Team building exercises (nature). Team building indoors Team building competitions

Work from home 23.01.2024
Work from home

Hello. In this article we will talk about team building indoors (in the office).

Today you will learn:

  1. Why do employers use team building?
  2. How to conduct it yourself;
  3. Features of team building indoors.

What is team building

Translated from English, it is team building based on team games.

There are several varieties of it. This event can be held both indoors and outdoors.

If you are limited in finances, but want to arrange a real holiday for your colleagues, then indoor team building is what you need. Team building can be held indoors regularly so that employees receive a lot of positive emotions and get to know each other better.

When conducting team building indoors, the following types of games are used:

  • Entertaining games that help you distract yourself, get positive emotions and spend time productively;
  • Creative games that help to easily identify employee talents;
  • Educational games are necessary in order to easily master complex material in a playful way;
  • Role-playing games, thanks to which each employee can transform and feel like a real actor.

Thanks to properly conducted team building, you can easily determine which employee has leadership qualities and use this in further work.

In large enterprises with many departments, team building is an excellent event that will help bring colleagues closer together and establish friendly relations in the team.

Main goals of team building

It doesn’t matter whether you are the head of a company – large, medium or small – to achieve maximum results you need a close-knit team of employees who can complete the assigned tasks.

Main goals of team building:

  • Psychological relief for employees;
  • Creating cohesion and organization in the team;
  • Training in effective interaction;
  • Replacement with cooperation;
  • Developing trust and understanding;
  • Teach employees to work as a team and trust each other.

Do not forget about the most important goal - team unity, since only a friendly team can effectively cope with the assigned tasks and achieve maximum results. Teamwork is the key to a good result.

Features of indoor team building

Giving your employees a short break and team building is a great idea. Changing the usual rhythm of office life will allow you to distract yourself and recharge your batteries.

Conducting team building in the office has both its advantages and disadvantages. Based on this, the specifics of this event are developed.

Some may think that it is better to hold the event outdoors, where there is a lot of fresh air. Yes, the office will not allow you to arrange an active and healthy holiday, but unlike nature, it has several advantages that will appeal to many employees.

The main feature of indoor team building and its main advantage is that it is held at a stop that is familiar and familiar to everyone. Thanks to this, no one will experience discomfort and will easily immediately join the gameplay. At the same time, the memories of the game will help in the future and the office will not seem like a boring place where you need to come and do your daily work.

Each employer can arrange:

  • Office quest;
  • Competitions;
  • Culinary duel;
  • Fashion Week;
  • Cinema fight.

The peculiarity of the training is that employees, regardless of whether they have communicated before or not, unite into a team and jointly achieve their goal by performing exercises.

As a rule, all games are created in such a way that problems can be solved exclusively by collective action, and not by the advice of one employee. During the game you have to trust each other, help and empathize, because this is how you can be the best and achieve success.

It's also worth noting that indoor team building is a lot of fun. Everyone who will participate in the game will be equal, regardless of their position.

The peculiarity of the game is to forget about statuses and become just friends who understand each other perfectly.

Indoor team building scenarios

If you are limited in finances, you can organize indoor team building for your colleagues. All that is needed is a great desire and a scenario for the events.

Here are a few example scenarios that will help bring your team together:

  1. Check for yourself.

As practice shows, the main problem of insufficient cohesion is that employees do not know their product at all, or have minimal theoretical knowledge.

In this case, team building will be able to solve three tasks at once:

  • Unite the team into a single whole;
  • Allows you to become better acquainted with the product;
  • Increase loyalty from management.

Let's say your company produces bulk candies. As a rule, this taste is familiar to everyone, but not everyone can distinguish and pronounce the name. But why not become a taster for a while and try your products?

Have a competition to determine the name. All that is needed is to prepare the products in advance without packaging and stock up on tea and juices. The one who can say what is included in each candy and accurately determine the name will receive a valuable prize.

  1. Dialogues in the dark.

This is a very unusual training that appeared in 1995. The essence of the event is that all participants solve important problems in complete darkness. Any office office is suitable for this. The only thing that needs to be done first is to clear the space and place the chairs in a circle if many people are participating.

It is in the dark that perception is heightened and employees can be more frank, better feel what is happening, and not just see it. Everyone must learn not only to hear their colleague, but also to feel. Thanks to this game, you can easily identify the leader and the “anti-leader” in your team.

  1. Flash mob.

This is a relatively new, but already known to many phenomenon, which is carried out suddenly for the public. To bring the team together, you can rehearse the program in the office in advance and present it to the public.

At first glance, this may seem like a stupid and simple task. It would seem that it could be easier to go out and dance, performing previously rehearsed movements?

In fact, it is the flash mob that will help colleagues begin to work harmoniously and overcome embarrassment. This game not only helps to have fun, but also brings employees together, which is extremely important.

  1. Assembling a construction set or puzzle.

A regular board game can help unite and, most importantly, unite a team. Depending on the number of participants, it is necessary to divide them into equal teams of 3-5 people.

The essence of the game is to work together to assemble a complex construction set (a car or a sail) or a large puzzle for speed. The team that completes the task faster wins.

  1. News column.

This is a wonderful game that will help not only unite the team, but also gain additional knowledge. The essence of the game is to divide the entire team into two or three equal groups.

Each team, within the allotted time (no more than 2 hours), must come up with:

  • Name;
  • Draw a newspaper;
  • Publish your product ideas in it;
  • or news about your company.

In this game, employees have complete freedom and can write about recent events that played an important role in their company's activities or post personal information to get to know their colleagues better. Rest assured, employees will definitely enjoy the game, and the time will fly by.

Who is it suitable for?

In fact, team building is suitable for absolutely everyone whose main goal is to achieve good results and unite the team.

Don’t forget that employees periodically need to be distracted and receive positive emotions that will help them work with renewed vigor. The so-called “feeding” is very important.

