How much does it cost to open a kindergarten? How to open a private kindergarten: step-by-step analysis of a business idea

Business plans 28.10.2023
Business plans

The problem associated with the shortage of places in kindergartens is one of the most pressing for young parents. When the state cannot meet the demand of citizens, business steadily takes its place. In this article we will look at how to open a private kindergarten, where to start and what difficulties await an entrepreneur along this path.

Private kindergarten is a broad concept. It can hide either a full-fledged preschool institution, which implements innovative educational programs, or a regular babysitting group operating at home. The difference between them is in the conditions of detention and the quality of work with children, and in how profitable each type of business can be.

Is it profitable to open a private kindergarten?

The idea of ​​opening a private kindergarten by organizing a business at home most often occurs to young mothers. The demand for educational services is high, but this does not mean that starting a business in this niche will be financially profitable.

The relevance of business is due not only to the shortage of municipal preschool institutions. Another factor is parents’ dissatisfaction with the conditions of their children’s stay, including:

    poor financing of municipal preschool institutions, as a result: old furniture and toys, dilapidated plumbing, lack of quality repairs;

    insufficient level of personnel qualifications;

    low quality of educational programs;

    insufficient attention to each child due to overcrowded groups.

Based on these premises, we can conclude: if there is a clear problem with places in kindergartens in your region, even opening a kindergarten at home can be profitable; a group of 5-7 children is enough to start with.

In the absence of a pronounced deficit, a private child care institution that provides a full range of high-quality educational services will bring profit. A full-fledged kindergarten requires large expenses, so you can count on a stable income if at least 20-25 people (3-4 groups) attend it. Such an organization involves a large amount of accounting work; for proper accounting and saving on taxes, it makes sense to use the services of an outsourcing company.

I want to open a private kindergarten - a formula for success

Success in this type of business depends on the correct answer to two questions: is a private kindergarten in demand in your city and where to open it. Research the demographic makeup of the area. If it is dominated by older people, there is no point in a kindergarten. A residential area where many young people live is an ideal option.

A separate building or space in a residential building - the decision depends on the format of the kindergarten. If you decide to recruit a small group “at home”, you can even confine yourself to your own apartment - provided that it meets the necessary requirements. On a large scale, priority is given to detached buildings with a walking area.

Private kindergarten: how to open step by step

The first step is choosing a form of ownership: individual entrepreneurs and LLCs have the right to provide services in the field of preschool education. Registration as an individual entrepreneur allows you to open such formats of child care institutions as:

    development center;

    children's leisure center;

    temporary stay center for children (at home).

However, you can work without a license. A prerequisite is that you cannot use the wording “kindergarten” or “school” in the name.

If you want to conduct full-fledged educational activities, it is better to register a legal entity. face. It will be easier to obtain the license that is required in this case.

Documents for opening a private kindergarten

Preparation of the necessary documents is a stage, the complexity of which depends on the chosen business format:

1. Opening a kindergarten at home, a temporary stay group.

A minimum package of documents is required, a license is optional. The list of documents required to open will be as follows:

  • certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur;
  • a residential lease agreement (if you rent an apartment) indicating the consent of the apartment owner to open a kindergarten or a certificate of ownership;
  • contracts with kindergarten employees.

Communication with regulatory authorities - Pozhnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor - is reduced to a minimum. Their demands must be taken into account, but official permission does not need to be obtained from them. Accounting can be outsourced.

2. A full-fledged preschool institution offering a wide range of educational services.

A license is mandatory and gives the right not only to teach children, but also to receive benefits and assistance from the state. In addition to the documents listed above, you will need to provide:

  • conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor, SES, Fire Supervision on the admission of the premises to operation;
  • charter of the institution;
  • documents on the compliance of educational and developmental programs with the requirements, curriculum;
  • information about the number of children;
  • agreements with public utilities, laundry, catering, plumbing, and energy supply organizations.

Requirements for the premises of a private kindergarten

Basic requirements for kindergarten premises (SanPiN

    at least 3 rooms - bedroom, playroom, dining room;

    at least 6 sq. m of living space for each child;

    ensuring optimal temperature conditions – 22-24 °C with humidity within 40-60%;

    finishing using environmentally friendly, healthy materials, no slippery floor coverings.

There are more requirements for premises for a kindergarten operating under a license. Required availability:

    a fully equipped medical office;

    a gym for the full physical development of children;

    at least two toilet rooms with a separate wash area;

    fire alarm;

    a separate catering unit, if you plan to organize meals on site;

    fenced area for outdoor games.

Private kindergarten staff

The hallmark of a competitive preschool institution is qualified staff. Even a home group will require a minimum staffing:

  • manager;
  • teacher and assistant teacher;
  • cleaning woman.

And if the position of head and teacher can be combined, then assistant teacher and cleaner - in no case.

A private kindergarten with a license must have a wide staff of specialists, including:

  • medical worker;
  • psychologist;
  • music worker, choreographer, foreign language teacher (depending on the areas chosen for the preschool institution);
  • speech therapist;
  • accountant;
  • cook;
  • watchman

It is necessary to check with specialists whether they have a diploma confirming their qualifications. A significant advantage for job seekers is experience in the educational field and the availability of recommendations. At the same time, the entrepreneur himself - if he does not plan to work as a teacher - does not need to have a pedagogical education. Every employee, regardless of position, must have a health certificate.

