Everything you need to know about the Russian economy. What an economist should know

Small business 30.05.2023
Small business

Or a group of specialists allocated to a separate economic service is to ensure the most efficient operation of the enterprise. They analyze the company’s economic activities based on monitoring statistical data and key financial indicators and, based on its results, develop and coordinate the implementation of planned tasks.

Planned objectives are developed taking into account the economic and financial forecast, market conditions, planned demand for the company's products and many other indicators that affect the end result - increasing the efficiency of the enterprise, improving the quality of its products and labor productivity.

A modern economist simply cannot fulfill his duties without organizing timely accounting of all financial and economic indicators of the enterprise’s activities. Therefore, maintaining databases and monitoring changes are also an essential part of the work of an economist. This is the basis for correct forecasting and calculation of labor, material and financial costs necessary for the full and successful operation of the enterprise.

What an economist should know

In order for the financial and economic activities of an enterprise to always be within the legal framework, it is necessary to know all current regulations, federal and regional legislation governing these activities. He must also study and use in his work industry-specific methodological materials on planning, accounting and analysis of the company's activities.

An economist must be familiar with the methods and procedures for long-term and annual planning of the economic, financial and production activities of an enterprise, and know the basics and procedure for drawing up business plans. For successful work, he will need knowledge of the basics of maintaining planning and accounting documentation, the procedure for rationing material, labor and financial costs. He must be well acquainted with the methods that are used to determine the economic efficiency of introducing new technologies, methods and techniques, rationalization proposals and inventions.

An economist needs to master and use in his work modern methods of economic analysis and accounting of enterprise performance indicators and effective labor organization. He must own software that allows him to maintain automated operational and statistical records, know the procedure and deadlines for submitting economic reporting.

An economist at an enterprise is a specialist whose activities are aimed at increasing the efficiency of the organization. To achieve this goal, the economist analyzes financial and economic activities and engages in planning.

Profession economist

Wanting to know what an economist is, who he is and what he does, it is worth turning to the concept of “economics”. Economics is science, economic activity and everything connected with it. Thus, the profession of economist involves the study, analysis and forecasting of the economic activities of a specific economic entity. It is economists who are responsible for the financial efficiency of the enterprise.

In many ways, the profession of economist is close to such professions as accountant, financier, and marketer. In small enterprises, the duties of these specialists can be performed by the same employee, whose position will most likely be called an accountant. Large enterprises usually have entire economic departments, which can also be called planning or commercial departments.

Only a person with a specialized education can hold the position of economist, since to work, an economist needs to understand many things. So, good knowledge of accounting and management accounting, auditing, economic theory, marketing, statistics, and analysis of financial and economic activities is simply necessary. Knowledge of tax and labor legislation will be useful. In addition, an economist must understand the specifics of the enterprise’s activities and understand its nuances.

Responsibilities of an Economist

The main responsibility of an economist is to analyze the economic activities of his enterprise according to a number of indicators. Such an analysis makes it possible to look at the organization’s activities through numbers. This makes it possible to identify strengths and weaknesses, to find reserves for increasing the efficiency of the enterprise and its specific structures.

Another of the most important is drawing up a forecast for the future period, based on today's indicators. Planning is necessary for management accounting purposes. Based on the data received from the economist, the head of the enterprise makes management decisions such as whether the enterprise should receive a loan (in what amount and for how long), whether to lay off or hire employees, whether to increase additional production capacity, etc. The economist receives information for analysis and planning from special reporting forms of accounting and operational accounting.

To explain in simple words, an economist, his activities are aimed at increasing the efficiency of an enterprise, reducing costs and increasing income.

Hello, dear readers!

In this article I will return to the topic of developing a way of thinking, which I began in one of the previous ones.

If you have thought about what you wrote earlier, drawn the appropriate conclusions, and the thought “I must begin to develop!” is firmly entrenched in your head, then I sincerely congratulate you - you have chosen the right path.