Experienced managers advise holding team building activities indoors once a quarter. It is also worth considering that additional investments are not required, or minimal, since the event can be organized in the office.

Let's look at who team building is suitable for:

  1. To the new team.

It's no secret that there is a problem in a new team when employees have known each other for only a few days. To help new colleagues, managers organize team building and help them find a common language in a free manner. It is through the game that colleagues will learn to listen to each other and trust.

  1. In conflict situations.

Often disagreements or conflict situations arise in the team. To help employees forget old grievances, team building is necessary. At the same time, it is important, if you divide participants into several teams, to place in one those colleagues between whom disagreements have arisen.

  1. During the “fading” of the team.

As experienced leaders advise, any team needs to be constantly encouraged and helped to get distracted. The workflow and monotonous work can lead to an employee simply moving along a “knurled rut.” To prevent this from happening, new emotions are needed.

It is also worth noting that many managers noted that team building is an excellent replacement for everyone’s usual activities. Sometimes it is more profitable, from a financial point of view, to hold a gaming event and charge your employees with positive emotions and energies than to pay a large bonus.

Hello, dear readers! In this article we will talk about team building.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is team building and what are its goals;
  2. What types of team building are there;
  3. In which companies is it used?

The dream of any leader is a team that you can be proud of: united and friendly, ready to work to achieve common goals.

But to assemble such a team, you need to have experience and knowledge. Let's talk today about how team building can help in forming such a team.

What is team building

Probably many have heard this word at least once, but do not know its meaning. If translated from English, the term stands for "team building". In other words, team building. These are events that are designed to unite the team and increase the efficiency of its work.

A short excursion into the past

Events aimed at improving team organization first began to be held back in the 40s of the last century. Activities as close as possible to modern ones began to be used in the United States in the 50s. In our country and the CIS countries, team building began to be used at the end of the 20th century.

The first method that began to be used was business training. Gradually others appeared.

Team building goals

The main goals of team building can be formulated as follows:

  • Create a sense of unity among the team;
  • Replace employees' feelings with a sense of cooperation;
  • Train people to interact effectively with each other;
  • Develop understanding and trust in each other among all employees;
  • Unite the team, bring “team spirit” to a higher level;
  • Strengthen the authority of management using informal events;
  • Give employees the opportunity for psychological relief.

Not all managers can organize such events on their own, so they most often use the services of companies specializing in team building. Luckily there are a lot of them now.

Arguments against team building

Not all employees understand how it differs from corporate parties and entertainment events in which the entire team participates. And if you, as a leader, are too focused on an excellent result, there is a risk that you simply will not get it.

The reason for this may be incorrect tasks assigned to people, or the general low level of organization of the event.

And if the implementation is entrusted to little-known companies, you can generally get the opposite effect: conflict situations will begin to arise in the team. It is also possible that problems may arise in a company that practices an authoritarian leadership method.

It may seem that team building is limited only to sports games. This is a misconception. Yes, sports-related events are the most popular, but there are many more interesting options. Therefore, we will further discuss the classification of team building.

How to organize team building yourself

If you want to organize similar events for your employees, then pay attention to some recommendations:

  1. Decide on your goal and budget. Analyze what you want to achieve with these activities and how much you are willing to spend on it.
  2. Decide on the time of the event. Employees will be more enthusiastic about it if you don't force them to spend their weekends on activities. Conduct during working hours, taking into account the workload of your employees.
  3. Enlist the support of professionals. Consult with a personnel development coach, he will tell you how to carry out everything with maximum effect.
  4. Analyze how much time will be spent. If you want to organize an away team building, take care of transportation for employees;
  5. Make sure everything is fun and exciting. Getting people interested is what matters. It is unlikely that they will be interested in listening to a boring lecture about team cohesion.
  6. Organize lunch for employees. And it's not a joke. Everyone loves tasty food, and if the event is long, the rumbling of hungry bellies will definitely not benefit the team.
  7. Employees must feel that they are equal to each other. Everything will be successful if all participants understand that they are on the same level, regardless of who occupies what position.
  8. Give your team a challenge that will challenge your employees to the best of their abilities..
  9. Organize feedback. A couple of days after the end of the event, conduct an anonymous survey, let everyone write what they think about the team building. After analyzing all the comments and opinions, you will understand what was done correctly and what needs to be worked on.

What is team building like?

The structure of team building includes: games, trainings, exercises.

If we talk about the general classification, it looks like this:

  • Historical events: they allow you to transform into either Pharaoh Cheops or Charlemagne;
  • Creative events: from creating musical groups to painting pictures and staging plays;
  • Psychological team building: involves testing, performing tasks related to psychology;
  • : You can even run in bags, or even jump rope. Most often organized outdoors;
  • Exotic team building: The team prepares a complex, multi-step dish. This kind of cooking brings people together.

Now let’s take a closer look at each type.

Corporate team building

First of all, let's try to figure out why it is being held?

With its help, a manager can solve several important problems simultaneously, namely:

  • Help new employees get comfortable in the team;
  • Resolve the conflict situation that has arisen;
  • Reward employees for good work;
  • Teach different departments of the company to effectively interact with each other.

It is important that this type of team building can be carried out in a variety of formats. It can be active, creative, in the form of a quest or competition.

There is also such a thing as “full immersion games,” when employees consider everything that happens to be natural, while all situations are discussed and staged in advance.

So-called “sketches” should be included in corporate team building programs. In any case, specialists, and even entire departments, have complaints against each other. Keep negativity to a minimum, use humor.

For children, team building is a way through which children in a team get closer and build communication with each other. This is a tool to strengthen the team.

When various competitions are held, children learn to interact with each other. Often team building for children is carried out by primary school teachers who want the children in the class to make friends.

