I sell ideas. How to evaluate where and to whom to sell a business idea in Russia

Earnings 23.07.2023


To sell an idea, it is necessary to develop it, bring it to some specific objective form of expression or product, i.e. it is necessary to present the idea in the form of a specific product. This product can be expressed in the form of a work of literature, science, art or technical description, project, or some other product.

Is it possible to sell an idea?

When a new original thought arises in your head - idea , often the next thought is “Wouldn’t it be nice to sell this idea!” But there is no need to rush. It rarely works out quickly and well. Especially with ideas.
So is it possible to sell an idea and how to do it? They say that nowadays you can buy everything. But selling, especially selling well, is a problem. Moreover, ideas are often taken for free or almost for free, and many methods have been developed for this.
Let's try to answer the question about the possibility of selling an idea, and, above all, here in Russia. First, let’s answer the question: “Do they even want to buy ideas and who can buy them?” If we talk about ideas as such, i.e. about original, relevant and even constructive thought, then such cases are not known in practice. Naturally, who would want to buy a thought, and how to do this? But there is no clear definition of the term “idea”. Often, ideas are understood not only as thoughts, but also as various forms of their implementation and/or development up to pilot testing. In other words, we can talk about selling an idea in some specifically expressed objective form or at a certain stage of its development.

If you sell something, it must have a price. And if something has a price, then it is already a product. Price (and value) is the most important characteristic of a product, the most important economic characteristic. Other important characteristics are consumer characteristics, from which, however, follows the price. From this we can conclude that if you want to sell an idea, then you need to treat it like a product. You need to determine primary and secondary consumer properties, target audience, competitors (competitive field), cost and price. Naturally, the original idea does not have these properties. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about its sale.
It is necessary to bring and develop the idea to the point of acquiring consumer and certain marketing characteristics. Moreover, the more of these characteristics and the more complete and specific they are, the higher the price will be. Such characteristics can have objectively expressed forms of an idea, implemented at various stages of its development. Every idea, if supported by the authors, develops. At the same time, its forms of expression or implementation develop, they are filled with more and more content. Naturally, the cost of the idea also increases at the same time. In other words, if you want to sell, then in any case we are talking about creating a certain product and selling it.

Ideas can relate to various areas of human activity. The forms of its expression and/or implementation may also be different. The most common form is a description, but it can also be a graphic design, a drawing, a musical theme, and much more. Naturally, forms of expression are improved as they develop, and to the extent of their improvement, the work itself is realized. Intermediate forms of expressing ideas can be, for example:
in the field of technology - description and/or diagram and/or sketch of the device,
in the field of science - a hypothesis or definition,
in the field of floristry - bouquet sketch,
in the field of music - musical theme,
in the field of fine arts - various sketches and sketches.

When considering the possibility of selling an idea, it is imperative to take into account the possibility and duration of its implementation. The complexity and duration of implementation of an idea significantly reduces its attractiveness. On the contrary, ideas that can be easily implemented in a short period of time attract a lot of attention and generate significant interest. These are the so-called short implementation ideas. Such ideas are often design ideas in the field of clothing, interior design, floristry, ideas for folk crafts, single or small-scale production, gardening and decorative arts. In these and many other areas, where large investments of funds and resources are not required, and the output of finished products is carried out within hours or days, a breakthrough and implementation of the idea is possible.
If it is necessary to invest additional funds (which the authors often do not have), the process of implementing the idea becomes significantly more complicated. Here it is necessary to look for comrades-in-arms, associates, and if they are not there, then investors and sponsors. Having colleagues and associates allows you to create your own team, which makes it much easier to achieve your goals. If you attract sponsors, investors, funds, you come under strict control and practically lose your power over the idea, even if you have know-how in stock. In any case, it is necessary to carry out the idea to the highest possible level of implementation, and only then sell it or attract investors. Another tip - try to put yourself in the position of the buyer, stand in his place. Look at the idea from the outside, would you buy it?Now improve it!