I talked about how important it is to remove limitations from yourself, to believe in yourself, in your potential for learning and knowledge.

However, you should not be under the illusion that this path is simple, straightforward, sunny and friendly - this is not the case at all. There are a lot of stones, obstacles, forks and imaginary paths that lead you to a dead end or completely lead you away from the right path. However, this is still much better than standing still! I think it's obvious.

So, you made a decision, took the right path and moved forward. In this article I will tell you where to start, what knowledge you need to obtain first to make further study easier. You may be surprised, but such knowledge is the knowledge from the course “Fundamentals of Economics”

Let's start with something simple. Let's conduct a question-and-answer discussion (we already know how to do this, right?). So what are we doing? We are learning online business. For what purpose? To make money. What is business in general? In your own words, you can say this: this is an activity that brings money. Always? Probably not.

What business makes money? And what is money anyway? Well, we know, yes, such pieces of paper that can be exchanged for a product or service. Where do they come from? How do they work? Why can't they just be printed on a printer? Why do some people have a lot of them, while others don’t have them at all? Why, for example, can I buy almost anything and anywhere for a dollar, but for a ruble I can only buy something small (relatively) and only within the Russian Federation?

Well, we received a bunch of questions and we remember that this is good, which means “question-answer” works and our brain cooks. Now where do you get answers to all these questions? I answer: business, types of business organization, money, types of money, functions of money - this is only part of the basic economic concepts. Therefore, any student who has completed the first year of economics (okay, a conscientious student) knows the answers to them.

I do not have an economic education, but I can say with confidence that the entire economics course can be divided into two parts: the basics of economics and special economic knowledge.

Secondly, I myself am not strong, and there is no need for this. They teach accounting, legal regulation and other things that are only needed directly by economists, lawyers, statisticians, accountants and other specialists working at the enterprise.

A businessman has absolutely no need to bother his head with all this, he is able to hire such a specialist and he will work for him, receive his salary and bonuses and enjoy life and the fact that he knows this so well and is paid for his knowledge.

However, any manager must know the basics of economics (as well as, undoubtedly, management, but that’s not about that now), because without this knowledge he simply will not imagine what his business will do, how it will do it, why and for whom.

Now we have looked at the economy from the side of business, that is, an enterprise. However, there is another side - ordinary people. We are all part of the economy, because every day we sell something, buy something, enter into some kind of relationship (even be it a simple exchange of movie discs with your neighbor or friend).

Economics uses the concept of “household” to characterize each of us. It could be one person, a family with a common budget, you and a friend who decided to do a common business, whatever. The important thing is that you interact with other households, businesses (directly or through intermediaries - sellers), organizations, etc.

That is, in fact, the economy is our life. Almost everything we do is directly or indirectly related to certain economic processes or phenomena. It is for this reason that I advise anyone and everyone to know economic fundamentals.

Having received basic economic knowledge, you will begin to look at the world completely differently, answer a bunch of questions that may have haunted you once or still do not, and, perhaps, you will already clearly decide what you want worth doing in this life.

You will learn to compare types of earnings and choose the best one (I’ll give you a hint: the best one is making money on the Internet, but I want you to find out why for yourself).

In addition, knowing how this or that organization (bank, exchange, fund and others) works, it will be easier for you to interact with them if necessary, and you will more easily come to an agreement with them that is beneficial for both of you, and will also be more protected from offenses and fraudulent and deceptive actions in your direction.

So, I hope I have conveyed to you how important it is to know and understand economic fundamentals not only for a businessman, accountant, banker or economics student, but in principle for any person, no matter where he lives and no matter what he does.

Now let's get straight to the point. On the Internet you can find a huge amount of literature on topics that interest you. Look for textbooks with the following titles: “Fundamentals of Economics”, “Economic Theory”, “Political Economy”.

If you are interested in my opinion, then I recommend the textbook “Fundamentals of Economics” by Evgeny Borisov (2002).

