What to do when everything is bad in life: recommendations from experts and ways to overcome problems. I feel bad, what should I do? Self-help checklist

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Why do I feel so bad that I don’t feel the harmony as I did before? How to get rid of the terrible feeling of emptiness that accompanies me everywhere? The soul suffers from such thoughts, but there is simply no desire to live. When life takes on the status of “everything is complicated”, and the day consists of nothing but failures and moral stress, it’s time to take the helm of your “ship”. Finding the reasons will help guide you in a new direction, because they contain the “root of evil.” Help is just around the corner - just read to the end.

Everything is very bad or why this happens

When the morning begins not with cheerful exercise and a smile, but with sadness and complete hopelessness, you obviously need to think about yourself. Where does that deep sadness come from, from which it is difficult to get out of for weeks? Why does a mental breakdown occur, and you are no longer that cheerful person, but a gray shadow? Negative emotions wait at the most inopportune moment, when we do not expect it. Just yesterday there was an affair with a loved one, prosperity, peace, but today everything is awry. Negativity can fly into life, but it is important not to let it stay here. When everything is bad, and with it the energy to do anything disappears. It is important to understand what exactly is the cause of sadness. This condition has obvious as well as hidden features.

When a person says “help me badly”, he may experience:

  • Family problems- the most common case. As part of misunderstanding on the part of loved ones, eternal quarrels give rise to self-isolation. Negative feelings arise due to insufficient love, mutual understanding, and support.
  • Everything very bad happens at work too. Colleagues don’t understand, and is this boss always criticizing? Do you have to travel for hours to another part of the city, and then stay in the office until night? Intense work can turn an energetic personality into a stale cracker. A disloyal team is a common cause of nervous breakdowns.
  • I'm unwell due to health reasons. When you feel weak, you want to cry and return to normal. It’s hard to imagine a normal life with easy thoughts without good health. It is important not to delay, see a doctor and get yourself back into shape.
  • How bad I feel, because my loved one left me. Nights spent in tears, a sad look out the window, apathy towards the world around us - all this brings about depression. Difficulties in relationships make few people happy.

A person can also say “I feel bad” if he has not been able to get out of a bitter state for a long time. Negativity tends to turn into chronic depression, which makes it difficult to find peace. One reason can affect another, which creates a chain of unpleasant consequences.

For example, a university student has problems communicating with classmates. He always comes home in a bad mood, ignores his family out of nervousness, and is rude to them. This provokes parents into a scandal and a verbal altercation begins. At the same time, the child of the family stops studying well, which threatens him with being out of the contract budget. The family cannot afford to pay for education, and the son, under a wave of depression, begins to drink alcohol and smoke. This is a rather trivial example, but it happens in real life.

Similar to this case, there are thousands of others, but the conclusion is the same - people drive themselves into a blind corner. It is worth dealing with one problem, which will eliminate the appearance of the next. The way out of depression is often right before our eyes.

What to do when it's bad

I feel bad and it eats me up mentally every day - help me! It is important to immediately pull yourself together and do something in the form of a moral shake-up. The feeling of one's own helplessness gradually makes the person uncontrollable. Stresses increasingly influence behavior, many things cease to please as before, and strong feelings cease to help morally. In advanced cases, scolding yourself for being too susceptible to circumstances is the best lesson you can learn.

Advice, a word from the outside sometimes cannot break through the wall of misunderstanding that a person himself has created. Does everything feel so bad that you want to make ends meet? We take our will into our fists, call the most important people whom we can trust, and express everything that has accumulated during this time. Comrade, family will always understand and help in difficult times. Perhaps all this time the victim lacks sincere understanding, freeing himself from all this confusion.

If the feeling of “I feel bad” has taken over you, then read our tips and they will certainly help you.

Avoid loneliness

When everything is very bad, there is no need to finish yourself off even more with silence. In such an environment, a person escalates the situation and becomes vulnerable. ? It is important not to justify your behavior and blame others for your troubles. Under any circumstances, you can be distracted. Why not read a book? Watch an interesting movie or go shopping? How about the idea of ​​listening to your favorite music, which will get rid of the internal barrier? Karaoke, by the way, helps a lot.