Demand for ideas

Currently, in the world and especially in Russia, new ideas are in little demand and the attitude towards ideas on the part of business representatives and authorities is indifferent or even negative. The reason for this is that most of the ideas and proposals are not new and are essentially fluff. You can easily verify this by looking at numerous sites on the Internet with publications of so-called “new,” “innovative,” “business” ideas. In most cases, these are either reprints, or the absence of something new and original, or anti-scientific proposals. Often, authors don’t even bother to look at what else was and is on this topic. Many people believe that if something comes to their mind, then it is a priori original. But in fact, a lot has already been done in technology. And often ideas that are new to any author have long been known or implemented. Even experienced inventors sometimes find themselves in this position, especially if they invent in a related field. On the other hand, in many foreign companies the reason for the rejection of ideas from outside is corporate policy and developed development strategies. Corporate policy involves using only its own employees, and using ideas from outside means reducing the wage fund of your own employees. Every large company has a development strategy and plans for development, development and implementation are already provided there, taking into account the actions of competitors.
The latter provisions are especially understandable in light of the global economic crisis. If companies had free money, they would have the opportunity to test new ideas. Now they have the opportunity to purchase only proven and cost-effective developments from outside. They have no opportunity to take risks.

In Russia, the reasons for the rejection of ideas on the part of medium and large businesses are somewhat different. In general, there is money, but no desire. Administrative resources, relatively easy and quick money, and the sufficiency of the resource base (for most enterprises of the mentioned business) create immunity to new things and development. Why take risks, strain, if it’s already good? If everything is ready, tested, on a silver platter and with a big profit, then maybe they will take it. This has been proven repeatedly through experience. Of course, there are cases of implementation of developments from outside. But in all cases, these are one way or another advanced and ready-made solutions, and not pure ideas.
Thus, each author of an idea needs to develop it as much as possible and promote it on his own to the utmost possibility of implementation and implementation - this is the basic principle for the successful implementation of an idea. A frivolous attitude towards your idea can devalue and even destroy it. The most preferable option for the author is to realize his thoughts and intentions on his own, to organize his own business or as part of a team of like-minded people.

If you value your idea, want to sell it or implement it on your own, then you need to take care of its protection. Otherwise, your idea will have another author. At the same time, protection is necessary at all stages of its development, in each case of the disclosure of its new signs. As the idea develops, it is enriched with new content, new elements, new features. These signs, one way or another, are revealed to different people as the idea needs to be implemented. At different stages of development, different rules of copyright and patent law can be used for protection. Already at the early stages, it is necessary to take care of securing and/or confirming the authorship of the idea, confirming copyright for its descriptions and other forms of expression. When developing technical forms of implementation, various types should be usedpatenting technical solutions . In some cases, it is possible to use the know-how regime as a means of protection, but one must take into account the difficulty of maintaining this regime. It is better to use this mode as a component of protection along with patenting andcopyright .

In addition to property (monetary) value, an idea also has non-property value. This value can only be determined qualitatively. It characterizes the potential benefit for an individual, a group of people or all of humanity and, as a rule, expresses goals, objectives or areas of activity. The value of such ideas lies and is expressed, first of all, in the expression of respect and gratitude to its author. Its measure is the degree of prestige, popularity and reputation of the author, as well as an assessment of his potential intellectual and business capabilities. Many ideas also have methodological value, which shows methods for obtaining and developing new and original logical solutions.

How to sell an idea?

But still, what to do if you decide to sell an idea? As was previously said first of all you need to present the idea as a product, commodity. This It is advisable to protect the goods with the help of copyright and patent law, develop an implementation project and a business plan for implementation and implementation. It is imperative to indicate the planned profit and convincingly justify it. If this is difficult to do, the social impact must be specified, especially for social projects. And there is no need to say that you are selling an idea. Remember that you are already selling a certain product, development and presenting the project with a business plan. Please take into account that the overwhelming number of businessmen, manufacturers and investors are interested, first of all, in economic indicators and material benefits. In rare cases, they may be interested in the release of new products, but here they will be interested in the cost of implementation and the potential capacity of the sales market. The more fully you present and describe the marketing characteristics of the product, the greater the chances of investment or purchase.

If you are addressing some big managers or businessmen, then the initial, absentee consideration of your proposal takes 1-3-5 seconds. And they are interested, first of all, in the purpose (usually clear from the name) and economic efficiency. Try to meet these people or at least talk in person. The effectiveness of personal meetings is much higher. Don't be discouraged by your first failures. Some persistence is required. During meetings and negotiations, do not talk about secrecy or maintaining know-how, do not ask to sign documents on maintaining confidential information. All this very irritates potential partners, investors, sponsors, spoils the impression and significantly reduces the chances of successful negotiations - after all, you came to them and do not trust them. It is necessary to understand that all the documents mentioned are easily dispensed with if necessary and in most cases have no practical significance.
If you are afraid of information theft, then protect it as much as possible in advance. Pre-protect all information, all data that you think is valuable. As a defense, use various copyright confirmation options and patenting. Availability of various registrations and especially patents increases the significance and value of your developments and/or works.