Of course, I recommend reading the entire textbook; nothing that is written there will be superfluous for you, believe me. However, there are a number of issues and points that you need to pay priority attention to. I present to you their list:

  1. Economics as a science. Subject of economics. Object and subjects of the economy.
  2. History of the economy: the main stages of the transformation of economic systems, the impact on the world economy of the industrial revolution (XVII-XVIII centuries) and the scientific and technological revolution (mid-XX century) (this is not in Evgeniy Borisov’s textbook, look in other sources).
  3. Own. Types and types of property.
  4. Company. Types of enterprises. Fundamentals of enterprise economics.
  5. Monopoly and competition.
  6. Consumers. Households.
  7. Market. Supply and demand. Market price and market equilibrium.
  8. Factors of production. Capital. Types of capital. Capital income.
  9. Country as an economic system. Indicators of economic development of the country. The role of the state in the country's economy.
  10. Banks. Functions of banks. Banking system. The role of banks in the country's economy.
  11. The essence and functions of money. Monetary systems. National and international currency. National currency exchange rate. Inflation. History of money.

I think the last question is especially interesting and informative, and certainly the most important. I’ll even recommend a separate textbook on it – Anatoly Shchetinin “Money and Credit.” The textbook is in Ukrainian, so if you do not speak Ukrainian, look for an alternative.

And in general, learn as much as you can about money, the more you know about it, the more it will love you

Of course, I don’t force you to study all this in a week or before the release of my new article. The same economics students have been studying this for years (and some, even after receiving their diploma, cannot clearly explain why, for example, the exchange rate of the national currency has increased).

But gradually, devoting no more than 20-30 minutes a day, you will gain the knowledge you need, and learning how various Internet systems work will become much easier. In addition, as I already said, economics is a science that surrounds us all the time, and therefore, you may already know much of what you read about.

However, a complete study of the course on economic fundamentals will help you connect and systematize the knowledge that you already have, draw logical chains and thereby consolidate and understand even better what you just heard or read somewhere.

And, of course, let’s not forget about literature, which I talked about in the previous article.

Well, I wish you good luck and see you soon!
Sincerely, !

“An economist is a person who talks about incomprehensible
him things in such a way that you feel ignorant"
Herbert Procnow

Economist is traditionally one of the most popular areas of study in Russian universities. IQ Review will tell you what kind of profession an “economist” is, how it differs from being an accountant, and how much they pay for it. Natalya, an economist with five years of experience, shared her story.

Why did I choose the profession of economist?

I live in the Kastorensky district of the Kursk region. worked for 5 years, started working after finishing the 3rd year of the institute.

Why does a company need an economist?

Many people believe that the profession is akin to that of an accountant. After all, both of them work with numbers related to the organization’s work, its profitability and results.

The difference between an economist and an accountant is that an accountant actually collects and systematizes documentation and its contents, while an economist must analyze and evaluate the results of work for a specific period, identify shortcomings and, based on what happened, make a forecast.

Yes, yes, an economist is a kind of predictor who is based on facts.

What you need to know to work as an economist

First of all, working as an economist involves close communication with numbers, formulas and various kinds of relationships. Therefore, knowledge of mathematics and its fundamentals is mandatory. Anyone who is unable to find the percentage of a given number simply has no business in this field. It is desirable, or rather, even mandatory, for a person to have an analytical mind. After all, based on the obtained data, it is necessary to assess the current situation at the enterprise and submit a report to the manager.

An example of work is to prove which of the selected activities is profitable, and which project should be suspended or completely closed.

Nowadays, the vast majority of specialized higher educational institutions, technical schools and colleges have faculties that train economists. This is due to the fact that the profession is very popular among young people. The university I graduated from has an agricultural focus. From the first to the third year we studied subjects that all competent and educated agricultural workers should know. I won’t list everything, but among them were crop farming, livestock farming, philosophy, mechanization and others.

