Earn money in retirement with your own business! What to do in retirement to earn money: examples and tips What business can a retiree open?

Business plans 14.09.2023
Business plans

Many people who have already turned, say, forty-five years old, are looking forward to the moment when they get rid of their boring work and finally retire. However, once they actually retire, the question becomes relevant: “What to do next?”

General provisions

Unable to find themselves, having broken away from the team, people simply lie down on the sofa and slowly fade away in front of the TV. It should be noted that such a fate is not foreseen for everyone today, because there are pensioners who still find entertainment, which, as a rule, is completely unrelated to their former activities. So they begin to live a fundamentally different life. How can a woman earn money in retirement? Do the currently known methods really work? How can you achieve your dream and start making the most of your retirement? These and other equally interesting questions can be answered by reading the materials in this article.

To begin with, it should be noted that the options for earning money in retirement, collected in this article, will help bring not only real income, but also moral satisfaction, which today plays a practically key role, especially for retirees. Each person now has the opportunity to choose one of the options they like best for themselves. It is after this choice that he can become completely free and is given the right to manage his own time as he pleases.

How can a woman earn money in retirement? For example, many retired women devote themselves to their beloved grandchildren. You will certainly never get bored with the latter, and time flies by much faster with them. However, what to do if there are no loved ones and grandchildren who could visit the pensioner almost every day? This article is devoted to this issue.

How can a woman in a village earn money on her pension?

It is interesting that it is easiest for women living in rural areas (villages, hamlets and urban settlements) to cope with the issue of spending time. There she simply will not be able to get bored in a private house. Especially when a woman intends to engage in one of the following activities:

  • How can a woman earn money in retirement? In order to get moral satisfaction and increase the comfort of your own life, you can put things in order in your house, organize modern stylish renovations, and replace, for example, old wooden windows with plastic ones. By the way, it is absolutely not necessary to do everything yourself, because currently there are a huge number of specialized structures. Are you unhappy that their services are not free? Yes, but, firstly, it is often pensioners living in rural areas who are given good discounts: and secondly, good housing can be quickly rented out, because today so many city residents want to relax in the countryside.
  • How can a woman earn money in retirement? Another fairly bright option for making money is growing greens or seedlings for sale. This method can be doubly satisfying for a pensioner if he has a greenhouse or greenhouse, because under such conditions the finished product can be sold already in the middle of spring (it is at this time that it is valued much higher than in the summer). However, even without the presented structures, this small but such an interesting business will begin to generate very good income, which is seasonal in nature.

Additional business methods in the village

How can a woman earn money in retirement? Additional business options for retired women in the village include the following:

  • Growing flowers. It is important to note that this can be done both in the house and in the flower beds that are laid out in the yard. By the way, indoor flowers are also in great demand today.
  • Business on quail or chicken eggs. It is interesting to know that poultry farming is profitable because you only need to invest in it once. After this, you can buy a household compact incubator and raise the young animals yourself. By the way, in addition to eggs, you can also sell poultry directly, especially when it comes to chickens.
  • Breeding pigs, rabbits and other animals. It's no secret that their meat is always in demand.
  • Dairy business. You can have several cows (or one animal), which will delight the whole family with fresh milk in the morning. If you are not sure that caring for them is not such a difficult task, you need to pay attention to goats, whose milk is not only constantly in demand, but also extremely healthy.

What to do in the city?

How can a woman living in the city earn money in retirement? To begin with, it should be noted that, despite the absence of her own plot of land and a private house, a woman who has retired, even in the city, has the opportunity to find a sufficient number of activities that will not only bring a stable income, but also moral satisfaction. For example, the following types of activities are good options for a city resident:

  • Tutoring is an ideal way for former teachers to earn money. In this way, they can provide subject-specific services, help with tests and exams, and prepare students for entry into higher education. It is important to add that this activity is paid very well.
  • Hand Made is nothing more than the formation of certain products for sale with your own hands. Thus, a retired woman has the opportunity to knit or sew exclusive accessories, clothes, and also make unique souvenirs. By the way, selling your own products independently is not a necessary condition, because today it will not be difficult to find competent assistants.