In history, including the history of the development of technology, art,few people were able to EASILY promote or implement their ideas. But there are plenty of examples of difficult and even difficult development and advancement. If you decide to promote your ideas, it is unlikely to be easy. Soberly assess your capabilities and if you have the strength, go ahead!

To publish/register ideas and other works, go to the page "Registration of ideas " and press one of the buttons
"Independently" or "Through the administration"

The working environment is very similar in design to a trading platform. It is full of people selling ideas and competing for the approval of executives who are the buyers. Even senior executives at the CEO level must sell their ideas to boards of directors. If you want to get a project approved, you shouldn't limit yourself to a simple presentation and rely on your ability to rationally argue. You have to think like a marketer. This means that you need to appeal to the subconscious of the person making the decision.

For over 25 years, I've worked with Fortune 100 brands and helped them reimagine their marketing strategies. We teach leading marketers to influence the hidden drivers of consumption that, although invisible at first glance, determine instinctive behavior. Harvard University professor Gerald Zaltman says that 95% of consumer purchasing decisions are made at the subconscious level.

The mental shortcut system that people use to make quick decisions is based on a collection of accumulated associations and memories. Over time, we begin to associate these associations with certain brands. The more positive associations a brand evokes, the more likely it is that a buyer will choose it. Michael Platt, a professor of marketing, psychology and neuroscience at Wharton, observed this effect during his research in neuroscience and marketing. I noticed this when working with clients interested in exploring subconscious associations in people who choose certain brands and ignore others.

But how can you use our findings on effective brand building techniques to promote your ideas in the workplace? How can you develop your own brand matrix right at your workplace? To increase the likelihood that your ideas will be noticed and approved, act like a marketer and follow these three rules.

Start early. The sooner the mention of a brand begins to lead to the creation of positive associations in the subconscious of consumers, the better. In a work environment, “first mover advantage” is just as valuable. The more time you spend creating positive associations with your idea among others, the larger the brand matrix will be by the time you make a decision.

I learned this the hard way early in my career. At the time, one of my colleagues and I had different views on how to propose ideas to our mutual boss. My colleague kept talking about her concept on and off for months, while I tried to keep my ideas secret until my presentation was “perfect.” In the end, the boss preferred her proposal to mine, although there was nothing special in it (which was later confirmed in practice). But I wasn’t upset, because from this colleague I learned a lot about how to sell ideas at work, and I never made the same mistake again.

Spread positive feedback. When you market your brand too aggressively, customers may be skeptical. But if someone else speaks favorably of the brand, positive associations appear in the subconscious of potential customers.

People in business circles also need such influencers - those who can speak positively about their idea. Ideally, this support should come from different parts of the organization. When sales people tell the CEO, “We're looking forward to doing this idea because it might help us find new customers,” and R&D says, “We think this will be a game changer,” the brand matrix is ​​expanding. speeds up and the likelihood of your idea being successful increases.

Good day, dear readers! Are you the author of an interesting and profitable business project? Do you dream of selling your business idea profitably? In this article you will read what you need to do for this. Learn the positive and negative sides of different design methods.

Have you come up with an interesting plan for commercial implementation? You can make good money doing this! However, if you decide to sell a business idea that you personally created, you first need to formalize it correctly. You can sell using this aggregator

Please keep the following details in mind:

  • Drawing up a description of the idea. Write down the prospects and benefits, indicate possible risks;
  • Supplement with video. If you make a video that helps understand the essence of your startup, you have a better chance of reaching investors and getting a decent income;
  • Attaching bibliographic sources. This technique will increase the credibility of your personal ideas, since you will rely on proven materials;
  • Create an attractive presentation. Consider the fact that a lengthy presentation can bore viewers. Therefore, develop short, but vivid and memorable slides;
  • Copyright protection. This is important to protect your intellectual property;
  • Preparation of samples for sale of finished products.

