Raven tattoo. The meaning of the raven tattoo

Small business 28.12.2023
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There are many popular tattoos, and one of them is the crow tattoo. This beautiful and intelligent bird causes delight in some people and fear in others. If you perceive them purely negatively, you are unlikely to want to apply such a pattern to your skin. However, there are many people who love these birds very much.

In general, it should be clarified that a crow and a raven are two different birds, which are very different in appearance and size. The raven is always black, and the crow can be gray or even white. Naturally, the meanings of a black raven tattoo and its analogue with a crow will be different.

In world culture, a crow tattoo can have many meanings. It was used by the Celts, Greeks, German tribes, etc. The following ideas existed in different eras:

  • The personification of the power of the wind;
  • Wisdom and longevity. It was believed that the bird was quite capable of living up to 300 years. In a world where not everyone lived to be forty, that's an eternity;
  • Fertility;
  • Hope (Ancient Rome). It seemed to the Romans that the bird was shouting the word “kras”. Translated from Old Latin “tomorrow”;
  • Message from the Gods, or prophecy;
  • Christians gave mixed assessments. On the one hand, it is a dark bird, the opposite of a dove. On the other hand, it was they who helped the Old Testament prophet Elijah not to die of hunger;
  • The Chinese considered it a symbol of power and the Shui dynasty;
  • The Japanese believed that the raven was a symbol of a happy family;
  • The Egyptians were much more pessimistic. They considered the raven to be the bird of destruction, chaos and evil;
  • African tribes considered ravens to be guides. It was forbidden to kill them. It was believed that the entire tribe could pay for such an act.

Another meaning of a black raven in a tattoo is loneliness. For many peoples who practice shamanism, this bird symbolizes wisdom. She was considered the animal embodiment of an ancient ancestor; Indian shamans turned to him. Even in “Game of Thrones” there is a similar character - the three-eyed raven.

Three-eyed raven tattoo

Returning to the history of this tattoo among the Celts, it is worth remembering that it was often applied by people who were directly related to the cults of Morrigan and other deities responsible for war and death.

Followers of traditional Scandinavian beliefs

Odin's crows Hugin and Munin often become the heroes of original tattoos. These birds symbolize memory and thought. Some researchers believe that these are not real birds, but the personification of certain psychic powers that the supreme god of the Nordic peoples possessed.

Odin's crow tattoo Hugin and Munin

According to legend, these are living drones—scouts that collect information about the human world—Midgard—and transmit it to Odin. It is believed that he made the ravens talk so that they could tell him about the most important events.

Often, Odin's raven tattoos are part of a composition with references to mythology and beliefs of adherents of the old tradition. They can be drawn floating or sitting on the shoulders of their owner.

In the photo there is a tattoo with crows and a raven rune in the center of the back

The raven banner is also often used in tattoo subjects. It was used by the Vikings on their ships and on foot. For example, the king of Norway, Harald the Severe, and Canute the Great, a Dane who became king of England, fought under him.

Raven and death

Crows are always circling over the battlefield. They are the retinue of Death itself, following it everywhere. Where the bony one swings her scythe, there are feathered black creatures right there. They are capable of eating the body of a fallen warrior down to the bone. The plot in which a raven pecks at a skull has long been popular.

This image has become an important part of the image of war, as a kind of mystical idea in which it is the action of the Gods, and people are only instruments in it.

Goth subculture/rock culture

Subcultural movements often exploit images of animals and birds. Raven feather and raven tattoos on skulls, grave crosses, and tombstones have become popular. There are many design options. You just need to choose among them the one that suits your design. Or order the creation of a drawing.

By the way, tattoos of raven wings have become the same rock symbol as an eagle, a wolf, or Harley motorcycles. They are drawn either on the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, under them, just below the neck, or on the shoulder. In the first case, a background can be drawn that occupies a large area of ​​skin. When a raven is drawn on a skull, a fragment of a field strewn with spears and arrows can also be depicted.

Often a bird can hold something in its paws, even a chain with some kind of pendant, a key, or other objects. Each person puts a certain meaning into this idea by choosing this or that picture.


