Is it really possible to make money on VK. Earning money on VKontakte in a group

Business plans 01.11.2023
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As you may have guessed, we will talk about how to make money on a VKontakte group. In general, this is a very popular thing nowadays. The question is often asked: “How much do they earn from contact groups?” You can earn good money just by sitting at home. And it’s worth considering the fact that you can work for yourself. Income may vary. Both big and small. It all depends on the effort you put in.

So, let's move directly to the topic of our article. How to make money on VKontakte groups? By the way, you can also come across such a concept as monetization of VKontakte groups. This is exactly what we will discuss today. Now we will try to explain it to you. Let's look at some popular ways to make money from groups.

Online store

Nowadays, online stores that advertise and sell their products directly in VKontakte groups are very popular. You can also create your own group in which you will sell something at your discretion. These can be various products, from T-shirts to household appliances. Posts with products can be diluted with regular posts to reduce the effect of annoying advertising. You can earn from 1000 rubles per day. And do not forget to take into account the interests of the assembled audience. What to sell? Look at people, conduct a survey about what your potential customers need most.

Own services

If you have a hobby or are knowledgeable in a particular area and it is in demand by the masses, you can advertise services in your group. Services can be different: repairs, photography and video shooting, holding events, teaching foreign languages ​​or natural sciences. In general, anything, as long as the public demands it. Do you understand this? Then go ahead and sing, as they say. I know one girl who speaks German and English well. She created a corresponding group in contact. It advertises its distance learning services. She has a large audience. Now she earns money by tutoring languages ​​and has an additional salary. Now, she has expanded her staff and it is easier for her to cope with the workload. Accordingly, the number of people she can train has increased. In general, think for yourself.

VKontakte advertising exchange

If your daily user coverage exceeds 20-30 thousand people, then feel free to register the group on the advertising exchange. On the menu " Community Management" there should be a section " Advertising Exchange" This confirms the desired user coverage. If there is no such function, then you should work on daily coverage again and again. (help) and (answers to frequently asked questions) - these are links for those who are interested in this section of making money on Vkontakte groups. Here you can learn more about the topic “advertising exchange”.

affiliate program

In your group, you can advertise other people's products, and for each item sold you will receive a percentage of the sale. Everything is very simple. All you have to do is find a partner and promote his interests on social networks. Good advertising will pay off for you, believe me.

Affiliate programs by type of payment are of the following types:

  • payment when placing an order ( CityAds);
  • payment for action ( Badoo Partners, ActionPay).

It is very important to monitor the minimum withdrawal amount. It is important that it does not exceed 500 rubles. The approximate income from an affiliate program is not particularly limited. This amount starts from $50. In general, it depends how it goes.


Having brought your VKontakte group to mind (interesting posts, number of people, etc.), you can set prices for advertising. That is, you place posts advertising other groups or products from stores, and for advertising you will be given a fixed amount. This is also a very good option for making money in VKontakte groups. But to do this you will have to make your group attractive to potential clients. No one wants to deal with a group that has low visitor activity. Here's a note for you: links to search for advertisers:,,, . Be sure to check it out! Don't forget about restrictions on advertising posts. If I'm not mistaken, that's about 3 posts a day.

Selling VKontakte groups

Another way to make money on a VKontakte group. You are simply wasting time and effort on creating and promoting your group. Then, or on certain forums, look for buyers. You can earn 30 thousand and 50 thousand rubles. It all depends on you and the time you put into this matter.


If you decide to seriously make money on VKontakte groups, then you need to understand three things:

  1. You have to work hard;
  2. Be able to create high-quality content for your group;
  3. Know how to present your product.

These three rules will help you in this type of Internet earnings.

But one more thing that I would like to discuss is how to promote your VKontakte group.

To get started, you can use the service There you can wind it up if you need it. You can pay for your advertising in other groups that already have very good subscriber activity. In the Fastintop service you can earn points and use them to exchange them for subscribers, likes and reposts. Well, also, if you have it and they watch it, then you can leave links to your group under the videos. Anyone who is interested will join you.