Selling Features

Read below what the pros and cons of this or that design method are:

  • Patent. A positive point is the strong protection of copyright by the state. The negative side is the complexity of drawing up an application, the duration of the examination procedure (from 2 months to several years), the lack of guarantees of full implementation;

  • Startup. Positive aspects - speed, reality of selling a business idea, the possibility of high earnings. Negative aspects – investing your own funds at the initial stage, applying maximum efforts to the organization (creating a competent presentation and independent promotion);

  • A thought in the form of several phrases. As a rule, this is a brief summary of a brilliant idea that suddenly occurred to you. The positive side is the absence of material costs and minimal time spent. On the negative side, it is impossible to prove your own authorship if an idea is stolen, low cost;

  • Writing the main gist, brief abstracts and examples of a business project. Advantages: no need to invest money in development and spend a lot of time on it. Disadvantages: it will not be possible to prove authorship in case of rights violation; you should not count on a good price;
  • Business plan. Advantages: low development costs, practical value for a potential buyer. Disadvantages: long time frame for drawing up (it will take about six months to create a competent concept and real calculations) and searching for investors.

So, now you have become familiar with the form in which business ideas are sold. A startup has the best chance to profitably sell a business development (it can be actively promoted on the Internet and receive financial assistance from many people). Then comes the business plan. And I’ll put the patent in third place. To sell a developed idea or a finished product profitably and quickly, you need to make every effort. I believe that you will succeed!

I hope my tips for selling business ideas will definitely help you achieve what you want! I would be glad if you subscribe to my blog about making money and recommend reading the article to your friends from popular social networks! See you soon!

Be sure to read this interesting article -> New types of business in Russia

Best regards, Ivan Balashov!

How to sell an idea or invention?

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Very often on the Internet you can see advertisements like “ selling business idea"or, conversely, " buy a business idea«.

How to sell an idea and get rich

We decided to help both sides and make a win-win combination.

1) sell your business idea.

If you want to sell your unique business idea, which you may have been hatching day and night for many months, then you can briefly describe its essence, scope and approximate costs (if any).

In order not to disclose the information completely, you can describe it briefly so that it is more or less clear what is being discussed. Well, if we are talking about selling, and not about adding an idea for free, then you need to indicate the price for this information.

We will quickly place your idea in the appropriate section, where a potential buyer can find it and, if he is interested in it, contact you and buy.

2) Offer for those who want buy a business idea.

Everything is much simpler here. You leave information about what area you have a business in and what information you want to receive. Perhaps you have nothing but finances. Then you briefly describe what you want to do and leave your contact information. We post this information and bright minds will be able to help you if they have something to offer.

In both the first and second cases, only ADEQUATE messages written by a literate person are accepted. If your information does not appear in the announcements section, it means that it was killed by the moderator, try to compose a more thoughtful proposal / description.

The service itself is here

Question: “how to make money?” in our country, the only person who doesn’t ask himself this question is a completely passive person who doesn’t need anything other than TV and beer in the evenings. Purposeful individuals do not want to put up with poverty and take fate into their own hands. Some people manage to earn money for a new car or an apartment in Moscow in a year, while others work tirelessly for years, but the dream of high earnings remains unrealizable... Why do some people get everything, while others get nothing? In fact, achieving financial independence requires several basic ingredients: a good idea, hard work, fierce motivation and experience (even if it is someone else's experience gleaned from books). We don’t promise to provide motivation, but we can easily provide useful advice and unique business ideas. So, how to make money: ideas for beginners in the world of business.

Before you start turning your ideas into reality, it is advisable to study the practical advice of business masters who managed to earn millions precisely by following simple life rules:

  • To become rich you need to earn more than you spend

A spender will never become rich, no matter how much he earns. Smart people are in no hurry to spend what they have earned through hard work, unless they need to invest in a promising idea or self-education. Remember that frugality is the basis of wealth.

  • Learn to organize your work

The most valuable thing you have is not money. Time is the main wealth of every person, and your productivity and income level depend on how quickly you learn to manage it. Ideas on how to make money, even if they are the most popular on the market, will never turn into practical things in the absence of free time.

  • Learn to prioritize

It’s better to choose one idea for making money than to work exhaustively on a dozen projects. Fatigue and constant stress are bad helpers in making money. Learn to distinguish the main tasks from the secondary ones, do not forget about rest. After all, those who work well must rest well.

  • Find your own ideas for making money, be original

You can't make millions from publicly available ideas. Ideas from the Internet will help you gain experience, knowledge and the necessary connections to achieve success, but to become a truly rich person you need to find unique ways to solve problems, new types of income, and apply an original approach to work. This is the only way to be more successful than numerous competitors.

  • Do not reveal all the secrets of success to competitors

Even for a lot of money, you can’t advertise the secrets of making money. As a last resort, you can get away with general details without revealing the entire technology. You definitely don’t need unnecessary competitors in the market.

  • Don't brag about your earnings, make supporters, not enemies

There's nothing worse than being jealous.

