Where does the development of a brand promotion strategy begin? Brand and trademark promotion

Small business 30.05.2023
Small business

How to promote a new brand? What are the most effective strategies for promoting your brand?

The stereotype that brand promotion is only for large companies has not completely disappeared among the inhabitants of the post-Soviet space. Today, this is far from the case. Both small entrepreneurs and those who work for themselves and provide services (for example, photographers) strive to promote an unknown brand.

This is not only an additional competitive advantage, but also an opportunity to increase the loyalty of old customers, and in general, to be seen and heard. A promoted brand has a more stable market position.

Also, if you are planning to reach the borders of a national or international market, then creating a strong brand and promoting it is simply a necessary component of a competent marketing strategy.

So, where to start to promote the brand?

#1 Create a logo and other visual attributes. To make your brand graphic look professional and make a good impression on your business partners and customers, it is recommended to turn to professional designers.

But don't build too optimistic expectations. In order for a logo to become recognizable, it must flash a lot of times - hundreds, or even thousands. The Coca-Cola brand is known almost all over the world, but nevertheless they do not stop advertising it on TV. Not in vain, after all.

#2 Advertise your brand. The expense of creating awareness for your brand can make you feel like your money is just disappearing into the abyss. This is partly true. The effect of these expenses may appear only after a long time and cannot be numerically analyzed formally.

Use all your resources to promote your brand in every possible way. Put his logo on your car. Go for a morning run in a T-shirt with your brand image. Hand out business cards to everyone who could potentially be interested in your services (read also our article about how, practically for free).

#3 Build a network of business contacts. This is the most important way to promote a brand without money. Attend specialized exhibitions, forums, business meetings. Try to get to know as many people as possible.

In order to effectively maintain contacts with them, we recommend keeping a notebook with notes: when, with whom, and about what they talked about. Any personal information that you are given, then record in a notebook. Perhaps, congratulating the son of your business partner on his birthday, you will significantly strengthen your relationship with him (partner).

#4 Collaborate with other organizations. Establish connections not only with specific people, but also with firms, institutions, and enterprises. Provide help or support. Write an article for the local newspaper. Speak to students at the university. Make a presentation to local authorities.

#5 Interact with your customers. This is the cornerstone of being. Faceless, formal sales as an act of transferring goods and receiving money will not lead to anything good. Communicate with your consumers, listen carefully to their wishes, comments, suggestions, criticism. Feedback is worth its weight in gold.

Increase customer satisfaction, and this will help strengthen and promote your brand. Encourage your customers to talk about their positive experiences with you.

#6 Use the internet. The World Wide Web provides great opportunities to announce yourself and your company quickly and in front of a large audience - provided that you show originality and creativity. Use social media, your website, YouTube to promote your brand. Here you will need your corporate symbols - logo, your colors.

Building a brand from scratch takes a lot of time, effort, and patience. This is a task that is not solved overnight. Therefore, apply the above recommendations, read the literature on this topic and promote your business!

Most executives are sure that in order to ensure the company's recognition in the market, it is necessary first of all to promote the brand - almost everyone relies on expensive image advertising. However, some merchants believe that it is necessary to promote the company's brand at the last moment. Their experience is presented in this article.

brand promotion strategy each company chooses in its own way. We will give only three examples of the successful promotion of a brand that managed to achieve fame thanks to minimal investment.

Example 1. Building a brand on the respect of customers

In 2009, American Forrest Walden wanted to create a new network of fitness centers for group workouts Iron Tribe from scratch. To do this, he decided to focus on direct response marketing, that is, to clearly measure the effectiveness of each marketing campaign and not focus on brand awareness. Walden challenged employees to first increase sales that would help build the brand, and then create a brand image that could be sold to customers.

1. Concept creation. The company decided to position itself as a niche fitness center “for its members only”, selling subscriptions at premium prices and limiting the number of customers of one fitness center to three hundred people. As seats sold, those wishing to sign up for training had to wait for the opening of a new gym.