At first we didn’t understand why we needed, say, mechanization. But in senior courses, when in statistics or enterprise economics we began to be asked problems to calculate fuel consumption, seed yield or livestock productivity, in which it was necessary to derive profitability and projected profit, everything fell into place.

The essence of the profession of an economist is to know all the ins and outs of the enterprise, every “cog” that can be “screwed” into the system in order to increase returns.

And, of course, in modern conditions every specialist should know a computer. And not at the user level. An advanced user of Microsoft Office programs is the minimum required for work; they usually also require knowledge of 1C products.

How to find a job for a novice economist

Getting a position as an economist, especially from scratch, without work experience, is very difficult, almost impossible. This requires a case. Newcomers can get this job in an alternative way - start working at the enterprise in a different position, while simultaneously studying at a university to major in economics. Management will definitely notice the employee’s desire for improvement and, at the first opportunity, will provide the desired position.

Typically, when hiring newcomers to this position, managers do not make serious demands. They ask you to present a diploma of education and ask several questions about your knowledge in the field in which the company operates. Whether the candidate can cope with his responsibilities or not remains to be seen during the probationary period. For all employees this is three months; for management personnel the period can be extended to six months. At this time, the management of the enterprise may decide to dismiss the employee due to the fact that he cannot cope with his duties. Therefore, apart from lost time, the director of the enterprise does not risk anything in this situation.

The main thing that managers pay special attention to when hiring for any position is the applicant’s friendliness, correct speech and communication skills. Particularly in the provinces, where everyone knows everything about each other, the authorities usually make inquiries about the person.

How I found a job - personal experience

From personal experience I can say that I read an advertisement in a local newspaper that a trading company needed an economist. Having plucked up the impudence, since I had only completed my third year at the institute by profession, I came to the director and stated that I didn’t know anything about work, but I was eager to work in this field and in this position. I must say that I worked as a salesperson for a long time, so I imagined the “kitchen” of a trading enterprise. This was also said. I don’t know what was the decisive factor, but two days later the director called me back and invited me to come to the company’s office with documents for registration.

Functional responsibilities of an economist at an enterprise

A few words about what an economist should do at his workplace every day. First, you need to describe the company itself a little. This is a part of a network company, well-known in Russia, which specializes in retail trade in consumer goods (food, household items, furniture, toys and office supplies). The structure of the organization, which was managed by 6 people, included 30 rural shops.

The first thing I started with was compiling the daily turnover for each store. For this purpose, there was a special notebook, which was lined by hand, where a list of stores was located horizontally, and the amount of daily revenue sold by each outlet was entered vertically. Amounts were selected from the 1C program with a cumulative total. As a result, at the end of the month the result of the enterprise’s work was visible in the form of a total amount and the result of the work of each store and its turnover. This concept refers to the number of days required to sell the average stock of goods in a retail outlet. Average inventory for the period is divided by the average one-day turnover of the point.

At the end of each month, in a special table made in the Excel editor, a comparative analysis of the work of each outlet was carried out in comparison with the previous month and the same period last year. This made it possible to analyze the work of the enterprise as a whole and for each department. Costs and expenses were analyzed in the same way. I made similar forms to analyze the costs of electricity, repairs of premises, gas supply, wages and deductions, and the amount of remaining goods in stores.

The number of reports the preparation of which was part of my responsibilities is difficult to calculate. The main three were sent monthly to the head office located in the city of Kursk, and included all the indicators that the company had achieved over the past month. Every month a report was prepared to the Statistical Office, which included the same data. In addition, quarterly and annual reports on production performance for the quarter and year were submitted.

By the end of the quarter, I was developing a plan for each store for the next three months. Planning was based on a comparative analysis of similar periods of the past three years and the last quarter.

By all rights, the plan for a retail outlet should be directly linked to the number of people living in the village where the store operates, but this is a real problem. Information about residents is collected by calling village administrations, but they have one thing in their papers, but in reality it is completely different. They provide information only about registered citizens who, perhaps, have not lived there for many years, and those who came to work and live without registration are simply not taken into account.