How much does it cost to open a private kindergarten?

It is difficult to name the amount required to open a business: it depends on the format of the establishment, the region, and the planned number of children. Let us give approximate calculations for a modest group at home (5-6 kids) and a private kindergarten for 25-30 people, in which children are taught in various areas.

In total, 250-270 thousand rubles will be required to open a group for temporary stay of children. Of these, some of the expenses are capital, and such as rent, utilities, and staff salaries are monthly. To open a licensed kindergarten, you need at least 1.5 million rubles. The payback period for a mini-group will be about 10-12 months, for a kindergarten - 1.5-2 years.

Business pitfalls: what to look out for

Opening a private kindergarten is a rather risky step. When planning to organize a business, you need to take into account the risks:

1. Possible conflicts with neighbors when opening a temporary stay at home group. It is better to discuss the situation in advance with those who live in the same building as you.

2. Children's safety. By concluding an agreement, you take responsibility for the safety of each child. Do not skimp on repairs, fire alarms, or arranging the area for walking. Provide regular, strict training to all employees.

3. Increase in rental costs. To avoid this, always enter into a long-term rental agreement with a fixed amount.

4. Problem with personnel. Never hire people who are not trustworthy. A diploma of higher education is not a guarantee of conscientiousness and love for children. One conflict with parents is enough to find yourself in a long oblivion.

Professionals do not advise taking on a large-scale project without relevant experience. Even if the financial situation allows, it is better to start with a small kindergarten, and then, with successful implementation, develop the business to the desired level.

This is quite difficult to do, and this is what you must understand first. Many believe that you can open such an establishment at home, gathering the children of your friends around you, and receiving a monthly profit from it. This option is simply working as a nanny. But we will tell you further how to open a private kindergarten.

List of documents required to open a kindergarten

Educational activities can be carried out by both a legal entity registered in a non-profit organizational and legal form, and an individual - an individual entrepreneur.

Registration of this organization is carried out by the Federal Reserve Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. In a special form you indicate your activities. The review period for your application lasts 1 month.

After this, you register with extra-budgetary funds, the tax service, and state statistics bodies. At the same time, you also need to obtain a license to conduct educational activities. To obtain a license, the following documents are submitted:

  • Premises rental agreement;
  • a certificate confirming tax registration;
  • conclusion of the sanitary service on the compliance of the premises with all sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • the conclusion of the fire service that the premises meets all the standards and requirements that apply to preschool organizations;
  • articles of association;
  • documents confirming the availability of educational materials and literature;
  • educational program;
  • data on the number of children and teaching staff.

The issuance of such a license is carried out by the Department of Education and local governments that have such powers.

Although obtaining a license takes a lot of time, you cannot open a preschool without them, as this risks criminal liability.

The only loophole that does not provide for obtaining a licensing document is positioning your institution not as a kindergarten, but as a children's training or development center. Although a license is no longer needed here, you may have problems with inspection by the SES and any other authorities.


The business plan must include a special section with a list of services. You can also increase the already established list at any time, since today there are no regulations that would prohibit its increase.

Since this is a private establishment, try to make it special, different from government agencies. This could be an institution for children with:

  • Increased activity;
  • vision problems;
  • speech problems;
  • rare diseases;
  • aptitude for learning languages, etc.

For such special conditions, it is necessary to find excellent specialists and obtain all necessary permits.

Start with the minimum, expanding the range of services over time. Every year you can add new classes by inviting new specialists.


You can buy or rent premises. Also, if you have enough funds, you can build a house. In any case, the premises must comply with all standards, otherwise the SES or fire service will simply prohibit its use.

Equipment and equipment

What is needed for a private kindergarten? Let's divide everything you need into zones:

  • Bedrooms: beds, mattresses, pillows, bedding sets;
  • play and recreation area: chairs, children's tables, teaching aids, musical instruments, toys, office;
  • dressing room: individual lockers for storing clothes, sofas;
  • dining room: furniture, dishes, cutlery, napkins, household appliances;
  • utility unit: washing machine, dryer, household equipment;
  • medical office: instruments, special equipment and furniture, overalls, medicines, refrigerator;
  • administrative office: furniture, computer, office equipment, office, telephone;
  • hygienic and sanitary procedures: pots, plumbing, towels, detergents.

Kindergarten staff

The number of teachers depends on the number of children. There is one teacher for every 15 children. If you position yourself as a good preschool institution, then the number of staff should be large. The staff includes not only educators, but also methodologists, physical education, music and foreign language teachers, psychologists and speech therapists, cooks and nannies, doctors, paramedics, nurses and security guards.

It is important to invite experienced specialists here. Although it is not cheap, their work in the institution will fully pay for itself within a couple of years. And you can save on service employees if you hire them part-time, on an hourly basis or at part of the rate.

The kindergarten bears full responsibility for the life and health of children, so it is necessary to hire such a number of staff that children will not be left unattended for a second.

Over the past few years, the trend to install surveillance cameras that broadcast images online has become quite popular. This opportunity allows both educators and parents to monitor their children, as well as monitor the work of the staff of the institution they have chosen.

Your costs

The cost of renting a room depends on its size. If this room is approximately 400 m2 in area, then renting it will cost you 50,000 rubles. Utilities - around 20,000 rubles.