To play most of the games offered below, virtually no equipment is required. In addition, it can be held indoors, on a playground for a large number of children. And of course, it needs to be carried out in an entertaining way, using some bright plot.

After finishing each game, it is worth discussing with the children what each of them did to achieve the goal. Let the children figure out the essence of the tasks themselves; there is no need to turn the game format into a lecture format.

Now let's look at some examples of interesting games for children.

Examples of games

Game No. 1. “Forward”!

You need to choose one from a group of children. Let the children do it themselves. The child who is chosen stands away from the other children. The rest of the children stand in a circle at a short distance from each other. The child who was chosen first becomes the leader. He can choose his place between any two players.

Children need to be warned that they can only say one word: “Forward!”

Then clap your hands, this means the game has started. The presenter looks at someone from the circle and waits for him to say “Forward!” As soon as it sounds, it begins to move to the place of the child who said it. The essence of the whole game is that any participant who says the command “Forward!” quickly hears it from another player and frees up his place for him.

If the children do the task well, you can arrange a timed competition.

Game No. 2. Hoop.

The only equipment you will need is a hoop. Ask the children to stand in a tight circle, with one hand inside the circle, raised to head level. Explain to the children that they need to extend one finger of the hand that is raised. Place a hoop on top of these fingers.

Explain that you cannot pull the hoop or catch it with your fingers.

The next task is to lower the hoop to the floor. Give the children the opportunity to figure out how to do this. They will make their own decision, don't tell them.

When the game is over, ask the children to tell what difficulties they encountered.

Game number 3. Ancient jar.

The inventory in this game will be an ordinary glass jar. Place or pour something into it. Children should stand in a circle. Set limits for one or more children, such as blindfolds.

Show the children the jar and tell them that it needs to be passed on to each other. You can’t drop it, you can’t spill the contents either. If the can ends up on the floor, the game starts again.

At the end of the game, you can discuss with the children their actions and tactics. Let them tell you how they coped with the task.

Examples of team building games (for adults)

Game No. 1. Collect the emblem.

Print your company logo on a regular sheet of paper, only in color. Then cut it into several pieces. Each team must assemble its logo faster than the second.

Game No. 2. Playing with words.

Each employee is given a questionnaire containing abbreviations, the meaning of which is known only to the presenters. Everyone who has a questionnaire needs to add a line from a song or poem to the abbreviations.

Teams are given 15 minutes to come up with an unusual and striking advertisement for your company. The team that creates the most fun and memorable ad will win.

Non-standard team building

Anyone planning such an event must understand that the event must be special.

Now it is quite possible to develop many interesting scenarios:

  • Extreme team building;
  • Team building in the office;
  • Wool team building;
  • Tastings;
  • Flash mobs;
  • Field test.

Active team building

You can choose any location for such an event: a boarding house, a sanatorium, a tourist center, just the shore of a reservoir or the edge of a forest. The main thing is that the team is comfortable.

This type of team building is usually sport-oriented: cross-country races, races, football and volleyball competitions, ATV races, and orienteering competitions are organized.

The important thing here is that this event helps the team not only recharge with vigor and good mood, but also demonstrate their capabilities in achieving goals.

Team building indoors

If an unhealthy, conflict-ridden atmosphere reigns in a company, the performance of employees decreases sharply. Strained relationships cause productivity to drop and employee turnover to increase. office allows you to find a solution to this problem.

Various exercises and competitions will increase employee cohesion and smooth out conflicts.

Example. Carrying out a thematic game. All interested employees are divided into teams, and the number of participants is not limited. The presenter makes a proposal to conduct an investigation. People are looking for answers to their questions using certain equipment. The team that answers all the questions first wins.

Such games unite the team, improve employees’ mood, and increase their level of performance.

Teams of 5-10 people each are formed. A captain is chosen for each team, and a motto is announced to follow. All team members are engaged in overcoming obstacles and exploring the area.

Let us note that physical activity is not at all the main thing; it is important that team members establish mutual understanding and interaction among themselves.

Team members themselves evaluate their actions and analyze the mistakes they have made. If one of the teams also had a leader, trust in him increases many times over.

Team building scenarios: ordinary and non-standard

As promised earlier, here are various scenarios for team building. We hope that they will be useful to our readers.

1. Team competition “Ideal Product”.

Purpose This competition serves to form a fresh look at the product or service that is produced or provided by your company.

Progress of the competition: We divide the team into teams, minimum 3, maximum 7 people in one. We draw up cards in advance on which the qualities of the goods that the company produces are written. For example: affordable, fresh, and so on. The team chooses any 10 cards for themselves, based on them, makes a presentation.

Other teams choose the quality of the product that they consider to be the main one in the presentation of their opponents. As a result, a list of various qualities is formed.

It is used to form an attitude towards a product or service.

2. Quest “Treasures of Flint”.

Essence: The team ends up on an island where the treasure of the pirate Flint is hidden in a chest. To find them, you need to transform into pirates and pass tests. The main task is to understand what team spirit means.

Progress of the quest: Each team chooses its name, mottos and captains. The groups are then asked to complete tests, such as:

  • Solving logic puzzles;
  • Conquering heights;
  • Personal challenges for each player (organized according to the type of challenges in the game Fort Boyard).

When teams complete all the tasks, all the clues they found are combined into one card. Then all groups undergo a test common to all. During it, they also find Flint's treasures: a tent, parts of a wigwam or hut. They put it all together.

Of course, treasures can be anything, not necessarily the same as in the example.

At the end of the program, pennants and diplomas are awarded. Then they discuss the results of the quest and ways to achieve the goal.

3. Game “Conversations in the Dark”.

Number of participants: minimum - 2, maximum - 30.

Target: strengthen the team, unite it, using the effect of darkness.

Progress of the game: Participants are given various tasks to complete.

  • Determine in the dark how big the room is;
  • Solve a spatial problem together.

