I want to open a massage parlor, where to start? How to open a massage parlor from scratch: the intricacies of business

Business plans 22.08.2023
Business plans

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 352,500 rubles.
  • Net profit – 60,180 rubles.
  • Payback period is approximately 1 year.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will talk about this type of business as a massage parlor/office and we will try to write a detailed business plan for a massage parlor with calculations. We also recommend reading an interview with an existing entrepreneur.

Market analysis

Today, people in Russia use cosmetic services quite actively. As a rule, women show interest in this area. One of the most popular offers is massage. It can be divided into 2 types:

  • cosmetic;
  • medicinal.

The first is responsible for the aesthetic component, the second helps fight various diseases and ailments.

Men use massage services somewhat less frequently.

The vast majority of visitors are women (more than 70%). These are either wealthy ladies who prefer cosmetic types of massage (anti-cellulite, firming and others), or women who have certain diseases for which massage is necessary.

We must not forget that to conduct therapeutic massage sessions, the master must have the appropriate qualifications.

Men rarely use cosmetic massage; usually these are rich and influential people who care about their appearance and want to bring themselves back to normal.

Massage is a service developed on the Russian market. Therefore, it will not be possible to come up with any new methods. An important factor will be whether the massage therapist has licenses and certificates. The ideal option is to hire someone who has regular clients.

If we analyze competitors, the greatest inconvenience will come from large cosmetology centers that are well-known in the city, as well as those who actively promote the salon through advertising. Treatment centers will also become a serious competitor in the market.

It is important to note that the competitive struggle of the main market players is not aimed at ousting rivals, but at maintaining their own positions. Simply put, everyone is interested in securing their own customer base.

To become a competitive massage salon, it will be necessary to offer affordable prices for services (preferably at the same level as average, but lower in the first stages). Particular attention will also have to be paid to advertising.

A positive point is the standardization of related products, which are not difficult to purchase.

Thus, the work of the massage parlor will be aimed at attracting female and male persons aged 20-40 years mainly.

Before starting work on a specific project, it is worth studying the massage services market and analyzing prices. Own value must be set based on demand and the average competitive price.

SWOT analysis


Availability of a professional massage therapist with extensive experience and his own client base.

The use of high-tech equipment, as well as well-known effective techniques that are in demand.

Providing high quality services.

Low level of initial and subsequent costs.

Free entry to the massage services market.

Individual work with each client.

Relevance and demand for the services offered.

Weak sides:

High level of competition.

A rather complex process of determining the qualifications of an employee being hired.

A long and labor-intensive process of finding suitable personnel.

Zero business reputation (no one has heard of the massage parlor or knows about the quality of the services provided).


Working with loyal clients, attracting them to ongoing cooperation.

Favorable location of the massage parlor.

You can easily establish relationships with suppliers of high-quality equipment and necessary supplies.

Further expansion, opening of new points, provision of additional services.

Growth of income, profit.

Using outsourcing of any services, which will subsequently reduce the cost of costs.


High indicators of possible risks.

Incorrect assessment of one's own capabilities.

Opportunity Assessment

The massage parlor will be open daily. The operating mode will be as follows:

Total: 80 hours.

Thus, the work will require at least two qualified specialists.

Seasonality does not particularly affect the work of the center. The flow usually increases during the pre-holiday and post-holiday periods. At this time, people like to give gift certificates and tidy themselves up.

Subsequent development is possible through the introduction of additional services, new offices, and expansion.

Organizational and legal issues:

  1. The first step is to decide on the OPF. You can choose either LLC or . The second option is more suitable, since it will be easier to register, and the tax regime is very flexible. In addition, individual entrepreneurs involve working with individuals, which corresponds to the services provided. The OKVED code when opening a massage parlor in most cases will be 93.04 - physical education and recreational activities.
  2. Obtaining appropriate permission from the fire service and SES, allowing you to operate the premises.
  3. Obtaining licenses to conduct medical massage, since this activity is one of the medical services. Relevant documents must be submitted to Roszdravnadzor.
  4. It is worth choosing or. In the case of the simplified tax system, taxes are paid either on income (6%) or on the difference between income and expenses (15%).
  5. We also recommend accepting payments from our clients by bank cards. To do this, you need to open a bank account. By the way, we wrote an article about.
  • At least 8 m2 must be allocated for any massage therapist. If 2 specialists work with a client at once, then it is necessary to have an office with an area of ​​at least 12 m2.
  • The optimal size of a massage room will be 70 m2 if 2 massage therapists work simultaneously. It is necessary to have a bathroom, a bathroom, 2 massage rooms, and a reception area on the territory of the massage salon. It is better if each office has its own bathroom and bathroom.
  • It is better to immediately choose a commercial premises for rent. This could be an apartment, for example. You can also enter into an agreement with a fitness center that does not have its own massage room. In this case, refurbishment of the premises will be cheaper.
  • Try contacting the employment service, perhaps they will provide support to your organization as a small business. To do this, you must provide a detailed business plan for the project.

Description of service

Initially, visitors will be able to use the following services:

  • general body massage;
  • massage of individual areas;
  • Anticellulite massage.