Therefore, my method was the most optimal. In January of each year, an indicative plan for the coming year was drawn up. It was based on the figures that the parent company presented to us and the capabilities of each store.

How much do economists earn?

It’s difficult for me to talk about how much people in my profession earn in big cities, but for our area my salary was considered good. My salary was 16,000 rubles. Minus the income tax of 13% and trade union dues from this figure, we received about 14,500 rubles per month. Payments were made officially, with all necessary deductions. The social package was represented only by payment of sick leave and gifts for children for the New Year holidays - not the scale of an enterprise that offers free trips to the sea or its own children's camps.

According to the statistics that I was interested in, the minimum salary of an economist in a large city starts at 22,000 rubles, and its upper limit is 80,000 rubles. But in order to earn that much, you need to have extensive work experience in this specialty, and also live in the city.

Pros and cons of being an economist

The advantages of the profession include the fact that the economist is an employee independent of anyone other than the director. In addition, people who decided to devote themselves to this profession are individuals who put a creative approach to activity at the forefront. The ability to see what others don't see, to improve structure and staffing so that efforts can be directed towards achieving goals is really exciting.

I don't see any shortcomings in this work. The only negative characteristic of the vast majority of enterprises in our time is to load the one who copes with his responsibilities with the maximum number of additional functions that distract from the main process.

What does it take to be appreciated and noticed?

In my case, the only people above me in rank were the chief accountant and the director of the organization. Accounting is not my thing! But I had no desire to become a leader. No, I don’t want to say that I’m not ambitious! Very much! But this is not the case. Our director had so many responsibilities and problems that it sometimes seemed to me as if he spent the night in his office. The enterprise, which he inherited from his predecessor, was in a state of extreme decline. And he didn't even have time to breathe.

I held a good position, I really liked my work, and I didn’t want to change anything. In addition, not having much experience and experience, I tried to go to neighboring branches of the parent organization to see experienced economists, where I learned a lot. Several times I was sent to advanced training courses, after which I was entrusted with working with personnel.

Parting words for beginners

The most important thing in our profession, as in any other, is to remain human. Attention to details and numbers, perseverance and literacy are qualities that must be present. It is advisable, if the opportunity arises, to first get a job as an assistant economist. This will allow you to avoid many mistakes and miscalculations common to beginners in any profession.

The whole essence of the Russian economy in one graph. Very soon we will all become 6 times poorer
A year and a half ago, I wrote an article “The whole essence of the Russian economy in one graph. The collapse of the Russian economy in the next few years is inevitable.” It's time to update that same chart, check those conclusions for lice, and meditate on the future.

Did you read that article? Are you impressed? Now admire the updated graph “Russian GDP and oil price.”

Visually, the graphs for gross domestic product (GDP) and oil prices are very similar to each other. How similar? There is a mathematical term that allows you to understand this - correlation (correlation coefficient, correlation dependence). It shows how much one quantity depends on another quantity. The correlation coefficient can take values ​​from -1 to +1. In this case, a value of -1 will indicate a negative correlation between values ​​(when one graph falls, the other graph grows, and vice versa), 0 – about the absence of correlation, and +1 – about a complete correlation of values. That is, the closer the correlation coefficient is to +1, the stronger the relationship between two random variables. With a correlation coefficient equal to +1, the graphs of the two quantities coincide completely.

So, the correlation coefficient between the Russian GDP and the price of oil is 0.956. That is, we see an almost complete dependence of the Russian GDP on the price of oil. If the price rises, then GDP also rises. If the price falls, then GDP falls.

Let's also update the same graphs for Norway, Canada and Australia, and calculate the correlation coefficient for these countries. The correlation coefficient between “Norwegian GDP and oil price” is 0.963. The correlation coefficient between "Canada's GDP and the price of oil" is 0.939. The correlation coefficient between "Australia's GDP and the price of oil" is 0.919.