What else can a pensioner earn money on in the city?

How can a woman earn money on her pension at home if she lives in an urban area? The following activities are good options in such circumstances:

  • Organization of a kindergarten for children, where a woman can look after a small group of children whose parents spend a longer period of time at work.
  • Sales of services related to clothing repair (custom tailoring is also appropriate here). It should be noted that this activity is suitable only for those retired women who undoubtedly have the necessary equipment and know a lot about sewing.
  • Making cakes, pies, and any other products to order. By the way, if a woman is not equipped to cook very tasty, she can significantly simplify the overall task, in other words, start preparing dumplings, dumplings and other semi-finished products. It is important to know that this activity only requires time, which retirees usually have plenty of.

Classes for advanced retirees

How can a woman make money on the Internet on her pension? This question cannot be confusing today, because innovative technologies have certainly reached not only the smallest, but also the wisest. If a woman considers herself to be an advanced retiree and is well versed in modern technology (especially when it comes to computer technology), then she can easily find a fairly profitable occupation for herself on the Internet. It would be advisable to consider all currently effective aspects of this topic in subsequent chapters in more detail.

What exactly can you do on the Internet?

How can a woman earn money on her pension at home on the Internet? Today, the following activities can be successfully implemented on the World Wide Web:

  • Writing articles to order (let them be advertising articles, descriptions of commercial products, or just articles on various topics to choose from).
  • Promoting your own blog. Thus, a retired woman, endowed with a wealth of experience and very wise compared to modern generations, can very profitably share her personal knowledge in any field with readers, as well as earn money from advertising.
  • Writing custom essays, tests, coursework and diploma projects. Of course, this option is simply ideal for teachers, as well as teachers of higher educational institutions who have retired.
  • Using services that offer the simplest types of earning income from the World Wide Web. These include taking various tests, reading emails, clicking on links, and the like.

Your own store? Is quite real!

What should a woman do in retirement to earn money? Just don’t think that it’s too late for a woman to open her own store after fifty. Her life in this case is just beginning. That is why a great many new opportunities are open to a pensioner. Thus, with a strong desire and sufficient initial capital, you can easily implement this idea. It is important to note that we are talking not only about large-scale structures, but also about small ones, for example, fruit stalls. By the way, a good option that requires less time and effort, in this case, is opening a franchise.

Implementation of the idea

How can a woman earn money in retirement? As it turned out, a good option for making money and getting moral satisfaction is to open your own store. It’s great if close people help a pensioner in this matter, because the matter actually requires a lot of time and effort. In this case, it is necessary to take into account many nuances, starting from the registration procedure as an individual entrepreneur, and ending with the search for suppliers and determining the range of commercial products. If you make a positive decision on opening your own store, you should approach the organization very seriously and, of course, formulate a rough business plan (or better yet, a detailed one) in order not to “burn out” in your chosen business.

Activities in retirement are worthy of respect!

How can a woman earn money in retirement? Above we discussed a very interesting and at the same time modern option for earning money for retired women, which is working on the Internet. It is important to note that generating income from the World Wide Web can be recommended even to those women who have never used computer equipment for personal purposes before, and today do not know how to turn on and make this terrible machine work. But it’s no secret to anyone that nowadays learning something fundamentally new to oneself is nothing more than an extremely exciting and interesting activity.


As it turned out from the materials of the presented article, a person’s life does not end with retirement, and perhaps it is just beginning. There is no longer the same job, which often causes a lot of disappointment and inconvenience, there is time for personal affairs and the opportunity to see loved ones more often. Today, it is not at all difficult to find an activity that could make a pensioner look at his own life in a completely different way, as well as receive a pleasant bonus to pension payments and, of course, a sea of ​​enchanting impressions. The main thing in this matter is to never get hung up on the fact that your only fate in the event of retirement is watching fake talk shows and all kinds of TV series that simply take up precious time, but in return do not bring one bit of benefit.