Repairs, the purchase of all necessary fixtures and equipment, furniture and toys, the first salary for employees, as well as the organization of baby food will also cost you a tidy sum. At last count, all this will cost around 1,000,000 rubles.

Possible risks

  • Rent. You will need to renew your rental agreement every year. With each new year, the cost may increase, which means you should be prepared for such a turn of events. The owner may change his mind, and you will need to look for a new building and equip it. To minimize this risk, write down all the conditions in the contract in advance and work only with reputable landlords who have been recommended to you.
  • Neighbours . This is a risk that almost every new entrepreneur faces. In 90% of cases, neighbors are unhappy with the opening of even a mini-kindergarten next to their houses. Before concluding an agreement, make sure that the residents of nearby houses have nothing against it. This way you will avoid negative publicity in the media and unwanted prosecutorial checks.
  • Conflicts with parents . Very often, the emergence of conflict situations is not the fault of the institution’s staff, but the initiative of conflicting parents. They are visible immediately, so try to stay as far away from them as possible, standing your ground: the rules are the same for everyone, the opening to the garden group is gradual, the same approach is applied to everyone. Then no one will be able to find fault with you about the fact that you are not coping well with your assigned responsibilities.
  • Future perspective. A private kindergarten as a business is a prospect for the future. Don't expect immediate results. Profit will come over time. Once you have earned a good reputation, satisfied parents will themselves talk about what wonderful teachers their children had.

Your income

The figures presented below are averages. The amount can be either significantly higher or lower:

  • Membership/entry fee – 60,000 rubles;
  • monthly fee – from 5,000 to 6,000 rubles;
  • individual lessons (foreign languages, singing, drawing) 10,000 rubles per month;
  • short-term groups of 8 children - 6,000 - 7,000 per month per child.

So, you have 40 children in your kindergarten. The initial payment is 60,000 rubles, the total amount is 2,400,000 rubles. Monthly fees bring up to 2,500,000 rubles per year, individual lessons bring another 100,000 rubles, short-term groups - 500,000 rubles, the institution's profit is 3,000,000 per year, plus initial fees for the first year of work - 2,400,000 rubles (amount varies depending on the number of new children you will admit each new school year).

Of course, from the amount you will subtract employee salaries, expenses for food, security, office supplies, toys, utility bills and rent, but still, in the first year you have every chance not only to fully recoup all expenses, but also to turn a profit .

Since most modern parents want to give their children the best education from an early age, you have every chance of opening a promising business.

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Family home kindergarten

In this article we will look at, how to organize a family kindergarten at your home. First you need to figure out what a family (or home) kindergarten is? Well, firstly, this is not a private kindergarten organized in a private house or a neighbor’s apartment. A family kindergarten is when a mother is a teacher of her own children in her home and receives a salary for this.

Let's consider in detail, what is family kindergarten using the example of one large family that had experience organizing such a kindergarten in 2011-2012. The family’s place of residence is one of the cities of the Krasnodar Territory. The name of the mother of many children is Marina.

Marina, first of all, tell me which family has the right to open a family kindergarten?

Design family (home) kindergarten Maybe a family with three preschoolers, ranging in age from 2 months to 7 years. From the experience of families I know, there are also prefabricated kindergartens: one family has two children, another has one child, they make one group and one of the mothers sets up the kindergarten for herself.

Why organize home kindergartens at all? Isn’t it easier to send the children to an ordinary kindergarten and let the mother go to her main job?

Firstly, it is now difficult to wait in line for kindergarten, even if the child was registered from birth. Secondly, many people now do not send their children to kindergarten because they often get sick or for some other reason.

As for our family, we did not want to send our children to kindergarten because we wanted to raise them ourselves. Therefore, having learned that it was still possible to receive money, we decided to open a family kindergarten as soon as our third child was born. At the time the kindergarten was organized, our children were the following ages: 6 years, 3 years and 2 months.

Where to start designing a family kindergarten?

First, I contacted the city Education Department. I said that I have three children and that I want to open a family kindergarten. I was received well and asked which kindergarten I would like to join. It turns out that a home kindergarten cannot exist on its own; it must be a branch or group of a specific kindergarten. I chose the kindergarten closest to us and went there. The manager, it seemed to me, was even happy about my arrival. It turned out that every kindergarten is now even required to create similar groups of family gardens. After all, then more places are freed up in the queue for kindergarten.

What documents are required to register a family kindergarten?

The manager explained everything to me in detail. I photographed our children's room and provided several photographs to the kindergarten: cribs, a table, toys, books. A representative from the kindergarten comes to some families and takes photographs of home conditions.

The documents required were: my passport, my work record, children’s birth certificates. It was also necessary to obtain medical cards for the children and a medical (sanitary) record for me. It took time.

What do medical cards for children look like?

Medical cards for preschoolers/schoolchildren are sold in stationery stores. We bought them ourselves. Such a card (or rather, a book) is assigned to a child in kindergarten and then accompanies him until he graduates from school. When a child undergoes a medical examination, doctors make their notes on the card.

To register a home kindergarten, we had to go through a full medical examination with the children, as if they were entering an ordinary kindergarten.

What is a personal medical record?

All workers in the food sector (cooks, food sellers), as well as persons working with children (educators, teachers) have a medical (or sanitary) book. And I, as a kindergarten employee, also had to draw up such a book.

The preparation of this document in our city is carried out by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station (SES). I had to take several tests, go through the office of a gynecologist-venereologist, and even take a professional test for kindergarten teachers. Registration of a medical record was not very difficult and took one week.

