How to open a business for the production and sale of greenhouses and greenhouses. Business in the production of greenhouses Manufacturing of greenhouses as a business idea

Questions 16.10.2023

Home production of fresh organic vegetables in greenhouses is gaining popularity every day. There is an economic justification for this:

  • firstly, products are becoming more expensive every day;
  • secondly, more and more people are concerned about their healthy eating.

Today, consumers think about what products they consume, and they are ready to purchase high-quality fresh vegetables. In addition, economic realities make certain adjustments. It becomes more expedient to buy domestic products than imported ones.

The agricultural market quickly responds to changes in demand. As a result, new greenhouse farms are appearing in all regions, developing at a rapid pace. In these conditions, the greenhouse production business has interesting prospects for development.

The target audience of such a business is quite diverse:

  • summer residents who want to grow vegetables as a hobby, i.e. for their own needs;
  • small farms for which growing vegetables is another source of income;
  • large greenhouse complexes engaged in vegetable growing on an industrial scale.

Depending on the size and purpose, the design of the greenhouse and its equipment will differ. If in the first case the simplest design is sufficient, then for industry the greenhouse must be equipped professionally, because the success of the business and its competitive ability depend on this.

In addition, the design of a polycarbonate greenhouse can be successfully used for other purposes, which will significantly expand the range of consumers. This is described in detail at the end of the article.

Production of polycarbonate greenhouses as a business

Greenhouses made of cellular polycarbonate are actually the most popular on the market today. This is explained by the low cost of the source material, as well as its fairly good performance properties. It does not break as easily as glass, but at the same time it is able to provide maximum penetration of sunlight. In addition, polycarbonate has good heat saving properties.

The service life of polycarbonate is 30-35 years, this is an excellent indicator that no other material alternative to glass for the manufacture of greenhouses can compete with. But not every type of polycarbonate is suitable for making greenhouses. Types are divided according to their structure:

Type 2R is not immediately suitable because it is too weak. Types 3RX and 6RX are the most durable, but their transparency cannot provide sufficient sunlight transmission, which is very important for greenhouses. Therefore, the best option is 3R or a little stronger than 5R. The same sheet thickness can differ significantly in structure. When choosing a material, be sure to pay attention to the structure!

To start a business you will need a small set of equipment.

Equipment for the production of greenhouses with your own hands:

  1. Manual pipe bending machine PROMA TR-04 0001. It will be needed for the manufacture of a frame made from steel pipes. The cost of a pipe bender for greenhouse production is $250. However, it can vary depending on the level of its performance and functionality.
  2. Pendulum cutting machine. It cuts steel pipes and profiles. The cost of the simplest device starts from $300.
  3. Professional jigsaw Metabo STEB 135 plus $270 for cutting polycarbonate at home. This jigsaw model has a well-thought-out sawdust suction system, which cools the blade to some extent. Professional cutting of polycarbonate is performed with a laser; you just need to have the skills to use this expensive tool. The laser may leave charred, fused edges at the cut site due to the high temperature.
  4. Drill.
  5. Screwdriver.
  6. Spanners.
  7. Measuring devices: tape measure, caliper, protractor.

The total cost of the starting equipment kit is $650. With such equipment, of course, you are unlikely to be able to master industrial scale, but you can make greenhouses for private orders and small farms.

Greenhouse manufacturing process

Making a greenhouse can be done by any owner who has minimal skills in working with tools. It consists of the following stages:

  • preparation and planning of the structure;
  • assembly of the base frame;
  • fastening polycarbonate sheets;
  • installation of a greenhouse on the site.

First you need to plan the whole structure. The structure and shape of the base depends on its size as shown in the diagram:

Manufacturing the frame base is the most critical stage, because the service life of the entire structure, its reliability and functionality depend on the quality of its execution.

For the frame, pipes, steel profiles of different sections or reinforcement are taken. The metal base is bent radially, giving it the desired shape, and secured together with connecting crosses and tees. See the following diagram:

If the base consists of a square rather than a pipe, then the crosspieces for fastening are of the following type:

Now all that remains is to pour the foundation and install the finished structure, although there are greenhouses installed without a foundation. Windows and doors are inserted into the finished greenhouse. Now you can start using it.

