Sample resume for a sales manager without work experience. Job responsibilities of a sales manager for a resume - description and recommendations

Questions 15.04.2024

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Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

Manager– the word itself implies responsibility, and responsibility should lie in everything! In work, in life, organization of affairs, daily routine, etc. You position yourself as a specialist, so be one!

Sample of a ready-made resume

For the position of sales manager

Full Name

  • Date of Birth:
  • Family status:
  • Home address:
  • Contact number:
  • Email Mail:


Sales Manager at a trading company

Excellent knowledge of building sales channels for a product or service. Five years of experience in sales in a large trading company. I constantly study and implement new strategies in my work to attract new clients. I constantly improve my skills. Communication skills. I have organizational abilities and a leadership nature. My credo is to work until the result is achieved - never give up.

Achievements and skills

  • I thoroughly master the “Persuasive Selling Method”, the use of this method allowed me to increase sales by 16%.
  • Developed motivation schemes for further cooperation (special terms of contracts, a system of discounts, giving VIP status), which made it possible to increase the volume of concluded transactions by 11%.


2005 - 2010 The University of Economics. Management. Master of Economics.

While studying under the student exchange program, he studied in the USA, interned at AmiranXX1 LLC, where he gained experience in conducting active sales by telephone, creating and maintaining client databases, creating and promoting websites.

2014 Entered the Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Psychology. Faculty: Psychology of Relationships (I study on the job).

Additional education

Seminars, trainings, master classes on product promotion and client psychology.


2010 - 2015 Euro-Asian sales promotion service. Sales Manager.

  • Conducting effective negotiations and further client support.
  • Issuing invoices, closing a deal.
  • Establishing relationships between the company, suppliers and consumers.

Additional Information

Personal qualities and character traits: sociable (experience working in a team), actively promoting and leading a healthy and active lifestyle, keen on cycling, stress-resistant (studying at the Institute of Psychology, attending trainings).

  • I am fluent in Russian, Ukrainian, English, and German. Now I'm learning Chinese on my own.
  • Confident PC user, ability to create and promote websites, work with client databases.
  • Driving vehicles, category “A, B, C”.

Examples of resume formatting

Many people believe that the work of a sales specialist and a regular salesperson is no different. But this opinion is wrong.

Sales manager resumes, samples of which you can find in this article, will give you the opportunity to understand how to correctly draw up the appropriate document for yourself.

Let's dispel the myth

The fact is that these two concepts are really similar. The person who directly sells the product and the sales department specialist have common indicators of work results, contact with clients, etc. But a candidate for the vacancy of a sales manager must have a much more extensive list of professional skills to fully complete the assigned tasks.

A sales manager will help you create a competent resume, which will bring you one step closer to your dream job. Because the modern approach to sales has changed a lot, so the profession of a sales specialist, so marvelous at first glance, remains quite relevant and in demand in all sectors of the economy.

Briefly about a sample resume for a sales manager

Where to start and what to pay attention to?

The starting point is writing a resume for a sales manager. Samples of the design of such a document are quite multifaceted, but will not cause you any difficulties. Text, table, lists - choose the option that suits you.

Writing information about yourself without structure and proper presentation is a wrong decision. First of all, you must interest the future employer.

All your special characteristics should fit on 1-2 pages. The resume of a sales manager (a sample is presented below) should contain the most important information; you can tell everything else about yourself at the interview.

How to decide on the direction?

It is the focus of your resume that will give the recruiter the opportunity to understand that you are a worthy specialist, have an excellent education and exceptional All this data should be placed concisely, paying attention to specific facts that will show you from the best side.

If you do not have work experience, pay attention to the resumes of a sales manager, samples of which are presented below. Sample No. 2 will help you create a resume for a promising specialist.

Therefore, you should identify your strengths and pay maximum attention to them.

Sales manager resume: samples

Sample No. 1: resume for the position of “sales manager” (with experience)

FULL NAME: Pastushkov Vasily Ibragimovich

Date of Birth: 09.09.1990

Location: Moscow, st. Pyatnichnaya, 7, apt. 6

Telephone: +79000000000

Education: 2007-2012, Moscow State University, specialist, Faculty of Commercial Management.


