Presentation on topic 4 crusade. Children's Crusade

Earnings  19.12.2023

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“It happened right after Easter. Before we even waited for Trinity, thousands of youths set off on their journey, leaving their homes. They chose feat and glory in Christ... They forgot the worries entrusted to them. They left the plow with which they had recently blasted the earth; they let go of the wheelbarrow that was weighing them down; they left the sheep, next to which they fought against the wolves, and thought about other adversaries, the Mohammedan heresy of the strong... Having laid the cross on themselves and rallied under their banners, they moved towards Jerusalem... The whole world called them madmen, but they moved forward “

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This is how David Baker describes the events of 1212 in his novel “Paths of Tears.” In history, this movement was called the “Children's Crusade.”

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For quite some time now, Europe has been alarmed by the events taking place in Palestine. Pilgrims returning from the Holy Land spoke of the persecution and insults to which Christians were subjected there after the capture of Jerusalem and the Holy Sepulcher

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Gradually, a conviction arose of the need to help Christianity in the East and return to the Christian world its most precious and revered shrines. The crusades undertaken by the crusading knights were not crowned with success, and in Europe, mainly among peasants, they started talking about the fact that only sinless children can liberate the Holy Land... The initiators of associations of children and teenagers to go to Jerusalem are the Stefan boys (according to some sources shepherdess Etienne) - in France and Nicholas - in Germany.

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12-year-old Stefan declared himself “God’s messenger” and preached throughout the north of France, talking about how the young and innocent do not need weapons, Christ himself will give food and victory, and the sea will part before them. Thousands of inspired children and adults joined Stefan, a huge army (about 30 thousand people) gathered and set off.

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The participants in the campaign were dressed in gray simple shirts over short pants and large berets, each had a red, green or black cloth cross sewn on their chest. They walked with flags, banners, singing prayers and hymns.

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Children's Crusade. G. Dore

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The children first went to Paris, to King Philip II Augustus (the king ordered the children to go home, the priests persuaded them to abandon the campaign, but in vain...), and then these detachments of commoner pilgrims reached Marseilles and boarded ships. Two of the seven ships were wrecked at sea, while the rest, instead of the Holy Land, arrived in Egypt, where young pilgrims were sold into slavery. There is a version that this happened through a preliminary agreement between merchant shipowners and Egyptian slave traders.

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No less tragic is the story of the German people's army, which, inspired by the speeches of the young preacher Nicholas (he was not even 10 years old), drove around South Rhine Germany in a huge cart and called for a campaign in the Holy Land... These events may have formed the basis of the legend about the flutist - the rat catcher, who took all the children from the city of Gammeln), was heading to Italy through the Alps, then hoping to reach Palestine by sea. The number of troops was about 25 thousand people. During the difficult transition, about a third of the pilgrims died from cold and hunger; those who decided to return halfway were luckier...

“History 10th grade” - History lesson 10th grade. Uniting the Mongols into a single state. The nomadic way of life contributed to the development of the necessary qualities. The decimal system of army organization. Iron discipline. The use of military experience and weapons of conquered peoples. 1204 - Genghis Khan is declared Khan of all Mongols.

“Battle of Kulikovo in Moscow” - Moscow River. Traces of the name “Don” are still preserved in Moscow. The square today is called Slavyanskaya. Dictionary, M., 1984, p. 667). River Don. Before the start of the Battle of Kulikovo, Mamai’s troops stopped at the Kuzmina Gati. That there was no three-hundred-year yoke of the Golden Horde. Perhaps the presence of POLISH TROOPS in the “Mongolian” army of Ma May will cause surprise.

“The History of the Battle of the Ice” - Crusaders. The German wedge was caught in pincers. Author: Slobozhaninova N.N. Teacher of history and local history, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2, Pereslavl-Zalessky. Rus': Liberation of Pskov from the Crusaders; Defense of Novgorod from the Crusaders. The defeat of the Livonian army was complete. The army of the conquerors consisted of Germans, Bears, Yuryevites and Danish knights from Revel.

“Invasion from the East” - The Power of Genghis Khan. Result: the Russian army was defeated, the Mongols turned to the northeast. Hike to Novgorod. History lesson 6th grade Teacher Bokova E.B. Invasion from the East. Invasion of Ryazan land. The defeat of the Vladimir principality. December 21 - Ryazan is taken by the Mongols. Trek to Southern Rus'. Battle of Kalka. Rus' in the middle of the 13th century.