Is it necessary for children to be vaccinated to register for kindergarten?

No, we refused vaccinations, Mantoux, and x-rays. The law now allows this, and health workers do not have the right to exclude unvaccinated children from preschool and school education. Of course, the head of the children's clinic did not like this very much, but she still signed the admission to the kindergarten.

How long does the kindergarten registration process take?

The longest process turned out to be processing medical cards for children. There were always queues at the clinics, we had to see a lot of doctors, so it took us 2 months. Maybe someone else can do it faster.

And the most important question: what salary did you receive?

My salary consisted of 0.5 salary of a teacher + 0.5 salary of an assistant teacher (nanny) + 0.25 salary of a cook. As of January 2014, in the Krasnodar Territory, the salary of a mother-teacher in a family kindergarten is approximately 18,000 rubles. Agree, a good help for the family! In addition, mom gets work experience, and they also give her food!

Did the kindergarten give you food?

Yes, we were given food. That is, those products that were included in the menu were given to us. In theory, we were supposed to pick up groceries every day, but by agreement with the kindergarten management, we picked them up twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays. This way it was more convenient for us - pick up immediately in 2-3 days. The husband came after work and picked up the packages from the caretaker, since the kindergarten was already closed by that time.

So what did your family kindergarten look like?

Basically, nothing has changed in our lives. We lived our lives, got up and went to bed when we wanted, ate and walked when it was convenient for us, and did not give any reports to anyone. For a year, we have never received any inspection or commission, although this can also happen.

Didn't they require you to write reports at kindergarten?

In our kindergarten they didn’t require it, but I know that in other groups mothers wrote small reports about what they prepared today from kindergarten products and what activities they did with their children. Maybe the manager herself did it for us.

What products did you receive from the kindergarten?

To be honest, at first I thought that we would only be given barley and semolina. But everything turned out to be much better. In two days we received approximately the following products: 2-3 liters of milk, 1.5 loaves of bread, 300-400 grams of beef (or a little more chicken or fish), 200-300 grams of sugar, 3-5 eggs, 200-300 grams of what some cereal, 200-300 grams of flour, 150 grams of butter, several potatoes, 1-2 onions, 2-3 carrots, 1 pack of cottage cheese, a few apples, half a head of cabbage.

By the way, you can refuse products.

Is it possible to take money instead of food?

In the Krasnodar Territory - no. But I know that in other regions this is practiced (instead of food they give money for food).

What other nuances of a family kindergarten have you not talked about?

It may seem funny, but we paid for our children to stay in a family kindergarten! I, as a teacher, did not pay the full amount, but only 25%. Today it is a little more than 400 rubles per child per month. But according to the law, part of the amount was returned to me: for the first child - 20%, for the second - 50%, for the third - 70%. Here's the diagram. Roughly speaking, for three children a month, parents now pay 600-700 rubles (including refunds).

But I know parents who do not pay for their children in family kindergarten. If the family is low-income, then by decision of the kindergarten commission, such a family may not pay for their children.

Is it possible to open a home kindergarten if the mother is employed and is on maternity leave (maternity leave)?

Yes, I had exactly this situation. When the manager asked for my work record, I replied that it was at my main job. Then I got a part-time job.

Is it possible to register a family kindergarten if the family does not live in their own house/apartment, but rents a house?

Yes! I know one family who rents a house, and there are a lot of them living in the apartment: grandparents, and the husband’s sister and child.

Is it possible to register a home kindergarten if the mother does not have Russian citizenship?

Yes! This same family, or rather the mother, does not have Russian citizenship, but only a residence permit. The only thing that was required of her at the kindergarten was to bring a certificate of no criminal record and obtain a work permit.

Is it difficult to register a home (family) kindergarten?

It may not be easy for some, but it is worth doing. If someone has doubts about some issues, for example, small living space, or poor living conditions, it is still worth going to the nearest kindergarten and consulting with the head. She will explain everything and can accommodate you.

Are you planning to open a kindergarten from scratch, but don’t know where to start? Below we will tell you how to do this and what you will need for this. Let's consider the features, pros and cons of such a business. We will also answer popular questions.

The relevance of a private kindergarten

It is foolish to believe that in some city kindergarten services are not in demand.

In some regions, municipal kindergartens cannot cope with the influx of children. Parents have to get on the waiting list even before the baby is born.

Therefore, such a business will always be relevant. And there are 7 reasons for this:

  • The disadvantage of kindergartens in most regions is that children are forced to wait their turn, and mothers cannot go to work.
  • Insufficient funding for municipal kindergartens - this affects the quality of child care, work with them, food and other important aspects.
  • In public kindergartens, groups consist of more than 15 children and teachers do not pay due attention to each child.
  • A private kindergarten can offer additional services that municipal ones cannot boast of.
  • Parents do not have to wait in line and have the opportunity to send their child to kindergarten at any age.
  • A private kindergarten does not force parents into limits, for example, the time when they need to pick up their child. This is a plus for parents with irregular work schedules.
  • The garden can be opened in an apartment or private house. This will allow children to be in a familiar home environment.

As you can see, the “children’s” business is relevant and promising. But you need to know its features, pros and cons.

Business Features: Advantages and Disadvantages

A private kindergarten has its pros and cons. And before you open it, you need to understand the features of such a business. To do this, we provide the table below.