The idea was to make belonging to the Iron Tribe a privilege for a select few - this would make it different from the big fitness clubs that are trying to sell as many memberships as possible. Therefore, in all advertising messages, the idea of ​​limited supply was embedded - this was to additionally stimulate buyers to purchase seats as quickly as possible.

2. Use of direct response advertising. The company had to convince potential customers that they would be able to participate in intense group workouts. The fact is that many people doubt that they will be able to master intense group exercises, where physical activity is much higher than in individual classes. So fitness club marketers created several ad copy with unusual headlines: "Don't be jealous, join our most stylish fitness community" and "If a picture is worth a thousand words, what do these pictures say about Iron Tribe gyms?" So the company tried to convey to consumers the concept that being part of the fitness community is prestigious, and doing fitness with like-minded people is fun and effective.

Photographs from a series of "before" and "after" of those clients who were already convinced of the benefits of group classes were added to the text of the letters (Figure 1). Firstly, such images always make a very good impression on the target audience: everyone wants to be slim and fit. Secondly, these photographs form the basis of a booklet titled “Why All Those Frustrated Men and Women Abandoned Their Fitness Club Memberships and Now Work Out at Iron Tribe Gyms…And Why You Might Want to Do The Same” - with people's testimonials various professions about the benefits of this type of fitness. Anyone who saw gym ads in the newspaper, outdoors, or on the Internet could order this booklet for free.

Thus, the company received the e-mail addresses of potential visitors and began to actively work with them.

3. First result. The email marketing conversion rate was very good. The company began selling 50 seats a month for twice the price of its competitors and sold all memberships at its first fitness center in eight months, with customers queuing up. The monthly ROI of mailing letters and brochures was 400%.

From primary to secondary ROI. From the very beginning, fitness center leaders divided the ROI of marketing activity into primary and secondary indicators. When calculating the initial ROI, the cost of attracting a client through advertising and the profit from these invested amounts received from the first transaction are taken into account. Secondary ROI is calculated differently: it takes into account the cost of retaining customers and continuity of income throughout their life in the company.

By generating high sales growth through direct response advertising campaigns, the organization achieved an initial ROI of at least 300%. She then focused on promotion and began to invest in image advertising and the development of other marketing channels. The payback of actions was not so high (at the level of 100%), but this allowed us to promote the brand, attract new customers and gain the respect of existing ones. If the owners of a fitness club did the opposite, as many companies do, then marketing costs would at best only pay off and not bring real income.

4. Brand development. When promoting the brand, the company decided to rely on its regular customers. First, the TribeVibeTV YouTube channel was created, hosting a weekly show featuring athletes and gym goers. Secondly, an application for the iPhone was created, with the help of which it was possible to find out the schedule of classes and sign up for them. Thanks to this, it was possible to achieve that clients began to independently advertise the fitness center chain as a modern company, whose workouts are convenient and pleasant to attend. Each client, on average, brought one or two acquaintances to fitness centers, which increased the number of subscriptions sold and helped promote the brand. You can learn how to promote your brand in this way by going through.

The company began to collect interesting stories from its customers under the title “Life. Has changed." For example, one of the visitors said that she had cancer and began to go to a fitness center to gain confidence in her abilities. Already during the first year of classes, she was able to believe in her victory over the disease and went on the mend. The girl's story about the fight against the disease was published in print and electronic materials, a special video was shot with her participation and posted on YouTube.

This campaign did not bring a significant increase in sales, but all the attendees of the trainings began to proudly tell their friends about their history of promoting the company's brand. In addition, special containers in the form of an apple with materials from the Life series were placed in all gyms. Changed” for everyone to read, as well as slates for customers to write their story on.

5. Final result. Through the action "Life. Changed” the company has earned the respect of its existing and potential customers, in which the fitness club has become associated with change for the better. As a result, in five years, the organization created 60 fitness centers, developed a strong network of franchises, and the number of regular customers grew from 250 to 25,000.

How brands become world famous: IKEA, Lexus and Chevrolet cases

Western customer focus differs from the standards adopted in domestic companies. If in Russia businessmen think about service last, then abroad they start with this.

The editors of the magazine "Commercial Director" considered stories of 9 brands who have achieved worldwide success.