“Golden Horde” - Duties and duties for nomadic and sedentary populations. Many Bulgars returned to their burned cities and villages and began construction. The death of Volga Bulgaria. And where was Kernek, the hometown of the unconquered princes? The Khan's palace disappeared from view. The ornament was distinguished by its special grace and ease of perception.

“Crusade” - Somewhat later, the real First Crusade began. Salah ad-Din. Results of the Crusades. Capture of Constantinople. The Seventh and Eighth Crusades. Latin Empire. 7th Crusade (1248–1250). Map of the First Crusade. Children's Crusade. On April 13, 1204, Constantinople was taken and brutally plundered.

There are a total of 14 presentations in the topic

SECOND CRUSADE (1147 – 1149) The Muslim conquest of the Principality of Edessa became the reason for the Second Crusade. Louis VII Conrad III. Two European monarchs took part in it: King Louis VII of France and German Emperor Conrad III. This campaign was a great failure for Christians, both militarily and politically. Louis VII and Conrad III during the Second Crusade.

THE THIRD CRUSADE (1189 - 1192) by Salah ad-Din (Saladin) The reason for organizing the third crusade was the capture of Jerusalem by the Sultan of Egypt Salah ad-Din (Saladin) in 1187. Saladin's army at the walls of Jerusalem. The assault on Jerusalem by Saladin's troops.

THIRD CRUSADE (1189 – 1192) The Crusader army was led by three European monarchs: Frederick I Barbarossa Frederick I Barbarossa (Emperor of Germany); Philip II Augustus Philip II Augustus (King of France); Richard the Lionheart Richard the Lionheart (King of England). Frederick I Barbarossa. Philip II Augustus. Richard the Lionheart.

THIRD CRUSADE (1189 - 1192) Failures haunted the crusaders this time too. So, while crossing a mountain river, Frederick I Barbarossa drowned. After this, a significant part of the German knights returned to Europe. Gustov Dore: "The Death of Frederick I Barbarossa."

THIRD CRUSADE (1189 - 1192) At the decisive moment of the fighting, a quarrel occurred between Richard the Lionheart and Philip II Augustus. The French king and his knights returned to Europe. Dispute between Richard the Lionheart and Philip II Augustus.

RESULTS OF THE CRUSADES 1. Muslims retained their possessions in the Middle East. 2. Expanding Europeans’ ideas about the world around them. 3. Concentration of Mediterranean trade in the hands of Italian cities. 4. Acquaintance of Europeans with the achievements of Eastern civilization (science, culture, life). 5. Huge casualties on both sides. 6. Interpenetration of European and Eastern cultures.

Guiding students on the topic of the lesson, setting goals and objectives

Lesson plan:

1. Repetition of the theme “The power of papal power. The Catholic Church and the Heretics"

1. The concept of “Crusades”

2. Determination of causes

3. Progress of the campaigns, participants and their goals

4. Determining the consequences of the Crusades

5. Generalization and consolidation of material

Main part

Organizational aspects: The projector is set to show slides on the topic. The students stand up and greet the teacher, and the teacher greets the students. The teacher checks the presence of students in the lesson.

Checking homework (repetition of the topic “The Power of Papal Power. The Catholic Church and Heretics”

How did the church become rich and powerful?

When and why did the church divide?

How did the popes fight for secular power?

What were the heretics against?

How did the church fight heretics?

What is the Inquisition?

Teacher: today we will learn how Europeans organized grandiose religious and military expeditions to the East in the 11th-13th centuries.

The topic of our lesson?


The teacher distributes to the students fragments from the speech of Pope Urban II on November 18, 1095 in the city of Clermont in France, which kindled in the hearts of European Christians the desire to liberate the “Holy Land” and the “Holy Sepulcher”

Task No. 1. Working with a historical document, find out the reasons for the Crusades.