And finally
Even if you don’t have your own group and want something different, it doesn’t matter. In Contact, you can work as an administrator in someone else's group. You will be able to host it and moderate it. You can also design groups. They also pay good money for this. The choice is yours. Weigh everything carefully, discuss it with yourself and come to a unanimous decision. Good luck in your endeavors and earn a lot of money!

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.


Hundreds of new VK communities are created every day. As a rule, their owners pursue one goal - to quickly gather their target audience and start making money. By the way, social networks have long turned from a standard tool for maintaining communication and sharing personal photos into an alternative source of profit. Next, we’ll tell you how and how much you can earn from a VKontakte group.

How to make your community competitive

Earnings from VK groups are based primarily on advertising - the owners of public pages and communities receive offers from customers, negotiate a price with them and post commercial posts. At the same time, you can advertise almost everything – from online stores to individual selective products.

When deciding to start making money on VK public, you must understand that this is one of the most competitive markets. So, before contacting a specific administrator, the advertiser will look through dozens of options, choosing the most promising one. In order to choose yours from the variety of public pages, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. Choosing a thematic direction. The topic should be interesting and familiar to a wide range of people - this is what potential income depends on. The most popular are women's and entertainment communities, quote books, as well as public pages dedicated to doing business and the basics of marketing.
  2. Selecting a name and avatar. Communities with sonorous and memorable names attract large audiences.
  3. Filling with content. Posts should not only be interesting, but also regular. About ten posts should be published per day, at different times of the day. By posting all the content at once, you will deprive yourself of some views, likes and comments.

Before bringing the first profit, the public will require some material investments from you. In particular, you will have to pay for its promotion and promotion. The initial goal that is set for every community creator is to collect at least one or two thousand subscribers. How can I do that:

  1. place announcements about mutual entry on special platforms (an example of the most popular of them is Avito)
  2. exchange mutual PR with third-party publics
  3. order advertising from large communities with a large audience
  4. use special services for recruiting subscribers (for example, VKtarget and Sociate).

The public can be used to make a profit as soon as the first ten thousand users join it, and posts begin to collect about one and a half thousand views. Next, we’ll tell you about all the ways to make money from a group on VK.

Types of earnings in VK in groups

Currently, there are three sources for making money using VK: publishing advertising posts, promoting affiliate programs, watching videos. You can also make a profit from selling communities with a large audience and reach, but this is very risky and does not always lead to the desired result.

Partnership programs

In theory, the community owner can launch an affiliate program at any time, but experienced specialists recommend waiting for a reach of at least 500 subscribers per day. It is recommended to select them in accordance with the topic, as well as the interests of the participants. So, for example, if your target audience is mothers or pregnant women, then the best options for affiliate programs are:

  • courses and webinars on parenting;
  • online stores of children's things and toys;
  • entertainment events category 0+.

Also, there are universal programs that can be posted in any public page. These include products from AliExpress, Ozon,, etc.

How much you can earn from a VK group in this way is a difficult question. It all depends on the number of participants, their activity, and degree of involvement.

Publishing videos

Posting videos is an effective way to make money on the VKontakte group, which brings a good profit. However, owners of those communities whose audience has exceeded 15 thousand will be able to use it.

To have such a passive source of income, it is enough to publish a certain video in public. For each viewing you can earn from 30 kopecks to 1 ruble - the cost is determined by the topic. Earnings are directly proportional to the number of “live” subscribers and depend on the reach and activity of the audience.

Advantageous offers for publishing videos can be found on sites such as:


They are similar in functionality and interface, and have approximately the same prices.

Advertising posts

You can start selling advertising when the number of public subscribers exceeds a thousand. However, larger pages are in greatest demand. Potential advertisers can be found on special platforms and portals. The most famous and popular of them are:

  1. Sociate is a popular service for publishing advertisements. It has a convenient and intuitive interface, and has the option of automatically posting posts. Provides complete security and guarantees payment for completed tasks.
  2. Plibber is an advertising exchange that interacts not only with VK, but also with other social networks. A distinctive feature is that all marketing posts are published manually, which is not very convenient.
  3. VKtarget is an actively developing portal for mobile earnings using social networks. There are not many advertising offers on it, but those that exist have a good price tag.
  4. Blogun is a service specializing in the placement and organization of advertising campaigns. Suitable for large public pages with a commercial or women's focus. Offers for entertainment venues are presented in limited quantities.