Registration is carried out by phone through the administrator or on the website (group) of the organization. It would be ideal if the website allows customers to leave an online request or make a reservation for a specific time.

In the future, it is planned to open several more points. This massage room can be expanded to a maximum of 5 specialists. It will be inappropriate to hire more for one point, and the return on investment for the service will decrease.

When working with a client, the master solves certain problems and satisfies the needs of the visitor. An individual approach is applied to everyone.

It is very important to use high-quality oils that will not harm the body and skin in particular. These must be certified products from a reliable supplier.

To increase customer demand and trust, you need to hire qualified and experienced specialists. If you cannot assess professionalism yourself, you can consult with the administration of those organizations where the applicant for the position previously worked.

Marketing plan

Pricing strategy :

At first, the price should be below the average in this market segment. This will attract more customers. At the same time, the quality must be at the same level. You can change the price depending on the solvency of the client.

Service promotion strategy:

The main means of promotion will, of course, be advertising. The following varieties can be included:

  • Organization sign. It is also very important to come up with an interesting and memorable name.
  • "Word of mouth." This is the most effective advertising, and it’s free. It is based on informing potential clients through their friends and relatives. Its disadvantage is that it cannot be controlled by the organization’s administration. For incentives, you can use discount programs, for example: “Bring a friend, get a free massage session.”
  • Leaflets (distributed near the salon itself, placed in mailboxes in the area).
  • Internet promotion, including contextual advertising.
  • Creating your own website, group, advertising them.
  • Information in the media. You should not get carried away with this type of advertising. As a rule, this expensive method does not produce a large number of responses. You can, for example, limit yourself to advertising in a newspaper.

It is worth developing a system of discount cards and discounts dedicated to certain holidays, for example. A great idea would be to create gift certificates.

Let's calculate the planned revenue:

Name of service Price Quantity per month total revenues
General massage (1 hour) 800 rub. 45 36,000 rub.
Back massage (30 minutes) 350 rub. 100 35,000 rub.
Neck massage (30 minutes) 350 rub. 70 RUB 24,500
Neck and neck massage (30 minutes) 350 rub. 50 RUB 17,500
Lumbar massage (40 minutes) 500 rub. 60 30,000 rub.
Chest massage (20 minutes) 200 rub. 30 6,000 rub.
Abdominal massage (20 minutes) 250 rub. 30 7,500 rub.
Hand massage (30 minutes) 300 rub. 30 9,000 rub.
Head massage (15 minutes) 150 rub. 20 3,000 rub.
Lower limb massage (40 minutes) 600 rub. 30 18,000 rub.
Cupping anti-cellulite massage with honey (1 hour) 1,200 rub. 80 96,000 rub.
Complex anti-cellulite massage (1 hour) 1,000 rub. 70 70,000 rub.
Total 405 hours RUB 352,500

2 massage therapists work simultaneously (four staff units in total). The monthly hourly output for all is 680. Only 405 hours are used. Therefore, only 59.56% of the opportunities are used.

Monthly income is 352,500 rubles.

Production plan

Before starting work, it will be necessary to repair the premises. These costs also include the cost of bathroom and bathroom equipment. The massage salon has a total area of ​​70 m2. Of these, 12 are reception rooms, 29 are massage rooms. The total cost of repairs is 300,000 rubles.

Each office will need equipment: medical couches (2 pcs.) and massage tables (2 pcs.). Their total cost is 140,000 rubles. We take the average cost of a table to be 40,000 rubles, a couch – 30,000 rubles. You can also get by at a lower cost by buying used furniture, for example, on Avito. But it’s still better to buy new, high-quality equipment.

You will also need furniture for work. Including tables, chairs, a hanger for visitors, cabinets for oils and other accessories, screens for changing clothes (for the greatest comfort of visitors). In total, this will cost 50,000 rubles.

The administrator will need a laptop; offices can be equipped with stereo systems for greater relaxation of visitors. Another 60,000 rubles will be spent on equipment.

It will also be necessary to purchase primary supplies of raw materials, including oils, jars (for anti-cellulite massage), towels, creams, napkins. This is another 50,000 rubles.

Administrators and cleaners, like massage therapists, work in shifts (40 hours each). The work is carried out as follows: administrator + cleaning lady + 2 massage therapists.

The responsibilities of the administrator include receiving calls and requests on the site, meeting clients, and consulting.

The cleaning lady comes 3 times per shift. Her responsibilities include not only cleaning the floors, but also the bathroom.

Organizational plan

1st month 2nd month 3rd month
Registration of an organization 6,800 rub.
Obtaining a license (paying state duty) 7,500 rub.
Finding a landlord, concluding an agreement +
Market analysis + +
Advertising 20,000 rub.
Website 15,000 rub.
Repair 300,000 rub.
Purchase of equipment 140,000 rub.
Personnel search + +
Buying furniture 50,000 rub.
Purchase of equipment 60,000 rub.
Buying a cash register 15,000 rub.
Purchase of primary inventories 50,000 rub.
Installation of equipment, arrangement of furniture, cleaning +
Internet connection 600 rub.
Purchase of medical gowns and caps 8,000 rub.
Launch of the project +
Total: RUB 672,900

The lease agreement should be concluded long-term, at least for a year. Administrators are responsible for maintaining and filling the site during their working hours.