Often, gothic smoothly flows into esotericism, so the general style can be preserved.

By the way, raven tattoos on the shoulder are often done by girls who follow a movement such as Wiccan magic (natural witchcraft).

The crow tattoo in “dark” mystical movements is considered separately. There is a well-known theory that many sorcerers and witches keep a tame raven at home. He can spy for the owner, help communicate with other worlds, and perform other important functions. Some view the bird as a guide of souls. It is also believed that this is a kind of spirit, a guardian. Cults use blood, raven feathers and tattooing for a special spiritual connection with the bird.


Fans of Edgar Poe are well aware of the poem “The Raven,” published in 1845. It is difficult to name a more atmospheric work in poetic form. It tells how a certain young man, who has lost his bride, turns to the wise bird with questions, and receives the same answer Nevermore! Often people order raven tattoo designs with this very word. It looks really beautiful and stylish. Perhaps this is the least banal solution among the popular ones that use the image of a bird of prey.

Fans of the movie “The Crow” with Brandon Lee and numerous sequels

Fans of this cult film, in which the main role was played by the son of the legendary martial arts master, can often be seen on the arm of a raven tattoo. Then he was replaced by several other actors, but neither they nor the film adaptations themselves gained that fame.

Arm tattoo based on the movie “The Crow” with Brandon Lee

The film itself was shrouded in mysticism, and after the sudden death of the actor, it became the subject of discussion for many years. In the story, bandits brutally kill a couple, but the young man is resurrected with magical powers and almost complete invulnerability. He is alive as long as the raven lives, accompanying him everywhere.

After the release of the film, tattoo artists received many orders related to the general theme - the bird and the main character.

Raven fan club

In this case, we do not mean the film, but the bird itself. The phenomenon of keeping corvids in captivity is becoming popular. Many people who do this get a raven tattoo. Quite a logical decision. By the way, the army of such raven fans is growing, although it is inferior to lovers of dogs, cats and even snakes and spiders. Such customers rarely associate their pets with mysticism, and therefore the style is usually closer to realism.

White crow

What does a white crow tattoo mean? To understand the meaning, let's look at the concept itself. Of course, there are albino birds in nature.

They are rare, but are photographed and described by biologists. In human society, the term “black sheep” refers to outcasts, people who stand out from the general mass. They do not want to bend to the foundations, to live according to imposed patterns, even to the detriment of socialization and material well-being.

Albino white raven tattoo and white raven sketch

Prison theme

The zone is a separate world with its own rules and laws, which the local inhabitants call “concepts”. In fact, it is difficult for an ordinary person to understand all the features of the psychology of those who created these canons. All that remains is to try to understand them. Prison tattoos have long been the object of research by various scientists.

Now the tattoo of crows has a very specific meaning in the zone. For example, it can mean an abbreviation. Thief He is born of Hatred alone. A bird in prison has no special significance. So, if there are people around you who have been in prison, you don’t have to worry that the images on your body will be offensive to them, or to yourself.

Men's and women's tattoos

It is worth recognizing that girls are more often interested in such tattoos than men. Some experts believe that the meaning is different for men and women. In general, if you look into the details, the raven itself is both a masculine and feminine sign. It represents the dark feminine side, yin.

The male side of this symbol is wisdom and awareness of mystical secrets, the ability to see what is inaccessible to the eyes of ordinary people.

The raven is a strong bird, but rarely enters into open confrontation. First of all, it is a scavenger, waiting for the prey to be “ready”. He always senses when and where the next feast of flesh and blood will be. Consequently, he has the gift of foresight, or strong intuition.

Girls often choose sketches with flying birds. They also like options with trees, old houses, the moon, candles, or a lantern, and a pocket watch. In a direction such as steampunk, the raven himself can wear a watch, clothes, hat and monocular.

Lovers of ethnic designs are found among both sexes. This is a style reminiscent of the drawings of the Celts, tribal, Romans, and ancient themes.

Crow Tattoo Areas

For any tattoo, the most space is on the back. Here you can stuff a bird almost life-size, taking into account the volume of the body and the tail. Unless you won't be able to show your wingspan. The black beauty has it from 1 to 1.5 meters. It is unlikely that any of the clients of the tattoo parlor have oblique fathoms in their shoulders.