Experts say that at the time of such training, it is easy to identify who is the “anti-leader” in the team.

4. Wool blanket.

It is gradually gaining popularity in the Russian Federation. This is mostly not a training session, but a game lasting about 20 minutes.

Progress of the event: The presenter shows the participants a ball of wool. Then he throws it to one of the participants, this is how the first communication is created. Leaving the thread in his hands, this participant throws the ball to the next one.

Other participants also need to be given balls, which are transferred to each other in the same way. The hall will gradually be covered with a wool blanket.

During the game, people become more relaxed, they have fun, and at the same time, a connection is established between them. The principle here is simple: how each person acts determines whether the entire event will be successful.

5. Unravel the knot.

Target: develop teamwork skills.

Progress of the event: All participants stand in a circle and hold hands. The leader’s task is to confuse this ring, and the team’s task is to untangle it in the shortest possible time without breaking the ring.

As a result, it becomes clear how employees interact with each other. How well can they work together to achieve a goal?

6. Game “Crossing the Swamp”.

The event is held indoors.

Target: unite people in a team, teach them to listen to each other’s opinions.

Inventory: sheets of A4 paper.

Progress of the game: a winding and difficult path through the swamp is drawn on the floor.

Each team member is given a piece of paper, this is a “bump” in the swamp. Each participant must step on his own bump and cross the swamp. But in the swamp there lives a terrible and hungry crocodile, which pulls towards itself the hummocks that remain empty. Therefore, the player must always stand on the “bump”.

The entire team must cross the swamp one at a time, maintaining complete silence. It would seem simple, but in practice it requires a lot of effort, especially if there are a lot of people on the team.

It happens that you can only make the transition on the 5th attempt, when the team becomes a single organism.

7. Orchestra.

Target: Analyze whether the team operates coherently.

Progress of the game: A short phrase containing punctuation marks, quotation marks and spaces is displayed on the screen through a projector or on an interactive whiteboard.

The team's task is to have the phrase pronounced, but without using words. To do this, everyone must clap at the same time for vowels, stomp for consonants, and stand up and sit down for punctuation marks, quotation marks and spaces. Of course, at the same time.

The result is funny and revealing at the same time: until the team members figure out to place in the center the one who will “conduct” the orchestra, it will not be possible to accomplish everything smoothly.

8. Tasting.

It is most convenient to implement this program in Crimea, or in a region of the Russian Federation where winemaking is carried out. Participants are given a tour of the vineyard and competitions are held there.

Progress of the event: people are divided into teams at will, each of which tramples bunches of grapes, and then comes up with the name of a new variety of wine, the shape and label for the bottle, and makes a presentation of their product.

This is an excellent option for working with sales department employees. Leaders are identified, teams are united, but all this happens in a positive atmosphere, and the training ends with a tasting.

9. Conducting field tests.

This option is used by quite brave leaders. But it's a great way to see your employees in action.

Progress of the event: We hire as many employees as we want, even for the entire company, even for one department. The venue will be the entire city in which the company is located. Participants take only the most necessary items with them.

Employees are encouraged to complete assignments throughout the city. In this game, people have no choice but to demonstrate their capabilities.

Initially, such a game may be perceived with caution, but gradually the process is very captivating for employees. And holding such a game will help management understand how things are going in the team and what the relationships between employees really are.

10. Film festival.

The program can be used to work with a team of up to 150 employees.


  • Improve the atmosphere in the team;
  • Raise team spirit;
  • Bring people together emotionally;
  • Unleash the creative potential of employees;
  • Increase people's trust in each other

Progress of the event: teams create a film from the moment the script is developed to the receipt of the long-awaited award.

The program has three stages: in the first, participants are involved in discussing the task, in the second, each team creates their own film, in the third, everyone presents their creations.

11. Creating objects from cardboard.

Target: encourage the team to interact through joint creativity.

Progress of the event: employees are given tape, paper, cardboard, glue and scissors. The task can be to build any object from cardboard: creating a huge life-size puppet or a racing car.

At the end, the results are summed up, the winning team receives the main prize, the losing team an incentive.

12. Creating a chain reaction.

Target: disclosure and analysis of the creative potential of company employees.

Progress of the event: The leader gives the team members tasks - to assemble a picture from dominoes or to build a section of a chain from magnets. One hour is allotted for everything, after which the circuit must be closed. The most important thing: the end of one section of the chain must be the beginning of another.

At the end, we start a chain reaction: the entire chain must work as a single whole.

13. Apocalypse and zombies.

To conduct such training you will have to incur some financial costs. Its essence is as follows: they invite actors who will portray zombies. Their task is to attack employees who pose as survivors of the apocalypse.

This scenario allows you to identify team leaders, form the habit of listening to them and doing what they say.

In addition, as a result of such training, trusting relationships are built in the team.

14. Search for McKenna's gold.

Target: teach the team to support each other, increase the efficiency of interaction.

Participants: team of up to 100 people.

Inventory: tables, chairs.

Place: can be carried out indoors or outdoors in the warm season.

Progress of the program: The host explains the purpose of the event - to find all the treasures, determine which key to the chest is correct (you need to demonstrate several keys with different numbering), solve logical or mathematical problems. All teams are given folders containing sets of keys, chips and tasks.

Each team chooses a captain, develops its own strategy and solves the proposed problems.

The winning team is awarded the main prize.

15. Rope courses.

This is an active training, here you need to overcome not only physical, but also emotional obstacles. Each test is an independent task.

If the training is conducted for teenagers, it must be under the guidance of an adult. Moreover, each team should not have more than 12 people.

A prerequisite is that all participants complete the tasks; if at least one fails, the whole group returns to their starting position.

Examples of tasks:

  • The entire team should sit on a medium-sized banquette or chair. Both legs should be removed from the ground, and this should be maintained for at least 5 seconds.
  • Before the event, a web is woven from ropes, with the number of cells corresponding to the number of participants in the game. The main goal is to overcome the web as a group without touching it. If someone touches the web, the whole group goes back and starts the test over.