Example 2: Building a brand with existing customers

Steve Adams, owner of a pet supply store, spent a lot of money advertising his new outlet in 1996. He bought six ad blocks a day on three radio stations for a week, ran ads on TV and in newspapers. At first, many new customers appeared, but soon revenue fell by 40%. Adams had to completely abandon marketing and reduce some of the staff. After that, he decided to build a new concept for the company, increase sales and only then engage in brand building.

1. Concept creation. To begin with, Steve Adams analyzed how his company differed from competitors, and wanted to strengthen these qualities. It turned out that its advantages are the experience of the staff, the quality of customer service and the sale of organic and natural feed and other products. So Adams hired new employees, trained them in animal care, and improved in-store service, positioning the company as a reputable and knowledgeable pet retailer.

This gave a result: for several years, the company's turnover increased annually by 6-8%, thanks to word of mouth marketing, the number of customers was constantly growing, and in four years several more stores were opened. However, despite the good results, Adams did not want to invest additional funds in promoting the brand, because he remembered how he burned himself on the first attempt. Chance helped him.

In 2008, deadly chemicals were discovered in a Chinese animal feed factory. This alarmed all pet owners who, when they came to a specialty store, wanted to know for sure whether the food sold there was safe. Then one of the managers of the Steve Adams company gave an interview to a local journalist and talked about what kind of feed to be wary of and what to do in case of poisoning. Sales in the two stores immediately increased by 10%, and the owner decided to use this situation and began to position the company as the best expert in the field of pet food. In 2009, Adams began certifying animal nutritionists who, after training, came to work in stores and advise visitors.

Results. In 2.5 years, the number of the company's stores increased from 10 to 21. The total turnover increased by 85%, the revenue of each store by an average of 12-19%, and the number of employees increased from 150 to more than 400 people. However, Steve Adams did not stop there and instead of promoting the brand through advertising, he began to work more actively with existing customers.

  1. The company sent three greeting cards a year with a 10% discount coupon as a gift to its best customers. Such cards, sent in 2013 for Valentine's Day, received an 18.44% response rate, an average check increase of 28%, and an ROI, including all costs and discounts, was 417%.
  2. On a quarterly basis, buyers of the same products (eg, dental care products or puppy food) were sent offers to purchase products from another category (chew toys, flea and tick medicines). These letters gave a response of 6.19%, the average check grew by 35.79%, ROI was 56%.
  3. The company annually congratulated partners on the birthday of their organizations and offered a 20% discount coupon. The response from this action was 34.36%, the average ticket increased by 39.74%, ROI was 285%.
  4. The company fought for each client. So, Steve Adams launched a program to return departed customers. All customers who had not purchased anything in stores for a long time received a series of three humorous postcards in February-April 2013. After sending the first one (Figure 2), 1,514 customers (43.47% of the total number of recipients) returned to the company, who purchased goods for $56,690. In March, customers received a second postcard - 215 people responded to it (another 14.14% ) of those who did not respond to the first letter. They bought goods for $5632. Another 109 (13.71%) customers on the original list, who ended up spending $3,421, came to the store after the third card was delivered. In total, we managed to return about 70% of the departed customers.
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Example 3: Building a brand with a customer story

In 1999, the marketing director of Subway decided to use a marketing campaign to tell consumers about the health benefits of fast food chain meals. However, he very soon realized that it was difficult to advertise such information, because the results of medical studies would not say anything to customers who run into a cafe for a bite to eat. However, a solution was found.

History and result. Jared Fogle contacted an advertising agency that worked with the restaurant and said that he ate only Subway sandwiches every day for several months and lost 110 kg. They decided to use this story in a commercial. After Jared appeared on television, he was immediately invited to the Oprah Winfrey show 1. In the future, the network's revenue doubled, the company took third place in the world in terms of turnover (after McDonald's and Burger King). In addition, if the company tried to remove this story from advertising, sales fell by at least 10%. Thus, the successful story of Jared Fogle brought billions of dollars to Subway.