The average cost of such a greenhouse, provided it is manufactured independently, is at the level of $7/m2 (without installation). A ready-made greenhouse with a minimum configuration costs on the market about $10-12 per 1m2 (without installation).

Creation of a greenhouse microclimate

Making and installing a greenhouse is only part of the process. This is enough for growing tomatoes and cucumbers in the country, but if you want more, then you should take care of additional equipment for greenhouses. We are talking about installing equipment for heating, ventilation and lighting. Here, the cost of finished products and the business as a whole can increase significantly. That is, this business can be significantly scaled not only in quantity, but also in the quality of products produced, creating a wide range of products. The greenhouse can be equipped with various devices to create the most favorable conditions for growing large crops. It can be shown schematically like this:

There are also many ways to heat greenhouses. Some heat with gas or electricity. More advanced farms are mastering energy-saving technologies: heating using recovery and using their own generated heat, using heat pumps, etc. This method allows you to save up to half the heating budget, while making it possible to grow vegetables all year round. Some manufacturers offer the most economical option for maintaining optimal temperature due to the design features of a thermos greenhouse, which uses the heat/cold of the earth and retains heat with IR radiation screens. You can see it in detail in the diagram:

At the stage of business development, you can offer customers the simplest but very useful components: a thermal drive for automatic ventilation and LED lighting.

Thermal actuator for greenhouses

This device operates without electronics and this is its simplicity, efficiency and reliability. The thermal actuator is a rod stop hydraulic cylinder, which contains a low-boiling liquid. As the temperature rises, the liquid expands and pushes the rod out of the hydraulic cylinder, which opens the window or door of the greenhouse. When the temperature drops, it closes on the contrary. You shouldn’t skimp on quality here, because the fate of the crop depends to some extent on the thermal drive. They should be selected with thin cylinders, so the liquid will be more sensitive to temperature changes.

LED lamps for greenhouses

The situation with connecting lighting looks similar. Standard incandescent lamps are an ineffective way to extend daylight hours in a greenhouse. What is attractive here is their low cost, but the operation of such lamps ends up being quite expensive, given the fact that they will work for you for about 5 hours every day.

An alternative option is LED lighting. Yes, a special LED lamp for greenhouses costs much more than a regular lamp, but it has two undeniable advantages:

  1. The service life of an LED lamp is 10 times longer than a conventional one.
  2. Minimal energy consumption allows you to light the greenhouse for as long as needed without feeling the strain on your budget.
  3. Allows lighting at reduced voltage.
  4. Reliably protected from mechanical damage during operation (accidental impacts, etc.).
  5. The LED has an emission spectrum close to that of the sun.
  6. You can programmatically adjust the glow pattern and radiation wavelength, which allows you to increase the yield by 1.5 times.
  7. They are much more efficient than fluorescent lamps.

In central Russia you cannot do without greenhouses. They are used by both amateur summer residents and professional farmers. Their quality and functionality, of course, are different. There are many models on the market today in different shapes and from a variety of materials. Thanks to the constant demand for these designs, you can open a profitable business. To do this, you will need the necessary equipment and production space for the production of greenhouses.

  • What equipment to choose for making greenhouses?
  • Greenhouse manufacturing technology
  • Polycarbonate production
  • How much can you earn making greenhouses?
  • Step-by-step plan for starting a business
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • Which OKVED code must be specified for the production of greenhouses
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Which tax system to choose for greenhouse production
  • Do I need permission to open?
  • Business technology

What equipment to choose for making greenhouses?

To produce polycarbonate greenhouses you will need a fairly spacious room. The technology consists of two stages:

  • manufacturing a frame (for this, profile pipes with dimensions of 20x20 or 25x25 are used);
  • laying polycarbonate sheets on the base.

To work you need the following equipment:

Of the special equipment, the last position can be highlighted. A pipe bender is also called a profile bender or profile pipe bender. This equipment is classified as a roller device due to the workpiece feeding system for bending. For industrial purposes, three-roller machines are most often used. They allow workpieces to be bent to large radii. The standard configuration allows you to do this in one plane. There are additional devices that make it possible to bend profiled pipes even in a spiral.