Therefore, a raven tattoo on the back is done either to scale or with folded wings. By making a large drawing, you can convey all the details and the play of color on the feathers.

The back is not the most painful area of ​​the body, so even a large tattoo can be done in two or three visits without fear that you will not be able to withstand the session. Although there are some nuances. For example, when the tattoo artist’s machine passes over the vertebrae. The closer the needle is to the bone, joint, spine, the more painful the process. If you have a low pain threshold, it is recommended to warn the specialist about this. Then he will solve the issue with anesthesia. Now there are many effective means for “freezing” the area during the procedure.

The next popular option is a crow tattoo on the shoulder. Here the surface area is noticeably smaller, and you have to make do with more modest image dimensions.

However, you can see a raven tattoo on the shoulder of both a young student and a lady over forty. Well, it’s not for nothing that they say that all women are a little bit of a witch.

How much does it hurt? If everything is fine with the pain threshold, then nothing special. You will feel approximately the same if you get a raven tattoo on your arm. The skin on the wrist is thin. The joint is close, there may be some discomfort. There is not enough space, so the bird will not be very big. You can make it in the form of a half-bracelet so that the wings cover the sides of the hand.

The crow tattoo on the chest should be discussed separately. If a stern and brutal man is unlikely to have any complaints about the tattoo artist who gives him such a tattoo, then a young girl who wants to stand out may be unpleasantly surprised that getting it done is not at all as cool as wearing it. The skin on the chest is quite thin and delicate, and under it there are many nerve endings. So think in advance how much you need it.

Usually a raven on the sternum is drawn either with outstretched wings, or with a plot, with a fragment of the background. You can make a sketch with the expectation that the wings will go to the collarbones and shoulders.

A crow tattoo on the neck will look original. Here it is best to turn to the style of minimalism, or graphics. It is a single-color pattern that will look best on this area of ​​skin.

Select a sketch. Themes for tattoos with crows

The only advice we would like to give you is to avoid banality. In any theme, be it gothic, Celtic, or occult, you can always find original designs for raven tattoos. Of course, when choosing, you can build on existing ideas, but copying them means becoming a copy of someone else. If you claim some kind of individuality and independence, such actions go against your position.

One of the important questions that visitors to tattoo parlors ask is whether bright colors are appropriate for such a tattoo? Depends on the overall theme and chosen style. For example, paints can emphasize the play of colors on the feathers of a bird, or be part of the design, some kind of decoration against the background. In styles such as trash polka and watercolor, the use of red, pink and other bright colors is considered common.

Often you come across interesting images on the Internet. For example, the silhouette of a large crow, consisting of many small ones. There are a lot of such ideas. We recommend that you carefully study examples on the topic of interest before making a choice.


An interesting collection of photographs for your viewing.

In ancient Greek culture, the raven was a symbol of fertility and longevity. This bird was considered the patron saint of travelers. The raven was often considered a sacred creature - a messenger of fateful events.

Scandinavian tribes also treated these birds with respect. Northern peoples considered the raven as a symbol of intelligence and long memory. The Romans generally associated ravens with the birds of tomorrow, comparing the croaking sound to the consonant Latin word meaning “tomorrow.”

Interestingly, Christianity perceived ravens as a negative sign. Birds were considered pests and supporters of Satan. Crows were contrasted with doves, symbolizing peace and prosperity. However, the Holy Scriptures tell more than once how crows helped travelers in their difficult journeys.

Chinese culture sees the raven as a symbol of the rising sun and rebirth. The Japanese even associate these black birds with loyalty and family values. The peoples who inhabited Africa interpreted this symbol in approximately the same way.

Modern interpretation of tattoo

If we consider the raven symbol as a tattoo, then it is worth noting that such body designs are most often used as the personification of loneliness, wisdom, and longevity. However, the raven can also mean the afterlife. This symbol is loved by supporters of occult practices. That is why you need to approach the selection of a tattoo design with knowledge of the matter. The smallest details can radically change the interpretation of a tattoo.