1. 2012-2013 - assistant sales manager at Kirim LLC.

Main responsibilities:

  • assisting the sales manager;
  • development ;
  • working with regular clients of the company;
  • consulting clients on technical issues;
  • with counterparties and concluding contracts;
  • search and analysis of related information;
  • filling out reporting forms and analyzing the work of the sales department.

2. 2013-2015 - sales manager at Xenon LLC.

Main responsibilities:

  • managing the company's key clients;
  • the expansion of the customer base;
  • monitoring compliance with contractual obligations;
  • conducting negotiations with counterparties.

Language skills: Russian (native), Ukrainian (perfect), English (with dictionary).

PC skills: Experienced PC user, MS Word, MS Office, 1C database: Enterprise 8.2.

Personal characteristics: initiative, non-conflict, ability to work in stressful situations, orientation towards results and teamwork, analytical mind, communication skills.

Sample No. 2: resume for the position of “assistant manager” (without work experience)

FULL NAME: Kazantseva Anna Georgievna

Date of Birth: 09/04/1993

Location: Moscow, st. Lenina, 4, apt. 16

Telephone: +79000000000

Education: 2010-2015, Moscow State University, master's degree in Organization Management.


1. 2015 - industrial practice at Optimus LLC, assistant manager.

Main responsibilities: assisting the manager, working with primary documents, drawing up reports and analyzing enterprise performance indicators.

Language skills: Russian (native), English (perfect), German (with dictionary).

PC skills: advanced PC user, MS Office programs, Parus, 1C: Enterprise.

Personal characteristics: initiative, quick learner, result-oriented, non-conflict, ability to work in stressful situations, ability to quickly process a large amount of information, analytical mind.

The resume of a sales manager, like any other specialist, consists of several thematic blocks. First, enter personal information in the appropriate fields (full name, date of birth, city of residence, etc.), then proceed to describe your work experience. Indicate the start and end dates of work, position, background information about the employing company, your main responsibilities and achievements.

Responsibilities need to be formulated so that potential employers see the results of your work. To be convincing, use numbers and give specific examples. Eg:
- Engaged in wholesale sales of computer equipment and electronics. Clients include companies such as MTS, VTB, Novatek.
- Identified customer needs on a daily basis through negotiations over the phone and in person with top officials of small and medium-sized businesses. Made more than 70 cold calls per day, more than 3 personal meetings per week.
- Called the existing customer base (50 calls per day with a norm of 30) in order to offer new services (components, service), which allowed to increase profits by 25% in 2016 compared to 2015.
- Thanks to effective presentations, we managed to attract 10 new clients, including 3 particularly large ones (Megafon, Superjob, Thunder).
- Conducted more than 300 negotiations with potential clients in 2016, 280 of which resulted in the successful signing of contracts totaling 19 million rubles.

In the “Achievements” section, tell us about your professional successes. It is important to describe them specifically, preferably using some measurable indicators. For example: “During my work at the company, the level of sales of climate control equipment increased by 170%”; “Within a year, our loyal customer base doubled.”

The “Key Skills” block involves listing your core competencies. This is where you can highlight your professionalism. Here is an example of a successful description of the key skills of an applicant:
- experience as a sales manager - 5 years;
- excellent knowledge of the market for computer equipment, office equipment and consumables;
- ability to work with objections, skills to manage client motivation;
- excellent possession of active sales skills;
- ability to make a competent commercial proposal;
- skills of conducting business negotiations with top officials of the company, competent speech;
- presence of an existing client base;
- knowledge of technologies and methods of wholesale sales.

In the “Additional information” field we indicate information that is relevant for working in the desired position. It would be good to give an example of how your personal qualities help you in your work. For example: “Communication skills and the ability to engage audiences help me give effective presentations.” Other important qualities for a sales manager may be resistance to stress, energy, activity, focus on results, initiative, competent speech, easy learning, enthusiasm, and ambition.

We wish you good luck in your job search!