There is also a manual version of this equipment. It is suitable only for very small workshops. In mass production, its use is unprofitable. However, small production also has its reasons. This makes it easier to make custom-made structures according to the client’s sizes and preferences. For example, you can install a small greenhouse, which is not produced at large enterprises.

Equipment from CML and Ercolina is most in demand on the market. They are characterized by reliability, durability and economical energy consumption. There are models that are equipped with microprocessor control. They quite accurately repeat the specified dimensions of the workpieces. The time for manufacturing the structure is significantly reduced.

Among the domestic equipment, the automatic cold profiling line LA 157 is worthy of attention. Its productivity is 350 parts per hour, which are three meters long. The thickness of the tape is from 0.5 to 2 mm, and the width is from 50 to 210 mm. You can change the type of profile produced by changing the tooling on the line. It can have a different cross-section, be closed or open, profiled.

Domestic manufacturers often assemble lines according to customer specifications. Taking into account the characteristics of the future product, they complete the equipment with the necessary components and assemblies. Profiling is achieved by adding punching or piercing devices to the line. Cold-formed profiles have hooks and stiffeners. Using such a line, it is possible to produce arched and tunnel greenhouses for various purposes.

Greenhouse manufacturing technology

The two main components of any greenhouse are the frame and the cover. Previously, the base was made of wood, and the entire structure was covered with film or glass. Today there are modern materials that can make the conditions in the greenhouse more acceptable for plants. The design itself is quite light and mobile. An example of such a material is polycarbonate.

The parts are connected using a welding machine. They are customized and painted. The installation of polycarbonate most often occurs in the area where the greenhouse is installed. In the workshop, you need to provide all the small details: fasteners, fittings, slots for vents, and more.

An important factor in the manufacture of greenhouses is its design. It must be taken into account that the distance between the arcs and the number of horizontal guides determines what snow load the finished product can withstand. The time and quality of installation of the structure on site depends on how accurately all the details are completed in the workshop.

Polycarbonate production

Polycarbonate can be purchased ready-made from the manufacturer, or you can organize your own production. Then it will be possible to expand the range of your products and even make industrial hydroponic greenhouses. A polycarbonate production line is complex equipment. It consists of the following units:

The cost of such a line starts from 650 thousand rubles. The price depends on the power of the extruder, the speed of drawing the workpieces and the performance of the pulling device. Modern lines make it possible to produce high-strength plastic, which is in demand in the production of greenhouses.

How much can you earn making greenhouses?

A greenhouse as a business is a fairly profitable product. The cost of manufacturing a structure with an area of ​​18 square meters. m. - 11 thousand rubles. At retail they sell for 27-30 thousand rubles. Profit is easy to calculate. In a small production, two people can handle it quite well. Once installed, it will take about two days to make one greenhouse.

Another feature of the business is its seasonality. Demand for products increases in the spring. At this time, production may not have time to produce products. To optimize the production process, frames are prepared in the winter, and in the spring they mainly assemble structures at customer sites.

In the Russian climate, greenhouses and greenhouses often become the only reliable way to obtain a good harvest. There are several ways to produce and install greenhouses - it all depends on your financial capabilities and plans.

Climate change in recent decades has forced us to look for unconventional ways to grow vegetables and fruits. Growing crops in open ground has become more problematic due to the deteriorating environment, unstable weather conditions, often uncontrolled use of chemicals, etc.

Using greenhouses to grow crops became a way out. In addition, in the Russian climate, a greenhouse allows you to harvest crops much earlier, and often get harvests all year round, which significantly increases the profit of the business owner. Greenhouses are easily located on cottage and summer cottage plots, in summer health centers, farms and even on the territory of industrial enterprises.

Due to the above reasons, the production of greenhouses has become a promising type of business. Let's consider what is needed to organize this profitable and promising business.

Details of the business idea for greenhouse production

Let's consider several options for a “greenhouse” business. The meaning of such a business is the production and subsequent installation of greenhouses and greenhouses. A promising option for the development of such a business could be the production of winter gardens and greenhouses. They differ from greenhouses in the complexity of their design, the use of new materials and a much higher cost. However, the demand for such structures is constant, especially with good advertising and the reputation of the manufacturing company.

Greenhouses can be made from scratch using special equipment, purchased or rented. You can also purchase individual elements from manufacturers (supports, fences, stairs, doors, etc.) to complement your own designs.