Tattoos for guys

Men's raven tattoos are most often tattooed in places such as:

As a rule, guys prefer monochromatic tattoos made in black or dark blue. Large body designs are less popular than small ones. However, today many original sketches have been developed for large-scale tattoos on the entire body.

Tattoos for girls

Girls are more reserved about raven tattoos than guys, since this symbol has distinct masculine roots and represents masculine qualities such as wisdom and restraint. Girls who are more prone to emotional impulses of the soul rarely decide to get such a tattoo. However, there are a number of places where such a body pattern will look great. Among them:

Among the original ideas for a tattoo with the image of a raven are the following:

  • Raven wing on the entire forearm;
  • Lonely flying raven on the back;
  • A complex composition with the presence of a bird of longevity.

It is also possible to combine a picture and an inscription. There is no consensus on the choice of style, but it makes sense for supporters of non-standard body painting to pay attention to sketches made in the trash polka style.

Celebrities with tattoos

Celebrities who have had a raven tattooed on their bodies include singer Ash Costello and popular tattoo artist Megan Masacre.

Exchanged it for an owl. According to the mythology of Ancient Greece, Athena's companion was originally a raven.

However, the Goddess of wisdom, war and strategy preferred an owl to him. Reason: - talkativeness.

Because of her, the raven revealed to those around him all the plans and secrets of the mistress. The owl turned out to be wiser.

Her predecessor not only lost his position, but also became blackened. Initially, the bird was white, but, for its talkativeness, it was scorched by Apollo.

Living crows are often shunned by people. The considerations, however, are different from those of the Gods. Birds are carriers of Newcastle disease.

It is also called pseudoplague. The disease is transmitted to humans, affecting the respiratory, nervous and digestive systems.

But this is the case when communicating with real crows. Keeping their image with you is not dangerous. Therefore, many do Raven tattoo.

The drawing is spectacular, mysterious and has a number of positive meanings. Let's start with them.

The meaning of the raven tattoo

Meaning Birds are associated not only with talkativeness, but also with intelligence. To speak recklessly, you need to think about something, and the raven is an ace at this.

It was not for nothing that Noah in the Old Testament sent him to look for land. Apparently, the raven found her, but did not return to the Ark. The dove that brought a handful of earth was Noah's second choice.

The raven's intelligence, as can be seen, manifests itself in willfulness. Noah told the bird to fly south, but it went west.

To some, self-will may seem like a negative trait. But others perceive it positively, associating it with spontaneity, freedom, the ability not to be “led” by other people’s persuasion, and to stick to one’s own line.

In the modern world this is called individuality. “Bright individuality” is a particularly prestigious characteristic that allows you to be remembered and stand out among people.

Self-will does not prevent the raven from being kind and compassionate. Let us take confirmation, again, from biblical stories.

In one of them, a bird brings food to the prophet Elijah, who is wandering in the desert. The crows also delivered the bread and meat to Antonio and Pavel.

These are the great Christian hermits. So, crow tattoo may be a sign of help and goodwill.

Biologists will note that raven and crow are different species, although they are similar in appearance. However, in symbolism and mythology their images merge.

A rook also joins the company. He is also classified as a member of the corvid family.

It turns out, Raven tattoo designs may carry additional semantic load. Thus, the rook is associated with March.

At this time, the bird flies to central Russia. In addition, the image of a rook hints at the sociable nature of the tattoo wearer. Rooks always fly in flocks, just like crows. Crows are loners.

It turns out, What does a crow tattoo mean? Only an ornithologist, or a person interested in ornithology, can accurately determine.

The only difference between the rook and its brother is the gray beak. The raven's is black. The hero of the article differs from a crow by his wedge-shaped tail.

True, it is “readable” only in flight, when it is straightened. The crow has a straight tail.

Other differences are not visible if you look Raven tattoo Photo tattoos also won’t tell you what species is depicted.

A raven is larger than a crow, but what is the scale of the drawing? The crow stays close to people, but the crow will shy away from them. But how to display this in a picture?