The head of the organization does the accounting.

Financial plan

Monthly income - 352,500 rubles.

Initial costs – 672,900 rubles.

Calculation of periodic costs:

Thus, profit before tax will be equal to 352,500 – 281,700 = 70,800 rubles.

We calculate taxes based on the difference between income and expenses: 70,800 * 0.15 = 10,620 rubles.

Net profit will be equal to 70,800 – 10,620 = 60,180 rubles.

Let's calculate the payback period: 672,900/60,180 = 11.19. The project will pay for itself in a little less than a year.

Profitability will be equal to 100*(60,180/352,500) = 17%.


Risk name Probability of occurrence Ways to avoid Threats
Increased competition, loss of some customers Average Individual work with clients.

Advantageous offers, discount systems.

Decrease in income, profit, decrease in profitability. Possible losses.
Change in rental price Average Conclusion of a long-term contract. Increased expenses.
Changes in legislation Low Clear drafting of organization documents, especially the Charter. Paperwork. Temporary suspension of activities.
Crisis, instability in the country Average Possibility of price reduction to retain customers. Decrease in total revenue.
Internal risks
Unprofessionalism High Rigorous selection of applicants for the position. Employee training, timely professional development. A decrease in the number of clients, as a result of a decrease in all financial indicators.
Bad placement High Conducting surveys and geomarketing research. Low number of clients, decreased income

Today, Chinese massage is beginning to gain great popularity; you can try to open your own office in this direction.

A little more about obtaining a business license:

If the office provides medical massage, you must obtain a license. Otherwise, the organization may be subject to an administrative fine.

You will have to provide, among other things, the following documents: Goskomstat codes, certificates of registration and tax registration, lease agreement.

You will also need contracts with employees and their medical records. Each massage therapist must have at least 5 years of experience in this field! You will need a staffing table.

The equipment must also have certificates.

There are other aspects that will need to be taken into account. Of course, it is best to seek help from one of the companies providing legal services, because obtaining a license is labor-intensive and time-consuming (processing takes 30-45 days).

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!

Of course, everyone is used to having to travel to work. Those. get up in the morning, get dressed, put on makeup, then go out onto the street where a crowd of other such workers is moving. Is this normal? Of course, but some are still lucky in that they can work from the comfort of their own home. You had to choose the right profession, you might think...

But in fact, not only programmers can work remotely, as it might seem. People who are associated with any kind of creativity can work calmly at home, making sure that plans are followed and deadlines are not missed. Doctors and, especially, veterinarians can treat at home. Many masters who are involved in the field of beauty and health can open their own office at home. Although, if they have the opportunity, it is better for them to work at home, but not at home - at the client’s. Then you won’t have to wait for someone in the morning, since you will know in advance what, who and when ordered from you, and you won’t waste time, and you will have time to take care of your personal affairs. But massage masters, for example, are unlikely to bring a massage table to a client, unless he, of course, is a very high-flying bird to walk around apartments himself. You can go to this place, loading all your work belongings into the car. And you can invite others to your place. You have already set up a massage room at home, right?

If you're just thinking about it, you're already on the right track. After all, a massage parlor at home gives you some freedom of action and a little more income than working on the staff of a beauty salon. From now on, you will no longer have to give half of your earnings to the salon cash desk. Clients will no longer be distracted by extraneous services, manicurists and hairdressers will no longer, walking nearby, expressively look at their watches: they say, your time is up, give us the client. Massage is not so much a cosmetic procedure as a therapeutic one, so you can’t rush it. But it has to. And when coming to your home, the client will understand that for at least an hour nothing will distract them.

What will you need to open a massage parlor at home?

Firstly, the necessary work permits, licenses, diplomas, which, of course, the person who worked in the salon already has. You must take your diplomas with you - from now on they should find their place on your wall. Secondly, all these walls will need to be decorated in a certain way. When a client comes to you, he should not think that he has come to your living room or, God forbid, bedroom. Clients will be in a real massage room! There should be no desks or computer desks, wardrobes, stripped sofas, televisions, or other systems that create additional sounds and remind that this room is inhabited. When you decide to open a salon at home, you actually give up one room, because... Now you won’t be able to have lunch or watch TV in it; you work in it. Therefore, walls with ordinary wallpaper should be draped with silk or any other light fabric.

Heavy and thick curtains create a feeling of stuffiness and dustiness in the room. You should definitely hang blinds on the window so that, at the client’s first request, sunlight can be extremely limited. It's also a good idea to install a stereo system - a massage with music will be much more enjoyable. You can prepare scented candles just in case, checking with the client if he would like you to light them.

What should you avoid?

There is no need to hang the so-called “Chinese wind” everywhere, ringing whenever there is a breath of draft. After just a few minutes, this melodic ringing will evoke the same associations as the buzzing of a drill. You should not get carried away with popular or heavy music. Instead, it is better to pay attention to the sounds of nature, jazz, blues or instrumental music (not classical!). You need to make sure that the colors chosen for decoration are not too bright or “acidic”. The colors should also not be tacky; geometric patterns should be avoided. The maximum that you can afford is a smooth flow of one soft color into another.