There are three groups of greenhouses:

  • individual;
  • farm;
  • industrial.

The differences between them are in area, level of equipment, process automation and, of course, cost.

It is possible to manufacture the following types of greenhouses:

  • with a frame made of polyethylene pipes and a film cover;
  • with a wooden frame and frames with film or glass;
  • with a metal frame and wooden frames;
  • all metal with glass.

Ordinary glass is not used to make greenhouses because it does not transmit ultraviolet radiation, which is necessary for plant growth. You need to use special glass or plastic film.

Option 1

Specialized enterprises produce greenhouses of various sizes, ranging from the smallest with an area of ​​12 square meters. m and 24 sq. m. The cost of such greenhouses starts from 20,000 rubles. An interesting type of business could be the installation of greenhouses on site. Transporting the greenhouse is easy: the frame weighs 50-90 kg and can be transported in the trunk of a car. The cost of installing such greenhouses is about 10-20 thousand rubles.

Option 2

Greenhouses are usually made from polycarbonate, pipes and polyethylene film. The easiest way to make greenhouses is of the arched type, structurally consisting of arches attached to the soil surface without a foundation. Transparent film of different densities (depending on the customer’s wishes) is stretched over the arcs.

Installation of this design is very simple, the cost of materials is also low. To start a business, for this reason, the production and installation of arched greenhouses is unlikely to be justified. Additional costs will also include drawings, frame structures and covering materials. A small greenhouse will cost at least 8,000 rubles.

Option 3

Beginning businessmen can be recommended to start with the production of greenhouse pavilions made of polycarbonate. These are tall structures designed to accommodate a full-length person. Polycarbonate is durable (service life 30-35 years), with good thermal insulation. A sheet of cellular polycarbonate is attached to a pre-prepared frame made of galvanized iron. The sheets are connected to each other with factory sealed tape. To install such greenhouses, it is often necessary to concrete the foundation. And this is an additional well-paid job.

The production costs of such a greenhouse are low - only about 10,000 rubles. The entire complex of work lasting 2 days with the cost of the greenhouse will cost the client approximately 25,000 rubles.

An additional advantage of such a greenhouse is the absence of complex structures that need to be ordered separately. The client should be attracted by an individual approach to his order. A greenhouse or hotbed of the required size will be manufactured, and it will be installed exactly where needed. This is especially important for complex areas, where it is often necessary to install greenhouses near permanent buildings.

Specifics of the greenhouse business

To start working on the production and installation of greenhouses, you do not need large funds. If a production site with equipment for the production of greenhouse structures is not provided, then 70-80 thousand rubles is quite enough. The investment can be recouped very quickly if you have regular orders.

Industrial equipment for the production of structural elements of greenhouses can be acquired gradually as the business develops. A customer base is the main thing you need in this business. It will be necessary to take into account that the need for greenhouses is seasonal. Advertising should always be present in specialized publications for gardeners, farmers, etc. Place information about yourself in gardening associations and dacha communities. Place advertisements in rural regional newspapers, radio, TV.

The maximum demand for greenhouses is in spring and autumn. In winter, you will need to “switch” to winter gardens and greenhouses. Working with such structures is more complex, so you can start it after gaining some experience working with greenhouses. It is better to start a greenhouse business in February, before the start of the season. In this way, the invested funds can be quickly returned and invested in business development.

So here's an idea. You won’t surprise anyone with ready-made frame greenhouses. However, they have a huge drawback - they are standard sizes and their assembly leaves much to be desired, that is, they are short-lived. Therefore, it is always more pleasant to assemble such a greenhouse immediately on site, according to the size and requirements of the customer.

Material component. Arcs made from pipes of any profile are sold for 300-500 rubles apiece. An inventory welding machine allows you to weld metal passably even without knowledge of the basics of welding; it is enough to purchase an inventory welding machine and read the instructions on how to use it. Enamel paints are sold at any hardware store and can be applied without primer directly to rust. Cellular polycarbonate is also sold wherever people live. Metal pipes for crossbars and bases will be cut for you from any rolled metal mill with an accuracy of up to mm. The cost of rolled metal starts from 50 rubles per linear meter.