In addition to the portals and resources presented above, there is the official VK exchange. It is available to all sites whose daily coverage exceeds 20 thousand, and is replete with a variety of offers.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make money on a VK group through the exchange using Sociate as an example:

It is worth noting that the services charge a commission for advertising, so it is much more profitable to work with advertisers directly.

How much can you earn from the VK group?

Profit is determined by a number of factors: the number of subscribers, the degree of activity and involvement, daily coverage, etc. Many advertisers look at the purchasing power of the target audience.

How much does a VKontakte group administrator earn? The numbers may vary significantly, but the average salary is 15-20 thousand rubles. Administrators of large public pages with an audience of thousands can receive up to 100,000 for one commercial publication.

It is noteworthy that the number of subscribers is not the main indicator of the success of a page. Customers look at the audience ratio and the average number of likes on posts. The higher the public activity, the higher the cost of advertising content.

Our progressive times have given people many ways to earn additional income without leaving home.

Moreover, for some, such entertainment has become the main one, bringing very substantial profits.

Perhaps this option how to make money on VK, will not become your gold mine and a worthy replacement for regular work.

But isn’t it cool to make money doing something you’re used to doing for free?

There are many methods of earning money.

But among them you can easily stumble upon those that will not bring you any income at all, but will only take up your time.

Therefore, this article has collected 6 really working methods with which you can improve your financial situation.

1. How can social exchanges help you make money on VK?

The essence of making money with the help of special social exchanges is very simple: you do everything the same as usual, but you can still earn money!

The list of tasks includes:

Customers post such tasks in order to artificially increase group traffic and imitate activity on the pages.

They pay little for the work.

But isn't that better than not getting paid at all?

To earn money using this method, you will need to have a page on VK, register an electronic wallet (WebMoney is best) and, of course, go to one or more exchanges.

Popular exchanges that allow you to make money on VK

Service Description Minimum salary (RUB) Payment systems
Smmok Consistently ranked among the top social exchanges. It has been around for a long time, pays regularly, reviews are mostly positive. Prices are the same as on similar resources. However, the frequency of tasks appearing is encouraging - dozens of tasks are received every day. 50 WebMoney
VKTarget Another popular resource that cannot be ignored. In addition to VK, it offers part-time work to owners of accounts on Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Odnoklassniki. The list of significant advantages: higher prices compared to other exchanges and the opportunity to earn income on a group in VK. 50 WebMoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi
V-Like With good average prices, it has not earned as much popularity as the two previous exchanges due to the fact that fewer tasks are offered. However, a nice bonus is that the minimum amount of money for withdrawal is also significantly lower. 15 WebMoney, to mobile account, Yandex.Money
VKSerfing The social exchange with a pleasant interface also attracted many people who wanted to earn money and customers. There is only one way to withdraw money and a fairly large “minimum” of 50 rubles. However, there are a huge number of tasks and there are more of them every day. 50 WebMoney

Those who want to make money in VK on exchanges should take into account the following tips:

  • To earn this kind of money, it is better to create a second page on VK (fake).
  • Take breaks between tasks, otherwise you will quickly get banned.
  • It’s worth registering on several resources at once to earn more money.

2. How to make money on your VK page?

You can earn more money on such tasks if you work on specialized sites.

The tasks are checked manually.

It takes more time, but the income is more impressive.

Service Description Minimum salary Payment systems
SEOsprint If you have ever been interested in making money on axleboxes, you have definitely heard about this site. But among other things, it has a “Social Networks” section. This is where tasks are hidden with which you can earn extra money on your VK page. Payment for tasks is average, while the minimum withdrawal amount is very small. 2 rub. WebMoney, Yandex.MoneyPayeer, Perfect Money, Payza
Advego One of the most popular sites to make money online. First of all, copywriters know and love him. But it’s also possible to make money on VK here. The tasks are not difficult to complete, the main thing is to carefully read the conditions and check the answer before sending. The resource offers relatively high prices for tasks, and the quantity of them is pleasantly pleasing. 5$ WebMoney

It’s also possible to make money on your page if you become an opinion leader.