Principles of effective storytelling. The success of Subway's brand promotion strategy was that instead of a boring statement of obvious truths, the company told a simple and understandable story using the example of its client. Scientists have repeatedly proven that the storytelling 2 marketing technique works very well if you need to create a vivid image that the consumer will remember for a long time. For example, researchers at the Center for the Study of Neuroeconomics at Claremont University (USA) found that when a person listens to an interesting story, the hormone oxytocin, or the “hormone of love,” is produced in his body. That is, all entertaining stories are sexy and attractive to people. Using the basic techniques of storytelling (Figure 3), you can increase the impact on customers, as well as convince them that your offer is much better than that of competitors. An example of the promotion of the Subway brand is a vivid proof of this.

1 The Oprah Winfrey Show, one of the most popular and longest running shows in US history, ran from 1986 to 2011. Famous people became guests of the TV presenter: screen stars or people who became famous for something.

In the conditions of the current market situation, the promotion of a new trade name and the formation of a positive attitude towards it by a potential client audience is an equally significant element of the company's successful operation, as well as a properly developed marketing strategy aimed at introducing a new product to the market.

Particular importance is attached to the concept of "brand" in the process of acquiring goods belonging to the class of high-tech. These are, as a rule, televisions, household appliances, computers. The buyer does not have special skills to assess the quality and reliability of products of this brand only by appearance. And the main factor influencing the choice of goods is its belonging to the brand of a particular company.

At the same time, advertising companies do not always play a major role. Quite often, the client audience of a manufacturing company is formed and retained due to a special attitude towards it, the establishment of a two-way dialogue. At the same time, consumers have the opportunity to obtain all the necessary information about the company itself.

Basic steps for brand promotion

To draw up an action plan aimed at promoting a new brand should be at the very beginning of the process of its development.

The program to promote the new brand is quite extensive. There are the following stages of brand promotion:

  1. Research

At this stage, various information is collected, which will serve as the basis for the following activities. A so-called situational analysis is carried out, which includes:

  • assessment of the new brand and the situation that has developed around it (consumer attitude, popularity, etc.);
  • determination of the competitive advantages of the promoted product;
  • analysis of the competitive environment;
  • goal setting, etc.

This information will become the basic basis for developing the brand promotion concept.

  1. Setting goals and objectives

The information obtained during the first stage is taken as the basis for developing goals. Now it is necessary to give the correct formulation of the goals and objectives of promotion. It is most expedient to develop tasks for a specific target audience. In this case, there may be several groups.

The most common goals for promoting a new name are:

  • increasing brand awareness;
  • formation of a positive image, associative perception as reliable;
  • conquering a competitive audience;

The result of correctly built marketing communications is the establishment of cooperation with partner companies, the loyalty of a potential consumer audience increases, and sales volumes grow.

  1. Definition of consumer audience

The main goal of the events being developed is to provide the necessary impact on the potential audience. For the greatest effectiveness, it is divided into groups, where personal work is already carried out.

Of greater interest in building marketing communication links are the following categories:

  • company employees;
  • partner firms, supplier firms, dealers;
  • buyers, customers and others.

Separately, for each group, an individual plan of ongoing activities is developed, taking into account the specifics and personal characteristics of the target audience.

  1. The choice of marketing tools used to influence the client audience.

As a rule, this is:

  • service centers providing comprehensive support;
  • design;
  • building relationships with investors, etc.
  1. Development of a promotion strategy

After the necessary information has been collected, the potential audience has been identified, the moment comes when you can begin to develop a promotion strategy.

Here, the main factors affecting the whole complex are:

  • market type;
  • Who is the strategy aimed at?
  • the stage the brand is in.
  1. The choice of means by which it is planned to convey the selected marketing activities to consumers.

Here you choose how the new product name will be positioned.

  1. Budget

Budgeting is underway.

  1. Bringing strategy to life

This step is completely devoted to the implementation of the developed plan aimed at popularizing the new brand.

  1. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the work performed

The final stage, when a deep analysis of the result is carried out, an assessment of the effectiveness of the work carried out and the quality of achieving the selected goals is assessed.

