Preparation of estimates for design and survey work. Training course External electrical networks

Small business 28.12.2023
Small business

The benefits of manual manipulation on the human body have been known since ancient times. Using special techniques, our ancestors accelerated the recovery of patients from serious illnesses. Nowadays, many modern techniques have been developed, many of which should be classified as soft manual techniques - post-isometric relaxation.

These techniques help improve blood circulation in internal organs, accelerate metabolism, normalize muscle tone, correct the location of vertebrae and joints, and complete recovery. Therefore, our post-isometric relaxation courses are of interest to medical professionals of any specialization. You too can sign up for a training program at the MIRK Institute.

Who is the program intended for?

This course was designed to train specialists already familiar with classical massage techniques. It is suitable for working rehabilitation therapists and massage therapists. During the training process, students will learn to use orthopedic techniques to examine patients, make clinical assessments, and identify abnormal health conditions. They will study the functions and principles of movement of joints and the spine, the anatomical and physiological influence of manual therapy on the patient’s health, methods of influencing the human body and indications for their use. Our graduates will also be able to successfully apply post-isometric relaxation techniques, the effectiveness of which exceeds the results of surgical intervention and drug therapy.

Preparing Cost Estimates for Construction Design and Survey

The course program was developed taking into account the professional standard “Specialist in pricing and cost estimates in the field of urban planning activities” (project).

Design and survey work is a necessary stage preceding construction. At this stage, it is important not only to competently carry out the necessary research, draw up a project, generate working and design documentation, but also to correctly justify and calculate the cost of all work and draw up an estimate.

This course focuses on the practical aspects of preparing estimates for design and survey work using the professional PIR program. A computer system for determining the cost of design and survey work was developed by InfoStroy Company LLC in 2004. PIR is an indispensable universal tool in design organizations and construction companies, since it facilitates calculations and, moreover, is constantly being improved taking into account changing conditions and time requirements.

During the course, you will learn how to independently prepare estimates for design and survey work based on the data presented, and will be able to carry out their approval and examination. In practice, you will work out typical work situations: justify your calculations to the audience, answer questions and comments from the “investor” and “customer”. You will have a minimum of homework - all questions of interest will be answered during class.

Having successfully completed the course, you will confidently use methodological documentation to determine the cost of design and survey work, determine the cost of design work and engineering surveys, and calculate the cost of design and survey work using the PIR system. Your skills will be confirmed by a prestigious certificate or certificate of advanced training from the Specialist center.

The course is aimed at the following categories of students:

  • construction pricing specialists;
  • heads of departments (managers) in construction;
  • urban planners and transport hub designers;
  • civil engineers involved in determining the estimated cost of construction work;
  • engineers in industry and production;
  • civil engineers;
  • civil engineering technicians;
  • economists in construction industry;
  • construction company accountants;
  • students wishing to obtain a qualification as an estimator.

Effective work with the GRAND-Estimates program

The practical course is aimed at teaching the preparation of all types of estimate documentation to determine the cost of construction, installation and design and survey work in the GRAND-Estimates program, version 8.1.

Competent teachers of the TechnoProgress Vocational Education Center will talk about how to use the regulatory framework, how to create an object-based estimate in GRAND-Estimates, what calculation methods exist, how estimates are examined, etc. In addition, during the training process the programs “ GRANDStroyInfo" and "GRAND-Smeta PIR".

GRAND Estimate training takes place taking into account all the latest changes in legislation (Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia No. 899/pr dated December 11, 2015; Federal Law No. 44-FZ; Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia No. 675/pr dated September 21, 2015; Federal Law No. 402-FZ etc.).

GRAND-Smeta courses are designed for small groups (no more than 10 people). This is how the best learning effect is achieved - each student is given maximum attention, and if he has any difficulties with the estimate forms drawn up in the process of work, the teacher will review them, point out errors, and tell him how to make the correct option.

During the educational process, students will receive informative handouts: an example of calculating coefficients for PNR; commissioning of reinforced concrete blocks; Indices of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation (2Q-l) 2016, etc.

The practice of drawing up estimate documentation in construction in “” and “GRAND-Smeta”

Specialists of the TechnoProgress Center for Vocational Education have developed a training course to consolidate practical skills in drawing up different types of estimates in the and GRAND-Estimates programs, and their most effective use in the professional activities of students.