Of course, you need to have all the necessary equipment for massage on hand: a massage table, clean towels, volcanic stones, if these types of massages are chosen for home use. But the more you can offer your clients, the better.

Very useful video

How to open a massage parlor? What is needed for this and how profitable will such an enterprise be?

Legal services

Just a few years ago, massage services were provided only in medical institutions. Today, legally opening your own massage parlor or office has become a very profitable business. All you need is initial capital. You can obtain the appropriate licenses and permits from the Ministry of Health. It is also possible to legally register massage therapists invited from other countries (in particular, specialists in Thai massage).

Method and place of delivery

Before choosing a location for a future massage parlor, it is worth deciding on the intended and desired group of clients to whom the salon’s services will be targeted.

Clients who visit massage parlors as prescribed by a doctor are the most undemanding category (in terms of the location of the salon). If people visit the salon for pleasure, for preventive purposes, for the purpose of self-care (and according to statistics, such clients are more than 70%), then it should be located as close to their home as possible (for example, in a residential or elite area), or in easily accessible areas of the city.

Need for a license

Licensing a massage business is an integral attribute of successful and long-term activity. Considering the large number of people who want to join this business, strict limits and requirements have been established for everyone. In particular, it is mandatory to obtain a license, registration and registration of citizens of foreign countries invited to work as massage therapists.

A license must be obtained only if the massage parlor intends to provide medical massage services and engage in manual therapy.

If you plan to conduct Thai, cosmetic, relaxation and other similar types of massage, you do not need to obtain additional permits and licenses from the Ministry of Health.

Obtaining licenses is carried out at the Central Directorate of the Ministry of Health. The procedure for obtaining is prescribed and regulated by the norms of the order of the Ministry of Health dated December 28, 2011 No. 986. The need to obtain a license to provide therapeutic massage services is still a controversial issue, so if for some reason it is not possible to obtain such a license, or the activity is already carried out without a license, then there is a high probability of avoiding sanctions for its absence.

The license is issued by the Service for Supervision of Health and Social Development. Such licenses do not have a validity period (are issued indefinitely). Registration of a license will require payment of a license fee, payment of a state fee, which is charged for processing the application and issuing the document (about $150).

Legal entities must submit the following documents:

  • memorandum of association;
  • Charter;
  • certificate of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion;
  • extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • letter from the State Statistics Committee;
  • original agreement with the organization servicing medical equipment (with copies of the company’s license);
  • documents that confirm the presence of full-time employees with special education and training;
  • documents that confirm the compliance of material and technical equipment and organizational and technical conditions with accepted standards and norms.

How to open a business?

Business related to the provision of massage services is one of the most profitable due to small investments and quick payback. Material damage in case of failure will be minimal for the entrepreneur. Opening prospects contribute to the emergence of an increasing number of entrepreneurs starting to work and develop this area of ​​​​business.


One of the first stages of opening a massage parlor or salon is registering a business entity.

Official registration presupposes not only the mandatory payment of taxes, but also the ability to legally draw up all the documents necessary for running a business (permits, additional licenses).

The formalization and registration of such enterprises is quite simple: there is no longer any need to visit a notary and additionally certify documents. It is enough to personally come to the tax administration and control authorities to submit documents.

Search for premises, calculate area

Opening a massage room or salon involves choosing the right premises. To obtain permission to conduct activities from the sanitary and epidemiological station, you cannot choose basement premises (conducting such activities in basements is prohibited).

The area of ​​the room depends on the number of massage therapists: one massage therapist should have 8 or more square meters of area.

At the same time, two massage therapists are allowed to work on 12 square meters at once: this is due to the popularity of the simultaneous massage service. The area of ​​the premises should be calculated based on the number of massage therapists and the area of ​​the administrative part of the salon. For a massage room, the average area, which is enough for five massage therapists, is equivalent to 80-90 square meters.

Equipment purchase

To organize the full operation of a massage salon or office, you need to purchase the necessary pieces of furniture and appropriate equipment.

Necessary equipment and furniture (based on 5 working massage therapists):

Furniture and equipment Quantity
1) Furniture for the reception/waiting room:
sofa 1
coffee table 1
closet 1
reception desk 1
music Center 1
TV 1
coffee machine 1
telephone set 1
cash machine 1
3) Furniture for massage rooms:
massage table (couch) 5
bookcase 5
screen 5
hair dryer 5
4) Plumbing and equipment for bathrooms/shower rooms:
hydromassage bath 1
shower curtain 5
sink 5

In the room itself, it is necessary (according to the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station) to have appropriate covering on the walls that can be washed (wallpaper or tiles). There must be a bathroom in the room. Complete disinfection of premises should be carried out at least once a week.


Organizing a high-quality massage parlor involves hiring good specialists with at least a secondary medical education, massage therapists with specialist certificates that confirm their qualifications and give them the opportunity to work in this field of activity. It is worth paying special attention to high-quality massage therapists with extensive experience who know basic massage techniques (Oriental, European and others).