Surround yourself with care

This advice complements the previous one. You can get a positive charge from your bosom friends, who can drive up at any moment and invite you to a cafe! There will always be someone who is with you, like water never spilled. I feel really bad, but no one can cheer me up! What to do? It is important to defuse the situation and go out into the outside world. Why not meet an interesting person, go on a long-awaited date, put aside your fears and propose a meeting with someone? You can cheer yourself up if you stop thinking about painful things.

Overcome fear and improve the situation

To prevent this from happening, you need to correct that fatal mistake that is the cause of everything. The problem has been going on for many months, or maybe years? Such a stone on the soul simply stifles the opportunity to live fully! If your conscience torments you, then you don’t need to be afraid to apologize and tell the truth. I would like to say about my feelings - the main thing is not in a rude form, but clearly, so that the person can understand it. Fear gnaws, leaves you speechless - you don’t have to put up with it. You can always make amends, which will not only reassure you, but also your opponent.

Make time for sports

Sport is a radiant vitamin that makes the body flutter, the soul is relieved, and the mood is renewed. Breathing freely, in a beautiful, strong body - isn’t this happiness? Regular exercise builds willpower. It is precisely this that is often lacking to combat moral blues. After several months of fitness, the gym, those who were previously without strength for any reason will now confidently stay afloat.

Have fun and relax

When, you should allow yourself to relax. A holiday is impossible in a gloomy, tense atmosphere. The terrible sadness will melt away if you go on a long-awaited trip, treat yourself with a gift, invite your family to a restaurant, or go out of town into nature. Why not visit the spa for a relaxing massage? Or maybe go to a football match and cheer for your favorite team? As soon as we replace our usual habitat with something bright, we will sparkle with new colors.

Proper nutrition and self-care

I feel bad because I’m ugly, fat, and I get angry for any reason. We are what we eat. Gastronomic interest has awakened in man since ancient times and has not subsided since then. We eat to move, to think, to grow mentally and physically. You can feel lightness in your thoughts in a healthy body. It's time to get rid of those extra pounds that are making you feel less free.

It is worth replacing eating cakes with fresh fruits, and fast food with vegetables, cereals, and fish. Everything should be in moderation, but you should never push yourself to the point of disgrace. In a state of prolonged depression, a person with a radiant smile, a thin waist, and an even skin tone turns into a semblance of an unhealthy person. P.S. Dark chocolate, tea, oranges are great tonic!

Positive thinking is the best medicine!

Why do I feel so bad? It's about thinking! It is important to reconsider your view of the world, not to give up, to see perspective in your future. Bad thoughts directly leave an imprint on the worldview. Even on a gray day, you can think about the world around you, your health, your ability to walk, see, and dream. Some people are in a really terrible situation right now, and sometimes we get upset over trifles.

Well done to you for reaching the victorious end of this article. We believe that now you are less worried about the thought “I feel bad and my life is over.” Continue today with new thoughts about good things, find a way out of this trap. It’s never too late to start making changes for the better, and even useful!