There may be other assignment options. It all depends on the number of participants, as well as their age and physical capabilities.

After the training, you can discuss the results and ask the children to tell you what this course taught them.

16. Dance therapy.

A very fresh and original option. Although, when offering it to employees, you may encounter objections.

Essence: Music has a positive effect on people’s nervous systems and helps relieve psychological stress. And dancing and doing exercises as part of a team makes the team more friendly.

Inventory: only the sports uniform that participants must wear.

The tasks can be very different: from creating a round dance to dancing in the dark.

During the training, people open up, stop being shy, and remove internal blocks. This helps a lot in further communication with the company’s clients.

17. "Airplane".

Target: introduce new employees to the team.

Progress of the training: Each player makes an airplane out of thick paper. This is important to prevent the plane from being blown away by the wind. On the airplane, everyone writes about themselves any personal information that they consider necessary. For example, he will talk about his vacation plans, his childhood dream, and so on.

After the forms are filled out, everyone launches the airplanes. The owner of the airplane that flies the farthest receives a prize. Then everyone runs, picks up any airplanes and launches them again.

18. Construction of a fortress.

Target: teach team members how to interact in difficult situations. It is better to spend it in the warm season in nature.

Progress of the game: All employees are divided into 2 teams. The presenter blindfolds them.

Large boxes and buckets filled with water are placed in the clearing. It is explained to each team that they need to build a fortress around themselves from the available boxes. Moreover, all team members must be walled up inside this fortress.

For control, observers are appointed whose eyes are untied. If someone finds himself outside the fortress, the observers pour water on him.

This type of team building ends with a discussion, each team expresses what they liked and what they didn’t like.

19. Construction of the tower.

The principle here is the same as in the previous training: employees are divided into teams at will.

Progress of the game: Each team, in a specific time, builds a tower from the materials it finds - folders, books, stationery, and so on.

The team that built the tallest tower is awarded.

20. Uniting team building.

It is better to do it outdoors, as it requires quite a lot of space.

Progress of the event: The leader divides everyone into 2 teams. Each participant receives a piece of paper and a pen. Each team must form the largest number of words from the letters that make up the company name. As a result, the 2 best players appear, each of whom becomes captain.

Captains have the right to choose their own team members. But there is a small nuance here: everyone chooses those people with whom he is comfortable. This is why captains are asked to switch teams. This will force employees to communicate and interact with those they do not particularly like.

Now you can start the competition itself.

First task: development of team names and mottos.

Second task: employees must join hands to form a human chain. Thus, they must reach an object that lies far from them. In this case, you cannot just get the item out; to do this, you need to remove items of clothing and stretch them together.

The team that completes the task first will receive another task.

Based on the results of all competitions, the winning team receives a cup and, possibly, an additional day off.


To summarize, I would like to say that preparing such events and holding them is not a difficult task if you consult with professionals in this field. In some companies, such trainings are conducted by in-house psychologists and they do a good job of it.

You can turn to professional companies that use modern technologies and can direct any game in the direction that is necessary.

As for the scenarios, you can use our selection, as well as develop your own unique ideas and bring them to life.

Teambuilding - literally “team building” - is an active corporate recreation aimed at uniting the team through various games and tasks. Team building quickly and significantly improves mutual understanding in the team and its effectiveness. Helps to identify hidden talents and leadership qualities of employees. Irina Evdokimenko from TeamSpirits spoke about the main types of team building and ready-made team building games from professionals.

One of the most effective and popular types of team building. All participants are equally involved, no one sits quietly in the corner. Active team building requires a lot of preparation, there are many options, look for the one that suits you. The costs do not have to be high, there are many competitions with minimal props, but it is still better to take proper care of the script and props. Can be carried out on pre-prepared sites (sports stadium). Such events are a great way to relax and recharge your batteries.

2. Sports team building

Everything is clear here. This is a competition. Employees are divided into teams and they have to compete in overcoming obstacles. These can be adult “fun starts”, and team games like football, volleyball, or something more serious, for example, the Olympic Games, triathlon. And the hit of sports team building is racing. On racing karts, on ATVs and, most interestingly, on improvised transport built with your own hands.

3. Team building quest

A current and popular trend among team-building programs. The quest simulates situations in which the skills necessary for team work are used: joint decision-making, mutual motivation. This is a real adventure. Participants will need logic and intuition. Often, in order to complete a quest, you need to take a non-standard approach, take responsibility for yourself and your team, and be brave. But all this happens easily and naturally within the framework of the game, in a non-work environment.

4. Team building in nature

The best way to break away from your workplace and move into a completely new environment is in nature. Finding themselves in unusual conditions, far from the office, the team reveals hidden sympathies and involuntarily identifies informal leaders and outsiders. The venue for natural team building is boarding houses, country camps, a lawn in the forest, an island near a river. In the process of completing joint tasks and competitions between teams, the team becomes more united and friendly.

5. Wool team building

Each participant receives a ball of wool of a certain color. The task here is to transfer the ball to any other participant. During the throw, you must hold on to the thread. After some time, all participants will be entangled in threads, and every movement will be felt by the entire group. Company employees participating in the training will gain a sense of community and lift their spirits. The training will create a positive psychological attitude and put the group into a state of euphoria. Wool team building will fulfill the main function of team building in just a couple of minutes(can be carried out both in summer and winter).

This type of team building attracts employers and employees because it does not take much time, saves money, and takes place in an environment familiar to all participants. Within the walls of your home office you can conduct sports activities, fun outdoor and board games, solve charades and perform theatrical performances. Office team building is suitable for large teams of more than a hundred people. Team games will help employees get to know each other better, get positive emotions and free themselves from negative energy, practically without interrupting the work process.