How can a pensioner earn money? A question that becomes more relevant every year. There can be many reasons for such a desire: a small pension, boredom, or the desire to start a business in what you love. The best ideas for making money for a retired woman will be discussed in this article.


The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to business for a grandmother is handicrafts. Even if you don’t know how to do anything, now there are many clubs, lessons on the Internet and demonstration master classes from professionals. Choose what you like most. Knitting, sewing clothes, embroidery, bead weaving, making notebooks and cards, soap making - the choice is simply huge! Having found her niche, any pensioner can not only do what she loves and spend her time productively, but also earn good money.


Another win-win option for how to earn money for a pensioner is to sell your culinary masterpieces. If you cook deliciously and love this business, feel free to turn it into a mini business. There are several options for earning money for a retired woman:

  • Sweets to order

You can bake cakes, pastries, pies and other treats for the holidays. This option can bring good income to a pensioner and a lot of pleasure from the process. By the way, in more detail about how to make money baking cakes, You can find out in the corresponding topic.

Many people are happy to order homemade food to their offices for lunch. This way of earning money for a pensioner is notable for the fact that if the employees like the set meals, they will buy them every day. Remember that the price should be reasonable and the menu should be quite varied.

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You can make a real business out of pickles! Your clients will most likely be wealthy people who prefer home canning, but do not have the time or desire to engage in this business. An important nuance is the seasonality of work.

  • Cooking video blog

A modern way for a retired woman to earn extra money is to maintain her own culinary video blog on the Internet. You need to register on the Youtube website and add there the videos you have filmed with the process of preparing various dishes. Over time, if your blog becomes popular, you will earn money from views and advertising.


If you are the owner of your own plot in a country house or in a private house, try to make money by growing and selling vegetables, fruits, berries or herbs. Home-grown products will always be a priority for most people. However, keep in mind that the competition here is quite high and earnings will be seasonal if you do not have a greenhouse. You can read more about this method in the article: Making money growing greens.

You can also earn thanks to rabbit breeding, chickens, geese, etc. Many pensioners have cows or goats and sell fresh milk every day. We believe that this type of income is more suitable for those women who are familiar with agriculture firsthand and are already engaged in it for their family. Physical work can be difficult for older people, but if it brings you pleasure, be sure to try it and earn some money.

Don’t think that it’s too late to open a business for a pensioner after 50 years of age. Life is just beginning and a lot of opportunities are open to you. If you have the desire and initial capital, you can try to open your own store. This could be a small food stall or something larger. A good option that will require less effort and time would be to open a franchise.

  • Cleaning lady, housekeeping assistant.
  • Wardrobe attendant.
  • to order.

  • That's all we wanted to tell you about how a pensioner can make money. Do something that interests you. Enjoy the process and the result of the work done. That's when luck will smile on you. And remember, good earnings for a retired woman are quite possible!


    It is customary to celebrate retirement. But not every retiree is happy to have free time. When you have the strength to act and the desire to be useful, the thought of your own business appears.

    What can a pensioner do, what types of business can an older person do - these questions are individual for each pensioner. As soon as a person evaluates his strengths and abilities, it is time to choose a profitable home business for a retiree.

    Having rested from his work experience and lost the habit of jumping up at 5-6 in the morning, the elderly man thinks about what to do with his free time. There are many ideas that can be brought to life without leaving home. But it’s even better if these ideas generate income.

    What should a home business be like?

    • interesting;
    • profitable;
    • does not require large financial outlays;
    • quick payback.

    To choose the right activity for you, take a notebook and pen and write down all your skills, for example, carpentry, wood carving, gardening, cooking, livestock/poultry farming, handicrafts, languages, music, singing, professional skills (accounting, law and etc.).