What do we have to do?

Work with your hands. Arrive at the customer's site. Prepare the site, level it, drive in lugs or mini-piles to the level, weld the base to them according to the measurements you made in advance when you took the advance payment. Attach the arcs to the base, connect them with crossbars - welding, bolts - whatever you like best. Why, you ask, is it better to use ready-made arches? Because their geometry is the same, and their dimensions exactly match the dimensions of the cellular polycarbonate sheets. But a pipe bending machine will take a long time to pay for itself, especially if you are going to start making greenhouses, then in 90% of cases you will make them standard - semicircle, 4x3, 6x3, etc. Therefore, you will use ready-made arches.

After assembling the frame, we paint it a couple of times. After 3 days, when the paint has dried, you install sheets of cellular polycarbonate and hand over the greenhouse to the customer.

If the customer does not need a semicircular greenhouse, but a gable or other non-standard shape, then even arcs are not needed, it is enough to cut pepper and other rectangular pipes according to preliminary measurements and drawings, and weld the frame.

Benefits: Your greenhouses are more reliable. Since you can use a pipe of any section and any shape. You are precisely bound to the customer's sizes. You can implement any customer request - 2 windows in a greenhouse, 3 doors, etc. Greenhouse with the letter “G” or “P” and so on.

Initial costs. 5000 rubles for a welding machine. 500 rubles for gasoline. Posting an ad on bulletin boards is priceless, that is, free.

The cost of such greenhouses is lower than ready-made frame ones in the store. For example, the frame of a 6x3 m “Vyatushka” greenhouse now costs about 9,500 rubles; it consists of 5 arcs, 2 “sides” and a frame in the form of crossbars and a base. 5 arches * 400 + 2 “sidewalls” * 1000 + harness, approximately 15 crossbars for 200 rubles = 800 + 2000 + 3000 = 5800 rubles. Additional costs for painting and fastening = 1000 rubles. That is, for 9500 you can assemble a complete analogue of the above greenhouse, but for you it will cost 6800, and everything higher is your profit for the work, while your greenhouse will be more reliable due to welding. In addition, for the assembly of Vyatushka, managers ask for an additional payment of 2-3 thousand rubles, which means that your greenhouse for 9500, and even for 11500, is beyond competition. Therefore, if you market your greenhouses correctly, your demand will be higher than for ready-made greenhouses. After assembling several greenhouses, word of mouth will start talking about you, especially if your services are of high quality. You don’t know any other way, right? ;)

In this material:

In some regions of the country, the production of greenhouses as a business is becoming very relevant. As you know, an important condition for making a profit from money invested in a business is the right idea. It should not only be relevant, but also correspond to the size of the investment.

Nowadays, there are not so many free niches for doing business. In any case, there will be competition. The main thing is the ratio of the demand for goods and the number of offers in this area. For example, to sell food, you can open a store anywhere, even next to other similar retail outlets. However, there are other options when the product is not so in demand, but the competition is quite small, so such an investment of money will be very profitable.

Vegetable gardening is one of the favorite activities of many Russians, so a considerable number of citizens dream of a high-quality greenhouse. Some entrepreneurs who practice growing cucumbers in a greenhouse as a business will be happy to purchase quality products from a domestic manufacturer if they are also sold at an affordable price.

Features of greenhouse manufacturing

Nowadays, when the popularity of environmentally friendly products is rapidly growing, the demand for greenhouses in most regions of the country is becoming increasingly higher. For this reason, experts believe that the production of equipment for gardening plots has great prospects.

Greenhouses can be used not only in small garden plots, but also on farms, as well as in industrial enterprises. Depending on this, the equipment will differ in the type of material used, size and components.

The greatest demand today is for greenhouses, the production of which is based on the use of polycarbonate. Experienced gardeners know how high quality, durable and convenient they are. Moreover, this type of greenhouse perfectly conducts light, but at the same time retains the sun's rays. It is impossible not to note such important advantages as heat resistance and low price.

Polycarbonate greenhouses are in greatest demand. However, there is a demand for glass and even film greenhouses and greenhouses. They can be made on the basis of a metal or wood frame. The cost of the equipment depends on the material chosen for the manufacture of garden equipment. The simplest and most inexpensive are ordinary greenhouses on a plastic frame covered with film. This option will be in demand among gardeners who grow vegetables in small plots. But the production of expensive large greenhouses made of glass and metal will be popular among large farmers who have been producing cucumbers and tomatoes for sale for many years.

