Corporate branding: theoretical aspects of research. Portfolio: Corporate Branding Product Family Brands

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Corporate branding

Corporate branding is the creation of visual and verbal elements that contribute to the formation of a unique image of a company or corporation. From a branding point of view, a company is the same as a product that must have memorable features and characteristics in order to be successfully sold. When developing corporate branding, you should take into account not only consumer interests, but also partner interests. The competitive environment and other third-party companies with similar activities are carefully studied. The reputation and style of corporate brands are just as important as consumer brands.

What does this give you?

A solid image of a company that will evoke only positive associations among the target audience, partners and employees, and also work to increase profits.

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Corporate branding (from English Corporate branding) is understood as the creation of a unique set of verbal and visual elements (communications) that contribute to the formation of an individual image of a corporation. Its main goal is to increase the commercial and social significance of the enterprise (firm, organization).

From the position of professional branding, a company is the same product that needs to be made unique, memorable, popularized and “sold.” The main specificity of the service lies in the scale and characteristics of the target audience that is affected.

When creating a brand for a company, it is necessary to focus not only on the potential consumer of the products or services produced, but also on:

  • social structures;
  • third party organizations - partners and competitors;
  • company personnel.

There are a significant number of tools that allow you to promote a company in real and virtual space. The most important among them is the corporate website, which serves as a mobile representative office of the company and is capable of receiving an unlimited number of audience members, talking about the activities and features of the company.

Elements of corporate branding

Among the key elements of corporate branding, it is important to indicate:

  • company mission;
  • basic principles of business;
  • business building policy;
  • positioning in relation to partners, competitors, personnel and social institutions.

Company branding is closely related to the concepts of the company's mission and its regulated corporate culture. Its emergence and development was a consequence of the increasing responsibility of business to society. It is important for a modern consumer to understand what (what object) stands behind the goods provided or the service provided. This is what drives the growing importance of corporate brands, which in recent years have become as important as consumer brands.

Creating a corporate brand

The process of creating a corporate brand begins with large-scale research to obtain the necessary information:

  • identify the tasks that are planned to be solved through;
  • identify the target audience and its main characteristics;
  • select the components necessary to develop a brand for this company, their specificity, and the ability to manage them;
  • identify means that can indicate the development of the process in the required direction.

After a comprehensive analysis, the most adapted corporate brand model is built, including components that are important for the company and its audience of consumers.

The classification of brands includes many concepts, but for this work it is of particular interest corporate brand.

Corporate brand - a set of visual and verbal elements of a company’s brand, an enterprise, transmitting its competitive advantages, promises to target groups: employees, investors, distributors, end consumers of the corporation’s goods or services, as well as society and the state.

Corporate brand- a symbol identifying the properties of products manufactured by the company.

Corporate brand- a brand that identifies a corporation that produces goods or services. Main properties: the ability to promote new products under this name with strict adherence to image and quality.

Thus, we can conclude that corporate brand it is a collection of elements of a consumer brand. But the fundamental difference lies in the target audience and its characteristics, to which the impact of the corporate brand is directed.

Branding is the development of a sign and logo, product, service or any other object that requires graphic designation. Creating a high-quality, recognizable and adequate sign and logo is a key task at the stage of building a company’s visual style.

At the core corporate branding are measures to create a positive image of companies participating in the market, with the goal of giving them additional funds and arguments in the increasing competition. Respectabilization, increasing the degree of loyalty of the target audience, increasing consumer confidence significantly strengthen the market status of the company and provide favorable conditions for establishing long-term strategic relationships with new and existing clients and partners.

Corporate branding- development of a unique set of visual and verbal elements (communications) that form the individual image of a company producing goods or providing services in order to increase its social and commercial significance.

In a practical sense, corporate branding- this is identity - the visual basis of any business, the external attributes of the brand; ideology, design of corporate identity, representative and souvenir products, design of corporate calendars, development of concepts for the design of annual reports and booklets, design and layout of periodicals, creation of brand books, development of Internet sites and much more.

Based on the above definitions, we can conclude that corporate branding is a system of methods for developing a unique company image, which serves to create a positive image in the minds of the target audience, increase the competitiveness of the corporation, strengthen and grow consumer confidence, achieved with the mandatory use of the visual attributes of a given corporate brand.

Basic concepts in corporate branding.

Identity– this is the visual basis of any business, its face. In general, the identity includes a logo and corporate identity. A good identity is the key to the success of any business. The main task of the identity is to speak briefly and clearly about the business, to make it recognizable and easy to remember.