But the charts of other countries are of purely academic interest to the vast majority of Russians. What difference do we make to how distant Canadians and Australians will feel when the price of oil drops to $10 a barrel? No. Therefore, let's return to our schedule.

Now that we are once again convinced that Russian GDP depends solely on the price of oil, we can understand a lot and predict a lot. It becomes clear why “Real Estate Prices in Moscow” behaves this way. “The graph of the average price of real estate in Russia and the price of oil,” just like the graph of GDP, repeats the graph of the price of oil. With less accuracy, but repeats.

Therefore, if we predict the price of oil, we can learn (at least approximately) a lot. And the GDP of our country, and the price of real estate, and even our own salary. Not down to the penny, of course. Very approximately. But estimating it in dollars, at least approximately, is very useful.

How can you predict the price of oil? In this extremely important matter, the main thing is to find the right expert or the right technique. All Russian officials disappear immediately due to their absolute professional unsuitability (see the article “Alexey Ulyukaev does not believe that in 2017 the price of oil can fall to $30. You should not believe Ulyukaev himself. He is not able to make real forecasts”). Analysts from banks (commercial and investment) and investment companies go where government officials go, for the same reason. Their predictions come true only by chance. There is no systematicity observed. Simply because their main method is to approximate the current trend. If the price has been rising for the last six months, they stupidly add 5-10-15% to it, and give out the resulting figure as the result of their incredibly complex calculation. Analysts act similarly when prices fall in the last six months. If the price fluctuates for six months in a narrow range (in the slang of stockbrokers - it is sideways) - analysts give the current price. These actions of analysts have nothing to do with the analysis.

But if someone, based on the previous paragraph, thought that the price of oil cannot be predicted, he is mistaken. There is one method that gives very good results. This is Elliott's theory. The problem is that not everyone can understand this theory. In it you need to learn to recognize graphic images. But, in any case, studying this theory is not a quick task. And you can find out the forecast right now if you find out the opinion of an expert who has studied this theory very well. There is such an expert in Russia. This is Stepan Demura. He predicts that over the next twelve months the price of oil will be $10 per barrel (see the article “The process of getting up from your knees is ending. Also about the dollar and ruble, pound, RTS, default of the banking system, oil, gold and silver.”

There is a complexity to Elliott's theory. It defines levels well, but says nothing about timing. So for Stepan, deadlines are a bottleneck. He practically makes no mistakes in levels. But quite often he makes mistakes about the timing. So oil will cost $10 a barrel. Maybe not in 2017, but in 2018, but it will happen.

When this happens (not “if”, but “when”), our country’s gross domestic product will return to the level of early 1999. Then, judging by the graph, quarterly GDP was approximately $45 billion. That is, annual GDP will be approximately $200 billion. Let me remind you that now the quarterly GDP is approximately $300 billion, and the annual GDP, respectively, is $1,200 billion. It turns out that Russia's GDP will shrink by about six times in the near future. GDP per capita will decrease by exactly the same amount. And this is an approximate indicator of the income of the average resident of the country. Thus, the income of every resident of Russia, expressed in dollars, will in the near future be reduced by six times. Six times, Karl! Not everyone necessarily has six times. Not everyone will experience reductions. But on average across the country this will be the case.

We look at the graph of real estate prices in Moscow around 1999 and see the average price of $1,000 per square meter. According to statistics, when a bubble bursts in any market, the price in that market drops by 80%. That is five times. At its maximum in Moscow, the price was slightly more than $6,000 per square meter. Divide this figure by five and we get $1,200 per square meter. This figure is close to what was obtained according to the graph of GDP and oil prices.

For a long time I could not understand why the price of real estate in Moscow could fall to the level of the late 90s. Now for me personally it has become completely transparent and obvious. But a new problem appeared - somehow getting used to the fact that my income in dollars would very soon decrease by six times. Over the past two years they have already decreased greatly in dollar terms. And I have a hard time getting used to their current level.

