways is permitted only in exceptional cases.

Payment for the transportation of cargo and other payments due to the railway are paid by the shipper, as a rule, before the cargo leaves the railway station. Final payments related to the transportation of cargo are made by the consignees upon arrival of the cargo at the destination station. Late payments will result in penalties or fines. Additional payments are also provided for cargo redirection.

Delivery times And rules for calculating these deadlines are approved by JSC Russian Railways, but shippers and railways can change them by mutual agreement. The date of acceptance of cargo for transportation and the date of expiration of the delivery period are indicated by the railway station of departure in the receipt issued to the shipper for acceptance of cargo. The railway is obliged to notify the consignee about cargo arriving at his address no later than 12 noon, following the day of arrival. The procedure and method of notification are determined at the destination station. The railway may, in accordance with the contract, provide the consignee with preliminary information about the arrival of cargo at his address.

The cargo is issued at the destination station to the consignee after paying them the fee for the transportation of cargo and other payments due to the railway. The consignee's signature on the road manifest serves as confirmation of the delivery of the cargo.

Important in the organization and implementation of railway transportation in domestic communications are also the issues of payment for the use of wagons and containers, responsible storage of goods in case of unclaimed cargo, inspection of cargo upon delivery, penalties for downtime of vehicles, carrying out and payment for cleaning wagons and the conditions for its implementation.

A separate chapter of the Railway Charter is devoted to issues of intermodal cargo transportation.

In particular, it is stated that transportation of goods in direct mixed traffic carried out on the basis of a single transport document (waybill), drawn up for the entire route of the cargo.

This section of the Charter resolves issues of interaction between railway transport and road and sea transport, issues of transfer of goods from one mode of transport to another, mutual procedure for the provision of containers, the procedure for the acceptance and delivery of goods at ports and other transshipment points, sealing of wagons and containers, general terms of delivery of goods , charges for transportation in intermodal traffic, mutual consideration of standards for working with vehicles (cars), mutual property liability for delays and a number of other issues.

Railways bear property liability for failure to fulfill an accepted application for the transportation of goods, for failure to deliver wagons or containers. Shippers bear property liability for failure to present cargo, failure to use wagons and containers, or refusal to use them. The amount of property liability depends on many factors, but in any case it is calculated based on the minimum wage.

Shippers are exempt from payment of fines for failure to fulfill a transportation request accepted by the railway due to:

  • occurrence of force majeure circumstances;
  • the occurrence of circumstances under which it is prohibited to carry out loading and unloading operations, as well as an accident at the shipper, as a result of the cessation of the shipper’s production activities;
  • non-use of wagons submitted in excess of the application.

Railway exempt from payment of fines upon the occurrence of circumstances:

  • force majeure (force majeure circumstances);
  • cessation or restriction of cargo loading;
  • failure to pay by shippers for previously delivered wagons or containers;
  • delays by shippers of previously delivered wagons or containers.

The railway bears property liability for the failure of the cargo after acceptance for transportation and until its delivery to the consignee, unless it proves that the loss or damage was not due to its fault. In this case, the railway is obliged to compensate for damage in the amount by which the value of the cargo has decreased and up to the amount of its declared value. The cargo is considered lost if it has not been released to the consignee after 30 days from the date of expiration of the delivery period or after 4 months. from the date of acceptance of cargo for transportation in mixed traffic. The railway also bears property liability for delays in delivery.

Railway exempt from property liability, in particular if:

  • the reasons for damage or loss depended on the cargo owner;
  • occurred due to the natural properties of the cargo ;
  • defects in containers or packaging that could not be noticed when loading the cargo at the departure station;
  • transportation was carried out accompanied by a representative of the cargo owner;
  • the loss or shortage occurred due to incomplete or incorrect information entered by the shipper into the consignment note.

Shippers bear financial responsibility for incorrect information, specified in the invoice, delay of wagons, every hour of container delay, exceeding the carrying capacity of wagons or containers.

Cargo owners are required to repair wagons and containers at their own expense if their damage is due to their fault. In turn, the railway must repair wagons and containers belonging to shippers or consignees if their damage was caused by the fault of the railway.

The circumstances that are the basis for the liability of railways, shippers or consignees are certified commercial acts or acts of general form(Appendices 15 and 17).

Commercial act is compiled:

  • when unloading wagons or containers in public areas (stations) - on the day of unloading;
  • when unloading wagons or containers in non-public areas - on the day of unloading or during the unloading process;
  • en route – on the day of discovery of circumstances subject to registration by a commercial act.