Brand positioning

Promotion of a new brand on the market impossible without its positioning. And this process begins with the choice of a name. Large companies, when deciding to launch products on international markets, must conduct an in-depth study of the chosen name in order to avoid unpleasant coincidences or associations. In addition to the semantic load, the sound of the word is also analyzed.

Branding is most applicable to consumer products. Its main concept lies in the following steps:

  • promotion;
  • approximation;
  • pushing.

Traditionally used for this brand promotion channels:

  • promotions;
  • sampling;
  • merchandising;
  • dealer networks.

A person uninitiated in the nuances of branding may get the impression that branding and high-tech products are incompatible, because the methods used in the process do not correspond to this type of product. But in the modern world, goods change too quickly, and ignorance of the advantages of products with a new name translates branding into the status of the most demanded processes in this product category.

When choosing a marketing strategy, it should be remembered that the introduction of a corporate brand is different from pairing a new product name in the consumer market.

A corporate brand is somewhat different from classic product brands. The brand of the company is not a banal logo, but a beautifully designed and designed website. It is rather a set of impressions that the name of the company evokes and, accordingly, the attitude of the entire interested category of people towards it. That's why corporate brand promotion requires an individual approach in each specific case.

Branding Strategies

The two most commonly used brand promotion strategies are:

  • Push (push);
  • Pull (pull).

The choice depends on the result obtained after the analytical review of the market.

The Push strategy is used in the PR of a new brand of enterprises specializing in industrial goods. Whereas Pull is most suitable for consumer markets. This is a favorite strategy of resellers who, as it were, "pull" the product to potential buyers.

It should be remembered that these strategic methods cannot be opposed to each other, since they are complementary and the combination of both approaches will give the greatest effect on brand promotion.

If you choose Pull-strategy, then you need to conduct a thorough analytical study of the market situation. It is necessary to determine the main needs of the potential target group so that the newly introduced product is in high demand. The main item of expenditure includes the costs associated with conducting in-depth marketing analysis.

This variant of the strategy is characterized by pushing the brand through various marketing tools. Money is mainly invested in advertising companies.

The main concept of promoting a new brand

In today's society, which is simply overloaded with information, the popularization of a new brand is simply impossible without a properly developed strategy. The range of products on the market today is very wide, so the PR options for a new name differ from each other.

Integrated promotion

The appearance on the market of a new product name always receives a response, and a certain attitude is formed towards it. But it doesn't always work as expected. The reason for this is quite simple - the buyer, due to certain circumstances, did not get the opportunity to form the right impression about the product. Therefore, a potential buyer needs to be helped to appreciate its advantages. It is in this situation that a comprehensive strategy is applied.

Correct positioning of a new name is possible only after a brand audit, that is, an assessment of its position relative to competitive products from this category and direct perception of the product by the consumer.

The audit should be repeated periodically, as the market situation may change and the brand's success may decrease.

There are two types of audit:

  • interior;
  • external.

Development of a brand promotion strategy admissible only after a full audit.

Internal Audit

This process includes the following items:

  • what is the vision, leading strategies and mission of the company, as well as the role of the brand in the business;
  • determination of weak and strong qualities not only of a new product, but also of the company as a whole;
  • analysis of marketing activities.

External audit

The following events take place here:

  • the market environment is analyzed;
  • a study of market development trends is carried out;
  • analyzes the overall perception of the brand by the consumer;
  • an analytical assessment of competing companies is carried out, advantages and disadvantages are evaluated.

Marketing strategy

An important stage in the positioning of a new brand is the moment of formation of its perception. To do this, the applied strategies must be accompanied by a clearly and competently developed plan. It should be remembered that popularizing a brand is not just showing beautiful pictures on a blue screen or a lot of banners with its image hung around the city. This is a daily process that needs clear analytical calculations and adjustment of actions.

An important component in this process is the promotion of a new product in the world wide web, the potential of which simply has no limits. There are quite a few proven methods:

  • promotion through social resources;
  • search engines;
  • contextual advertising and others.

With the network version of promotion, it has some differences.

Brand promotion methods

Brand promotion methods may be different, but it should always be borne in mind that the formation of loyalty to a new brand includes many nuances.