Hello! I already wrote here, I decided to write again. Since I am already dying mentally and physically. I have never, ever felt as bad and terrible as I do now. For the last month I have been crying all the time, non-stop. I cry and don’t sleep, day or night. I can't do this anymore, I'm no longer here. I died, all that was left of me was a shadow, a pitiful semblance of a person. Did I once live? I may have lived, but for the last few years I have simply existed. And at the moment I have already reached the brink, the edge. I can not do it anymore! I want to scream and ask for help, but I understand that no one will help me. My heart is torn to pieces, I am choking on tears every day. I'm scared, very scared. I don’t want to wake up in the morning, I realize in horror that another terrible, terrible day is coming that I have to live through. People, kind, sweet, good - please help me. I'm already dead in my heart. I don't see myself in the future. What can I say, I don’t know if I’ll live tomorrow. Anyone who can respond, help, do not remain indifferent to my terrible pain. When I was 19 years old, I was very sick and experienced clinical death. I left the body and was there, on the other side of life and death. They wanted to take me away forever, but I didn’t want to and refused. They brought me back, I came to my senses. Then he quickly recovered. And now I’m alive after this 10 years. Now I hate myself for not wanting to die then. This whole nightmare wouldn't have happened. The Lord gave me a chance, I would have been freed from torment forever, but I chose life. For what? The Bible says about hell and heaven, but I believe that hell is here on Earth. I went through inhuman torment in this world, I went through all the circles of hell. I'm trying to remember something good through a mind clouded by mental pain. Probably the best time when I did not suffer was when I was 6 years old. And it started right from the age of seven, and over the years it got worse and worse. Mental pain, fear, anxiety, anxiety all grew like a snowball. I would give a lot of what I have so that my well-being would be good, so that my soul would not be torn to pieces. Maybe I'm possessed? Possessed by unclean spirits? They torment me, torment me, tear me apart. I'm dying, I can't do this anymore, I'm tired. I'm between a rock and a hard place, I'm in a hopeless situation. I am very scared to live, but even more scared to die. I am afraid of both, and it is unbearable for me. I have a panic disorder, a phobic disorder. Pseudogallucinosis. Obsessive-compulsive disorder. I'm afraid of everything, I'm afraid to go outside. I'm afraid of myself. It’s not just difficult for me to live, but simply difficult to exist. I want me not to exist, the fact that I am alive is some kind of stupid mistake. At the end of May I will have my 29th birthday. I think this is my last birthday. I have a hard time getting through each day. There is only darkness and emptiness ahead, my future is bleak. To fight the disease, you need strong support from the people around you. But there are none. Nobody at home understands me. The people I live with don’t understand me and don’t want to hear me. I found myself in some kind of dead end, a stupor. I do not want anything anymore. I have nothing to strive for, nothing to desire, I have no goals and I don’t want to know anything from information. The Internet finally finished me off. Before it was better, more than half of what I learned from the Internet I shouldn’t have known. This was very harmful information, bliss lies in ignorance. I don’t know how to live with this now, I’m scared for the future. Many relatives abandoned me. I'm single, no family, no children, no job, no girlfriend. There is nothing left but pain that is destroying me. I live in poverty and there is misunderstanding everywhere, there are no like-minded people, there are no advisers who can help. I beg you to help me, with at least one word of sympathy and understanding. I'm scared, I'm very afraid that I will soon be gone!
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Andrey, age: 28 / 05/21/2014


Hello Andrei!

Register on the forum of this site - there you can talk with a psychiatrist or just with understanding people.

Ekaterina, age: 30 / 05/21/2014

Hey Andrey, don't be nervous, okay? I'll tell you that with your ability to describe a situation, I think you would be a good writer. Don’t worry, it will pass, you just relax, be simpler, remove all your complexes and straighten your shoulders, because if you feel like a shadow and behave accordingly, no one will notice you. Why are you afraid to go outside? Get ready to go out into nature one weekend. From all of us. God, there is such bliss when you sit around the fire and there is silence, only the birds sing and the fire crackles. Not everything is so bad in life. Smile, even when you don’t want to, a smile sends impulses to your brain that everything is fine and you are happy with everything. I also despaired, and I also wanted to die, but everything passed, I passed the test. I wish you happiness and health. Don't be sad!:)

Misa, age: 16/05/21/2014

Andrey, hello!
It’s really time for you to start fighting for your health, physical and mental. I sympathize with you, but I wish more that you take real action to improve your condition. Try starting with this:
1. Be sure to register on the forum and ask for help to take a step towards your recovery.
2. Make an appointment and go to an appointment with a therapist so that he can prescribe strengthening vitamins or other means to improve immunity and tone. It may be worth making an appointment with a psychiatrist.
3. Try to write words of sympathy and encouragement to someone here. You are well versed in the complexities of psychology, you know how to identify conditions and problems. You could provide invaluable help to many when a person is told that what is happening to him can already be described more easily. cope with the pain of the soul. You can help a lot.
The main thing is actions. Prayer is also an action, and what a powerful one!
With God's help, Andrey, you are not alone! There are many of us here, those who have experienced or are experiencing discord with their lives.
You listed what you don’t have yet, in fact it’s all acquired. Now list to yourself what you really have now. I’m sure this will be no less =) all the best to you, Andrey.