    From the list, highlight those items on which you can earn money from scratch - without investment or with minimal investment. These could be: teaching, handicrafts, gardening, repairs, carpentry.

    Poultry and animal husbandry, handicrafts, and crop production are considered more material-intensive. In addition, income from such activities will not be visible for the next 1-3 months.

    Your own online store is also considered a type of business for retirees at home. Working in such large network companies as Avon, Febrlic, Oriflame and others brings increasing income; often after a year of work, representatives register as an individual entrepreneur and a guaranteed pension supplement.

    Everyone must choose the most profitable field of activity for themselves. How to make money for a pensioner at home - watch this video interview:

    Features of each type of activity

    Needlework. In the modern age of megacities, young people are keenly interested in handicrafts. There are few grandmothers left who teach their granddaughters how to use a needle, crochet and knitting needles.

    Your children and grandchildren will be happy to help you make videos and photo sessions. Your task is to demonstrate how to knit, embroider or sew this or that item. The peculiarity of the taste of modern youth is speed (how to make it quickly, beautifully and originally).

    Along with video tutorials, you can make (sew, knit, embroider exclusive products and clothes for people, dolls, animals).

    The most profitable thing is to sew clothes for four-legged pets. The cost of one jacket for a small dog is from 250 rubles.

    There are sites that pay for original recipes. There is a practice of creating master classes that are conducted via Skype or webinar rooms. Payment for webinar room time depends on the company providing the broadcast.

    Usually the cost depends on the number of participants. Advertising on social networks, online posters and newspapers will help gather your audience. Help in conducting webinars can be found in videos on the Internet.

    Gardening, livestock farming, plant growing - this is a convenient business for those who love nature and have their own plot. The initial capital for raising chickens or other birds consists of the sum of the costs of purchasing chickens, feed and insulating the barn if you are going to keep them until the New Year holidays.

    The most profitable is that the cost of one kg of poultry, weighing 20-25 kg, rises from 350 rubles and above on New Year’s Eve. The disadvantage of dilutions is that they are too tender and painful.

    Handicrafts are an interesting and promising business idea for retirees.

    It is profitable to raise chickens if the feed in the area where you live is fairly inexpensive. For breeding for slaughter, preference is given to fast-growing breeds.

    Gardening and horticulture it also does not bring quick income and requires investment of labor and the purchase of fertilizers. At the same time, it is highly dependent on weather conditions. Organizing a greenhouse involves additional costs - taxes, if the greenhouse is not for personal use, but for sales.

    Tutoring is the most profitable type of business that does not require investment and quickly generates income. Anything you can teach will bring you income from students. Starting from school subjects and ending with wood carving. How to correctly draw up an agreement for the provision of tutoring and educational services - find out

    However, even here you need to pay for advertisements and make sure that there are enough of them. It takes at least a month to wait for the first students.

    Lovers of home flowers can immediately start a business and sell plants they have grown with their own hands to stores.

    At first, this business does not bring a high income, but as you acquire and, floriculture turns from a hobby into a profitable business.

    Own store can be opened if your neighborhood needs it. All expenses that you will incur will be at least 500 thousand rubles. How to open a grocery store from scratch? Step-by-step instructions are located

    Check how competitive your offer is. You will spend the same amount if you organize your own company in almost any direction.

    Nanny, housekeeper, married couple for housekeeping. This work is familiar, but requires health and stamina. If you and your spouse, after retiring, decide to do this kind of business, you can very quickly organize your own company, for example, “Cinderella” and attract workers - masters of cleanliness - to your staff.

    Individual entrepreneurs for pensioners – are there any benefits?

    There are no benefits for pensioners who decide to open an individual entrepreneur. But, you will receive your income from business on the same basis as your pension. And contributions to the pension fund with an individual entrepreneur will index your pension in a positive direction.

    In your employment center you can find out what assistance they provide to pensioners when registering individual entrepreneurship.