At inability to draw up a commercial act within the specified time frame it should be completed within the next 24 hours. The commercial act is drawn up in triplicate and filled out without blots or erasures.

The commercial act must contain:

  • accurate and detailed description of the condition of the goods;
  • information about whether cargo is loaded, placed and secured correctly.

For perishable goods, an extract from the temperature log is attached to the commercial act.

Persons who drew up and signed a commercial act containing false information are liable in accordance with Russian legislation. The commercial act is signed by the recipient, if he participates in the inspection, and by railway employees.

Before presentation to the railway claim, arising in connection with the carriage of goods, it is necessary to present a claim to the railway. The following have the right to file a claim arising in connection with transportation or a claim:

  • the consignor or consignee in case of loss of cargo, shortage, damage or deterioration;
  • in case of delay in delivery;
  • in case of delay in delivery of cargo.

TO claims supporting original documents or certified copies must be attached.

Claims against the railway can be filed within 6 months, claims regarding fines and penalties - within 45 days. The railroad must review the claim and notify the claimant of the outcome in writing within 30 days of receipt of the claim. The consignor or consignee may transfer their rights to file claims and claims to other legal entities or individuals through the proper execution of an agency agreement or power of attorney.

1.3 Organization of transportation by rail

Railway transport is the main link in the unified transport system of the Russian Federation. It is distinguished by regularity of movement in all seasons, high speed, ability to handle massive flows of cargo and passengers, and relatively low cost of transportation. These advantages make railway transport universal for transporting all types of goods in inter-district and intra-district communications and passengers in suburban, local and long-distance communications. However, given the large capital investments spent on the construction of railways, its use is most effective when there is a significant concentration of freight and passenger flows

The predominant cargoes are coal (more than 17%), oil (12.5%), ferrous metals, timber and ores (6% each), grain cargoes, chemical and mineral fertilizers (3.5% each), cement (3%). They make up about 60% of the total shipment of goods by rail. In the transportation of goods, railway transport occupies a leading position; in 2000, about 1047 million tons were transported by this type of transport. While pipeline -829 million tons, automobile -550 million tons

Today, the length of public railways is 86 thousand km. And it ranks 3rd after Canada and the USA, accounting for 7% of all railways in the world. However, the length of tracks in Russia is not increasing, but on the contrary, decreasing, for example, if by 1997. the length of roads was 87 thousand km, then by 1998. – 86 thousand km and to this day this figure has not changed.

Container and packaging of goods

Based on current product standards, depending on the type of packaging, cargo is divided into three groups:

1) transported in containers; 2) transported without containers with partial protection of individual units (parts); 3) transported without containers.

Transportability of goods is achieved using packaging, which is a combination of containers and packaging materials, or the use of special means that facilitate loading and unloading and securing cargo.

A container is a product into which finished products, semi-finished products or raw materials are placed for qualitative and quantitative preservation during transportation from the place of production or procurement of products to the place of their consumption and storage. Containers are divided into consumer, additional and transport.

Consumer packaging is a container in which goods are packaged for delivery to the consumer (flasks, bottles, boxes, cans, packs, etc.).

Additional packaging (barrier, group) is intended for products pre-packaged in consumer packaging. Additional containers serve to protect products mainly from climatic and aggressive environmental influences, and also serve to enlarge and complete batches of products. This includes boxes, covers, bags, cardboard boxes, etc.

Transport containers are used for packaging a variety of goods, pre-packed in consumer and additional containers, as well as unpacked. It provides the necessary protection mainly against mechanical damage during transportation of packaged cargo.

Transport packaging includes wooden, metal, cardboard boxes and boxes made of polymer materials, barrels, drums, flasks, bags and other types of containers.

Depending on the rigidity of the structure, i.e. the ability to maintain its original shape, containers are divided into rigid, semi-rigid and soft.

Rigid containers are made from metal, plastic, wood, glass, cardboard, wood fiber materials and paper pulp.

For the manufacture of hollow containers, plastics, paper, some types of cardboard, and polymer materials are used.

Soft containers are made from fabric, films, paper, polymer and combined materials. Although the concept of packaging does not include containers, pallets, and various types of specialized vehicles, they partially assume its functions. Packaging and auxiliary materials are used for wrapping, tight packing and cushioning to protect the cargo from damage. They are used when packaging cargo in consumer and transport containers, as well as when placing it directly in a container. Packaging and auxiliary materials include wood, paper, cardboard, plastics, cotton wool, fabrics, foam plastic, combined and other similar materials.