Katya, age: 28 / 05/21/2014

Dear Andrey! You are a believer, and this means a lot. If we build our lives in constant communication with God, then we see the whole world differently - from a spiritual point of view. But we see that nothing is accidental, and no suffering is in vain. The main thing is that, while enduring suffering, we cleave to God more strongly. I know one guy with HIV, who was kicked out of the house by his own mother; for 10 years now he has been wandering around cities and towns, train stations, hostels, and, at best, a hospital, without having anywhere to lay his head. There is almost no money, documents are regularly stolen, beaten on the street, and he is constantly in serious physical condition... But with all this, he is a very religious person, and in his spiritual life he has grown to the point that he prays for... Russia. It seemed that he would have to pray for an apartment, money and treatment. And he finds the strength to pray for other people and the whole nation! And he says, “this is my cross, and I will bear it (my illness and poverty)”... This is what it means to live in Christ.
It seems to me that your problems can be solved, on the one hand, by medication, on the other - like this guy, like all of us - by faith in God and prayer. If you were returned from there, it means that it is still necessary. What would I do if I were you? I tried to go to church more often. As one of my friends, a cancer patient, said, the pain goes away only in church. It happens very well after a prayer service when they sprinkle with holy water. But the most important medicine is confession and Communion. And it would be good for you to find a confessor. If you cannot go to church, you can ask the priest to come to your home and give you Holy Communion. Read more spiritual literature, it helps to straighten your thoughts, calm down, and “catch” the right wave. And yet - have you never read an akathist (such a long prayer) to St. Luke of Crimea? Read about him on the Internet - you will learn a lot of interesting things about his life (he lived in the twentieth century) and miracles. He was a doctor and a priest at the same time. And now people turn to him most often for healing. Ask him for help. Ask also for your patron saint. Is this Apostle Andrew the First-Called? It’s also good to pray to the Mother of God, Her prayer is the most powerful. You can also pray about work and personal life, you just need patience.
Besides this, think about what you like to do and try to develop it.
Don't despair, there is always hope.
And please come out to the forum - don’t disappear!

r.B.Yulia, age: 35 / 05/21/2014

Hi Andrew,

Nice, big letter, a letter about the fear you are experiencing. Are you scared. It becomes scary from many things. You want to scream for help.
I sympathize with you, Andrey, experiencing fear for a long time is quite unpleasant, and truly painful!!
The disorders you listed are anxiety disorders. Phobic - from the word phobos, fear. Obsessive-compulsive also falls into the same category.
How to cope with fear, which no longer helps us avoid some danger, run away or fight, and does not mobilize us to fight or flee? And which simply exists. One of the successful techniques is, according to Wolpe, desensitization in fear-inducing situations. In short, learn to relax in the presence of a psychologist who will look at where you are still tense and then transfer this skill to situations where it can be scary. First into a situation where there is very little fear, then into one where there is more, and then into the most frightening situation. Why is it connected with relaxation, because relaxation is a state in which it is least possible to be afraid. As opposed to tension, in which we are ready to fight back or flee from real danger. That is, I want to say that fear is our friend, it was our friend when people still lived in forests and caves. And now he is our friend if, for example, we need to run away, to save ourselves from something or someone, for example, a flood. If fear is present in situations where I or you understand rationally, there is nothing special to be afraid of, but we are still painfully afraid.. If this fetters me and does not allow me to go outside. In this case, you need to overcome fear and learn not to be afraid. It can be done.

About the Internet. The fact that there is a lot of information there, yes. Both efficient and idle, it’s true. Previously, people went to libraries, where they could pick up a book and think whether they wanted to read it or not. The very fact that the book was published, has reviews, is already information for us that the person tried, took the writing of the book seriously. It’s easier to write something on the Internet. So the process of judging whether I should read something and who wrote it is more difficult. For example, I look to see if there are links to literature and authors. I’ll look at what kind of literature there are references to and then start reading.