First of all, it is worth considering the portrait of a potential consumer. The general view of the competitive environment, as well as the specific features of the industry, should not be overlooked. A well-designed and executed promotion helps build brand awareness.

In addition, the new trade name should be positively perceived by the potential consumer audience by ear. Therefore, once created a positive image should be maintained constantly, regardless of the stage of its existence.

Brand promotion technologies

The smallest list of technologies used in brand promotion includes many different ways. It could be:

  • creation of a dealer network;
  • advertising;
  • organization of centers where you can get all the necessary information;
  • conducting presentations or promotions;
  • print ads and more.

Brand promotion in this way is a rather costly option that requires significant cash injections. At the same time, it is far from certain that these investments will justify themselves. Of course, the trademark will become recognizable, but this does not guarantee that sales will grow.

There are quite a few less expensive but more effective ways to promote a new brand. And this is the use of print advertising. This option has been used in the process of promoting and popularizing the “newcomer” for a very long time. Only the technique of execution changes, as well as the speed with which products are produced. In this age of advanced technology, applying props, logos or slogans takes a matter of minutes. In this case, absolutely any surface can be used.

It can be:

  • advertising banners of any size, demonstrating brand symbols;
  • small leaflets;
  • colorful booklet;
  • plastic bags with brand logos printed on the surface.

All this works great, effectively and unobtrusively introducing consumers to the new brand.

provocative marketing

An inexhaustible storehouse of incredible ideas, as well as many additional ways to promote a brand - provocative marketing. What does he represent?

Imagine a situation where the main area in front of the main office turns into a company logo painted in bright colors. Or the whole friendly team of the company arranges incredible competitions on the main avenue of the city. These are prime examples of provocative marketing. Which ones to use, read the article at the link.

All the given examples of events will not just be remembered by people. They will shock and amaze them, which means they will be discussed. Your sign will be seen, remembered, and talked about. But that's exactly what we were aiming for.

Social technologies

If the company is not ready for such radical actions and the promotion is planned to be implemented in softer ways, then it is worth looking towards social technologies.

Building a strategy to promote a new trademark is a very delicate matter. At the same time, the psychological characteristics of the potential consumer audience should be taken into account. And here such a social technology as the "principle of participation" perfectly manifests itself.

What it is?

Human psychology is arranged in such a way that on a subconscious level, he seeks to belong or simply be involved with any category of people. It can be wealthy and successful, independent, fashionable, athletic and others. This is what is the basis of this principle.

As an example, consider the Marlboro brand. The visual symbols and main elements of this trademark reproduce a single image of an independent man. And a person who smokes a Marlboro cigarette subconsciously associates himself with him, feeling his success, masculinity and independence.

Sociological research confirms the fact that men do not choose cigarettes of a certain brand because they prefer this particular brand. Here the subconscious association plays a role, causing emotional and psychological dependence. This means that the product promotion strategy was built and developed very accurately.

Subconscious influence, of course, gives a magnificent effect. But for the sake of this, one should not completely abandon such an option of popularization as mass advertising. In addition, the advertising techniques available in the modern world guarantee total fame.

A banner, running lines, animated cartoon characters, videos, Internet resources where you can get all the necessary information, an interactive presentation - this attracts the attention of an Internet user. And all this is provided by online advertising. Every day, the number of inhabitants of the virtual world is growing inexorably, and with it, the likely audience of consumers of the newly minted trade brand is also increasing.

Brand extension

But often, despite all the efforts made, it is not possible to promote the trademark. In this case, the expansion of delirium comes to the rescue. What is behind this term? Everything is quite simple.

There are brands that have become famous thanks to a single product. Other companies, when starting to promote their brand, start with an expanded range of products, and, as a rule, this move achieves its goal.

Quite often, in order for the brand to become popular, several names should be added. Probably, it is this little thing that is not enough for the full promotion of the brand.

Geographic Stretch

There is simply no list of brilliant ideas, as well as solutions to all problems. Therefore, each specific situation requires an individual approach. And each has its own solution.