    In total, about 50 thousand rubles. necessary to complete all documents and pay duties and taxes. According to the program, this amount is returned through the employment center upon provision of the relevant documents.

    To open an individual entrepreneur, a pensioner needs to: come to the tax office with a passport, TIN, pay a state fee and write an application. can be viewed via the link.

    The type of tax you are willing to pay depends on the type of your activity. For example, agricultural tax - 6% of income once a quarter can be paid by those citizens who are engaged in fishing and agriculture.

    If you decide to open a small production of something, then the PSN tax will do. If the work is related to cargo transportation, then you can choose UTII (imputation), which is levied on the calculated income by the state.

    You can change the type of tax at the end of one and the beginning of another annual period.

    Before writing an application, think about what type of activity you want to do. This will be stated in the application. The tax office will help you formulate your thoughts correctly.

    The state duty is 800 rubles. Before registering as an individual entrepreneur, try to take your first steps in your chosen field. See which type of activity suits you best and is beneficial to your will.

    If you intend to combine several types of activities, then check whether you can handle such a daily load. In order not to waste time, take the first steps - equip the premises, purchase inventory, make trial products and try to sell them.

    Learn how to raise poultry and animals, go through the learning process with those who are familiar with this type of activity.

    Pensioners can earn money by raising cattle.

    Look at what offers are on the market in creative areas, how much it costs, how quickly it sells, determine what you do better, what “trick” you can offer - this is called “study the market, competitors, find your niche.”

    How much should retirees start a business at home with?

    You can start a business with either 500 rubles or 1 million. The main thing is that you have money to start.

    Minimal investments are required only when choosing tutoring, gathering (mushrooms, berries). In this case, it is better to open an individual entrepreneur after the first clients appear.

    Requires investments of up to 50 thousand rubles. purchase of poultry and feed, with the condition that the slaughter of May birds will be carried out before November.

    Breeding cattle, piglets and sheep requires considerable investment, the purchase of vaccines, a huge area for pasture and waste disposal. It is better for pensioners who are knowledgeable in livestock farming to engage in such farming.

    About 1 million rubles. – for the store, the amount of turnover and registration of individual entrepreneurs, without credit and debts. The store will pay for itself in 1 – 1.5 years.

    Providing services does not require costs. Work on writing articles for websites and editorial offices does not require investment, but skills in working with computer programs such as Word and Excel are required.

    You can complete training in special courses in 1-3 months. The cost of courses depends on the region. If children or grandchildren learn to use the programs, then courses may not be needed.

    Costs of creating your website

    Creating your own websites may be free, but promoting a website and moving it to the top of search engines is a rather expensive service. In addition, it is important to find truly competent specialists in this field. Better - in your own city in a reputable company.

    Therefore, it is better to entrust the creation of videos and video lessons to your grandchildren or children. A retiree’s business at home must be supported by the family, then everything will work out with the prospect of prosperity and profit.

    What business to start in retirement - ideas for men and women in this video:

    The business idea of ​​sewing sets of kitchen napkins appeared in the process of preparing for the New Year. Exclusive hand-made Christmas gifts for family and friends made it possible to survive the New Year holidays with minimal financial costs.

    Based on this experience, a zero-cost business project for women of retirement age was born. The article is written in 1st person.

    This idea came to me at the end of last year. 10 days before the New Year holidays, when my head was filled with thoughts of what to give to numerous relatives, friends and just good acquaintances, without depleting my retirement budget too much, I looked into a local sewing shop.

    I got there quite by accident, visiting a hairdresser in the district House of Public Services. Yes, yes, in rural areas these still exist. So, in the clothing repair shop at the House of Public Services they sold a very nice fabric with a winter pattern, the so-called “waffle” fabric.

    I immediately imagined kitchen towels with funny snowmen and Christmas trees. The fabric was in rolls, the width of the canvas was half a meter. The price of a meter of fabric is purely symbolic. I then bought 2.5 meters of this fabric, and at the same time chose a narrow satin braid for the loops.