On the one hand, this gives rise to confusion, and on the other, it allows one to freely interpret it, objecting to those who see it as negative.

Types of crow tattoos

The hero of which is a raven, are divided into artistic and prison. The latter are carried out according to certain schemes, stuffed in specific places, performed, so to speak, for the sake of meaning, and not aesthetics.

The raven in the zone is a symbol of thieves, and particularly skilled ones. The bird is always depicted as black. Although, in nature it has been noticed White Raven. Tattoo with it is a sign of exile and incomprehensibility by society, as well as vulnerability.

Albinos stand out against the background of their environment, becoming easy prey for large predators. But that’s not why thieves prick black birds.

The reason is the association of the raven's color with the night, under the cover of which criminals usually operate.

Raven - tattoo, in the zone, also used as an abbreviation. Its decoding: “A thief born of hatred alone.”

The inscription can be understood in two ways. On the one hand, we are talking about the unfortunate share of criminals. On the other hand, the abbreviation hints at the cruelty of thieves.

Accurate meaning of raven tattoo on the zone They will only explain it in the zone. Additional symbols can also help you get closer to the solution.

So, skull and raven tattoo represents the cruelty of the thief. A wolf with crow tattoo a criminal experiencing internal torment, cautious, but not embittered.

Wolf and raven tattoo It can also be artistic. But, in this case, it is better to choose a sketch with splashes of color and colorful elements. In prisons, only black and white drawings are made.

Divide black raven tattoo It is also possible according to the meaning, depending on the views on the bird in different areas of the world.

In China, for example, the hero of the article is a symbol of the Sun. Legends say that once upon a time there lived 10 ravens in the lands of the Celestial Empire.

This led to unbearable heat. A shooter was found who killed 8 birds. The climate became suitable for life. One of the surviving ravens is red. It is recognized as an imperial symbol.

There are no red ravens in nature. It turns out that tattoo heroes can be divided into two categories: real and mythical.

The latter also include ravens with multi-colored feathers in their tails. They, according to one of the Ukrainian legends, lived in Paradise.

The tails of the birds turned black after the fall of Eve and Adam. It turns out, Raven tattoo on chest, or another part of the body, can mean pristine purity, but only if the feathers in the tail of the animals are multi-colored.

By the way, crows also began to croak after the fall of the first people. Before this, the birdsong was euphonious.

Believers believe that everything will return to normal at the end of time, in a new Paradise. So, a tattoo can also indicate the desire for this new era in the history of mankind, an era of light, purity, goodness and closeness to God.

Where to get a raven tattoo

On the hand A sitting bird with its wings folded looks harmonious. It is better to position the animal in flight on its chest or back.

If you open the wings of a raven on your hand, you will have to significantly reduce the picture, and this will eliminate the depiction of many nuances.

This option is only good for a shadow image, that is, creating a picture with silhouettes of birds.

Raven tattoo on back effective, but “promises” painful sensations. The proximity of the spinal column, ribs, and shoulder blades makes the procedure unpleasant, of course, within the framework of the individual pain disorder.

It won't be easy Raven tattoo on neck. There are minimal bones here, but there are many nerve endings and the skin is as thin as near the eyes. These same factors force you to gather strength when doing tattoos in intimate places.

The most painless option would be Raven tattoo on shoulder. There is symbolism in this picture that indicates the unity of the bird with man.

As they said, the raven is a loner, you cannot tame it, like a crow. If a bird lands on your shoulder, it means that it has found the person exceptional and feels an energetic and spiritual connection with him.

Such intimacy with a savage is perceived as something mysterious. It’s not for nothing that a raven on the shoulder is a classic “attribute” of sorcerers from films, and such people can be found in life. They remain the few who wear real birds on their bodies, and not their images.

Raven tattoo on shoulder

Sinister and gloomy, the raven is always associated with death, evil and otherworldly forces, and the tattoo evokes analogies with Satanism, which, in truth, does not prevent it from remaining one of the most popular motifs in tattoo art.