This is a media person whose opinion is trusted by users.

Example: a personal fitness trainer or a mother of three who has achieved great success in yoga.

If you have knowledge or experience, you can “promote” your page.

For example, a copywriter can publish useful posts on the topic of writing texts. Advertising yourself is difficult, but it is possible.

Opinion leaders can earn money through various thematic affiliate programs and by advertising products.

3. How to make money on VK using public?

One of the popular ways how to make money on VK, - usage .

You can earn income from this in several ways:

  1. Sell ​​products through the group.
  2. Direct visitors to the site.
  3. Place advertisements by contacting advertisers directly, through external exchanges or a special exchange on VK.

Whatever method you choose, first you need to create, fill and promote a group.

How to create a public page to make money?

There is no point in describing in detail the process of creating a public page, because it is intuitively simple.

For the slow-witted, there are YouTube videos with detailed instructions.

Any VK user can create a page.

It is much more difficult to choose a topic if you are going to make money by selling advertising space.

The public must attract attention with the topic.

But there is high competition in these niches, so it is difficult to break into.

It’s a big plus if you order a freelancer to develop a menu design and avatar.

Fill the public with unique and interesting material that will force visitors to subscribe.

How to promote a public page on VK?

Creating and registering a group is only the first step.

As with a serious large business, such a project must be actively worked on so that it can bring in money.

How to get this amount?

  1. First, you need to publish at least 20-30 posts so that visitors are not greeted by an empty group.
  2. The first people to follow your page may be your friends.
    Ask them to join, like and repost something particularly interesting.
  3. Among the first ways to make money on VK we mentioned social exchanges.
    Some recommend using them to “wind up” the first thousand subscribers.
    Whether to do this or not is up to you to decide.
    Remember that it is very easy to get a ban from the administration for such actions.
  4. You can promote a group faster and safer, but at a cost.
    To do this, buy advertising publications in other groups.
    When you cross the several thousand mark, you will be able to participate in mutual PR.
    This no longer requires financial investment.
    The main thing is that your topics are similar.
  5. You can promote a group using spam in other groups or on other people's pages.
    The method is no less risky than promotion through social exchanges.
  6. You can also create and post several thematic videos on it.
    In the description, leave a link to the VK group.
  7. The best and most effective way to promote is to publish truly interesting and unique material.
    This way the number of subscribers will grow naturally.

4. How to make money on VK by creating applications?

This way to make money is not suitable for anyone.

But if you are well versed in programming, you have a chance to make money by creating various applications for this.

On the other hand, it is not always necessary to have the relevant knowledge.

Perhaps you have an original idea that other users will definitely like.

Then you can contact a freelance programmer and order him to create it.

In this case, the management of the process and further promotion of the application will fall on your shoulders.

And, of course, the fruits of this labor, if the application really becomes popular.

This method of earning money has a significant drawback - a high level of competition.

Considering that there is no restriction for application authors, anyone can try their hand at it.

So you need to offer something that is truly in demand, original and of high quality.

  • if you advertise the application enough, you will be able to “rent” advertising space;
  • save a “financial cushion”, because you may have to invest money in the development of the application;
  • analyze possible risks (one of the main ones is violation of VK rules);
  • the best applications bring owners up to several!

5. How to make money on goods on VK?

The above ways to make money on VK assume that you have nothing but desire and free time.

The situation is different for those who can offer users a product.

It can be:

  • Handmade goods.
    Most often these are jewelry and household goods, but there are clothes and even shoes.
  • Used items.
    Some people look for things in second-hand stores, tidy them up and resell them on VK.
  • Products ordered on Aliexpress or similar trading platforms.
  • The fruits of intellectual labor (books, manuals, video lessons).

You can sell these products using groups and public pages on VK, advertising the product using contextual advertising on this social network or simply through your personal page.

6. How to make money in VK by getting a job?

You may be looking for the answer " how to make money on VK“not to sit at home and do nothing.

Undoubtedly, they can offer wages and conditions at the highest level.

So why don't you try your hand?

You will also learn how to make money from a group on VK from the video:

To view vacancies, go to the appropriate tab at the bottom of the site.