Currently, there is a persistent misconception that a sales specialist and a salesperson are one and the same job. This is absolutely not true. The professions of a salesperson and a sales manager are indeed very similar in terms of indicators and requirements for the work performed. Both of them are engaged in selling goods, communicating with clients, etc. But a manager must possess a wider range of professional qualities to successfully perform his functions. The profession of a sales manager is, to a greater extent, a representative of a trade organization who communicates with the consumer not only with the seller company, but also with the manufacturer, and in order to obtain such a position, it is simply necessary. You can download a sample of a competent resume for a sales manager at the end of the article, but first, let’s clearly define what it is.

A resume is an extremely concise presentation of your professional skills, captured on paper, achievements and individual characteristics that you intend to successfully implement in a future position in order to receive rewards for them (for example, cash or other types of remuneration).

Stages of creating a competent resume

To create a resume, you will need to understand three immutable rules, following which you will achieve success:

  1. Your resume should contain the truth and only the truth. Don't lie, but don't reveal yourself completely. Focus on the positives, but don't mention the negatives. If this question comes up during an interview, try to retouch the shortcomings.
  2. Clear structure. The document should be concise and strictly structured. Try to keep your resume on 1-2 pages maximum and provide the information required by the employer as concisely and succinctly as possible. Format the document carefully and check its structure. When sending a file in Word, be careful and use the default program settings, otherwise there is a risk that your carefully and beautifully designed resume will lose its structure and formatting.
  3. Optimism and cheerfulness. A positive attitude both when drafting it and during the interview will help you achieve success.

General principles

Maximum informative presentation. In the description, be sure to display not only the type and name of the organization in which you worked, but also the area of ​​their activity - this is important for a high-quality resume. A description of the number of employees of the company will also be a plus. Did your employees report to you? Be sure to focus on this. The resume should be concise and concise, but it should not leave the employer with questions.

Being too laconic is a very common, standard mistake when preparing a resume. Bad example: Kontur LLC, job title: sales manager. The question immediately arises as to what the company does, but the document does not answer it. Accordingly, the chance of an interview decreases.

Professionalism and work experience. What is important for an employer to know about an applicant for the proposed vacancy? Experience gained, competence in the chosen profession, motivation and learning ability. In the document, describe your responsibilities. Unsuccessful example: Summer Evening LLC, job title: sales manager. Responsibilities: Required according to job description. It's not worth writing like that. Make an expanded list. Don't skimp, but don't overuse it either.

Sequence of writing a resume

Now let’s look directly at the stages of creating a competent resume for a sales manager:

  • Be sure to indicate Last Name First Name Patronymic.
  • The purpose of the resume, indicate the required position.
  • Personal data – place of residence, marital status and, necessarily, age and date of birth.
  • Contact details – telephone, e-mail, etc.
  • Education, if you have more than one education, please list them in order of importance.
  • Experience. There is no need to rewrite the entire work book; indicating the last three places of work in reverse chronological order will suffice. Briefly indicate what duties you performed. Even when performing the same duties, do not write in the same type, use your ingenuity. Employers want well-rounded people with the right skills. If you are not sure what to write about the functions performed, use our cheat sheet “”.
  • Achievements. This is perhaps the most important stage. Sometimes it is even more significant than experience and education. The employer prefers to find out in advance what exactly he will pay you for. As a result, it is very important to describe in your resume all significant achievements in previous jobs. Don’t write that you just worked on increasing the number of sales, but indicate specific numbers, for example, that you increased sales by 25%, etc.
  • Additional Information. It is necessary to outline your competent qualities, professional knowledge and skills that help you perform assigned tasks in your position efficiently and more successfully.
  • . There is no need to write a huge list of all your qualities. Perhaps you are sincere, sensitive and love children, but these aspects of your personality are not important to the employer when hiring. First of all, he is interested in qualities that will contribute to more successful work.
  • Recommendations from previous employers. This item will add weight and attractiveness to your resume. To do this, indicate the positions, contact details and names of your previous managers. Just don’t forget to take consent and warn your previous employers about a possible call.
  • And finally the last point. Indicate when you will be able to start work, sometimes this plays a key role in accepting a candidate. It also doesn’t hurt to indicate your expected salary level, this will prevent unwanted calls and shows your level of self-esteem.

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