Small groups - 10 - 15 children. This allows you to pay attention to each child, which has a positive effect on parents’ loyalty to the kindergarten.

High fees - not every parent can afford to send their child to a private kindergarten. Therefore, ordinary citizens will not become your loyal customers.

Good food - private gardens do not skimp on food and are attentive to menu planning and food preparation. This moment also attracts parents.

Lack of payment benefits - most often, parents are not provided with any benefits. Then they give preference to municipal gardens.

Highly qualified teachers - owners of commercial kindergartens carefully select personnel. This minimizes the risk of complaints from parents.

The difficulties of opening - you need to invest a lot of money, time and effort to organize a decent kindergarten with attractive conditions for parents.

Unique services - language learning, preschool education, learning to play musical instruments, origami, swimming and other skills useful for children's development. Parents save both money and time, since they do not have to take their child to clubs.

In most cases, especially if the kindergarten is organized in an apartment or private house, it is not possible to build a specialized playground for children to walk. You will have to take them to a city park or forest yourself.

The lack of queues is the main advantage for parents who urgently need to send their child to kindergarten in order to go to work.

Great responsibility - children and their parents are different, so you need to constantly monitor the kids.

Monitoring the work process of the kindergarten - this is done by the parent council.

Low demand in small towns - in small settlements, as a rule, there are no long queues at government institutions and parents do not have the opportunity to pay for expensive private kindergarten services.

Any shortcomings can be eliminated by competently studying the market, target audience and market demand.

Legal aspects and registration of kindergarten

Most future managers of private kindergartens are interested in the question of the legality of this business and whether such an initiative is supported by the state.

The only law that you need to get acquainted with is the “Law on Education of the Russian Federation” Art. 91, which states that if a private institution does not plan to educate children, then a license is not required.

You also need to study the “Housing Code” if you plan to open a kindergarten in an apartment. In this regard, it states that residential premises owned by an individual entrepreneur can be used to carry out economic activities. The main requirement is that it should not disturb the neighbors.

As for sanitary-epidemiological and fire safety standards, the SES, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Rospotrebnadzor are loyal to such institutions and do not conduct regular inspections. They can come suddenly only if there are complaints from neighbors. In other situations, inspection authorities rely on the integrity of the entrepreneur.

From this we can draw a conclusion.

“A private kindergarten is not an educational institution. Therefore, a license is not required to operate.”

What is required to open

To organize a kindergarten you will need:

  • Officially register the business and register with the tax service.
  • Choose a suitable room if you don’t have your own.
  • Finish the premises in accordance with fire safety and sanitary standards.
  • Purchase furniture, toys, equipment for cooking and solving other problems.
  • Conclude an agreement for the supply of food products for cooking.
  • Conduct interviews with candidates for the position of educators and select suitable specialists.
  • Conclude employment contracts with teachers.
  • Launch advertising in nearby areas of the city and on the Internet.

After completing all the points, you can begin the grand opening of the kindergarten.

Requirements for kindergarten premises

The requirements for the premises of private kindergartens can be found in SanPiN Let us highlight the main provisions:

  • The institution must have at least three rooms: for games, sleeping, eating. If children are being taught, then a separate room should be organized for this.
  • The indoor air temperature should not be lower than 22 °C, regardless of the time of year. Issues with the quality of heating must be resolved before the opening of the kindergarten.
  • Air humidity should be in the region of 40 - 60% and no more. For these purposes, it is worth purchasing special air humidifiers.

Otherwise, the premises must be decorated with materials that are safe for children’s health. You should always keep every room and bathroom clean.

You can obtain detailed information about sanitary requirements from your local SES.

It is worth paying attention to a few more points.

  • Walls can only be painted with moisture-resistant paint that does not release substances harmful to the health of children upon contact with water.
  • Do not use slippery floor coverings.
  • Rooms should have artificial and natural lighting.
  • The bathroom should be divided into a sanitary area and an area for washing hands and washing.

When organizing kindergarten premises, you need to focus on the safety of children's health.

Arranging a kindergarten: furniture, toys, dishes and equipment

A private kindergarten will need:

  • Beds for children's daytime sleep.
  • Children's tables and chairs for eating.
  • Educational toys and books.
  • Lockers for changing clothes.
  • Stove, refrigerator, set of dishes and other kitchen utensils for cooking.
  • Detergents and towels.
  • Products for cleaning and disinfecting premises.

Additional furniture, toys and equipment should be chosen based on the list of services provided.

Requirements for employees and their correct selection

The choice of future educators must be approached with special attention. Because the quality of services provided and the loyalty of future customers depend on them.

Mandatory requirements for candidates are:

  • Availability of specialized education corresponding to the position held.
  • Availability of a valid health certificate.
  • Experience working in education or similar settings.
  • High stress resistance, tolerance, politeness and communication skills.

To fully operate the kindergarten you will need:

  • Educators;
  • A health worker with a medical education, preferably a pediatrician;
  • Manager;
  • Cleaning woman.

Other specialists, for example a children's speech therapist, can be hired taking into account the characteristics of the garden and at the discretion of its manager.

How to advertise and promote a kindergarten

The marketing strategy should be built according to the following principle.