But the fall in incomes of the Russian population in dollars does not mean at all that they will decrease in rubles. In rubles they will grow significantly. Simply because, simultaneously with the fall in GDP, the ruble will fall sharply. The ruble will fall for many reasons. The main one is filling the federal budget. As oil prices fall to $10, budget revenues will decrease catastrophically. Reserves will quickly melt, so the Russian authorities will have no other option but to stupidly print money. They simply don’t know how to do anything else. Degradation, sir. So, the same Stepan Demura’s forecast about the dollar at 125, 250, 500 rubles has a good chance of coming true (see the article “The first goal of the ruble is 125. Then 250, then 500. About China, sanctions, gold at 30,000, oil 12 each, real estate or deposit, experiment "mice and communism", forget about pensions").

These are the sad conclusions that can be drawn from just one graph, which reflects the whole essence of the Russian economy. This is all you need to know about the economy of our country.

How to correctly create a revenue report in the form of a pivot table?

How to generate reports on costing, commercial and general expenses?

How to generate a management report on financial results?

The appearance of a new employee in the planning and economic department is always an event for the entire financial and economic service of the enterprise. If this employee is a recent graduate of a higher educational institution, then the head of the department and leading specialists have additional responsibility: they must not only bring the colleague up to date, but also fully train him. The curriculum of most educational institutions is designed in such a way that graduates have only superficial knowledge of budgeting, financial modeling and accounting work in an enterprise.

Often, in an attempt to speed up the learning process, the head of a department gives such an employee too much information in a short time or delegates work that a newcomer simply cannot do. Unfortunately, such techniques do not speed up a person’s adaptation in the workplace: mistakes inevitably follow, reports are not prepared, and stress increases, which in itself only aggravates the situation. In this regard, we recommend that heads of planning and economic services and financial departments break down the training program for a new employee who is not familiar with the budget system at the enterprise or has only a vague understanding of accounting accounts into several stages.

A good place to start is by reviewing with a young colleague the financial results statement (profit and loss statement) as the easiest to master.

If a manufacturing enterprise operates on a general taxation system, then at the initial stage it is better to abstract from the intricacies of calculating VAT, changes in deferred tax assets and liabilities, and leave the credit situation of the organization outside the scope of discussion. This will make it possible to focus on revenue, cost of production, selling and administrative expenses, other income and expenses, income tax and net profit.

It is important not only to look at the procedure for compiling this report in Excel (possibly in a simplified form), but also to show how the accounting accounts of sections III “Production Costs”, IV “Finished Products and Goods” and VIII “Financial Results” “work” .

It is better to study accounting entries in the context of the documents that form them in the 1C system.

At the second stage, it is worth studying the cash flow statement in conjunction with the accounts of sections V and VI - “Cash” and “Settlements”, respectively. Here you can talk in detail about the credit policy of the enterprise and its relationships with banks.

The next, third stage is the study of the remaining accounting accounts - sections I “Non-current assets” and VII “Capital”. After this, you can begin to draw up the first simplified management balance sheet.

The fourth stage is familiarization with additional enterprise reports, which provide information for the three main reporting forms of the organization.

At the fifth stage, special attention should be paid to the main software tool in the hands of any employee of the financial and economic service - the Excel spreadsheet editor.


At the moment, we can say with confidence that this is not just a spreadsheet editor, but a powerful calculation and analytical complex, the capabilities of which are significantly expanded with the help of macros (subroutines and functions), as well as integrated add-ons Power Query, Power Pivot, Power View, which are included included in the delivery package for extended business versions of the spreadsheet editor.

Which feature of the spreadsheet editor is best to start demonstrating it with? Our advice is to transform the range of revenue data into an Excel table with a subsequent description of its capabilities.

P. N. Grishenkov,
independent consultant-expert on Excel spreadsheet editor

The material is published partially. You can read it in full in the magazine

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