The symbolism of the raven somehow changes with the era. So, in the culture of Ancient Greece, he is also a prophetic bird, a servant of the gods, a guide to the kingdom of eternity; in Ancient Rome, it was a symbol of hope, since the loud croaking is similar to the Latin word “kras,” which means “tomorrow.” Ravens are also believed to bring war and death due to their feeding on carrion and their connection to the Irish goddess of war, Morrigan, as well as beliefs where they fly to battles and peck out the eyes of fallen warriors.

According to Scandinavian legends, Odin has two raven companions, who are the personification of thought and memory. During the day, they collect information drop by drop from all over the world, and in the evening they sit on the shoulders of the owner, telling about everything.

Interpretation of crow tattoos in the 21st century

The meaning of a crow tattoo does not change in any way depending on who wears it - a man or a woman, and is individual - it depends on other elements of the sketch, as well as what you think. If it is definitely decided that the raven will be central, we advise you to carefully read all the composition options in order to avoid ambiguity or misinterpretation.

The tattoo is depicted in mystical roles; its companions in the drawing are:

  • Celtic signs
  • flowers
  • landscapes
  • animals (for example, wolves).

The semantic spectrum is very wide, from death and the path to the afterlife to intelligence and witchcraft, as well as longevity.

The basis of this interpretation is the raven's life cycle, which tends to be three hundred years; It is especially interesting that wisdom is also associated with a long life expectancy, although the main message for such an interpretation was the same Scandinavian mythology - the all-seeing Hugin and Munin.

Also, such a tattoo may indicate a person who lives alone, who has withdrawn into himself or simply a self-sufficient introvert, and to generalize, this designation can be described as a hermit.

What tattoos does it go with?

The raven is a versatile image that easily connects with others and can serve as an interesting addition to the overall composition. In this type, the leader will be the bird itself, and most often you will see it on:

  • surrounded by roses
  • with feathers
  • runic pattern in a circle
  • with a clock

which symbolizes time and transience, and the bird as a guide and long-lived antagonist.

For such tattoos, the style is attractive, which, with its combination of bright scarlet and all gradations of black, with artificially careless strokes, from which the spirit of rebellion and revolution emanates, has gained many fans of all genders and ages.

Positive and negative meanings

As mentioned above, a tattoo only wears what the author put into it. However, some drawings, even in isolation from the original plan, are obtained with bright, clearly expressed symbolism, intuitively understandable to everyone, and varying from benevolent to sharply negative.

  1. For example, a raven and a skull mean devastation and chaos, and there is no difference in the position of both “heroes” of the tattoo.
  2. The flock is undisguised aggression, and the one sitting lonely on a branch is loneliness; and here the deep foundation is that despite their long life, these birds do not always find a mate.
  3. A raven building a nest, holding roses in its claws will have a diametrically opposite meaning - this is a clear desire for happiness, family and stability.

The main part is the color, which can radically change the tattoo. A little life hack: if you are visually attracted to the concept, but do not like the dark meaning it carries, add white to the plumage or even paint the raven a snowy color, this will allow the light content to dominate.

Who wears a raven tattoo?

This tattoo is universal, it is suitable for both men and girls. As usual, the woman’s raven’s habitat is like a witch’s advisor, and the young man’s is the chest or back, where the raven effectively perches, spreading its wings in imitation of flight.

Where is it most often applied?

Peculiar favorites for getting a crow tattoo:

  • shoulder
  • back
  • breast.

A little less common is a raven on the forearm, as well as a tattoo on the lower back, and rarely on the arms and wrists. The determining criterion for choosing a place is a sketch, since it is not possible to place a drawing everywhere without changing the size, while preserving the idea down to the smallest detail.

Meaning of Crow Tattoo in Prison

In the zone, this tattoo has an unambiguous meaning. It is simply deciphered:
“RAVEN is a thief - he is born of hatred alone” and an allusion to cunning and deceit, which is essentially a direct characteristic of thieves.

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Video on the topic

The raven has a rather gloomy reputation, however, its role in the history of different nations is very significant.