  • Advertising in local media: TV, radio, newspapers, specialized magazines and other publications.
  • Installation of advertising boards in the area where the kindergarten is located. They should be located in areas with good parent traffic.
  • Cooperation with local medical institutions, for example a children's clinic.
  • Distribution of advertising leaflets in new areas of the city.
  • Advertising on the Internet: targeted on social networks, banners, teasers, etc.

It is important to pay attention to the official website of the kindergarten. Its pages should contain all the information that will help parents make a decision in your favor. This includes:

  • Contact information: phone, email, links to pages and communities on social networks, address.
  • Detailed description of the kindergarten: number of rooms, beds, operating hours, additional services, etc.
  • Page with information about teachers and other employees.
  • Sample food menu for children.
  • What educational methods are used?
  • Prices and payment terms.
  • The capacity of the kindergarten and the number of available places.
  • List of additional services.
  • Certificates, awards, diplomas (if any).
  • Video presentation of the kindergarten.
  • Photos of weekdays and holidays.
  • Page with reviews from parents.

Provide as much information as possible on the site so that the target audience does not have many questions and can be convinced of the quality of the services offered.

Is it worth taking out a loan to open a kindergarten?

It is not worth opening a kindergarten using a loan. Because in the first six months or year the profit will be low. And situations may arise when an entrepreneur will not be able to pay creditors on time. Then penalties, fines and other troubles will begin to accrue.

You also need to understand that by taking out a loan, an entrepreneur is responsible to the lender with his property. If you fail to fulfill your obligations on time, you can lose your business.

Therefore, the best option for opening a private kindergarten is to do it using your savings. In the future, when the business begins to generate stable income, it will be possible to expand it.

Is it possible to get government support?

Yes, you can.

State support will be as follows.

  • Tax benefits – simplified tax system 6%, abolition of VAT.
  • Providing a subsidy for opening a kindergarten, provided that the future entrepreneur is registered with the Employment Center.
  • Opportunity to participate in municipal orders.
  • Providing premises at a minimum rental price.
  • Compensation to parents - local authorities return part of the payment for kindergarten services.

Perhaps local authorities offer additional support. This needs to be clarified with them.

Other popular questions

Is it necessary to transfer the apartment to non-residential stock? - No.

On what floor of a residential building can a kindergarten be opened? - Any way.

Does an entrepreneur need a pedagogical education? - No.

How much does it cost to open a private kindergarten? – from 500,000 to 1,000,000 rubles.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

100,000 sq.m.

Required area

800,000 rub.

Minimum investment

200,000 rub./month

Income (if 20 children attend)

Business in the field of preschool education is a stable and profitable business. Therefore, if you love children and have sufficient capital, implement the idea of ​​a private kindergarten.

Today in Russia, institutions of additional education for children are becoming especially popular. This trend is connected, firstly, with the increase in the birth rate in the country, secondly with the lack of places in state kindergartens, and thirdly with the low quality of preschool education in these institutions.

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The development of the market for private gardens and development clubs began in the mid-2000s, and was caused by an active increase in the birth rate. Over time, many people appreciated the prospects of the market - the market began to be filled with players who began to win over consumers with different income levels. If previously the services of private kindergartens and similar institutions were regarded as an expensive service for the rich category of the population, then the current market covers a wider audience - now almost everyone can find an option suitable for their budget.

Even during the crisis, the private children's education segment felt quite confident. According to experts, this business is capable of not only not shrinking, but also growing during a crisis. This is due to the fact that most consumers believe that they cannot save on children, and therefore do not plan to stop investing in their development and education.

The idea of ​​opening a private kindergarten is most often visited by young parents-entrepreneurs who experience the “queues” for public kindergartens. Many of those who are far behind in the “queue” are ready or forced to pay for a private kindergarten. In addition, the reason for the refusal of state kindergartens may lie not only in the notorious “queues”. Now many parents initially do not want to send their child to a municipal kindergarten, but immediately look for a private kindergarten. This category of parents has an average or above average income, and therefore imposes certain requirements on the quality of food, education and leisure activities for a private kindergarten.

And since there is a demand, why not offer your services?

But before you open a kindergarten from scratch, you need to weigh the pros and cons, evaluate the market and its demand in your city.

We count kindergartens

We’ll start our research by calculating the number of residents in the area and finding out their structure. For example, if the majority of residents of the area are elderly, then a kindergarten would not be appropriate here. It's a different matter when you decide to open a kindergarten in an area without a public kindergarten, which is needed by young families living nearby.

Where to get information from? You can request information about district statistics at the passport office. As a last resort, you can use the Roskomstat website and find the information yourself.

To find out about the existence of “queues”, contact the city administration - the education department. It may also be that in the area you have chosen there are several public gardens with low occupancy - then there is no point in opening another one here.

Having checked this information and found the ideal place for a private kindergarten, you can proceed to the next stage.

We count finances

Before you seriously start implementing an idea, you need to calculate how much it will cost. It is quite difficult to indicate the exact figures that the opening of a private kindergarten will result in, because the amount depends on many factors. And the main one is “how much are you willing to pay?” This is the type of business in which investments have a clear minimum and a vague maximum. Let's deal with the minimum.

Firstly, a significant share is occupied by the renovation of the premises. Even if you have selected a civil premises for the kindergarten, in order to adapt it to the needs of the children and the requirements of the law, you need to spend money. For a small garden designed for one group, 100 sq.m. will be enough. Repairs in such a room will cost about 300 thousand rubles. (including all work and materials).