Good luck and all the best to you!

marrina, age: 45 / 05/21/2014

I read your letter and the first thing I thought was: you don’t have so much problems, but how much you have screwed yourself up and take a lot on yourself, as if you were the Lord God. Relax. Accept yourself as you are. Let go of all your problems. Cast them on God. Only God can help you. You yourself see that a person can’t solve much in his life. Go to a therapist, take some calming drugs. It's bad that you're so lonely. Loneliness - it eats. Think, maybe there is still someone who could listen to you and give you some advice. It would make you feel better. You want support, love, mutual understanding. But life is like that! Don’t think that those people who have a family are cloudlessly happy. There are many lonely people in the family. Hold on! Walk this path for fun. What will happen...next?!

Age: 26/05/22/2014

I will advise you this, of course this is not the point, but it always helps me: Don’t envy other people, then an inferiority complex appears and you become one step lower. Accept your shortcomings and treat other people the same way they treat you. And when I’m mentally upset, I watch TV shows, they help me and allow me to look at the world from a different perspective. You should start life over with a new leaf, forget it the past, I see that you cling to the past, that’s why you think that you don’t seem to live anymore, but the whole point is that you live in the past. I understand you, that’s why I wish you happiness and I believe that you your life will change for the better! :)

Sveta, age: 17 / 07/02/2014

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Don't forget that life is not one day. If it didn’t work out today, everything will be different tomorrow. Friends forgot to call - there will be time and you won’t call. All the clouds that are gathering over our heads are all temporary. Difficulties must be overcome.

“It happens that no matter where you look, everything is bad. I give up, I don’t want to do anything, my soul is sad and, as luck would have it, my friends don’t call, I’m a mess at work, and on TV it’s a complete nightmare, the photos taken by my beloved Sony DSC-TX55 disappeared without a trace on my PC.” - writes the website growth.in.ua. And what to do when everything is bad? How to get out of this state when do you feel bad? What to do?

We offer you a number of tips and hope you find the answer for yourself, what to do when everything is bad.

1. Think only about good things

Remember, absolutely everyone can change their life. All you need is desire. And you need to start changing your whole life with your own thoughts. If you constantly think about only bad things, they will come to you. You have heard the phrase many times that thoughts are material. What does this phrase mean?

2. Speak only about good things

It is not enough to just think about the good, because the word is also material, so you need to talk about the good. With friends, at home, at work, say that life is getting better, everything is just fine. If your acquaintances begin to discuss the topic in front of you: “where is this world heading,” do not support this discussion. After all, you know that everything will be fine, life gets better every day.

3. Don't drink

Don't try to drown all your problems with alcohol. They will only increase. In addition, you will lose your health and a lot of money. The same goes for smoking. This is a direct path to permanent illness.

4. Play sports

We can advise you to go in for sports: it gives positive emotions and health. It is not necessary to achieve records; a regular jog, swimming pool, or morning exercises is enough. It not only invigorates the body, but also strengthens the spirit. After this, you will not want to think about the bad, decide how to overcome depression.

5. Love

Love always changes life for the better. She brings a sea of ​​positivity and happiness into our lives. This bright feeling turns our lives upside down, inspires us to achieve feats and achieve success. How can there be depression if you love and are loved?

6. Give free rein to your emotions

It’s not true that you can’t help your grief with tears. Sometimes it is enough to cry when your soul is bad to see life in a new light, to understand that it is not over yet, that there are other interests in life.

Try to look at your situation impartially. Is she really that sad? Look around how many people around you have it much worse. But they continue to live, rejoice, and fight.

8. Communicate

When everything is really bad, you really want to withdraw into yourself, not see anyone, not communicate with anyone. This is the wrong way. On the contrary, be among people who can listen to you and ease your suffering.

9. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, start taking action.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself: many people have it worse than you. Take action. This is the only way to change the situation. Or start a new life.

10. Ask loved ones for help

Don't hesitate to ask family or friends for help. For any person, timely support can be very important. It will help solve a lot of life problems and find a way out of any situation, especially when I feel bad (What should I do?).

Stress, work, problems and other factors constantly influence a person. Therefore, sooner or later, he is faced with a feeling of exhaustion or fatigue, which manifests itself in the onset of a state of physical, psychological or moral fatigue. If, after an adequate respite, physical strength returns, then it is very difficult to restore psychological, and especially moral, fatigue.