It may happen that a new trademark will not be to the taste of the inhabitants of one city, but will be well promoted in a completely different region. For example, a new sunscreen is unlikely to be in demand beyond the Arctic Circle, but in the Crimea, where maximum protection from the sun is required, it will certainly find its consumer audience.

Therefore, stretching the geography of brand promotion is used quite often. And not only as a way to expand already, but also to capture potentially new sales areas.

Direct communication with buyers

Popularization of a new product name in the modern world is simply impossible without direct contact with the buyers of the product. There are a lot of options for creating links of this type, but the basic one is network marketing. It has been successfully used by Western companies for a very long time.

The technology of this marketing move is that only the consumer can most objectively report the pros and cons of the product. As a rule, the shortcomings are sorted out almost on the shelves.

Contact numbers placed on product packages, a business card, a private conversation with a consumer, questionnaires for brand users are excellent opportunities for obtaining the necessary information. Let not too personal, but giving the opportunity to work out all the missed moments.

This information becomes the basis in the process of developing an updated PR strategy for a new trademark, or making the necessary changes to the main structure.

Marketing Tools

To start the process of promoting a new product name, you should carefully consider the development of a plan of strategic measures that can take into account its features, the properties of its potential audience, its preferences and other nuances. But the development of strategic planning involves the use of many types of marketing tool. These branding tools are very effective. It is with them that we now meet.

  • television;
  • radio advertising;
  • advertising in print media;
  • outdoor;
  • located on vehicles;
  • indoor

This advertising technology is a set of marketing activities aimed at a more specific impact than direct advertising. BTL makes it possible to convey an advertising message to an individual consumer.

  • promotion of sales through sales representatives;
  • activation of consumer sales;
  • direct marketing;
  • exhibitions as a display opportunity;
  • specialized events;
  • trade marketing.

Thanks to such a narrow focus of BTL, advertising is becoming more and more popular. Proper use of this marketing tool can significantly reduce the costs required for promotion. In addition, the end consumer receives full information about the promoted product.

Internet Marketing

Brand promotion in the market using this tool is a modern and most effective version of promotion in the existing world. It makes it possible to apply the most common methods of promotion on the World Wide Web. These include:

  • search engine optimization;
  • all types of advertising technologies that can be found on the Internet;
  • SMM and viral marketing;
  • traffic acquisition;
  • newsletters that are thematic in nature.

This method provides simply huge opportunities for brand promotion. Moreover, many companies may allow only this channel to be used as a marketing tool in the brand promotion process.

Investment SEO (ISEO)

Investment SEO, as a marketing tool for brand promotion, is a completely new way of promoting through the Internet. The basis of this method is to attract a resource base acting in tandem with various SEO tools. A well-built strategy will help not only accelerate the commercial growth of the brand, but also ensure its further development.

Investment SEO is a chain of various activities aimed at increasing the awareness of a new brand. It is not an artificial attraction of traffic that is practiced here, but the work of a person to promote the brand in the search results of the main Yandex and Google systems.

In the modern world, promotion through social networks is becoming more and more popular. Most Internet users are exclusively in social networks, where they lead a fairly active virtual life, so it is almost impossible to get this audience through search engines.

If you make a list of the most popular social Internet resources, then the list of leaders will be headed by:

This should include such social services as social bookmarking and subscription services, in particular, Subscribe.ru, Google +1.

There are many effective ways. This:

  1. Creation of a thematic group. For these purposes, the leaders from the above list are excellent.
  2. Crossposting. This service allows you to add news from the company's website to various blogging services: Mail.Ru, Ya.ru, Livejournal, LiveInternet and others.
  3. Sending news to Twitter.
  4. Working with the Subscribe.ru service, where it is also possible to create thematic groups, as well as individual mailing lists.
  5. Adding news to social bookmarks.

Together, all these rather tricky actions provide additional traffic to the company's website. They warm up the interest of potential customers in the advertised product or service, and also contribute to brand recognition.

The promotion strategy is developed for a certain period of time. At the same time, specific goals and objectives are set. But the market situation is quite volatile, so the process needs constant monitoring. It is carried out by constantly analyzing the current market situation, as well as other marketing research.

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