Secondly, most of the budget will be consumed by the equipment of the premises. The kindergarten needs to purchase furniture, bed linen, dishes, household appliances, toys, and educational materials. Get ready to spend about 400 thousand rubles on this article.

Thirdly, when opening a new kindergarten, it is necessary to conduct an advertising campaign. The minimum amount that needs to be included in the budget is 50 thousand rubles.

Fourthly, paperwork takes not only a lot of time, but also a lot of money. Therefore, budget 15-20 thousand rubles for this cost item.

Fifth, don't forget about unobvious expenses. For example, you will have to pay rent for the premises even before the opening of the kindergarten (unless, of course, you have a suitable 100 sq.m. in your property). And renting such an area will cost about 80 thousand rubles. per month.

Thus, to open a private kindergarten you will need from 800 thousand to 1 million rubles.

We study the pitfalls, weigh the pros and cons

Opening a kindergarten, although a good idea, has its own difficulties and disadvantages. Let's start with the good. Why is it worth opening a private kindergarten?

    relevant and stable business;

    low susceptibility to crises;

    state support for preschool education.

And now about the disadvantages:

    difficulty in recruiting highly qualified personnel;

    high level of competition;

    the need for an entrepreneur to be present in business;

    low profitability due to rental costs, employee wages and the cost of services provided;
    - complexity of doing business;

    large initial investment.

Ready ideas for your business

However, opening a kindergarten is assessed as a promising business area, characterized by stable income and social significance.

Our verdict - a private kindergarten needs to be opened!

To make a minimum of mistakes in this difficult process, we recommend drawing up a well-thought-out business plan. The more aspects of the business you cover, the easier it will be to implement the idea.

We offer step-by-step instructions that will help determine the main stages of opening a kindergarten.

How to complete the documentation?

A private kindergarten can be registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, and you can also choose the form of a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution) or an autonomous non-profit organization. Keep in mind that the registration period, depending on the chosen legal form, varies significantly: if you spend 2-3 weeks on registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC, then registering a preschool educational institution or independent non-profit organization will take 2 months.

The choice of registration form affects the taxation system and the nuances of accounting. By choosing an individual entrepreneur, you can purchase a patent for a period of 1 to 12 months. The patent system is suitable for kindergartens in a small space and with a minimum number of staff. If you open an LLC, then according to the “simplified” method you will pay 6% of income. Preschool educational institutions and independent non-profit organizations also have their own taxation and accounting features.

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In accordance with Art. 91 Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, additional education is subject to licensing. Please note that only educational programs are licensed. If the services of a private kindergarten include child care, supervision and development, this does not fall under the definition of educational programs, which means that licensing is not required.

And yet, how to obtain a license for a preschool institution?

This process is very complex; for this it is necessary to prepare the following documents:

    Copies of the business registration certificate and constituent papers.

    Curricula and lesson plans that meet Ministry of Education standards.

    Documents on the qualifications of the manager, hired teachers and educators.

    Data on methodological and technical support.

    Conclusion of the SES and fire service on the suitability of the premises.

    A document confirming ownership of the premises or a lease agreement.

How to choose a place for kindergarten?

This is the next stage of the quest, which requires considerable effort. Finding a suitable premise for a kindergarten is not so easy. In this case, the requirements are strict, and if the premises do not meet at least one requirement from the list, you are unlikely to be given permission from Rospotrebnadzor and Fire Safety.

All standards are specified in SanPin and fire safety rules, which should be carefully studied before you start searching for premises. Let's list the key ones:

    not less than 6 sq.m. for each child;

    the presence of separate rooms for playing, sleeping, eating;

    even the smallest private kindergarten should have a director’s office;

    a medical worker’s office, with a full range of necessary medications and first aid supplies;

    a gym equipped with the necessary equipment;

    separate room for eating;

    toilet rooms equipped for children with washbasins, cabinets for towels and storage of household chemicals, children's toilet seats;

    availability of changing rooms and lockers for storing things;

    all rooms must be equipped with a fire alarm, illuminated by natural and electric light, have a temperature of 22 degrees, and painted with moisture-resistant paint.

Don't let the impressive list scare you. Still, resolving the issue of premises is not so difficult: the entrepreneur only needs to know the rules and regulations, as well as a thorough and attentive search for suitable premises.

In some cases, the state will help you find a suitable premises. In some regions there are preferential rental rates for municipal premises. Therefore, it is worth considering all the options, calculating the possibilities and finding the optimal solution for yourself.

You can also find cheaper premises by taking advantage of help from the state. In some regions, there are special programs for preferential rental of municipal premises for representatives of the private sector of preschool education or social entrepreneurship. Therefore, it is worth exploring all possible options, calculating the economic model and identifying the optimal rental rate for yourself.

How to select employees for a kindergarten?

For a kindergarten, the availability of qualified personnel is one of the main parameters, so you should carefully select personnel. The main problem when opening such an institution is precisely the small number of highly qualified specialists. Therefore, it is recommended to engage in personnel selection at the business planning stage. It is imperative that employees have pedagogical or psychological education. It should be noted that when drawing up training programs, knowledge in psychological, pedagogical and creative fields will be required. Also, all employees must have a medical record and a certificate from a psychiatrist.

The number of staff depends on the size of the kindergarten: the more groups in your kindergarten, the more nannies and teachers are required.