Description of the characteristics of moral fatigue

Moral fatigue is a psychological characteristic that reflects a person’s state of complete depression, leading to a lack of any interests, an unwillingness to live, unfounded claims against oneself and biased self-esteem.

The danger of moral fatigue lies in a gradual psychological-neurotic disorder, leading to physiological consequences, such as chronic depression, neurosis, psychosis, etc.

From a medical point of view, moral fatigue is a narrower and more specific aspect of psychological fatigue. It is influenced by factors that depress the moral component of the human psyche, these are:

  • regular humiliation from, for example, parents, husband (wife);
  • beloved, children, underestimation of superiors, social inequality;
  • actions committed earlier that do not allow you to live in peace;
  • Often, trivially, excess weight can lead to a similar condition.

Various factors can develop moral fatigue in a person, both external, independent of him, and he himself, through “moral self-criticism.”

It should be clarified that there is no gender or age for this diagnosis. Strange as it may sound, even a small child, for example, living in a single-parent family, can become mentally tired. Firstly, he understands that one parent (father, mother) is not in his life and this is already a trauma. Secondly, mom or dad, who are constantly tired themselves, regularly take it out on him. Thus, the child is subjected to moral oppression and destroys himself. The question is why my dad left me and what I am guilty of before my mother, or vice versa. Being in such a state and thoughts, the child himself destroys his personality, he becomes withdrawn, low self-esteem with self-doubt is developed, resentment towards life appears, as a result of which thirst and interest in it disappear. And this is only the most primitive example, and there are millions of such situations.

A state of moral fatigue can arise from a simple act that a person has committed and repents all his life, realizing the impossibility of correcting it, or has not committed and regrets it. Such a heavy moral burden leads not only to psychological, but also to physiological consequences.

Signs of moral fatigue

Psychological signs of moral fatigue are:

  • unwillingness to live;
  • lack of pleasure from previously joyful and familiar activities (the range can be different, from work, hobbies, cooking, sex, meetings with friends to communication with family, friends, children);
  • loss of interest in something;
  • chronic reluctance to do something due to loss of interest;
  • low biased self-esteem and constant self-esteem;
  • “self-criticism”;
  • dissatisfaction with life.

Psychological and neurological symptoms manifest themselves in:

  • mood swings, irritability;
  • lack of sleep;
  • aggression;
  • unexpected increase in tone when speaking;
  • tearfulness, depression, hysterics.

Physiological symptoms:

  • lack of appetite;
  • rapid heartbeat, tachycardia;
  • diarrhea, dizziness, weakness;
  • headache, decreased immunity.

Visual manifestations:

  • a person always has downcast eyes that do not express any interest or desire for anything;
  • stoop, shoulders also drooping, unsteady gait;
  • untidiness in appearance and clothing is complete bad taste.

The main difficulty lies in identifying moral fatigue in a person and diagnosing it. Often this problem is discovered quite late, because people have a tendency to hide their problems, and the symptoms are attributed to overwork and other factors.

Treatment of moral fatigue

Important! There is no specific answer to how to get rid of moral fatigue, since moral fatigue has purely individual causes and manifestations. Much depends on the person’s psychotype, the situation in which he finds himself, and environmental factors.

First of all, regular psychological self-therapy is necessary:

  • resolving external and internal conflicts as they arise, without accumulation, and it is better to avoid them;
  • after work stress, try to relax;
  • periodic change of environment - visiting excursions, entertainment events, travel;
  • playing sports, an exciting hobby that can distract;
  • communication with friends, family, lack of increased demands on oneself;
  • avoidance of excessive self-criticism, healthy rest and sleep.

Additional factors can also worsen the state of moral fatigue: vitamin deficiency, which depletes the body and reduces immunity, insufficient and irregular nutrition, which leads to stress in the body, insomnia, which leads to neurological disorders, loss of attention and memory.

Considering the fact of the influence of moral fatigue on a person’s general health, complex therapy is required to restore it.

Therefore, if you have the corresponding symptoms, you need to contact specialists - psychologists, neurologists, who will select medications to maintain the body and stabilize it.