7. Team building in the office

In order to strengthen connections between employees, board games and “mafia” are used. Mini-football, table hockey, dominoes - tournaments are held for these games. It would be a good idea to arrange a sweepstakes so that none of the employees wants to sit on the sidelines. To train employees in the Mafia game, you will have to invite a facilitator. This is the person who oversees the meeting and ensures that its rules and procedures are followed, allowing meeting participants to concentrate on the purpose and content of the meeting. He will create an exciting atmosphere, distribute the participants in the warring camps, and organize unity after the game. The head of the game can be the leader of the working group. Game lessons in classrooms will be useful for organizing changes in the work of the team.

8. Intellectual team building

Everyone is well aware of the television intellectual games “What? Where? When?”, “Pig in a poke”, “100 to one”. Intellectual team building activities are held in this format. Such competitions of minds allow employees to reveal their personal qualities, demonstrate erudition, and prove themselves as a leader or team activist. Intellectual events can be held in any room all year round. Props, “black” boxes, video questions create an exciting atmosphere and increase the pace of the game. No one remains indifferent.

9. Creative team building

An unusual training that combines the development of creative thinking, team unification, and identification of creative employees. Joint creativity is the path to knowing each other and ourselves. Achieving common goals and generating creative ideas improves relationships in the team and increases motivation for joint activities at work. There are several options for a creative event. This is a musical concert with karaoke and dressing up, a theater production, a dance competition, and an exhibition of artistic teamwork after a painting master class.

During the cold season, employees become bored, drowsy and lethargic. How to cheer them up? Of course, by organizing an active outdoor event. Skates, skis and sleds are the necessary equipment for this. An influx of energy and strength, new and vivid impressions harmonize the well-coordinated and productive activities of the company. An excellent option for physical and emotional relief is orienteering. By showing ingenuity, leadership abilities and demonstrating physical abilities, employees raise their self-esteem and rise to the next level in the hierarchy of the team.

11. Summer team building

Team bonding is best done outdoors in the summer. There is a wide selection of areas for recreation and entertainment. The weather does not spoil the mood of active recreation participants. Relay races, kayaking competitions, Neptune Day - this is just a small list of events. It is not necessary to hold sports competitions. Employees can have fun as a group at the same time. For example, go water skiing, play foam football. They will be united by positive emotions and a great mood.

12. Corporate quest

A new type of team building. The game, organized by the storyline, captivates the entire team. Participants undergo special tests where they need to demonstrate physical fitness, ingenuity, logic, and search abilities.

Teams receive tasks individually, solve puzzles and riddles, moving towards the goal on the map. It is better to hold such an event on a specially prepared site, although it is also possible to use the walls of your home office. After the quest, relationships in the team become more trusting, and the hidden potential of employees is revealed.

13. Quest around the city

It is quite difficult to tie a quest to a specific place, so most often it is carried out simply on the streets of the city. Participants receive instructions from the presenter using gadgets. They instantly respond to commands and move towards achieving their cherished goal.

Park structures, landscaped areas, addresses of shops and institutions are used as orientation to the area. After passing the tests, and they can only be passed in a team, employees improve their work productivity significantly, since they have developed a team spirit and confidence in the decisions made.

Parties dressed as your favorite characters from well-known cartoons and films bring lightness and fun to office life. Employees participate in improvised skits and perform unique tasks in a relaxed atmosphere.

Communication between colleagues is established easily and quickly, they take a break from routine, forgetting about tomorrow. Professional actors, make-up artists and screenwriters participate in the organization of the game. A rehearsal can be held before the event.
The need for creative expression is realized in practice when creating objects with your own hands. The topic is chosen collectively. There are a lot of options, from building well-known landmarks in human size to objects invented by the team. Time to play is limited. Materials for work: cardboard, boxes, glue, scissors, tape and others. Cardboard team building is carried out in a large room or outdoors.

The purpose of the event is to train staff in the skills of teamwork and the desire to be the best.

17. Team building with the construction of non-Olympic facilities

Active story game, consists of 2 parts. The first is sports competitions, the opening of non-Olympic games with all the accompanying ceremonies. Competitions can be won not only by strong teams, but also by passionate teams with a good sense of humor. The second is the construction of art objects. Teams can build sports complexes and then show everyone how they can be used in action. The selection of an object is carried out by lot.

18. Fort Boyard “7 Keys”

One of the most popular and interesting games on the theme of an eternal plot: a battle with the invincible garrison of an impregnable Fort. An extremely difficult task, but the reward is worth the effort - the winners will have access to the treasury! But not everything is so simple: the chest is locked with seven keys. Participants will have to go through a lot of adventures, work as a team and get as many keys as they can.

Atmospheric team game with quest elements. Participants form teams. At certain stages of the game, teams, moving along different routes, intersect with opponents and become participants in original competitions. Participants will face physical and intellectual tasks, as well as a test of logic and ingenuity. Whatever your team, each member will be able to make an equal contribution to victory, regardless of age, physical condition and level of knowledge. From the very beginning, the participants do not know what to do with so many props, but knowledge of physics, chemistry, and mathematics will help you come to a logical solution, use each attribute and, at the very end, achieve your cherished goal - to find such a mysterious fifth element

20. Around the world in 80 minutes

This is a quest in which guests will have to think about drawing up a map, and design their own vehicle, and get out of a room with incredible props. One of the secrets of success is carefully selected props and costumes of the characters. The choice of venue for the event is also very important. An excellent choice for a young, unfamiliar team. The game will help you identify leaders among you, liberate those who are withdrawn, introduce and unite your employees, and raise team spirit. Game animators will help you plunge into an exciting trip around the world, and not in 80 days, but in 80 minutes! Italy and the Leaning Tower, France and the impregnable Bastille, biathlon in Alaska and embalming in Egypt - you need to be in time everywhere and return on time! The task is not easy, but experienced travelers will be able to navigate this winding path, and responsive instructors will help you along the way.