It is important to supplement standard types of massage with more exotic types, for example, Thai techniques.

This will attract a larger flow of customers, and, accordingly, increase the salon’s profit.

The typical salary for a professional massage therapist working in a massage room or salon is about 30% of the price of a massage. Depending on the qualifications of a massage specialist, his salary can increase up to 50%. Today it is quite difficult to find a professional massage therapist with extensive experience. Therefore, it’s worth starting with graduates of professional massage courses, who are graduated from state medical institutions.

Another way is to conclude an agreement on mutually beneficial terms with the owner of a private massage parlor: in this case, you are guaranteed to receive a qualified and experienced specialist, only the question of price remains open.

When selecting a professional, do not forget that a qualified massage therapist is already the key to the successful development of the salon, because clients can travel long distances to come to him for a massage.

It is best to hire a massage therapist who knows several massage techniques. The number of massage therapists depends on the establishment. You can start with three specialists and subsequently expand the staff to 5 people. It should be assumed that one massage therapist, depending on his work experience, can serve from 4 to 8 people per shift.

In addition, the salon needs two administrators, an accountant who can work part-time. Initially, the last position may be occupied by the director himself. Don't forget about the service staff. You definitely need to hire a cleaner.

Permissions from authorities

Before completing the full package of documentation, you should decide what types of massage and related or additional procedures the massage parlor will provide.

Providing therapeutic massage services requires obtaining the appropriate permit and license from the Ministry of Health. For ordinary types of massage (strengthening, relaxing, toning, cosmetic and others), there is no need to obtain additional permits and licenses. Naturally, working without a license is less expensive (there is no need to spend additional funds on obtaining a permit, searching for qualified specialists, or purchasing appropriate equipment), but, on the other hand, this can result in losing an entire segment of potential clients.

If a salon or massage room is opened by one person who will perform all functions (massage therapist, administrator), then registration of an individual entrepreneur is sufficient. Registration of hired employees requires the creation of a legal entity.

Permissions from the sanitary and epidemiological station and fire supervision must be obtained in any case.

To obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station, you need to collect and provide the following package of documents:

  • certificate of state registration;
  • tax payer certificate;
  • certificate of ownership or lease agreement;
  • technological map with a list of all equipment;
  • medical records of each employee and their total number;
  • floor plan indicating the location of the equipment;
  • waste removal agreement;
  • technical passport for the ventilation system;
  • certificate from statistics;
  • an agreement with a service that will perform preventive disinfection.

Obtaining permission from the fire inspection service takes place in three stages:

  1. At the first stage, it is necessary to study and comply with all fire safety requirements.
  2. At the second stage, an examination of the fire safety condition of the premises is carried out. To conduct such an examination, it is necessary to write an application to the fire safety authorities. Experts schedule a time for the inspection and carry it out. During the inspection, the presence of a company representative is required. Experts check the premises’ compliance with fire safety standards, compliance with appropriate measures to ensure the safety of people and extinguish a fire if it occurs. The results of the examination provide the basis for drawing up a conclusion, which is the basis for issuing a permit.
  3. After conducting the examination and obtaining a conclusion, it is necessary to provide the local fire authorities with a number of documents:
  • conclusion with all materials of the examination performed;
  • certificate of ownership or lease agreement;
  • application for a permit.

Business plan

Creating a competent business plan is the first, but most important step in opening a massage parlor or salon. The business plan touches on all the main points that you need to pay attention to, outlines the costs that are inevitable when creating a business from scratch, calculates and takes into account fixed and temporary costs and average profit figures, indicates the steps that need to be taken in order for a new business has not become excessively unprofitable, all risks are calculated.

Watch also the video about the possibility of opening a massage parlor

Organization costs

A massage salon is a relevant and in-demand business that is definitely worth paying attention to. By selecting qualified, experienced staff and creating the most comfortable conditions for clients, you can confidently count on a fairly high income from such a business.

To organize a massage salon with an area of ​​up to 80 square meters, you will need the following investments (amounts are averaged):

  • indoor renovation - approx. $8000;
  • furniture (for administrative premises, reception and massage rooms) – approx. 2000 dollars;
  • massage equipment (including massage couches or tables) – up to 1500 dollars;
  • multi-purpose consumables (including aromatic oils and other cosmetics) – up to 500 dollars;
  • salon sign – about 100 dollars.

These calculations do not include the costs of purchasing or renting premises, which depend on the location of the premises, its square footage, external infrastructure (availability of parking, entrances, transport interchanges, entertainment and cultural centers nearby, etc.), general condition and communications.

Regular expenses

Regular expenses include both expenses for renting premises and/or utility bills, as well as expenses related to paying employees.