  • three high-quality meals a day to restore the exhaustion of the body. Eating certain foods: bananas, spinach, legumes, nuts, figs and garlic, containing vitamins and beneficial elements that can fight moral exhaustion and stimulate brain activity;
  • taking infusions of sedative herbs that stabilize the nervous system. For example, a mixture of tinctures of motherwort, hawthorn, peony, and valerian with the addition of the pharmaceutical product Corvalol is suitable for such purposes. All ingredients can be purchased ready-made in pharmacies. Mix tinctures of 25 ml each in a glass container, respectively, and then with Corvalol, of which 15 ml is sufficient. The resulting mixture is sealed and stored in a dark place. As a rule, this mixture is taken before bed, 1 tsp. diluted with boiled cool water. The maximum dosage is no more than 2 times a day.

Often, with moral fatigue, a person is forced to turn to specialists in the field of psychiatry, who directly select drug treatment in the form of antidepressants and certain therapy, then sanatorium-resort rehabilitation is prescribed.

Moral fatigue is a serious psychological and social problem that affects both the person himself and his environment. First of all, the tired person must realize that he needs to get out of this state. However, with proper therapy, rapid recovery occurs.

There are days when everything seems black and hopeless, when it hurts and is hard. Few people, finding themselves in such a situation, clearly know what to do when they feel bad. Everyone has their own recipes. Some people turn on sad music and revel in their grief, while others try to unwind.

What to do when you feel bad?

We look for and eliminate the cause

Understand the reasons for your condition - a person doesn’t feel bad just like that, for no reason. Everything has a reason, and so does your condition, you just need to find them. How to do it? Some reasons are obvious, others are hidden deep down and may not be clear or obvious. How to find hidden reasons? Immerse yourself in your state, try to strengthen it. This must be done very carefully and with something that can help, for example, music that matches your mood. Develop the thoughts that come to mind in this state, think about where they come from. Think about what images and associations this condition evokes in you, whether you have had it before.

Eliminate the cause of your condition. Yes, sometimes this is simply impossible - you cannot resurrect a loved one or correct any situation, but you can eliminate the cause of your condition, for example, imagine a dialogue with someone who is no longer there, with your offender, or with yourself in the past. You can eliminate what reminds you of the traumatic situation - photographs, gifts, things, perhaps even smells. The fewer things that remind you of painful events, the easier it is to stop thinking about them.

Change will help

Change your surroundings - you can just go out for a walk, meet someone, go to a new place, or even leave the city. By changing the environment around you, you will again be able to change the way of thinking and associations brought to you by the place in which you are. Take a break, get new impressions and emotions. Yes, even if you’re just thinking about making repairs or rearranging your home, you’ll have something to distract yourself with and something to put your energy into.

Work - do something tangible, something in which you will immediately see the result, it could be needlework, drawing, cooking, or even the same repair or rearrangement of furniture. Keep yourself and your body active. Seeing that your energy was not wasted, but usefully, you will feel much better.

Create a positive attitude

Give yourself a holiday - please your body or soul. Give yourself your favorite bubble bath, eat your favorite foods and especially sweets, change your hairstyle or go see a good movie.

Think about your achievements - remember everything you have achieved, what you are good at, perhaps you have awards and simply what you can be proud of. It can even be little things, the main thing is that they are useful and remind you of the good and what you can do. I learned to swim, found the best kind of green tea, learned to understand car models, met all my colleagues, etc. You can make yourself a list of your achievements and admire it when you feel sad. Lists of material acquisitions will also help.

New goals and achievements

Make a plan or just come up with a goal that you will strive for. It may be a desire or a dream, but it must be something that you can really do yourself. At first, you can set small goals that will help you achieve the global one. For example, the global goal “to lose 20 kilograms” can be divided into small ones: eat right, do exercises, run, do aerobics. It is useful to set deadlines, but they must be realistic. Don’t push yourself with impossible deadlines, it’s better to take time to spare and be proud of yourself if you completed the plan earlier.

Here are 7 steps that explain what to do when you feel bad. Decide for yourself what is best for you and to what extent to follow each of them; whether to dive into your grief to look for reasons or immediately leave it and get rid of reminders. If your condition worsens for no apparent reason and you don’t want to do anything, contact a psychologist or psychotherapist.

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