Greenhouse manufacturing technology

To engage in the manufacture of greenhouses, the business must be thoroughly studied. In fact, there is nothing supernatural about this, but you still need to have certain skills and experience. If a novice businessman has never done anything like this before, it’s worth reading specialized literature and practicing. To begin with, you can install several greenhouses on your site, then please your friends with greenhouses, and only then fulfill customer orders and receive money for your work.

The process of making greenhouses begins with pouring the foundation. Next, a frame is installed on its basis using a technology selected in advance. It is worth noting that before installing a greenhouse, you must first create its design in order to make the most accurate calculations. After the frame is mounted, you can proceed to installing polycarbonate, polyethylene or glass sheets and panels. They are securely attached to the frame using a special tape.

Thus, a high-quality room for growing vegetables is obtained. This process can be made year-round. For this purpose, heating is installed in the greenhouse. By the way, the service for installing heating devices can be made part of your business in a greenhouse, expanding the range of work. Most often, electric convectors are used to heat greenhouses, which are evenly placed throughout the greenhouse.

Equipment for work

To open your own greenhouse manufacturing business, you need to stock up on certain tools, without which further work will be impossible. First of all, we are talking about a device for bending pipes manually. This must be high-quality equipment that can handle fittings, pipes and metal profiles. It is desirable that the tool be able to bend at a given angle. Such equipment costs approximately 15 thousand rubles.

Thus, the initial investment will be 60 thousand rubles, which will be spent on purchasing equipment. But we shouldn’t forget about the work space. You don’t need a lot of space here, but you will have to rent a small hangar. In addition, to complete orders you will have to purchase material, namely metal or plastic profiles, film, polycarbonate sheets and glass. Heating systems must also be available.

Business profitability

A year-round greenhouse as a business for growing cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables is practiced by many summer residents and professional farmers. Experienced entrepreneurs say that orders arrive quite often, especially in the spring season. The more clients, the faster the initial investment will pay off.

If you count all the expenses, then the cost of 1 medium-sized greenhouse is about 10 thousand rubles. At the same time, it will cost the customer 25. Thus, from just 1 order, the manufacturer can receive up to 150% of net profit. It is rare to find a greenhouse business with profitability of this level.

After completing 4-5 orders, you can return the invested capital and start earning net profit. With an average number of orders, you can earn this money in just a couple of months.

It is best to start working with small greenhouses for amateur gardeners. To make a large industrial greenhouse, you may need special equipment, the cost of which starts from 200 thousand rubles. But this is for the future. To begin with, the company should earn a reputation and advertise itself well. After the business begins to generate real income, this money can be invested in expanding the enterprise and reaching a new level.

Search for buyers

One of the most important issues in any type of business is the sales market.

When it comes to a greenhouse, a business can be developed by targeting gardeners and gardeners. Inexpensive polycarbonate structures are in greatest demand among them. But here it must be said that competition in the production of such greenhouses is quite high, so it is better to expand the range in order to increase the number of potential customers.

It is advisable to check the presence of competitors and the occupancy of a given niche in a particular locality before investing money in this enterprise. To do this, you can look through newspapers with advertisements, pay attention to poles and bus stops, which are usually full of such advertisements. By the way, the above methods are the best means for announcing your business to the whole world. Advertising materials can also be placed in stores that specialize in selling seeds and garden equipment, and on the Internet.

If you produce greenhouses, business involves finding customers, so you need to show people that your work is the most profitable and attractive offer compared to competitors. All this must be described in advertising leaflets. Examples include speed of operation or ease of delivery. A good marketing move, especially at first, would be a system of discounts that can be offered to regular customers or to those who “refer a friend.”

Well, one of the important steps, without which a greenhouse business will not be legal, is the procedure for registering a businessman with the tax authority. You will first need to select a suitable tax system. In this case, any of those allowed for individual entrepreneurs will do. It is advisable to choose an option with a minimum number of accounting reports, so as not to be distracted by paperwork and focus on the quality of the products produced.

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