Additional expense item – other, includes:

  • marketing expenses (advertising, marketing events) – approx. 500 dollars per month;
  • costs associated with the purchase of consumables (massage oils, creams, cosmetic instruments and preparations, spa products) – up to 600 dollars per month;
  • entertainment expenses, including the purchase of printed publications (magazines, newspapers, brochures, etc.), payment for transport services - approx. 300 dollars per month;
  • unforeseen expenses (minor repairs, replacement of furniture or office equipment, purchase of additional consumables) - approx. 300 dollars per month;
  • costs of renting premises at an average price per 1 sq. m., equal to 20 dollars, and the area of ​​the room is 80 sq. m - about $1600;
  • expenses associated with paying salaries to hired workers (5 massage therapists, cleaning lady, Spa master, accountant, secretary/administrator) – approx. 5000 dollars.


According to statistical data and data received from experts, we can say with confidence that a well-organized massage parlor will fully pay for itself in about six months, and by this time it will provide a stable income 20-30% .

Starting your own business requires relatively little investment. On average, provided that the area of ​​the occupied premises does not exceed 80 square meters. m, the salon employs five high-quality massage therapists (massage therapists’ salaries are 40% of the order amount), a minimum of four massage tables, initial costs will be approximately $10,000-15,000, including rental costs, repairs, utilities, and other expenses (including unforeseen).

According to the results of simple calculations, the monthly profit of such a salon will be from 1,500 to 2,000 dollars.

All carriers require a license to transport passengers. But there are cases when you can bypass the requirements.

Marketing move

Marketing in the massage business is a combination of several factors that influence the popularity rating of a salon and its fame.

The main ones:

  • choosing the ideal salon location;
  • its sufficient distance from competitors;
  • amenities for clients (including parking spaces);
  • high level of service;
  • individual approach;
  • stability and moderation of prices, their competitiveness;
  • special programs for different segments of the population;
  • separate programs for children, pregnant women, and the elderly.

You can also include a special item for busy people in your marketing program, the so-called “relaxation day.” That is, during the day, the client can attend a number of procedures at once, for example, body wraps, relaxing and toning massages, cosmetic procedures (masks and facial and head massage), hydromassage baths and water treatments using various extracts.

Considering that the massage parlor’s activities are aimed at average city residents with average incomes, the salon’s pricing policy should also be moderate and stable. You can increase your reputation and gain customer loyalty by providing a range of the most popular, in-demand, prestigious services.

Ways to Stand Out

First of all, a good, attention-grabbing sign and a sonorous name will help you stand out from numerous competitors. A standard, but no less effective, way of conveying the necessary information to potential clients is advertising (leaflets distributed at bus stops and in the surrounding area, information on the Internet) and, of course, rumors.

It is worth focusing on the most popular services, namely anti-cellulite programs and relaxation programs.

In addition to them, it would not be superfluous to organize Thai techniques, qigong and yoga classes. These services are preferred by almost 70% of salon clients. It would not be superfluous to organize the reception of calls and record clients by phone.

Effective advertising

The opening of a new massage salon involves a full-fledged, extensive advertising campaign designed to inform potential clients about the features of the salon, the services offered to them, and all the benefits that they can receive.

A proven way to convey information is through leaflets distributed and posted around the city. An excellent marketing ploy is to create personal business cards for the salon.

You can stimulate the popularity and marketability of services using the following methods:

  • creating a system of discounts for regular customers;
  • special services and separate programs for children, the elderly and pregnant women;
  • promotional programs that provide discounts and additional services.

The massage parlor is in demand at any time, because the segment of potential clients is constantly growing. It is important to make a strong statement at the very beginning and maintain a high level of comfort and hygiene at all times.

Nothing can relax and tone muscles as well as a rational and high-quality massage. Absolutely every adult who constantly cares about their own health has confidence in this. Therefore, enterprising specialists in the field strive to open this establishment from scratch, even without having the appropriate license and education. Let's consider how to open a massage parlor from scratch, and what security and guarantees will be required for its uninterrupted productive operation.

Today it is simply a trend to express and show concern for one’s own health, and it is not surprising why there are so many massage establishments in large cities and provincial towns. But, despite the apparent oversaturation of the market, there is an acute shortage of such objects. Therefore, people who want to earn money and provide all possible assistance to the population strive to open their own offices from scratch in order to earn substantial sums and realize themselves as masters.

Directional specificity

Before opening your office and embarking on this painstaking process, it is necessary to briefly familiarize yourself with the regulations that provide detailed regulation of this area. After this, you can begin to determine the range of services that you would like to provide. This nuance plays an important role, since based on the classifier, massage of this type relates directly to medical activities that require licensing. As for hygiene procedures, you will not be in dire need of obtaining the appropriate level of education and obtaining a license.

Features of profitability

A massage salon is a profitable business that can pay for itself within the first six months of full operation. According to expert estimates, the profitability of this area is 25%, and it really allows you to earn a solid income. But the point is that simply conducting one session or a series of them is not enough. It is important that a one-time casual visitor turns into a regular customer and starts word of mouth, starting to bring representatives of their social circle to you.

Despite the apparent simplicity of this process, in practice there is a possibility of difficulties arising not only in terms of business formation, but also in the area of ​​customer retention. You will need to combine quality of services with affordable prices and regular discounts.