21. Game “Omerta – Mafia Law”

Revealing the secrets and achievements of a mafia clan is a worthy task for elite secret police agents. The detective story will take participants on the trail of the most famous mafiosi in the world. Every criminal must receive the death penalty, and not a single police agent must be captured. But the mafia bosses are strong rivals, and “Omerta” - the “law of silence” - reliably keeps their secrets. Good luck with your investigation! The surroundings of the 20s will immerse your team in an unforgettable whirlpool of events of the past. “Omerta - the law of the mafia” is a psychological team role-playing game with a detective plot, simulating the struggle of members of an organized minority, informed about each other, with an unorganized majority. This is a game with very simple rules, but very interesting gameplay. Corporate team building “Omerta - the law of the mafia” reveals in participants the talent of persuasion, public speaking skills, leadership qualities, logic, intuition, the ability to manipulate and repel manipulation, sense lies, and most importantly, teaches how to work in a team.

22. Game “Find and Defuse”

Every second is at stake! The bomb is wound up and is about to explode! Under terrible time constraints, participants will have to make decisions quickly and correctly - any mistake or delay will lead to a bomb exploding. Every bit of knowledge is important; everyone will need speed, ingenuity, and a sense of teamwork. Brainstorming, intense knowledge sharing, and the ability to express your thoughts concisely and clearly will help you prevent a disaster and defuse a bomb. This fast-paced team-building game focuses on defusing a time bomb. Therefore, the team has practically no time to think: all decisions must be made quickly. Any mistake can result in failure of the operation. It is in this quest that the tasks are selected in such a way as to emphasize the value of every second of teamwork, full-fledged brainstorming and responsibility for every decision made.

23. Riot of colors

Team building takes place in several stages. First, teams go through many tests and earn Holi colors of their own. Then, from the proposed material, the participants will have to build the most beautiful cities on this planet. And after the rivals are able to contemplate the miracle of each other’s architectural thought - protect them with their own bodies! Teams wear white T-shirts and must keep paint off their creations as much as possible. The cleaner the cities remain, the higher the team’s chances of winning. This “festival of riot of colors” can only end with friendship, kindness and peace. And colorful group photos of the company will leave a long memory in the hearts of all participants.

24. Big race

Team building "Big Race" is a game team building based on the world famous game TV shows "Big Race", "Cruel Intentions" and "Takeshi Castle".

Team competitions, difficult tasks, overcoming difficulties, fighting fear - all this and much more will have to be experienced by the participants in an exciting and well-adapted remake of the world's popular program, once invented by Charles de Gaulle himself! Each participant will be able to try himself in a variety of different and complex disciplines, express himself as an individual and contribute to the overall success. Staying alert and giving it your all is the key to your victory. Keep your luck by the tail, and don’t relax even for a second! A rush of drive and adrenaline is guaranteed.

25. Chasing luck

26. Game “Wish Machine” Participants work in teams; the game is led by an assistant assigned to a separate group of entertainers. The venue chosen is a country boarding house or park. Purpose of the game: collect the car destroyed by the villains.

Even the most united team can experience difficulties, disagreements, misunderstandings and disunity. Team building, in essence, is a model of possible difficulties. It is good both for revealing the abilities of members of a young team, and for preventing the “fighting spirit” of people already united by work.

Increasing labor productivity, creating a comfortable psychological climate, trust, mutual understanding and mutual assistance, high motivation of employees, reducing staff turnover, attracting the best qualified specialists - these are the main goals of team building. Combining games and training helps young people feel like part of a team, and helps residents relax and shed accumulated negativity. Plus, it's just fun and exciting for people of all ages.

If you have anything to add on the topic, don't hesitate. Leave comments!

“Summer Team Games” is a simple and understandable game team building program, fun team competitions for any number of participants and any time of year.

The program includes relay races and group games, active team tasks and unusual competitions - from mega-volleyball with a giant ball to a water shooting gallery and tug of war.

The main objectives of the game team building program are to maintain team spirit, emotional release, create a positive attitude and improve communication during joint active recreation.

There is excitement and competition, losers and winners, but in any case, all participants are united by team spirit, a sense of community and mandatory adherence to the principles of fair play.

Description of the team building program “SUMMER Team Games”

Meeting of participants

At the event site, participants are greeted by the host, animators and, of course, music, which immediately sets a positive mood. If necessary, participants register and receive badges and symbols for further division into teams. During the general gathering, welcome coffee and drinks may be provided.

Warm-up in a group

The presenter and animators invite participants to form a large common circle in which everyone sees each other. The presenter welcomes the participants and talks about the event in a playful manner. This is followed by warm-up exercises that create an atmosphere of informal communication, helping participants get to know the program and each other.

At the end of the “general circle”, the presenter, with the support of instructors-animators, initiates the formation of teams, according to the principle previously agreed upon with the Customer. Each team will be accompanied by an instructor-animator throughout the program.

Express teambuiling warm-up and team introductions

During the team warm-up, members of each team get to know each other, choose captains, and come up with a team name and motto.
The rules of fair play are also adopted - the participants deliberately promise fair and healthy competition at the stages.

Competition program & team spirit

At the command of the leader, the teams begin the competition. The stages of the competition are selected individually each time, depending on the wishes of the Customer and the features of the event site.


The results of the competition are calculated instantly, which allows you to sum up the results immediately upon completion. Team awards and prize fund are individually agreed upon with the Customer.
Regardless of whether the teams take prizes or receive incentive prizes, all participants will be able to express their aggression during the competition, and not in the workplace, and of course, will receive a charge of positive emotions!