Protection of cargo from damage and loss consists of applying a set of measures that include the correct selection of packaging materials, compliance with the rules of loading and unloading, transportation and storage, taking into account the characteristics of the cargo and the influence of various external factors that affect the cargo and packaging materials. During loading and unloading, transportation and storage, cargo is affected by three main groups of external influences:

M echanical - shocks, jolts, vibration, static loads, friction;

climatic - the influence of precipitation, humid air, sea fog, solar radiation, temperature changes, etc.;

b i o l o g i c e - the influence of the vital activity of organisms, insects and rodents.

Taking these factors into account, containers and packaging materials must be selected correctly and appropriately, calculated and applied for different climatic regions.

The protective complex in general includes sequentially the following basic processes: preservation, wrapping in paper, fabric or other material, packaging in containers - consumer, additional, transport. Depending on the properties of the cargo, all processes of the protective complex or some of them can be used.

Packaging, along with its main function of cargo protection, must provide: ease of loading, unloading and storage operations by mechanized and manual methods; the most complete use of all vehicles in terms of volume, area and carrying capacity of the container, neat appearance of the container and preservation of the presentation of the packaged cargo.

Products that are not subject to damage from mechanical and atmospheric influences, but have components or parts that are susceptible to damage and deterioration (treated working surfaces, built-in mechanisms), are allowed to be transported open with partial protection. It is carried out using conservation lubricants, varnishes, wrapping with waterproof materials, installing wooden panels, caps, and covering easily damaged areas with boards.

Packaged goods are allowed for transportation only if the container meets the technical requirements set out in state standards. Shippers are required to present cargo for transportation by direct rail, water and direct mixed rail-water transport in containers that ensure the safety of the cargo when transported in rolling stock of railways, on road transport and on ships of shipping companies. In this case, climatic conditions along the route and destination of the cargo must also be taken into account. The shipper is responsible for the strength of the packaging, the location and stability of the cargo inside it.

The dimensions and design of the container must ensure the best use of the carrying capacity and capacity of wagons and ships. Piece cargo must be packaged or combined into larger loading units (packs, bundles, skeins).

In order to improve quality. containers to ensure the safety of products during transportation and storage, as well as more rational use of materials, a number of new standards have recently been introduced and changes have been made to the existing ones.

Standards for containers are divided into general standards (installation standards), which set out general technical requirements, provide calculations of structural elements (thickness of materials, types, designs, etc.) and standards specific types of containers for packaging certain products. The first type of standards is usually used to develop standards of the second type.

Standards specialized for certain types of products take into account the specific requirements of the product, without which its safety cannot be ensured (increased cleanliness of processing, the use of additional protective coatings, the nature of the connection of parts, etc.).

The most commonly used types of transport packaging are: boxes of various types - dense board, lattice, tray boxes (for berries), panel boxes, plywood (matches, tea), corrugated cardboard (food containers) and others, as well as drums, barrels.

The technical requirements for containers and packaging of goods transported to the Far North and remote areas are set out in a special GOST. GOST has increased the requirements: the boxes are reinforced with steel tape, the cargo is separated by spacers, a 50 mm high grate is installed at the bottom of the container, etc.

The purpose of the marking is to clearly demonstrate the following mandatory requirements:

1) each dispatched cargo unit must follow a certain path and reach its destination;

2) the cargo unit should be handled with care during storage, transportation, loading and unloading and unpacking;

3) the cargo must be delivered complete and intact.

The types of cargo units are as follows: 1) containerized cargo; 2) cargo without containers or partially packaged; 3) several units of cargo without containers, fastened in the form of a bundle; 4) several pieces of cargo in containers that make up the package.

Correct, clear labeling of goods is a necessary condition for their rapid delivery while maintaining quality during transportation.

Labeling of transport containers is regulated

GOST 14192 - 77. Marking of goods. This standard establishes the rules for marking transport containers with cargo during storage, loading and unloading operations and transportation by all types of transport. This GOST does not apply to the labeling of containers containing dangerous, perishable goods that require special hygienic or quarantine conditions, as well as to labeling of an advertising nature.

The markings must contain distinctive text and, if necessary, warning signs. The distinctive text consists of main and additional inscriptions.

The main inscriptions are the name of the recipient and the destination.

Additional inscriptions include: weight of the package - gross and net in kilograms, size of the package - length, width and height, if they exceed 1 m;-

sender's name; departure point; the serial number of each package and the number of packages - separated by a fraction; sender's signs - symbols of packaged products in the numerator of the fraction before the serial number.