Competent teachers will talk about changes in the legislative framework of the Russian Federation, and also, in addition to popular ones, will consider the nuances of specific calculations: drawing up estimates for commissioning work; drawing up estimates for the reconstruction of buildings; drawing up estimates for the installation of fire safety systems and video surveillance; drawing up estimates for low-current systems, etc. The teacher will show all examples using two programs at once.

The course on preparing estimates for commissioning work, as well as courses on other highly specialized calculations, are very relevant today. Our teachers will tell you about typical mistakes and help you understand the many subtleties when preparing such estimates using the and GRAND-Estimates programs. If students have questions about territorial estimate bases that are used specifically in their region, experienced teachers will answer them clearly and in detail.

All training, including the course on preparing estimates for low-current systems, is conducted at a very intensive pace; more than 70% of the training time, students independently create estimates

Effective work with the program

To automate the processes of creating estimates, modern professionals use special software. One of the most common SMETA.RU programs, which increases the personal efficiency of employees and saves their working time for the benefit of the company.

For those professionals who understand the importance of advanced technologies, we have prepared a special course in which experienced experts tell you how to automate tasks related to estimates and planning using the latest version of the SMETA.RU program.

During the lectures, students master the basic functions and advanced capabilities of the SMETA.RU program. They gain skills in analyzing and managing large data flows, learn to operate calculations, draw up and check estimates.

The advanced training program is recommended for preparation for certification of specialists in accordance with the professional standard “Specialist in the field of economic planning and construction production (registration number 267)”, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated December 8, 2014. No. 983n.

The course is designed for beginning estimators and allows you to master the theory and gain practice in drawing up project estimates, which is called “from scratch.” The course includes the practice of creating estimate documentation in a software package. After completing this course you will receive a certificate or a standard certificate.

Course price 17,900 rub.

10% DISCOUNT - individuals
10% DISCOUNT - for legal entities when paying for 2 or more listeners
15% DISCOUNT - for unemployed people upon presentation of a copy of their work record book
20% DISCOUNT - for students and pensioners upon presentation of a document
30% DISCOUNT - when purchasing the PIR System program

Course program Lesson 1. PIR. Theory. General provisions and regulatory documents
  • System of pricing and estimated standardization of the cost of design and survey work.
  • Regulatory documents required when calculating the cost of design and survey work.
  • Price levels. Concept, essence, application in practice.
  • Calculation of estimates in base prices. Go to the current level. Accounting for inflation processes.
  • Basic methods of calculating estimates for design and survey work.
  • Determination of the cost of design work depending on the natural indicators of the designed object.
  • Calculation of the estimate as a percentage of the total cost of the design object.
Lesson 2. PIR. Theory. Peculiarities of budgeting in Moscow. Estimates for some types of work.
  • Features of calculating project estimates in Moscow.
  • Price levels, regulatory documents, calculation methods.
  • Features of drawing up estimate documentation using specialized reference books of basic prices.
  • Cost-forming and complicating design factors.
  • Calculation of the cost of design work for reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment.
  • Drawing up estimates for work on the development of design documentation for major repairs of buildings and structures.
Lesson 3. PIR. Practice. Getting started with the program.
  • Working with the PIR complex.
  • Basic concepts. Program delivery options. Options for supplying regulatory frameworks.
  • Start the program. Internal structure of the complex.
  • Presentation of information in the reference data database.
  • Working with the regulatory framework. Grouping of directories. Displaying the price type of price in directories.
  • Methodological support. View collections, general and technical parts. Conversion indices.
  • Working with collections of resources. System tables, executors.
Lesson 4. PIR. Practice. Basic functions and program settings.
  • Working with project estimates.
  • Table of local estimates. Operations with local estimates.
  • Working with local estimates. “Structure” screen and “Settings” screen.. Operations with Local estimate lines. Purpose of amendments. Section by performers.
  • Printing estimates, printing settings. Working with limit switches.
  • Search and selection of prices.
  • Drawing up estimates using the calculation method based on the natural indicators of the object.
  • Drawing up estimates using the method of calculating the total cost of construction.
Lesson 5. PIR. Practice. Additional charges and features of calculation of certain types of work.
  • Calculation of amendments to prices.
  • Working with the scope of work, calculating amendments to the composition element.
  • Creation of multi-section estimates. Indexation using recalculations.
  • Drawing up estimates using the salary calculation method (based on labor costs).
  • Features of drawing up estimates for survey work.
  • Creating and applying a custom scope of work
  • Features of working with MRR collections
  • Practical work.
  • Final testing

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