Ready ideas for your business

For one group of 20 people, the minimum list of personnel is: 2 teachers, 1 nanny and 1 cook. It is assumed that this staff combines the functions of teachers and a nurse (of course, if they have the necessary qualifications). If you find such versatile employees, you can reduce the wage bill.

The target audience of a private kindergarten is represented by parents of preschool children. The institution's services are aimed at middle-income families.

    Placing advertisements in schools, public kindergartens and other places where the target audience gathers.

    Posting advertisements in houses geographically close to your institution. In this case, advertising in elevators is most effective.

    Placing information in local newspapers - this can be not only a commercial advertisement, but also an entire article telling about your business, teachers, methods, results, etc.

    Providing a free trial day in the group;

    Posting information on various thematic forums in cities.

    Providing additional services. For example, this could be a free trial lesson or a video surveillance service that allows parents to monitor how their child’s classes are progressing via online broadcast.

How to conclude an agreement with parents?

Be sure to enter into a service agreement with the children’s parents. A typical agreement should include:

    Subjects: the owner of the kindergarten, as the Contractor, and one of the child’s parents, as the Customer;

    Subject of the agreement: services provided by the educational institution: supervision and care, additional education services, etc.;

    Rights and obligations of the Contractor and the Customer.

    Liability measures for violation of contract clauses and the procedure for resolving disputes;

    Prices for kindergarten services and the possibility of recalculation;

    Legal and actual addresses, details;

    Permission to process personal data.

You can seek help from a lawyer who can help you draft a contract correctly. The cost of his services in this case will be small.

What benefits can you get?

One of the frequently asked questions is what benefits and support from the state can an entrepreneur receive? If you are engaged in a private kindergarten, you can count on:

    taxes according to a simplified scheme (for a patent as an individual entrepreneur);

    benefits for private educational institutions - abolition of VAT;

    subsidies allocated by local governments. Subsidies may apply to the creation of a private educational institution and the rental of premises, the use of premises that belong to the municipality.

You can also receive other types of assistance from the state - check with the local education department that oversees this industry. Also, the profitability of a kindergarten can be increased if you take part in the municipal order. For example, the education of children from 1 to 3 years old - significant amounts are allocated from the municipal budget for this.

Anything is possible if you take the initiative.

What other costs need to be considered?

In addition to the initial investment, you need to calculate your monthly expenses.

Fixed expenses consist of rent, utilities, payroll, advertising costs and depreciation. Of these, more than 50% of costs come from wages.

Approximate calculation of monthly expenses of a private kindergarten

Thus, at least 250 thousand rubles will need to be subtracted from the revenue received. (after all, taxes are not taken into account here) to calculate net profit.

Is it profitable?

To answer this question, you need to know two parameters: the number of children who will attend your kindergarten, and the cost of services for one child.

The average cost of attending a private kindergarten for one child is 10,000 rubles. Accordingly, if you have 20 kids, then your monthly income is 200,000 rubles.

If we take into account the approximate calculation of monthly costs, then for a profitable business, at least 30 children must attend the kindergarten. And then about 50 thousand rubles. you will have net profit.

As you can see, in order to open a private kindergarten, considerable funds are needed, and the payback for such a project is quite long.

When choosing which kindergarten to open: large or small, you need to understand that the profitability of a small kindergarten is limited by its capacity. Therefore, you need to correctly calculate several options and choose the most cost-effective one.

What business risks should you consider?

The most important risk that can occur when opening a private garden is the lack of clients. Therefore, be sure to conduct market research to identify the real need for private kindergarten services.

Or it may happen that next to your private kindergarten a new municipal one suddenly opens, which is in no way inferior to yours, and also wins in price.

What else should we be wary of and, if possible, take preventive measures?

    an increase in rental costs, which will entail an increase in fixed costs and may affect the financial condition. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of risk by concluding a long-term lease agreement and choosing a conscientious lessor;

    reduction in effective demand. Still, the amount is 10 thousand rubles. for a child’s kindergarten – quite a lot. Therefore, there is a possibility that some clients may simply refuse your services, realizing that this amount is unaffordable for them. This risk can be minimized with the help of discount promotions and the creation of loyalty programs. However, it is impossible to completely avoid the risk due to the specifics of the services provided;

    changes in legislation, which may complicate business processes. This risk cannot be controlled. Therefore, it is necessary to take it into account and form a budget in case of such risks.

    responsibility for the health and safety of children. The presence of an unpleasant incident can significantly damage the business reputation of the establishment and lead to significant problems. Therefore, to avoid such situations, it is necessary to conduct thorough instruction for both teachers and parents;

    lack of qualified specialists. This risk will be mitigated by monitoring employees of schools, art, music and choreography schools, university graduates in the required specialties, careful selection of employees and favorable working conditions that can attract quality personnel;

    decrease in the reputation of the institution among the target audience due to errors in management or a decrease in the quality of services. It is possible to mitigate the risk by constantly monitoring the quality of services, receiving feedback from the institution’s clients and taking corrective measures.

Let's sum it up

Of course, opening your own private kindergarten is quite a troublesome and responsible task. It can only become successful if you plan your business wisely and are passionate about your business. Then you will be able to achieve stability and high profits. Simply chasing income will not bring the expected results. You won't be able to make money quickly. This is a business for the future, which involves development. Therefore, we strongly recommend: open a kindergarten if this is close to you.

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