Company `s logo is a sign that represents an organization. This sign is usually placed on business cards, external (and sometimes internal) documents, envelopes and letters. This sign is also actively used where it is necessary to graphically identify a company as such: in a company catalog, on a corporate website, at an exhibition stand or souvenir products.

Form style- the “face” of a product, product, service, firm or enterprise. This is a set of graphic elements that a company uses to improve recognition. Having a competent and unified corporate identity increases recognition and loyalty to a brand or company.

Brand book- a package of documents reflecting the company’s corporate style, basic principles and guidelines for working with brands, recommendations and restrictions on brand promotion. In the future, you can adjust the company’s corporate style and make changes to the brand book, on the basis of which advertising campaigns are created, the assortment is updated, new products are launched, and goods are sold and transported. Each element of the corporate identity reflected in the brand book is reasonable, expresses individuality and works for the product and image as a whole.

1.4. The emergence of the term “internal branding”

The task of corporate branding is to create a certain brand of the company. Forming a brand must be economically feasible. If a socially responsible brand gives the company certain preferences, great, it should be created. If a “socially irresponsible” image leads to a decrease in sales, it needs to be adjusted. If it has no effect, you should forget about it. The main goal is the effective operation of the company in the market.

At the same time, it is difficult to imagine that a consumer will believe any tempting promises of a brand if the company that created it does not believe in these promises. This is where the concept of internal branding comes from: companies strive not only to create and maintain their brand, but also promote it among their own employees. Ideally, a brand should serve as a connecting material for all aspects of a company’s activities and be its symbol. It brings all efforts together and forms loyalty of both the company’s clients and its employees. Results of work on creating a corporate brand:

Brand model (what measurable parameters of a company’s life are included in the brand and why);

Description of the brand's target audiences;

Description of the connection between the brand model, target audiences and measurable results of the company’s work;

Corporate brand development program;

A system for measuring the results of corporate brand development.

Internal branding is the alignment of staff with a brand. Its goal is to provide employees with a clear understanding of the brand strategy and its meaning, and to evaluate how employees use brand information in their work. This is a very important part of marketing efforts to awaken employees' feelings for the brand and encourage them to become advocates and advocates for the brand.

Of course, a motivated and engaged workforce becomes a more productive workforce, which results in real impact. Internal branding is part of the company’s internal communications strategy, aimed at creating a unified system of values, attitudes and actions of employees that supports the development of the company’s brand. Company personnel can also play a significant role in consumer decision making in any market, especially if communication with these personnel takes up the majority of time.

Creating elements of visual communication— how people will see your product. We will create, select, fonts, texture and graphic style. We will create a single, integral image in the consumer’s mind that will form lasting associations with your product. These elements will be further used to prepare:

  • packaging label design;
  • company website;
  • employee forms;
  • business cards and letterhead;
  • decoration of trading floors and vehicles.

Verbal communication— what the consumer will hear and read about your brand. We'll come up with for you:

  • a slogan that hits the target;
  • a description of the product that captivates the eyes and ears of the consumer;
  • a viral phrase on the packaging that you won’t get out of your head.

Verbal communication also includes succinct and interesting articles about the product on the company’s website and in printed materials with a detailed display of all its features and answers to frequently asked questions from customers. This helps to better convey information about the product and dispel possible concerns of the target audience.

Standardization of communication— uniform rules for presenting your product to partners, investors and customers.

  • We will write down the mission and goals of the company, its philosophy in such a way that everyone who reads it will want to become your employee.
  • In this guidebook, we will tell your designer what size the symbols should be on the packaging and what color lines to draw on billboards and advertising posters.
  • From merchandise and sales books you will learn how to present a product on a store shelf in a cool way so that not a single buyer passes by and what magic words to teach the seller so that they will return to him for more.
  • We will make a beautiful presentation of your product that even Warren Buffett himself will not be ashamed to show.

Development of a unique selling proposition (USP).

  1. We will show you how your product differs from thousands of similar ones, even if it is matches or bottled water from a well near your home.
  2. We will help you identify the most striking advantages of the product and correctly convey them to the buyer.
  3. We will find and turn them into decisive arguments in favor of the product.

For us, there are no gray and boring products - there are only those whose USP has not yet been revealed.

Rebranding. If your product is no longer popular or has ceased to justify the trust of customers, you should not write it off and stop production. It will help solve the problem.

  1. We will select a new image for the product.
  2. Let's change the positioning.
  3. Let's rewrite.
  4. Let's make the consumer believe in unexpected rebirth.

Throughout the entire process of introducing your brand to the market, we will support you and give you the necessary advice. Our goal is not just to hand over a finished project to you, but to see the results of our joint work in the form of a finished product on the shelves of retail chains.

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