Warning signs must indicate the correct way to handle the load -

a) - “be careful, fragile!”; b) - “do not grab directly with hooks”; c) - “top, don’t turn over”; d) - “afraid of heating”;

d) - “slinging place”; f) - “afraid of dampness”; g) - “center of gravity”; h) - “sealed container”; i) - “afraid of radiation.”

When transporting cargo in covered rolling stock, paper, cardboard or plywood labels are used to mark containers. In case of long-term storage of cargo, markings may be applied directly to the container.

When accepting small and low-tonnage shipments for transportation at public places, in addition to marking by the sender, the departure station or shipper applies railway markings to each piece of cargo. It is indicated in a fraction: in the numerator - the serial number of the book for accepting cargo for departure and through a dash - the number of places; in the denominator - the conditional number of the departure road and through the dash - the conditional number of the departure station. Railroad markings should generally be placed on the same side of the package as the shipping markings and appear on the delivery note.

When transporting cargo on open rolling stock or by sea, markings should be clearly and legibly applied with indelible paint directly on the container or metal labels. Hand markings are not permitted. For marking, black varnish and enamel of the corresponding brands are recommended.

Recently, a number of technical devices for marking goods have appeared that are easily integrated into the production process. Among them are the LCP/1000 system, which allows the use of a contactless method of applying large fonts when marking and coding packaging items, and the Lasermark device, which provides marking of packages using a fundamentally new method, without the use of dyes.

The laser marking device can be used in food, chemical and other industries.

Marking of containers when delivering goods for export must be done in accordance with the sample given in the work order. Inscriptions for export deliveries are made in the language specified in the purchase order. When delivering tropical export cargo, the letter “T” in a circle and the packaging date in a circle should be marked on the container with red paint: the numerator is the month, the denominator is the year. The size of the “T” sign is 50 mm, the month and year digits are 30 mm.

Markings and labels when transporting dangerous goods involving sea transport must comply with the requirements of the Rules for the carriage of dangerous goods by sea, and when transporting by rail - with the requirements of the Rules for the transport of dangerous goods by rail.

Characteristics of cars.

The design of freight fleet cars influences the safety of cargo, the speed of cargo operations, the efficiency of transportation, the safety of train traffic, the safety of cargo, the maximum use of carrying capacity and capacity, ensuring comprehensive mechanization of loading and unloading operations and reducing the downtime of cars during cargo operations.

The fleet of freight cars consists of universal (covered, flat cars, gondola cars) and specialized ones. Universal cars can carry almost all cargo, while specialized cars can carry only those for which they are intended.

Specialized cars include tanks, isothermal, grain, flour, cement, dump cars, hoppers for transportation of cement, mineral fertilizers, grain,

special tanks for transporting cement, flour, caustic soda, alcohol, liquefied gases, viscous substances, two-tier platforms for cars, conveyors for heavy loads, etc.

According to the loading method, cars are divided into open and closed. Open cars have significant advantages over covered ones: there is a greater possibility of mechanizing loading and unloading operations, lower downtime of cars due to faster loading and unloading, lower costs for construction, repair, maintenance, transportation of long, bulky cargo is possible.

One of the important characteristics of a freight car is its carrying capacity, which is understood as the maximum load of the car allowed by its design, established by the Ministry of Railways, taking into account the full safety of train traffic.

The specific carrying capacity of a car is the number of tons of carrying capacity per 1 m "of the geometric volume of the body (t/m").

The carrying capacity and capacity of the car can be fully used with a specific carrying capacity equal to the density of the cargo, i.e., the mass of 1 m" of cargo in the form and condition in which it is transported by rail. If the density of the cargo is less than the specific carrying capacity of the car, the capacity of the car is used completely, but the load capacity - not completely, with high density - vice versa.

When developing plans for the transportation of goods by rail, the indicators used are the technical loading standard and the static load of the car.

The technical norm for loading a car is the mandatory amount of cargo that must be loaded into a given type of car when the capacity or carrying capacity is fully used. This norm is established for each specific type of wagon when loading it with a specific cargo (for wagons - in tons, for containers - in kilograms). Network technical standards for loading wagons are developed and established by the Ministry of Railways, local standards for loading roads.

The static load of a car is the number of tons of loaded cargo per car on average. When planning transportation, the static load is determined based on technical standards for loading cars and the ratio of four-, six- and eight-axle cars in the total number of physical units when transporting a given cargo:

The share of four-, six-, eight-axle cars, respectively, involved in transportation;

- technical standard for loading four-, six-, eight-axle cars with this cargo.