From the speech of Pope Urban 11 in Clermont

“The people of the Franks... My speech is addressed to you. An important letter has come to us from the borders of Jerusalem and from the city of Constantinople... that the people of the Persian kingdom (Seljuk Turks), a cursed people, foreign, far from God, offspring, whose heart and mind do not believe into the Lord, attacked the lands of those Christians (Palestine), devastating them with swords, robbery and fire, and took the inhabitants into captivity or killed them... But he either razed the churches of God to the ground, or converted them to his own (Muslim) worship... Who should they will help, besides you... You are encouraged and called to the exploits of your ancestors by the greatness and glory of King Charlemagne... And your other rulers... In particular, the holy tomb of our savior and Lord, which is now owned by dishonest (Muslim) peoples, should call to you... The land that You inhabit (Europe), squeezed from everywhere by the sea and mountain ranges, and as a result it has become cramped with your large numbers: it is not abundant in wealth, and barely gives bread to its cultivators. Hence it happens that you bite and devour each other, wage wars and inflict. mortal wounds. Now your hatred can cease, enmity will cease, wars will subside and civil strife will fall asleep. Take the path to the holy tomb; take that land from the dishonest people and subjugate it to yourself. That land... "flows with honey and milk." Jerusalem is the most fruitful pearl of the earth, the second paradise..."

Questions for the class:

1. Why did the pope call for Christians to participate in the campaign?

2What did Pope Urban II promise to the participants of the campaign in the city of Jerusalem?

3.Name the reasons for the Crusades.

Task No. 2 Working on cards with questions.

Now we will divide into several groups and together answer questions about the progress of the Crusades.

Each group is given a task card.

Assignments based on the text in the textbook:

Prepare a report on the march of the poor

Prepare a report on the First Crusade. What new states arose?

Prepare a report on the emergence of spiritual knightly orders

Prepare a report on the struggle of Muslim peoples against the crusaders and on the Second Crusade

Prepare a report on the Third Crusade

Prepare a message for the Fourth Crusade

Physical education moment

Task No. 3.

Questions for reflection with teacher direction to the correct answers:

Why did the Crusades die out?

What were the negative consequences of the Crusades?

What were the positive results of the Crusades?

The task is to develop morality and respect for representatives of different nations and religions, the ability to evaluate people’s actions

Question to think about:

Why did Christians fight with Muslims, what was the reason for their hatred of each other?

Are the ideas of the Crusaders acceptable to us?

How should relationships be built between people of different nations and religions?


General questions:


today I found out...

it was interesting…

it was difficult…

I completed tasks...

I learned…

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"Presentation for the lesson "Crusades""

Crusades - grandiose in scale

religious-military expeditions of Europeans

to the East for the purpose of liberation

"Holy Land", "Holy Sepulcher" and colonization

these lands

From the speech of Pope Urban II in Clermont:

" Frankish people. From the borders of Jerusalem and from the city of Constantinople to us

An important letter has arrived. And before it often came to our ears that

the people of the Persian kingdom, a cursed people, foreign, far from

god, offspring, whose heart and mind does not believe in the Lord, attacked the earth

those Christians, having devastated them with swords, robbery and fire, and took away the inhabitants

taken into captivity or killed... Churches of God or razed to

grounds, or turned to his own worship... Who can stand

work to take revenge for that and steal the loot from their hands, if not for you... You

the greatness and glory of the king motivates and calls for the exploits of the ancestors

Charlemagne... And your other rulers... Especially to you

the holy tomb of our Savior and Lord must cry out, by which

dishonest peoples now rule... The land you inhabit is crushed

from everywhere by the sea and mountain ranges, and as a result it became cramped

with your large numbers: it is not abundant in wealth, and barely produces bread

to their processors. This is where you end up biting each other.

and devour, wage war and inflict mortal wounds. Now it can

your hatred will cease, enmity will cease, wars will subside and fall asleep

civil strife. Take the path to the holy tomb; wrest that land from

dishonest people and subjugate it to yourself. That land... "flows with honey and milk."

Jerusalem is the most fruitful pearl of the earth, the second paradise..."


  • “Seven lean years” - a streak of crop failures,

death of livestock, mass epidemics.