Hello, dear blog readers

Vasily Blinov is in touch and today we will talk about how to make money in VK. I’ll tell you what ways to make money on VKontakte exist, which of them can be mastered in a matter of days and within a month or two you will have a good income.

I’ll start with a little background about myself and what you will find in the new section on the blog about this social network.

A small announcement of a new section about VKontakte

As you know, we (me and my wife) have been working remotely for 2 years, making money on our projects and traveling. When I started to master remote work, I came across a book “7 professions for making quick money on the Internet”, in which I became acquainted with the profession “VKontakte Group Administrator”.

This profession was the start for me, I found several companies that I helped run VKontakte groups and at the same time developed my own, which have already brought me tens of thousands of rubles, although they do not have many subscribers.

How to make money in VK?

Before we move on to considering the methods, let’s tell you how VKontakte makes money.

Like all the other 99% of sites on the Internet, VK receives its main income from the sale of advertising. This is contextual advertising that appears on the left side of the website and in the news. Companies pay tens of thousands of rubles for VKontakte to show their advertisements.

Almost all the popular groups you are a member of are maintained and promoted for the sake of selling and publishing advertisements in them. And you can also make good money by pumping up a group before it starts bringing in good income.

Therefore, earnings in VK can be divided into 2 types:

  1. When you create your sites (communities), promote them and advertise something.
  2. When you work remotely, helping someone promote their advertising sites.

Now let's take a closer look at all the ways in these two types of earnings.

Earn money on your page or group

I want to say right away that promoting your page or community to a large number of subscribers so that they start buying advertising in it is not a quick way to make money and you cannot do it without investment.

Method 1. Selling advertising posts

The most popular way to make money in VK on a group.

If you have a well-promoted page or group, interesting content, a lot of subscribers (from 50,000 - 100,000, depending on the topic) and they are active: they comment, like, repost your posts, then you can make money on it by selling advertising posts .

They send you a picture and text, which you post in your public page like a regular post. Exists official advertising exchange VKontakte, where you can see how much it costs to post one post in popular communities.

But to get on the exchange with your community, you need an average monthly reach of more than 30 thousand people. Judging by the same exchange, you can see that groups with a coverage of 30 thousand or more have an average of 500-800 thousand participants.

Until such coverage is achieved, you can sell advertising directly or through special advertising exchanges on social networks. We use these:

You can add a platform to them with 1000 participants. Only a post with this amount will cost no more than 5 rubles.

Method 2. Monetization with affiliate programs

The second great method to make money from your VKontakte group is. By advertising various products on VK using my affiliate links, I have already earned hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Until your account or group has many subscribers, no one will buy advertising from you, but you can easily advertise some other people’s products or services yourself by connecting to their affiliate programs. You receive a percentage of sales made through your link.

I have a separate section on my blog in which I talk about how to work with them and make cases with my income.

To make it clearer, I will explain with an example how this works. For example, you read some interesting book that you bought in an online store. Many online stores have an affiliate program. Registered in it, made an affiliate link to this book and wrote a few words about it on your page or in the VKontakte group.

Has anyone read this post and bought this book by clicking on the link in the post? Let it cost 500 rubles. According to the program, you are entitled to 10% - your earnings will be 50 rubles. If 10 people buy it, it will cost 500 rubles. Do you understand why it’s interesting to start creating your own VKontakte audience? The more subscribers you have, the more you will earn.

Method 3. Selling physical goods through a group

Many shops, cafes, etc. start their own groups in order to attract customers through them and sell their goods. Some, even without a website, create online stores purely based on the capabilities of VKontakte.

They sell clothes, various accessories, homemade goods (for example, embroidery, growing flowers and other things) and earn more than 20-30 thousand rubles per month.

We used to go through the VK group without risk or investment. First, they advertised the product, found a buyer, took an advance payment equal to the full amount of the product, ordered it, received it by mail and delivered it to the buyer, receiving the same amount. It was easy to sell goods at 2-4 times more expensive.

We stopped doing this when we started traveling; it was simply physically impossible to accept the goods and deliver them to the buyer.

Method 4. Advertising your services and projects

Similar to the way physical goods are sold. Through VKontakte you can find clients and provide them with your services. For example, apartment renovation, computer and office equipment repair, wedding organization, photo shoots, etc.