Settlements; the direction and capacity of the main transport and economic connections; location of large resort and tourist facilities.1 2. Comparative characteristics of the activities of various types of transport in a unified transport system. Railway transport is the leading transport system in Russia. Its leading importance is due to two factors: technical and economic advantages over...

Operation. In passenger transportation, the most important indicators are compliance with the schedule and timetable, fulfillment of the passenger transportation plan.” Railway transport plays a key role in the Russian economy. The share of rail transportation in total cargo turnover exceeds 80%; the importance of railways is especially great when transporting goods over long distances. For most...

USA or EU countries. The main supplier of cargo for railway transport is industry, which accounts for up to 90% of the total volume of cargo. 1.3 Analysis and economic assessment of railway transport activities In Russia, 41 thousand km of railways have been electrified and more than 45 thousand km have been converted to diesel traction, which respectively amounts to 47.6% and 52.4% in...

A link between various modes of transport and means of distribution of goods both between the regions of Kazakhstan and in interstate traffic. For the Republic of Kazakhstan, highways are of great importance, along which the bulk of goods and passengers are transported. Therefore, in order to attract transit cargo, it is necessary to improve the communication network, develop service...

Relations between railway transport, shippers and consignees are regulated Transport Charter of the Russian Railways, rules of freight transportation, concluded contracts.

At large stations, freight forwarding offices are organized that perform operations to service shippers and consignees (FEC). In some large cities, transport and forwarding services are organized by motor transport enterprises. Transport and forwarding offices, under contracts with shippers and consignees, undertake the delivery of goods prepared for shipment from the station to the recipient's warehouses, containers to the places of unloading and loading, registration of all transport documentation, and also inform consignees about the goods that have arrived at their address.

Rail transportation is classified according to several criteria. According to planning features, they are divided into local - within the same railway, direct - if the cargo is transported on several railways, mixed - if other modes of transport are involved. Rail transportation is also differentiated by speed. Goods can be shipped by freight (small), large and passenger speeds. Most transportation is carried out at freight speed in regular freight train cars.

Perishable goods are sent mainly at high speed in special trains. Small consignments of goods are transported in baggage cars of passenger trains at passenger speed.

The lowest railway tariffs are for freight (slow) speed transportation, the highest are for high speed, and the highest are for passenger transport.

Based on the size of shipments, a distinction is made between small shipments, container shipments, wagon shipments and route shipments (a group of wagons or an entire train). Small shipment is considered to be the transportation of goods in containers weighing up to 10 tons. Tariffs for small shipments are higher than usual. When transporting goods in containers, a special fee is charged, so the tariffs here are slightly higher than those for small shipments, but lower than the tariffs for small shipments.

Before the cargo is transferred to the railway, the cape is filled; the railway invoices are handed over to the station's cash desk to indicate the day of delivery and

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numbers of the storeroom to which the cargo should be delivered. This is necessary for completing a carload of shipments from various shippers.

Wagons filled with goods sent to several consignees are called prefabricated cars. Such cars are sent both to several consignees located in the service area of ​​one station, and to consignees located in the service area of ​​2-3 stations of one railway.

Goods are shipped in wagon lots both from the shipper's rail warehouse and from the loading platform of the railway station. The lot size must correspond to the total capacity of the wagon supplied. The station has the right to charge a fine for incomplete use of the carriage capacity. Before loading, warehouse workers must check the serviceability of the delivered wagon and its sanitary suitability for the transportation of goods.

Loading of a supplied wagon must be completed within the time established for the given cargo and type of wagon. The loaded car is locked with a wire twist and sealed, after which it is handed over to the weigher of the freight station and at the same time a railway waybill is issued.

Personal responsibility for unsatisfactory use of wagons rests with the heads of trade organizations. Losses are being recovered from the guilty parties due to excessive downtime of wagons.

The railway is responsible for the safety of cargo along the route, both in quantity and quality, as well as for delivery times. If there is a shortage or damage to cargo due to the fault of the railway, it is liable in the full amount of the damage caused.

The delivery time of cargo by rail is determined based on the daily passage of cargo: at low speed for route dispatch - 550 km, by wagon and container - ".MIND) km, shallow - 180 km; high speed in trains with machine cooling - 660 km. I add the delivery time to the estimated mileage! 2 days each for cargo processing at departure and destination stations. The delivery time calculation begins at 24:00 on the day of acceptance of the cargo for transportation, indicated in the consignment note. For delay, the railway pays a penalty.

To transport goods by rail, covered freight cars, platforms, tanks, insulated wagons and tanks are used.

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