Preparation of documentation elements

A massage parlor, like any type of business, requires a certain bureaucracy, which means that you will have to work hard to ensure that your premises are 100% compliant with the law. The first thing this process starts with is the choice of the legal form of your institution, it can be an LLC, an individual entrepreneur. In the first case, you can hire a large staff and expand your sphere of influence; in the second situation, you can work as a private specialist with the possibility of subsequently scaling up your activities.

What to do with the license? We have already said that with the medical focus of your institution, the presence of appropriate education plays a key role. If this is not available, it is worth opening an LLC and hiring a managing professional who has this same education, and it will not be difficult for you to get the necessary qualifications. Even if you operate as an individual entrepreneur and do not have any qualifications, you can hire a licensed specialist by concluding a preliminary contractual relationship.

What else is needed to get started?

To start work, it is necessary to carry out a set of fundamental activities:

  • understand the list of other services included in the set;
  • hire good and highly qualified personnel;
  • choose a room for work;
  • carry out repairs and measures on equipment;
  • obtain permits from the SES, consumer supervision, fire service.

To obtain these papers, especially the set of the last elements, it is necessary to first conclude contractual relations with third-party companies related to the removal of household waste, disposal of fluorescent light bulbs, and disinfection measures. And it is also important to conclude a contract that third-party organizations will provide you with washing and dry cleaning of workwear.

Features of room selection

When studying the question of what is needed to open such an establishment, it is worth noting such an important point as the selection of good premises.

Massage room option

In this situation, several fundamental conditions are stipulated that are important and necessary to take into account:

  • the location should be strictly not on the base;
  • the area must comply with the dignity. norms (8 sq. m per massage therapist);
  • equipped with cold and hot water, shower, toilet, ventilation and air conditioning equipment;
  • finishing of wall surfaces should be carried out using washable raw materials;
  • An apartment located on the first floor of a residential building is suitable, but you will have to transfer it to a non-residential type fund.

This is the entire list of requirements that exist for people who want to organize massage services.

Repair work and its aspects

It would seem, live and be happy, everything has been ready for the business for a long time! It's time to start repairs, which can take the lion's share of your budget, a lot of time resources and effort. Before starting this process, it is necessary to ensure that you are thoroughly familiar with sanitary and fire safety standards. This aspect plays a key role, since the salon, prepared to receive citizens, will have to “accept” certain structures, otherwise you will not be able to work calmly.

So that later, in a hurry, you do not have to deal with changes in planning solutions and finishing of wall structures, it is better to study all the requirements in advance and adapt to them. As soon as all theoretical aspects are removed, you can begin to implement direct work activities. In this case, the main aspect is the formation of a harmonious space for comfortable and relaxing work of your specialists. An important role is also played by creating a comfortable environment for the client base.

It is important to know!

In order for your establishment to be considered productive, it is important to ensure that you choose a good color scheme and purchase appropriate pieces of equipment. Next to the counter where the administrative employee performs his official duties, it is worth creating a leisure area in which clients can wait for their turn.

Subtleties of establishment equipment

When it comes to this part, you need to acquire several items for work in advance:

  1. Couches.
  2. Tables.
  3. Racks and shelves for special products.
  4. Shower accessories.

It is worth choosing modern equipment so that it is subject to possible adjustment and possible changes in terms of the position of the surface for performing massage. If the range of services includes a massage therapist visiting the client’s territory, it is worth arming yourself with a mobile folding table. The reception room will need to be equipped with a sofa, armchairs, coffee table, and counter. Equipment for the bathroom is also important; this point has already been discussed earlier.

Massage oils

Services provided

When learning what it takes to open an establishment, it is important to start thinking through the list of services that you would like to provide. When it comes to a specialized establishment, it is clear that it is necessary to provide not just one type of massage, but several areas. And the more directions you can provide, the more popular and relevant your institution will be, and the faster it will gain popularity among clients. Of course, the key around which your activity will revolve is a healing and relaxing massage. If we talk about other types of procedural decisions, they will be completely dependent on the level of competence of the specialist.

Legal coverage of some points

In the process of providing such a set of services, the entrepreneur risks getting into a difficult situation, and this is due to the fact that this business situation is not well regulated and regulated by law. Therefore, in the process of starting a business, it is worth consulting with a lawyer and highlighting controversial issues for yourself in order to understand what requires additional documentation and what can be done without it.

Selection of working personnel

Professional massage therapist

If we proceed from the question of the number of massage therapists, then this number depends on the level of the establishment and the area of ​​​​its work. But in any situation their number should reach several people. Convenience will be created by the fact that each of your employees will be a real pro in a particular type of massage. In this situation, it will not be difficult for you to create special programs for your client base and make an appointment with a specific specialist who operates according to a special schedule.

In addition to a few people with specialized educational minds, you will need to hire a few more employees. This is a salon administrator-manager who keeps records of the client base, controls the recording and time of sessions, and accepts payment for the service. It is important to pay attention to the mandatory hiring of HR professionals, as well as the selection of directors. His role may be a hired specialist or a business owner.

Advertising aspect

Like any type of service, a salon needs a good marketing policy. In this regard, you must determine several “whys” that will cause visitors to come to your establishment. This information should be conveyed to potential clients through the use of various methods and techniques:

  • posting advertisements;
  • creating an address-type mailing list;
  • providing business cards;
  • distribution of advertising by mail. boxes;
  • conducting a “live” presentation;
  • advertising in the media;
  • noisy opening.