If you provide some services remotely, then this is even more interesting. For example, website creation, design, article writing, training and more. The group will not only be a way to attract new clients, but also an excellent portfolio that will create trust in you.

Nowadays, any successful business or project has its own public page on VKontakte.

Have you ever thought? After all, someone is watching all these communities. Publishes content, writes news, creates designs, etc. They are paid money for working on VKontakte. This can also be considered earnings in VK.

Earning money on VKontakte while working remotely

Let's look at several basic types of activities that you can learn in a very short time and start earning up to 3,000 rubles a day from completing these tasks.

Method 5. Administration of VKontakte communities

Quite a good and stable method, as I said at the very beginning of the article, I started with it.

To carry out one project wisely costs from 5,000 rubles per month if you are busy 1-2 hours a day. In publics with millions of participants, admins earn from 20 to 50 thousand. In the regions of Russia these are huge salaries, but you can work from anywhere, as long as you have the Internet.

Method 6. Writing posts in groups

Administrator is a universal profession. But there are certain types of work. Some specialize only in searching and creating posts for groups. Writes texts, selects pictures and publishes them according to a pre-created plan.

Managers are willing to pay good money for writing interesting texts that will bring value to people, collect a lot of likes, reposts and attract new subscribers to the community.

You can also find orders for writing content for groups. The salaries of content managers, like administrators, can be from 5,000 rubles. Depends on the quantity and quality of work performed.

Method 7: Community Design

Another type of individual work where you can make good money is designing the appearance of groups (avatar, menu) and branding posts.

If you are a creative person and own graphic editors or want to learn how to work with them, then this is a great way. The cost of registering one community ranges from 1,000 to 15,000 rubles.

Method 8. Advertising specialist

Well, the last normal way that I see can be considered specialists who are involved in advertising and know how to sell (to catch an audience with posts, create attractive headlines, etc.).

  1. The usual one is when posts are purchased and posted.
  2. Targeted (contextual) advertising.

In my circle there are guys who professionally set up targeted advertising and guys who do PR (advertising) for various VKontakte projects. Slightly different directions, but the essence is the same - attracting customers and sales.

I don’t know exactly how much they earn, but it’s enough for them to travel to different countries all year round (Indonesia, Thailand, India, etc.).

Earning money in VK for schoolchildren

It makes sense to talk about a couple more methods of making money on VKontakte. Only I consider them completely unpromising and petty, unlike those described above, where there is at least some prospect and development, there is only money. Schoolchildren can earn extra money for pocket money.

Method 9. Clicks, reposts, likes and comments for money

There are special exchanges for earning money and promoting profiles on social networks, where you can earn small money by performing simple actions such as likes, reposts, subscriptions, etc.

Here are some examples of good services:

  • QComment
  • Bosslike
  • Vktarget
  • Smmok
  • V-like
  • VKSerfing

The money you earn from these sites is transferred to various e-wallets from which you can spend it wherever you want.

Method 10. Creating accounts and communities

Earn money by creating accounts and communities for advertising spam. Some entrepreneurs who have not yet learned how to use the Internet are asking for help in creating and setting up a community. The cost for such a task is 100 - 300 rubles.


From my 2 years of experience, I can say that earning money in VK is quite real and can bring good additional income or even replace your main job.

I consider all the methods, except the last two, very good and recommend, even if you are doing something else, to use them in parallel and develop your personal pages and communities.

In the following articles in this section, we will tell you step by step everything about creating and promoting your VKontakte projects. Subscribe to blog updates and follow the news.

If you still have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments. Good luck to everyone and big earnings!

07/10/2018 at 16:24

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The Internet is developing with giant strides and has already become not just a means of entertainment and spending time, but also a good tool for earning money. Today I will tell you about making money on VK, social networks also do not stand still, many people are already making money on social networks.

This method of earning money does not require special knowledge or experience, everything is extremely simple and to start making money on VKontakte, you will not need to understand this for several months. You can earn your first money today.

How to make money on VK

I will tell you about the most popular and working ways to make money today. To work, you will need an account on a social network and register electronic wallets: QIWI, Webmoney or Yandex money.