    I cut the fabric and stitched six napkins in an hour. Fortunately, the skills of sewing on a machine were instilled in me from childhood. I sewed a loop of braid into the corner of each napkin using a backstitch.

    They turned out to be very nice, neat kitchen towels. I decided to make the same for my adult daughters. When I bought more fabric for two sets of napkins, I noticed other colors, not winter, but no less cute.

    There were floral patterns, landscapes, images of coffee and tea utensils, and abstract drawings. I bought enough fabric for 10 sets of napkins, selected braid for each design, and stocked up on sewing thread.

    5 business ideas in the garage

    At home, I decided who would get a set of which fabric as a gift for the New Year and started working with enthusiasm.

    On the third or fourth set, I got bored with just hemming the edges and sewing in the eyelets. I started to use my imagination. Using a thin braid on the corner of one of the set of towels, I tried to line the first letter of the surname of the future owner.

    The result is a napkin with a monogram. I repeated this idea on other napkins. I trimmed several sets of napkins around the edges with contrasting braid. And I added one set with a neat, simple-shaped apron made of the same fabric as the towels.

    For the New Year, I presented all my loved ones with the fruits of my creativity in beautiful Christmas bags. To say that the gifts were cheap for me is an understatement.

    The holiday is over, but March 8 is just around the corner. I think that this idea, with some variations, can be implemented in preparing gifts for neighbors, former colleagues, or simply women acquaintances.

    Also, this project can become the basis for a business for women of retirement age who have free time, minimal sewing skills, and, most likely, an old sewing machine collecting dust in the closet.

    The costs are minimal: buy braid, thread and fabric. Fabric can be purchased at a price of 45-50 rubles per meter. The selling price of the kit is 1.5-2 times higher than material costs.

    Sales of finished products is the most difficult point of a business plan. Small lots can be offered to neighbors, their relatives, and friends. And then word of mouth should work, and custom work will appear.

    Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

    Retirees often leave their jobs not because they are unable to continue their duties, but because of layoffs. In fact, the elderly person remains mentally and physically alert and full of strength. What to do in retirement, is it possible to create a business? It is indeed possible to redirect the remaining energy into an alternative way of earning money. An older person's options are not as limited as they seem.

    General Business Options

    There are activities that are suitable for retirees regardless of gender. When choosing a new way to earn money, you need to take into account the main differences between earning money in adulthood and in old age:

    1. Level of physical activity. It should be kept to a minimum. No heavy lifting. It is advisable to avoid strong bends and awkward positions.
    2. Transport accessibility. Transport is stuffy, there is often nowhere to sit, which can lead to an attack of tachycardia and problems with blood pressure. It is better to do the work at home or in a nearby area.
    3. Workload. When retiring, a person usually wants to devote more time to his family, everyday life, and his own health. Therefore, it is desirable that the working day be reduced to 4 hours. It’s even better if the schedule is completely free.
    When choosing classes, you need to take your capabilities into account.

    What to do in retirement - business options:

    1. Soap making. Using baby soap for 20 rubles as a base, you can make handmade forms with the addition of spices, essential oils and milk. The resulting product will cost 150-500 rubles. Soap products in beautiful packaging (jute rope, wicker basket, satin ribbon, mat) will be sold at a higher price.
    2. Creation and sale of portraits and other commissioned paintings. An option for creative people. If a retiree masters basic social media skills, he can offer a portrait service. Nowadays the creation of simple paintings from photos is very developed; they pay about 2 thousand rubles for one canvas.
    3. Freelancing. with a clear memory and a loose tongue, he can earn money by simply writing articles. Taking into account your rich life experience, you can write texts on gardening, psychological, and professional topics (depending on the type of former activity). For one article, the writing time of which is 1–2 hours, you can receive up to 500 rubles.
    4. Maintaining a personal blog. If a pensioner has rich life experience and has an interesting topic that he can discuss over time, you can try to promote a blog and monetize it (start inserting ads). Blogs on gardening, family, cooking, etc. are suitable.
    5. Tutoring. For an hour of teaching you can earn from 300 to 3 thousand rubles (depending on the region). To do this, you must have a higher education diploma in one of the popular specialties (philologist, nuclear physicist, mathematician, etc.), preferably a certificate of completion of pedagogical courses.