Bragging to friends and acquaintances will lead to one thing - a damaged reputation and hidden ill-wishers.

Sell ​​your business idea

Famous businessmen try to shape their image and give the impression of extraordinary and original personalities. Positivity and a good attitude towards less successful comrades is an excellent tool for recruiting supporters.

  • Money must make money

Invest in new endeavors, look for new ideas. If the money is in the bank, it is of no use.

The world is changing every minute, new opportunities for development, new interesting ideas appear. Information is valued more than millions, because it is with the help of information that you can reach any level of income.

Ideas for making money quickly

When you remember the rules of earning money like a multiplication table, you can move on to active actions. Surprisingly, today a person has truly unlimited opportunities for additional or basic income. The amount of income depends on the idea, motivation and desire to become a wealthy person. Let's look at the simplest and most profitable ideas for making money.

Earning money from photos

If you have a good camera and a little talent, you can really make some good money. Certainly, You can earn extra money as a photographer at weddings and other celebrations, but even the most talented photographer cannot earn a lot of money from this... Selling your creations through photo banks is another matter. Foreign sites are willing to pay truly fabulous sums for original photos. By the way, not only photographers, but also designers (2-D and 3-D) can make money from photography.

Different photo banks have different cooperation schemes.

Basically, photo banks work on the Royalty Free principle - the right to use your work can be purchased as many times as you like, which means that the income for one successful photo is practically unlimited. At the same time, the same photo can be uploaded to several photo banks and receive rewards throughout your life. Earning money from photographs can be very significant; for example, the Fotolia project had a maximum payout of up to 150 thousand dollars.

We present a list of the most profitable photo banks according to experienced photographers:

  • Shutterstock.com- the highest paying site at the moment. Unfortunately, there may be some problems with registering on the site. To register, you need to send a scanned image of your international passport or other identity document by mail. After checking the data, you will be sent a notification and you are required to upload about 10 photos to the site. If the commission “rejects” more than 3 photos, you will have to take this exam again. Fortunately, you can upload as many photos as you want for verification.

The site pays about 10 cents for one download of your photo, and when you earn more than 500 USD. - you will be paid 30 cents.

  • Dreamstime.com- another good photo bank. They do not require documents during registration and do not need to pass exams. The system pays 50% of the cost of the photo, you set the price yourself.

At the moment, photo banks are the best way to make money from photographs, which brings in a good income in the first month of work (from 5 to 500 USD).

Practice shows that new ideas are vitally needed for business. However, when implementing them, it is not always possible to obtain a positive result. The question arises: is it possible and necessary to apply the theory in practice, namely in business...

The answer is yes, because business at its core is a collection of tasks and problem situations that require their correct and consistent solution.

However, to a greater extent, theory is necessary for the “production” of ideas, their generation. The implementation of these ideas can bring significant dividends in the future.

What difficulties do people mostly face when trying to implement any business idea?

Firstly, the lack of planning skills and direct implementation of ideas: that is, the lack of consistent actions, without which it is unthinkable to obtain a positive result.

Secondly, this is mainly an insufficient amount of funds. The interesting thing is that in any case, as a rule, there is not enough money, no matter how much investors estimate the costs. Various financial and credit institutions try not to take risks, showing a degree of pragmatism.

There are not so many private investors today. A large number of inventors and innovators face similar problems.

Let's look at a few examples of both successful business ideas and failed ones.

One foreign company producing potato peeling knives began having problems selling its products. It should be noted that the knives were made of high-quality steel, had an attractive appearance, were comfortable and were popular.

But due to the durability of knives, the demand for them gradually fell as people no longer needed this type of product. The company's management hired consultants who were involved in solving non-standard business problems. They were faced with the task of increasing demand for knives.

At the same time, the products had to remain of high quality and require minimal advertising costs. A non-standard decision was made: the production of knives with the same handle color as potato peelings. Knives are often thrown away with waste.

Business ideas and their implementation

Here is an example of a not very successful business idea.

3 ways to sell your creative idea

One domestic meat processing plant decided to produce sausage for Muslims living in Russia. This idea was based on the rapid spread of Islam in the country.

For these purposes, a special workshop was built and equipped, where they began producing halal sausage, that is, made in accordance with Shariah standards. Control over the production process was exercised by representatives of the Russian Council of Muftis.

They issued a special certificate to the meat processing plant for a batch of products. In total, therefore, five varieties of sausage were produced with a special symbol on the labels, which indicated the halal nature of the product. Dealers of the meat processing plant began to promote new products in various regions of the country.