On the Internet, these payment systems are mainly used for payments; you will receive your earned money through them.

Earn money using your VK group

This is perhaps the most profitable way to earn money, creating your own group is not difficult and it can be done in a few clicks, go to the “Groups” section, then click on the create a community button:

Then you do everything according to the instructions and your community will be created within 5 minutes, but creating a group is only the very beginning of the journey. You need to decide on the theme of your group, it can be anything from humor to religion.

When choosing a topic, you should pay attention to its profitability. The fact is that a community about humor with 1 million subscribers will generate less income than a group with 100,000 thousand subscribers on finance and work.

It’s all about the solvency of your audience, groups about humor are attended by schoolchildren and students, and groups about finance and investments are attended by adults, thereby advertising will cost more.

Community Filling

After creating the group, it's time to fill it with interesting posts. At the initial stage, 20-30 posts and 2-4 posts daily will be enough. I advise you not to steal posts from well-known groups, people will immediately understand this and your group will become uninteresting to them.

As a last resort, you can take posts from some sites on the Internet and remake them for yourself. You can also find a foreign site on your topic and translate texts, thereby you will have unique content.

Promotion of a group on VK

Now we have reached the main part, you have a new group in which there are 20-30 interesting posts, but only you are a member of this group. You need promote the group, recruit subscribers to it, at the first stage you can get it.

To begin with, you can simply add subscribers to the group to create the appearance of activity in the group. This is done so that when real people come to you, they will see that there are already people in the group and will also join.

It has already been proven that when a person sees a large number of subscribers, he also subscribes. But how to get subscribers?

There are a lot of services on the Internet that help solve this problem; they differ only in the quality of work and price.

As soon as you become active in the group, you can save on advertising and engage in mutual PR. To do this, look for groups similar to yours with the same number of subscribers and agree on mutual advertising.

Monetizing your group

Well, finally we got to the most enjoyable part, which is, of course, making money with the help of your VK group. There are a lot of ways to make money from a group; below I will tell you about the most profitable ones.

The most profitable way of monetization, direct advertisers always pay good money for advertising. You need to create a price list for advertising in your community and post this information. From time to time you will receive advertising offers:

Partnership programs

Another good way of monetization, earnings here depend on the topic of your community. You can post offers in your group and earn money, here are the offers in AD1 affiliate network, for financial topics:

There are a lot of offers on any topic, all you have to do is create a beautiful post and post it in the group.

Examples of services:

✔Website creation

✔Design rendering

✔Writing essays

✔Drawing portraits

✔Selling your products

In fact, it can be anything, as long as it fits the theme of the community.

How much can you earn from your VK group?

It’s a rather difficult question and you won’t be able to get an exact answer to it; I repeat, your income will depend on your topic and the quality of the group. But I can tell you that my friend has a community on the topic “Finance”, he has 150,000 thousand subscribers and he makes money from 50,000 thousand rubles per month, only from direct advertisers.

Earning money on VKontakte for schoolchildren

This method is suitable for schoolchildren, since it does not require any skills, you don’t even have to create anything. All you need to do is have an account on a social network.

The essence of earning money is very simple, you will perform simple tasks using your account:



✔join the group

✔write a comment

✔and more

For each completed task, you will receive money into your account from 0.05 to 2 rubles for 1 task. Not enough, you say, but there are a lot of such tasks and they are quite easy to complete, for example, it will take you 3-5 seconds to like, but you can complete hundreds and even thousands of such tasks in one click.

Websites for making money on VKontakte

VKtarget is my favorite service in this type of earnings, after registration you can immediately start earning money. Payments are made to all possible payment systems and even to a mobile phone. To earn more, you can create several accounts from different pages.

This rapid development of this direction was facilitated by EPN affiliate program, which offers to earn a certain percentage from the sale of any Aliexpress product.

The point is very simple: register in the affiliate program, select interesting products and receive links to these products. Now with each order through this link, you will receive a certain %.

You can post products in your group by first posting a photo and description of the product. Also, if you have a lot of friends and subscribers on your page, you can post products directly on your wall.

That's all, friends, I talked about the most popular ways to make money on VK, all you have to do is choose the appropriate method and start implementing it.

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