  • Team participation, team size 12-18 people
  • The modular principle of the program allows it to be carried out for an unlimited number of participants
  • Time 1.5 – 4 hours
  • Does not require special physical training
  • Each team is accompanied by an instructor-animator, who is also a judge at the stages
  • The basis of the program is short, dynamic and spectacular game stages
  • Competition between teams, emphasis on communication and collaboration within the team
  • The roles of fans and referees are provided

Three options:

  • Direct team competitions
  • Competitions with a set of prize points
  • Competitions according to the standings

Role of the team instructor

“Summer Team Games” is a sports and entertainment team building program, but not a full-fledged team building training. In this regard, the instructors accompanying the teams act to a greater extent as coordinators, animators, and judges. Their task is to help establish communications, comply with rules, time frames, and safety precautions.

TOP 15 popular team building tasks for the Team Games program:

Our company has over a hundred different team building tasks at its disposal. We also offer many options for thematic adaptation of tasks to various game scenarios.

1. "Cleaning up the area".

There are brooms and balls evenly scattered in a limited area. The team's task is to sweep the balls into the opponents' territory.

2. “Mega-volleyball”.

Playing “volleyball” with a huge ball using a tent held by the whole team.

3. "Airplane carpet".

The team needs to cross a certain route using two “magic carpets”.

4. “Ring throw”.

Teams must throw all the rings onto the target as quickly as possible.

5. "Gordian Knot".

The team ties all sorts of knots on the thick rope. Then the teams exchange ropes and the opponents’ knots are undone at speed.

6. "Giant Stilts".

A team on huge “stilts” goes through a given route.

7. "Giant Skis".

A team on huge “skis” covers a given route.

8. "Giant Jump Rope".

The team jumps over a 10-meter rope.

9. "Tails".

Rope “tails” are attached to each team member. During the game it is necessary to leave your opponents “without a tail”.

10. “Catch bags”.

The team needs to catch the balls that their team throws in bags and prevent the opponent from throwing balls.

11. "Tug of War".

Classic tug of war - the team that pulls the center of the rope out of the designated area wins.

12. "Caterpillar".

Moving commands at speed inside the "caterpillars".

13. “Drive in a nail.”

The team's task is to hammer in the maximum number of nails in the minimum number of hammer blows.

14. "Bouncing balls".

Relay race on bouncy balls.

The issue of saving money on corporate events this season is being discussed in every company. Company employees often arrange entertainment events of the “let’s go to barbecue” category at their own expense, and an increasingly modest budget is allocated for team-building programs.

Where can you save money?

The cost of summer team building consists of many components. I will list the costs that can be reduced:

  1. Do not rent expensive props and attractions
  2. Minimize transportation costs for delivery of large-sized props
  3. Save on design and styling
  4. Choose programs that do not require costumes for presenters and participants
  5. Do not print banners for photo shoots or branded game materials
  6. Organize your own video shooting
  7. Choose a site with installed tents or gazebos
  8. Have a traditional picnic instead of a banquet and use disposable tableware

What you can't save on

  1. The preparation of the event should be carried out by experienced organizers who will build a program taking into account team-building goals and objectives.
  2. Team building should be led by professional presenters
  3. You must use audio equipment
  4. Each team must have an accompanying instructor with them during testing.
  5. At the end of team building, it is important to sum up the results and reward, even symbolically, the winning team
  6. It is necessary to organize transport to deliver company employees to the event site and back.

How does the Anti-Crisis Team Building program work?

Duration: 3 hours

Number of participants: from 24 to 150 people

Location selected taking into account the number of employees (an open area in a park or on the river bank, recreation centers with equipped places for organizing a picnic, etc.)

Technical requirements: three 220V electrical sockets or electricity generator

Approximate timing for team building:

  • introductory part, division into teams: 15 minutes
  • presentation of teams, warm-up: 25 minutes
  • visiting game locations: 110 minutes
  • final synchronized competition: 20 minutes
  • summing up, award ceremony: 10 minutes

For clients who are planning to hold a team-building event in nature, and at the same time are forced to operate within strict budgetary constraints, there is a special program. The program consists of basic competitions with non-thematic props, while fully achieving all the key objectives of team building: it builds team spirit, stimulates teamwork, makes you feel a “sense of comradeship” and clearly realize that “alone in the field is not a warrior.”

Unlike expensive ambient programs prepared based on famous works and operating within the framework of the outlined theme, “Anti-crisis team building” is characterized by great flexibility. The general concept is selected individually, and the list of tests can be compiled according to the principle of the designer.

The most popular storyline of the event: a group of colleagues going on a country picnic got lost on the way and ran into local residents. The strangers agreed to lead the travelers out on the condition that they demonstrate teamwork skills, dexterity, dexterity, and erudition by passing a series of unusual tests.

Team building traditionally begins with division into teams, which can take place in three ways: according to pre-compiled lists, by blind drawing of participants, or according to the wishes of the players themselves. Then the teams have to come up with a name, draw a flag and present themselves to the public, followed by a short warm-up. Each team is assigned its own accompanying instructor, who will guide the players along their route, explain the rules for completing tasks, monitor the time limit and evaluate the result.

The three-hour program includes 12-13 tasks located at individual game locations, between which teams will have to move as part of their routes. The total number of such competitions is several dozen, from which the final program of the event will be compiled together with the client.

“Anti-crisis team building” was created to support companies that, in difficult economic conditions, pay attention to developing corporate culture and strengthening team spirit.

What's included in the price:

  • personal meeting with the client at a convenient time
  • free selection of a convenient venue
  • preparation and approval of the test program
  • holding an event
  • props for team building (equipment for competitions, consumables, musical equipment)
  • reportage photography
  • musical arrangement
  • assistance in coordinating menus
  • scheduling the event

Number of participants


Number of instructors


24-28 people

29-42 people

43-56 people

57-70 people

71-84 people

85-98 people

99-112 people

Additional services

We can add the following services for an additional fee.

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