But still, this marketing ploy did not justify itself. The demand for this type of product initially turned out to be quite low. The manufacturer had to reduce the range of products to three varieties.

The examples given are of a private nature. Successful or unsuccessful projects are a normal part of the business activities of any company or person. Failures associated with the promotion of any ideas in this field of activity are not a reason to stop...

Report a violation

I propose to invest money in two technologies: Construction of really fast housing. This is not just assembling a house from parts that took several months to produce, it is actually constructing a house right on the spot using special tools and equipment. It can be transported by a gazelle. I’ll say it very briefly. Three people can build a house of 100 square meters in a few hours. It takes a day to build a house of 200 sq. m. This technology is applicable in the construction of houses of no more than 2 floors. The original form of the house suggests using such houses for roadside cafes, shops in parking lots, mini hotels, fishing and hunting bases and for those who simply have nowhere to live and he pays the least attention to the original, exotic appearance of the home. The tools and equipment and all the material pay for themselves in the 2-3rd house. The second technology is more complicated, but it is possible to build multi-story houses (up to 10). The time is three times longer than a similar house using the first technology, including the manufacture of parts. Manufacturing of parts at the construction site. Machines for parts are located in the open air, under a canopy. With this technology, you don’t need: a foundation, masons, plasterers, tilers and a couple of other professions. During the assembly process, one assembler does the work of 3-4 specialists at once (not because he knows how, but because the assembly technology is like this). According to the second technology, a house in the European style, of any design, from a cottage to a castle. A familiar look to the eye . It pays for itself about as quickly, although transporting the machines to a new construction site will require a Kamaz truck with a trailer. There is a pile design that does not need to be driven. It goes into the hardest ground under its own weight. It is enough to direct it vertically at the beginning, about a meter and a half. A nine-meter pile completely sinks into the ground in about five minutes. Preservation of juvenile sea cucumbers, crustaceans and others up to 95% The costs of setting up a farm are so low that it’s not worth even talking about them, otherwise you’ll really think that this is nonsense. The farm produces a sea cucumber harvest of approximately 70-90 tons (depending on the size of the farm) .Frameless traps for lobsters and the like.Very compact.Several times increase the number of traps served per unit of time. A device that allows you to collect and hold (voluntarily) in one place a huge amount of fish, both river and sea. The devices are ridiculously cheap to make. The return is truly fantastic. It is easy to collect the fish in a convenient place. I’ll say right away that these are not electronic devices, not food with odors, not nets and traps. Fish live there, feed, some even spawn, and those that spawn in other places return after spawning. Devices of different sizes. From 10 sq. m to tens of hectares. It depends on how much fish you need, a ton or two or a hundred. Installs very quickly. (1 hectare in 2 hours, three people) Poachers are in a hurry with implementation, but do not give money. Tested for several years. In the field of alternative energy. A windmill with blades located at the rear, although the impeller is horizontal. This allows you to build a power plant with a very small diameter (2-3m), but the total area of ​​the blades will be hundreds of meters. It works in very low winds (almost no wind). mini hydroelectric power station for underwater current. Useful for the Maldives (and similar islands). There is a crazy current between the islands. A device for collecting fly eggs in its purest form. From 1 square meter to 200 grams of eggs and more. I don’t know how it is abroad, but in Russia those who deal with this problem cannot overcome the threshold of 10-15 grams, although they are called research institutes with all the capabilities. (now probably already no one is dealing with this problem). I think things are no better over the hill, because they still spend billions on manure processing, but they could spend a hundred or two times less. The completed project of a hovercraft. It is many times superior to any existing similar machines in all respects. There are no tracks, but it climbs (at walking speed) over fallen trees, boulders, hummocks and meter-high stumps, very dense reed thickets. Speed ​​on a horizontal surface is up to one hundred km per hour. It can climb steep slopes (up to 40 degrees) for a long time. No one has such a design yet, neither here in Russia nor them. The same air, but supplied according to a different scheme, that’s the effect. Floating island (of any size). Given the high quality required for such structures, the construction of the entire complex is tens of times cheaper (compared to any other proposed projects). When installing the island, my inventions in house building, fishing, alternative energy and others are used. I will not bore you with other equally interesting projects. Please note, I'm not asking for money. I offer you options for promising capital investments. I am ready to answer questions. And also, if this happens and you want to invest in any of the proposed (and not announced) projects, then your share will be very, very significant. (80-90%) Questions to your personal email. I’ll say right away that all these things are not from the series of “perpetual motion machines”

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