  • Invasion of the Seljuk Turks,

request for help from the Byzantines

  • Speech by Pope Urban II
  • Participant in the campaign to receive forgiveness of sins

First Crusade (1096-1099)

feudal lords from France, Italy, Germany

The Seljuks were defeated in several battles

along the coast of Syria and Palestine

formed the kingdom of Jerusalem,

Principality of Antioch, County of Edessa,

County of Tripoli

Spiritual knightly orders

Templars (templars)



A member of the order is both a knight and a monk

The Templars are mostly French

Hospitallers are mostly Italian

Teutons are mostly Germans

The orders were subordinate only to the Pope

and did not depend on local authorities

Lived an ascetic lifestyle

The main thing is the fight for faith

Exempted from paying tithes

Second Crusade (1147-1149)

did not bring significant results

Third Crusade (1182-1192)

Germans – Frederick I Barbarossa

French – Philip II Augustus

English – Richard I the Lionheart

Results: Captured the island of Cyprus and Acre

Fourth Crusade

Instead of liberation

"Holy Land" and

"Holy Sepulcher"

captured by storm

Christian Constantinople

Created the Latin Empire

Children's Crusade (1212)

Fifth Crusade (1217-1221)

Sixth Crusade (1228-1229)

Seventh Crusade (1248-1254)

Eighth Crusade (1270)

Reasons for the decline of the Crusades:

  • Wars with Muslims are too

heavy and dangerous

  • With the strengthening of royal power

It’s more profitable to serve in your own country

Consequences of the Crusades:


Huge loss of life

Destruction of cities


Trade with Eastern countries has picked up

Europeans borrowed a lot from the East

(new crops, windmills)

We learned how to make silk, glass mirrors,

better processing of metals, improved

castle construction

Oriental fabrics have spread,

learned to take baths and

wash your hands before eating

Crusades against pagans

Baltic states, against the Hussites, etc.

General questions:

  • What caused the Crusades?
  • How many Crusades to the East were organized?
  • What new states arose in the East?
  • What were the consequences of the Crusades?

today I found out...

it was interesting…

it was difficult…

I completed tasks...

I learned…

I managed …

I could)…

I was surprised...

I wanted…


fill out the table on page 149

Choose the correct answer - Knights belonged to... Heretics were opponents The Church punished heretics Mendicant monastic order were 1st estate 2nd estate 3rd estate Official church Royalty Divisions of churches Fines Excommunication Hard labor Swordbearers Franciscans Crusaders

1. The beginning of the Crusades. In 1095, the Pope spoke in Clermont. He called for going to the East to liberate the Holy Sepulcher from the hands of the infidels. Participants in the campaign received absolution. The path of the knights, dressed in cloaks with crosses, lay to Palestine, where Jesus Christ was buried in Jerusalem. Ecumenical Council of 1095

In the 11th century, Europe was experiencing famine and epidemics. The peasants did not go to Palestine, wanting to get rid of their owners. Landless knights were interested in eastern goods and dreamed of robbing rich cities. The clergy wanted to extend their power to the East. current. 2. Hiking participants. Crusades.

In the spring of 1096, poor people led by knights set out on a campaign. They were poorly armed and had no food supplies. With heavy losses they reached Constantinople and committed robbery there. The emperor sent them to Asia Minor, where they were killed by the Seljuk Turks. 3. The march of the poor. Poor people on the move.

In the autumn of 1096, detachments of knights set off from France and Germany to the East. Having united in Constantinople, they soon defeated the Turks and began to plunder the cities. Many knights remained in the conquered lands. In 1099, the knights approached Jerusalem and, after a month-long siege, took the city. 4.Campaign of the feudal lords. The sack of Jerusalem. Medieval miniature.

Crusader states were formed on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. In the Kingdom of Jerusalem, knights enslaved both Muslims and Christians. The church owned extensive estates here. The population paid taxes to the king and tithes to the church. 5. Crusader states. The center of the kingdom became the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The knights served to protect this huge structure, which was of great importance for all Christians. Several dozen monasteries, bishoprics and abbeys were created around Jerusalem.

To defend their possessions, the crusaders began to create the orders of the Templars, Hospitallers, and Teutons. The Templars (templars) had a residence on the site of the destroyed Jewish temple. The Hospitallers opened hospitals for pilgrims. At the head of the order were the Grand Masters. 6. Spiritual-knightly orders Secular entertainment was prohibited for members of these orders. The orders received benefits from the popes - they did not pay tithes, received justice only from the popes, and collected generous donations. The orders quickly strengthened and began to wage war with neighboring states and with each other. Knight Templar and Knight Hospitaller.

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