The bird carries various characteristics:

  • Wisdom and Cunning
  • Lies and Deception
  • Black Omen and Misfortune
  • Creation and Birth
  • Foresight
  • Messenger of the Gods
  • Healing and medicine
  • Law

First of all, the raven is famous for its mind and skills strategist. There is no irreparable situation from which he cannot get out. Crows have the greatest cultural significance in Indian rites and traditions. For the Haida and Wwakiutl, the image of the Crow even contains a certain divinity. Ravens are also considered keeper of secrets, as people recognize it as unusual for a bird intelligence.

There are many stories, fairy tales and legends where the raven, using its brilliant mind, deceives formidable enemies, thereby gaining victory. The Tlingit tribes speak of Raven as one of the Gods who brought light (which can also be interpreted as wisdom), the Sun, the Moon and the stars into a dark and ignorant world.

In many stories, the raven is known to be able to transform into another creature in order to perform its tricks. This fact makes the bird the perfect totem for transformation.

Crows have played a key role on countless battlefields throughout history. Being, at its core, a scavenger, the raven is very clearly identified with death. There is even a superstition that linked the fact that a raven was in a house with the imminent death of its inhabitants. This concept became the essence of Edgar Allan Poe's most famous poem, The Raven. In the story, the raven helps the heroine communicate with her dead lover and explore his own fears about life after death. The fact that crows spend most of their time near rotting flesh makes these birds a symbol of bad omen, foreshadowing difficult times.

Crows are considered the guardians of lost souls. The ancient Swedes and Germans believed that ravens were the ghosts of the murdered or the souls of the damned. Ravens were the first totems of the Celtic goddess Morrigan, the goddess of war in Irish mythology. This connection likely arose from the large number of crows on ancient European battlefields. A reflection of these facts can also be found in Scandinavian mythology: the Valkyrie (“chooser of the slain”) has the right to decide the fate of the deceased on the battlefield. Valkyries were often depicted in battle on horseback, with ravens at their side.

Even Odin himself was always accompanied by two ravens: Hugin and Munin (the Thinking and the Remembering). According to legend, ravens collected information about what was happening in the world for the Father of the Squads.

Odin was not the only god who collected information in this way. Ravens were messengers of the Greek god Apollo, along with swans, hawks and wolves. But one legend says that they lost their status due to their own talkativeness.

In most cases, the raven is depicted as carefully watching what is happening around it, and the raven itself is not necessarily sitting on a branch; very often crows are observed in flight.

The “talkativeness” of crows is reflected in a number of other mythologies and legends. According to the Greeks, ravens were once pure white birds, but were cursed due to endless chatter. Their feathers turned black as a symbol of their misfortune. The Christian version of this story says that after the great flood in Noah's story, the ravens received their black feathers as punishment from God because they did not return to Noah after they were sent from the ark to scout the land.

In pagan tradition, crows are seen as animal "avatars" who are spiritually associated with witches along with black cats. Connected with the powerful spirit of the totem animal, the pagans knew that their land with the primal energy of Mother Nature made man a wiser and stronger being. Raven acted as the Wiccan Messenger, moving between the physical and astral worlds with ease and grace.

Raven tattoos are very rarely in color. Our preconceived idea of ​​these animals is dark and sinister, so bright and happy warm colors play a minimal role in the design of these birds.

In Europe, these birds are considered guardians and protectors, closely associated with the Welsh god Bran the Blessed. According to legend, his head (at his own behest) was buried in the White Hill area of ​​London (under the watchful gaze of his pet ravens) to prevent any future invasion of England. King Arthur believed that England should be protected only by him and his Knights of the Round Table and ordered Bran's head to be dug up. As a result, King Arthur himself was killed by his son Mordred, and the Round Table disintegrated. The White Tower of the Tower of London is now said to be located on the spot where Bran's head was buried. According to legend, as long as Bran's ravens remain intact in the Tower of London, England will never fall to outside invaders. Not entirely literate admirers of this legend, of course, do not remember the Roman legions and the aggressive campaigns of the Vikings.

One way or another, the strong and independent raven has a rich history in world history, which is undoubtedly reflected in modern tattoo art.

This bird pops up in traditions across the globe. Tribal Raven Tattoos are a great subject to show your respect for the spiritual nature of these beautiful creatures.

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