Your goal is to attract attention and create a buzz around the item being opened. This is all you need to open an establishment without honey. education. According to preliminary expert estimates, the start-up amount will cost you 1,000,000 rubles. Despite the seemingly large expenses, you will be able to recoup them in just six months or a year. A professional approach to business activities guarantees improvement of your condition and expansion of freedom in terms of realizing your creative potential.

The owner will work in the establishment, so the best registration option is an individual entrepreneur. In codes OKVED indicate: 85.14.1 – “Activities of paramedical personnel”, 93.04 – “Physical and recreational activities”, 93.02 – “Provision of services by hairdressing and beauty salons.”

It is necessary to register with the Federal Tax Service; the optimal taxation system is patent.

List of documents for starting a business

  • Conclusion from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station (to get permission quickly, read in advance the requirements of SanPiN;
  • Permits from Rospotrebnadzor and Rospozharnadzor (fire alarm system, evacuation plan are required);
  • Agreements with municipal and special services: on disinfestation and disinfection, disposal of fluorescent lamps, garbage removal, maintenance of the ventilation system and air conditioning system.


Most types of massage require a special license. For example, it is impossible to do medical treatment without medical education. The license is issued by Roszdravnadzor.

What is needed to obtain a license

  1. Documents confirming medical education and experience: a diploma of higher education in the specialty, a certificate of advanced training, certificates from previous places of work;
  2. Sanitary record;
  3. Premises rental agreement, BTI plan;
  4. Conclusions of the SES and Rospozhnadzor;
  5. Certificates confirming the availability of the salon’s material and technical base (on the purchase of certified equipment, consumables);
  6. Documents on state registration and registration with the tax service.

When contacting a specialized center that helps you prepare documents correctly, a license will cost approximately $450-500 and will require a month and a half of time.

Types of services provided

A small treatment room may offer the following types of massage:

  • Cosmetic (face, neck);
  • Therapeutic (each disease has its own program, usually carried out as prescribed by a doctor, the most popular is for the correction of scoliosis and stoop);
  • General restorative;
  • Anti-cellulite;
  • Hygienic (the main task is to increase blood and lymph circulation, improve the psycho-emotional state). This includes the popular lymphatic drainage, which is used in anti-cellulite programs;
  • Swedish (relaxing);
  • Massage of limbs and head.

You should target visitors aged 25-45 years, with a permanent job (office workers have problems with the spine and need a relaxing massage), patients of local clinics. There are many clients among.


To open a small office, 20-25 square meters of space is enough. Advantageous options for locating an institution: in fitness centers, near hospitals and beauty salons.

It is worth choosing residential areas, rent is cheaper here and there is a chance to gain a regular clientele among those living nearby. Monthly rent will cost around $200.

Requirements for a massage room

  1. Heating and ventilation. It is necessary to maintain an average temperature of 20-23 degrees Celsius and regularly ventilate the room;
  2. Good sound insulation so that the visitor can relax;
  3. To decorate the walls, in order to maintain hygiene, you need to use tiles or washable wallpaper, for the floor - linoleum, tiles or other covering for easy and quick wet cleaning;
  4. Washbasin, bathroom;
  5. Availability of a first aid kit.

Repairs and finishing will cost approximately $1000.


To provide one workplace you will need the following equipment and furniture (prices are in dollars):

  • Massage table (couch)– 170-250 $. Inexpensive and high-quality options are offered by manufacturers Galaxy, Heliox, DFC;
  • Massage chair– 500-1000 $. An inexpensive chair without exorbitant special functions can be purchased from IREST, Casada, US Medica;
  • Cosmetology table– 100-120 $. Artecno, IONTO COMED;
  • 2 rollers 150x500 mm for adjusting the position of the limbs – $30-45. Cosmetics;
  • Linen closet– 70-80 $. "TechService", "Diakoms", ATM LLC;
  • Rack or a shelf for cosmetic products, oils – $80-100. Artecno, IONTO COMED;
  • Sofa for the waiting area– 90 $. An ordinary sofa from the office furniture category from brands like Felix, Unitex, Furniture Style will do;
  • A few chairs-180-250 $. Specialized comfortable furniture for salons is sold by US Medica, YAMAGUCHI;
  • Two-section screen– 60-80 $. "Diakoms", LLC ATM.

The establishment must be provided with clean towels (20 to start with) and consumables - oils and creams for massage.


What does it take for people to know about you? It is worth advertising, talking about the institution’s services on social networks, and taking care of an attractive sign at the entrance.

Costs and profits

Capital investments in business- about 5 thousand dollars, together with payment for the premises for six months in advance and the purchase of “consumables” for the first month or two. Monthly expenses – $300-400. With an attendance of 6-7 people per day, the net profit of the institution will be approximately $800-1000.

The demand for massage therapist services is stable, so after six months of active work and promotion, the office pays for itself and begins to generate good income. And satisfied regular customers themselves bring new visitors.

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