    Below are other options for what to do for (business), but depending on the gender of the pensioner.

    There are many options for activities for retirees

    Business for women

    “Women’s” activities are traditionally sewing and embroidery, and cooking. The advantage of this type of income is that this type of activity does not require physical stress at all. All you need is average vision and manual dexterity.

    You can earn money on:

    • knitting. Scarves, hats, and socks made from beautiful yarn can cost you 500 rubles or more.
    • sewing. You can sew clothes, accessories, pet products, chair seats, furniture covers, etc. You will need good quality sewing equipment, fillers (sintepon, etc.);
    • cooking. It will be difficult to sell ready-made dishes, but you can start and monetize a culinary blog;
    • bakery. Homemade baked goods, and especially original cakes, are now very much appreciated. Create one or two cakes for the wedding of your friends, and word of mouth will then bring your first clients to you;
    • babysitting services. They can pay differently, depending on the prestige of the family. It will be easy for former teachers and educators to make money here.

    Almost all of the classes presented can be done at home, which makes earning money easier.

    With retirement, a woman can turn her hobby into a business

    Business for men

    It is more difficult for men to earn a pension. To start a business, they require tools, a machine, or the use of physical labor.

    Earning options:

    1. Working as a taxi driver. You need a foreign brand car with low mileage to get a job legally.
    2. Making crafts (chasing, wood burning, plywood toys, wire figurines, etc.). A tool is needed.
    3. Production of piece furniture. You can accept individual orders and use them to make sofas, armchairs, chairs, and tables from plywood and upholstery.
    4. Services of a plumber or repairman. Not suitable for those who suffer from joint problems, osteochondrosis, and plasticity disorders.

    Since most “male” occupations involve physical labor, if you are in poor health, it is better to pay attention to general options.

    If you have transport, you can work as a taxi driver

    Earning money from breeding animals and plants

    If you have a summer house, a garage or a spacious heated balcony, then the question of what to do in retirement and what kind of business to open is easy to solve. You can create a small personal business selling eggs, chickens and plants.

    It is popular to raise quails. These birds take up little space and require a minimum of food. At the same time, their eggs are highly valued, as are the bird carcasses themselves. Eggs can be sold all year round. To start a business you will need cages, an incubator, bags of food and a place to store them.

    Easier to propagate plants. In apartment conditions you can grow lemons and oranges. Trees rarely bear fruit, but they can be sold at a high price as environmentally friendly. Whole citrus trees can be sold for decorative home use. It is easy to propagate geraniums, violets, and other popular indoor plants using twigs and sell them.

    You cannot make money from vegetable growing and gardening all year round, unless you have a greenhouse with a UV lamp. Peppers (up to 10 kg per square meter), zucchini, and cucumbers can produce a large and expensive harvest. You can plant potatoes in large areas, but to sow several tens of acres you will need a potato planter (costs 8–12 thousand rubles). It is important to consider that when growing plants at home or outdoors, you will have to spend money on fertilizers, water, processing agents, and electricity.

    You can’t count on year-round income from gardening.

    If a pensioner has enough money to purchase a purebred animal, you can open your own nursery. If you have a purebred dog or cat, you can regularly sell puppies. It is easier to deal with a male pet - take him for mating several times a year and receive a monetary or in-kind (in the form of a puppy or kitten) reward for this.

    Income per mating ranges from 2,000 to 40,000 rubles. But pensioners who live alone and have no contact with relatives should not have animals. If an elderly person is hospitalized, they will be left alone and may die.

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